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Assalamu`alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

Your Excellency, KH.M.Syafi’ Misbah, the director of Al-Hidayah Islamic Boarding School
Respectable, all teachers of Salafiyah junior high school
Honorable, our beloved committees of Imtiyaz program
And Unforgetable, all of my friends whom I love

Dear my beloved brothers and sisters,

First of all, let’s pray and thank unto our god, Allah subhanallahu ta’alla, who has been giving us
mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our best prophet Muhammad
shallallahu alaihi wassallam, who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from the
stupidity to the cleverness namely Islam.
Standing in front of you all, I am as the master of ceremony, I would like to read the
agenda this evening.
1. The first agenda is opening
2. The second agenda is reciting holy Qur`an
3. The third agenda is speech by some speakers.
4. The fourth agenda is speech by committees of Imtiyaz program.
5. The fifth agenda is closing.

Well my beloved sisters, those are the agenda in this meeting, and now we are going to the first
agenda, which is opening. Let`s open our program this evening by reciting” AL-FATIHAH”

Thank you very much and may our program will be able to run well from the opening to the
closing. Amin.

Dear happy audience, now we are going to the second agenda, that is reciting holy Qur`an
by…………… for ……. Time is yours.

Thank you very much may Allah always bless us. Amin.

The next agenda is …..

The first speaker will be delivered by … for … (time is yours/the golden stage is yours/the
beautiful place is yours/the floor is yours/ the luxurious place is yours)

Thank you very much may your speech be useful for us. Amin.

We have enjoyed agenda by agenda and we are going to the last agenda that is closing. But
before going on I’m as the master of ceremony. I do apologize if I had done many mistakes.
Thank for your nice attention and the last I say,
Wassalamu’alaikum waruhmatullahi wabarakatuh

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