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The education and knowledge are the way in that we learn how to be human, since
we were children, we have had many kinds of education, for example our parents
were the first teachers in our past, they helped us even though we weren’t
intelligent; only innocent children. After years we started our way in the school,
where we learn many values and courses that will help us in the future, however
we aren’t ready yet for the future teaching and education methods.
It was clear that in despite of the virtual classes aren’t the best, we know now other
way to learn about new things without the necessity of to go to school or the
university, and If we think about it, that will be the future way of teaching as the
years go by. Even though we are returning to the school, universities and jobs, we
already have virtual classes in consideration, however the virtual classes have an
important problem, and it’s the lack of teaching of values. When we go to the
school the teachers teach us how to be a good person, but in virtual classes this
doesn’t happen, and If we talk about the education in the future, what would we be
like in the future without values? I want to say that If in the future we will learn
virtually, who is going to be our example to follow? That means that despite having
a good education in the future, we probably won't have someone to teach us how
to be a good person, while if we maintain the current teaching style, we will
probably improve in these two aspects.
In conclusion, we know how the education will be like, humans will develop a way
in which we can learn without the need to expend time, resources and a person
who teaches us how we should be, and that’s the problem as long as we consider
wisdom above values I believe we would be like robots without feelings. For that
reason, I believe that in order to have a good future we must first learn to be a
good person and secondly; everything related to knowledge.

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