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Title: The Role of Social Media during COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-19) Pandemic

Background of the Study:

This study focuses on how people are being affected with the on-going pandemic with the
use of social media platforms. This COVID-19 outbreak has a massive impact on our lives, with
people being advised to self-quarantine in their homes to prevent the virus from spreading. This
resulted in a full cessation of physical contact with our loved-ones and friends. In this situation,
billions of people throughout the world are eager to learn more about COVID-19 via social
media. The public's conduct throughout the outbreak has been influenced by the quick
transmission of themes and information relating to COVID-19. More than 2.9 billion individuals
use social media on a regular basis nowadays. These social media, such as Facebook and Twitter,
have incredible spread speed, coverage, and penetration rates. During the COVID-19 pandemic,
social media outlets are crucial for information distribution. Twitter and Facebook are two
examples of references.
Due to the overwhelming news people see online, an outraging fear is continuously
building in their minds as a huge amount of health-threatening misinformation is spreading at a
faster rate than the disease itself. The major proportion of this false rumor is disseminated in the
web-2 era through social media. This study examines the positive and negative effects of social
media on health-care professionals and the general public during the coronavirus outbreak.
Social media, on the other hand, may be a tremendous instrument for altering people's behavior
and promoting individual and national health if utilized intelligently and sensibly.

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