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NAME: Andrea Stefani Díaz Vásquez DATE: 26 / 07 / 2022

Extra Reading Comprehension Exercises

(Unit 5, page 56)

A. Based on information in the Reading, put a checkmark before the
statements that are true. Correct the statements that are false.
 1. The Richter scale ranges from 1 to 100. F
 2. The speed of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale. F
 3. Earthquakes over 8 on the Richter scale are considered mild. F
 4. The deadliest earthquake in history killed 830,000 people in China. T
 5. Older-style buildings are usually safer than modern buildings. T
B. Answer the questions. Explain your reasons.
1. Which would suffer heavier damage and more casualties in a severe earthquake:
a modern city with tall glass buildings or a rural village with one-story mud structures?
The one that would have the most damage would be the city since it is more prone to buildings
  collapsing and creating damage to others, creating a chain and affecting citizens.
2. Look at the chart showing Ten Largest Earthquakes by Magnitude. Are there any
similarities across time, place, and/or magnitude? If so, what are they?
The number of victims in some decreases or increases, this depends on the magnitude of the
  earthquake, these happen in different parts of the world.
Top Notch 3, Third Edition Unit 5
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