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Video Transcript:

Welcome to Ms. Dysart’s Professional Portfolio. This portfolio demonstrates my growth and
learning throughout the semester in the ITEC 3100 course as you can see how my skills and
writing progressed as we go along. Each page shows more and more growth.
 I am most proud of my 3 day digital lesson plan. I am the most proud of this because of
how much I learned throughout the process of creating it and how much use I will be able
to get from learning to create it. This is my favorite because it seems to be the most
polished in my opinion and I love the way that everything came together.
 The artifact with the biggest challenges was the Video section of multimedia authoring. It
seemed that I could not think well enough for what I wanted to do for this assignment and
how to make it properly come to life. I learned how difficult new technologies can be but
also how rewarding it is to have a polished final product once you figure it out. I
overcame many of the challenges I faced by using Google to troubleshoot and asking for
help from the Simple Show team.
 The best lesson I designed was the Nearpod for the Interactive Presentations page. I am
likely to use this technology in the future as I became well versed in it completing this
assignment. I believe this learning plan enhances active learning and personalize learning
for students as it promotes multiple means of engagement, along with many ways of
presenting information for students.
 One practice I have learned this semester that I will take into my future classroom is
troubleshooting strategies. I believe this practice will enhance student learning as they
can do this with peers or individually to solve problems on their own. It gives students a
chance to take the lead in a sense, and will help them to get back to having their needs
met through whatever online source it is coming from at that time.

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