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Heroic Id: Heatwave

Secret Id: Alexander James Smith

Physical form: Cyborg mechanical body
Origin: Technical procedure
Appearance: 7 ft. 1000 pound matte black human shaped “robot”
Age: 30

F: In(36)
A: Ex(16)
S: Mn(63)
E: Am (46)
R: Gd(8)
I: Rm(26)
P: Ex(16)
Health: 161
Karma: 821
Resources: Gd
Popularity: 0

Fire Generation: In(40) 11 areas
Heat Emission: In(40) 11 areas
Radio Wave Control: Am(50) 3 miles
Radio Wave Emission: Rm(30) 8 areas
Sonic Emission: Ex(20) 6 areas
Invisibility (Physics): Am(50)
Stealth: Am(50)
Life Detection: Ex(20) 25 areas
Energy Detection: Am(50) 1000 miles
Sonar(Passive): In(40) 2 miles
Radar Sense: Inc(40) 2 miles
Rocket: Am (50) 25 areas per round, 375 mph/6.25 mpm air speed
Hyper-Swimming: Am (50) 8 areas per round, 120 mph/2 mpm water speed
Armored Skin(Inorganic): Am(50)

Martial Arts: A,B,C,D,E
Edged Weapons

DocTech Labs

Character Background
Alexander was an exemplary Navy S.E.A.L. who during an anti Taliban operation in Afghanistan
was critically injured, because he was a listed organ donor he was “volunteered” for a classified
project attempting to turn crippled soldiers into cyborg based super soldiers. Due to a leak of
classified documents which showed the monetary costs & the psychological damage that the
survivors of the experiments suffered the program was canceled with him as the only
“successful” full body cyborg, there were a handful of others who either became uncontrollable
or catatonic & were destroyed.
Alexander now using the code name Heatwave is officially dead but is on call to perform
classified military covert operations. He was in DocTech Labs when Hydra launched their
assault, after successfully destroying 3 dreadnaughts he was brought in by the government to
track down a military prototype that had disappeared in the chaos. He was teamed up with a
S.H.I.E.L.D. agent code named Huntress(Huntsman’s sister) for this, the trail led to them
meeting up with the rest of what would become Cyber Force as they all assaulted a Hydra base.

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