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I have an honest boyfriend who appeared in my work place. He is not only honest, but also kind. He
speaks neither angrily nor rudely. I have him cheat, but he never cheats on me. Honestly, I neither love
nor like him. It just happened. I just didn’t want to hang him, because I don’t want to be a hanger. I
didn’t enjoy my day with him for the first two months, But he was able to make me feel happy, he made
me wake up from my wicked world. He promptly came into my heart when I was crying. Honestly, I
wanted to cry every time because of his kindness. I am going to love him because my best friend gets me
to do it. In spite of this, He never begged me to notice him. He has paid attention to carry my stones and
sand. It has been given from my ghost. Many days were spent together. Money is able to be found, but
time isn’t. After doing some activities together, at last I love him. I just wonder, can I love him too deep?


Rumah milik Andi dibeli oleh mereka kemarin. Itu adalah keluarga yang besar, bahagia, cerah, dan kaya.
Mereka kemarin makan siang di sana. Ada daging, dan roti kemarin. Mereka sering tampak di panggung
seperti keluarga yang jelek, miskin, dan gelap. Itu pasti tidak menyenangkan untuk menjadi terkenal.
Mereka baru saja menerima sebuah mobil ketika Andi melihat ponselnya kemarin. Kita diperbolehkan
membawa banyak mbil karena bagasi mereka besar. Ada Kasur asli. Ada pegas dan tempat tidur(amben)
untuk tidur siang. Kita akan dapat menonton pertunjukan yang menarik Bersama mereka. Pertunjukan
akan dilaksanakan besok lusa. Saya akan lebih suka menonton daripada makan malam Bersama keluarga
itu. Kendati demikian, memasak lebih menarik daripada menonton pertunjukan.


Ex: Rina will (A)eats (B)for (C)studying (D)in GEC

Jawab= A: eat, modal

1. When my brother (A)was (B)cry very (C)hard, my mother (D)entered his room.
2. There are two (A)books there. Mine (B)is the one (C)who has a sticker on the back. It’s easy to
3. (A)The work (B)had been (C)done by my sister in her (D)office room recently
4. Young children (A)has been (B)taught by her, but they still (C)don’t (D)understand.
5. She (A)preferred (B)to eating to drinking, but Anisa would (C)prefer to eat (D)rather than sleep.


1. Shinta drinks as if she were a man

2. If sinta had eaten mango, rina would have asked it
3. I order sinta loved
4. I have got sinta to understand
5. She bought as if she had been rich
6. I wish Sinta didn’t enter the competition
7. Reihana wishes budi couldn’t buy paper
8. Ani will cry if only budi gave her money
9. Father wishes she had not eaten the meal
10. Anna cries as if she taught me English

Change to indirect

1. Ana asked, “what did you think about me?”

2. Ani asks, ”what did you play behind me?
3. Ani said to him, “I was loving youwhen you crashed the ground.”
4. Arya said, “i would enter the competition.”
5. Iqbal said to them, “I never get angry to you.”

Change into active or passive

1. I have taught many children how to speak a different language that can support our education
2. She is paid attention all time without being devided to anyone else by all of our family
3. It must be changed to be three big decision
4. It was broken into pieces by its husband
5. I cries many beautiful modern art picture a whole day

Do it carefully

1. Kind – beautiful – tall – woman – round – brown – very – bright – can – be – a – we – American
2. Sinta rarely has a chance to be the master of English and Rina … (juga)
3. Everything went right went safira comes into my room and sleeps, …? (iyakan)
4. Rina had taken an English course when the storm occurred, …?
5. Reasearches ….. (do) for three years. It still goes.

In the summer 2009, hundred of sportsmen and women, ranging in age from 2 to 80, took part in over
20 different types of competitive sports in Coventry. What makes them unique is that each one has
received the saving life to give or an organ transplant. In some respect the british transplant gamed and
other sport meetings are very similar. There is always an opening ceremony with torch that is received
by the host city and a participant whose takes the oath on behalf of all the athletes, whom includes

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