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Journal of Comparative Psychology © 2009 American Psychological Association

2009, Vol. 123, No. 4, 385–390 0735-7036/09/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0016275

New Evidence on Imitation in an Enculturated Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)

Lara Carrasco, Sandra Posada, and Montserrat Colell

University of Barcelona

Imitation in the great apes continues to be an active field of research and one that is not free of
controversy. Several studies suggest that these species do not tend to match the motor movements of the
model they observe, but try to achieve the same results using their own methods (emulation of results).
In the studies reviewed, gestures have been used very infrequently outside an intraspecific communica-
tive context to evaluate imitation. In fact, the imitation of gestural actions has been tested only in
4 individual great apes. This study assessed a chimpanzee’s (Pan troglodytes) ability to imitate 52 actions
in 4 categories. The levels of accuracy attained by the subject in her imitations exceeded those described
in previous studies. Moreover, contrary to the idea defended in some articles, the subject seemed to find
it easier to imitate gestures than actions with objects.

Keywords: social learning, imitation, emulation, chimpanzees, gestures

Imitation is a form of social learning characterized by its cog- reach: Imitation is defined as a statistically significant tendency to
nitive complexity (Byrne, 1995; Whiten & Ham, 1992) and rele- copy the observed method. Thus, Whiten et al. (1996) consider the
vance in the acquisition and transmission of new behaviors results of their study to provide evidence of imitation within an
(Whiten, Horner, & Marshall-Pescini, 2003). Traditionally, non- imitation– emulation continuum. On the other hand, several re-
human primates have been considered to be great imitators (Hag- searchers argue that great apes learn to use tools by emulation, that
gerty, 1913; Yerkes, 1916; Yerkes & Yerkes, 1929, cited in Call & is, not by copying the steps of the action but by reproducing the
Carpenter, 2003), but their ability to do so is currently being final result (Call & Tomasello, 1994; Myowa-Yamakoshi & Mat-
questioned, given that some cases first considered to be evidence suzawa, 2000; Nagell et al., 1993; Tomasello, Davis-Dasilva, Ca-
of imitation have since been explained by simpler social learning mak, & Bard, 1987). To be able to differentiate between imitation
processes (Zentall, 1996). As indicated by Heyes (1994), Russon and emulation, it is first necessary to effectively separate actions
and Galdikas (1995), and Giraldeau (1997), in order to imitate, the from their results. The strategies used to do this could be (a)
subject must acquire new actions or new ways to perform actions blocking some sources of information; (b) replacing objects used
after observing them being performed by a model. It is also in the first demonstrations with slightly different ones; or (c)
empirically useful to define imitation by exclusion, that is, by presenting actions that do not modify the physical environment in
ruling out other mechanisms (Zentall, 1996). However, the dis- a permanent or observable way, as occurs when an attempt is made
tinction between imitation and other forms of social learning,
to reproduce gestures (Bjorklund, Yunger, Bering, & Ragan, 2002;
particularly emulation, has also generated considerable contro-
Call, 2001; Myowa-Yamakoshi & Matsuzawa, 2000). In studies of
versy in the literature (Horner & Whiten, 2005).
juvenile great apes, the imitation of gestural actions has been
The different approaches to studying imitation in nonhuman
evaluated in three chimpanzees (Custance et al., 1995; Hayes &
primates have also led to contradictory results. The standard ap-
Hayes, 1952) and one orangutan (Miles et al., 1996). According to
proach uses the “two-action method” in which individuals are
these authors, copying gestures is often detectable but imperfect.
shown two alternative ways to receive a reward beyond their
For this study, we accepted the definition of imitation proposed
by the Associative Sequence Learning Theory (Heyes & Ray,
2000), and the design of our study made it possible to differentiate
Lara Carrasco, Sandra Posada, and Montserrat Colell, Department of
between actions and their results. Very little convincing evidence
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, University
of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
of imitation has been obtained with primates, but when such
This research project was supported by an FI grant from the Ministry of evidence has been found, it has involved enculturated primates
Education of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia (2005/08). We are (like the subject of our study) that were trained by following
grateful to the Centro de Conservación de Primates, Rainfer, for permission requests to imitate (Custance et al., 1995; Miles et al., 1996). Our
to perform the study at the center and to the staff for their close collabo- aim was to assess whether or not chimpanzees have imitative
ration. We must also thank Raul Cabrera and Tamara de la Montaña, the skills, to determine whether this study design makes it possible to
independent observers in the evaluation period. Finally, many thanks to differentiate between imitation and other social learning processes
Miguel Calvo for his advice on statistics.
such as emulation, to evaluate whether it is more difficult to copy
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Lara
Carrasco, Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology, Faculty of actions in one category or another, and, finally, to determine
Psychology, University of Barcelona, Campus de la Vall d’Hebron, Passeig whether there is a difference in the imitation when the actions
de la Vall d’Hebron 171, 08035 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: reproduced involved in-sight body parts and out-of-sight body parts.


Method such as touching the knees with the hands) and the other half
involved things that were not (i.e., actions involving out-of-sight
The study was carried out on a 5-year-old enculturated female body parts such as touching the top of the head with the hand).
chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) named Lili at the Centro de Con- Some of them (13) had to be done with a specific extremity. Once
servación de Primates, Rainfer, Spain. Lili was raised by hand in again, the model stood in front of the cage and demonstrated the
a human environment (she lived with people in a house) until she actions once, then waited 3–5 min before demonstrating the action
was 2 years old. When we began our research, she still had again. Whether or not the subject did the actions after seeing them,
frequent contact with humans but was housed in a cage next to that the second demonstration was made. Every new action was pre-
of her mother. All sessions were filmed for subsequent analysis. sented 6 times, in three cycles of two demonstrations. After com-
The procedure was divided into three phases: pleting a cycle (52 actions done twice), the order of the actions was
changed and two more cycles were done. Throughout the entire
Phase 1. Habituation of the Subject process, the subject was motivated by praising her and playing
with her. Although she was rewarded with food on a few excep-
For 4 weeks, we visited the subject 5 times per day, and with
tional occasions, this was not linked to any particular response. To
verbal reinforcement and food we encouraged her to play and
increase the likelihood that the actions were novel during this
interact positively with the model. To ensure that the actions we
phase, we used three strategies. First, we evaluated the information
were going to evaluate would be new to the subject, we allowed
gathered during the series of actions used in the training period.
the subject a session of free play before the training began. In that
Second, we eliminated behavior observed during the sessions of
session, we gave the subject the objects that we would later use in
free play with the objects given to the subject. Last, we used
the evaluation to check that she did not do any of the actions we
sequences of several actions to be copied in the correct order and
would be evaluating.
completely (Whiten, 1998).
The method used to evaluate the chimpanzee’s actions was the
Phase 2. Training Period (9 Months) same as that used by Custance et al. (1995). We recorded the
The subject learned the basic rules of imitation (wait your sessions with a camera (SONY model HC 40E), which we placed
turn, match the model’s actions, and direct the action toward on a tripod behind the model. After the recording ended, we
yourself). Sessions were 30 – 40 min long and took place 3 times prepared two videos. The first showed the model performing the
a day, 5 days a week. The model stood in front of the subject and actions correctly and the second showed only the actions per-
demonstrated a series of actions preceded by the order “Do this” formed by the chimpanzee. In other words, the second video did
(Table 1). Next, the objects were placed inside the subject’s cage not contain the parts in which the model performed the action and
(bowls, rope, clothing, etc.); if she matched the sequences cor- it was this video that the observers assessed. Therefore, these two
rectly, she was rewarded (with praise, fruit juice, dried fruit and people (not connected to the project) were not aware of the action
nuts, other food, etc.). The rewards were kept hidden and used the model had performed and saw only the actions done by Lili.
strategically to exact greater accuracy from the subject in her Initially, we provided the observers with a complete list of the
performances. At first, the training period included 14 actions. actions included in each study period, and they were shown the
However, we observed that the demonstration of a limited number first video so they could become familiar with these actions. They
of actions in the training session reduced the subject’s motivation were then shown the second video and saw the actions performed
and made the study run less smoothly. We therefore decided to by Lili (as many times as necessary). Finally, as was done by
increase the number of actions used in this period and, after a Custance et al. (1995), we asked the observers to indicate which
month of study, chose 20 of these actions for systematic training action they thought the chimpanzee was performing and to give it
and a further 6 actions that were slightly modified to be used in the a score from 0 to 3 on the basis of how well it was done (where 0
transition. When the subject was able to copy more than 80% of meant they could not recognize the action; 1 meant the action
the actions in the training session over 3 consecutive days performed was not complete; 2 meant the action was performed as
(Custance et al., 1995), the model demonstrated 6 transition ac- a mirror reflection, i.e., not with the limb the model had used; and
tions (similar to the training actions but slightly modified; see 3 meant the action was completely correct). The observers recog-
Table 1). After 9 months of training, Lili was able to imitate 95% nized 100% of the actions performed by the subject, but, naturally,
of the training actions and the 6 transition actions. not all actions were considered perfect imitations (score of 3). We
calculated how often the same score was given by the two observ-
ers and the main researcher for each action in the second video. We
Phase 3. Evaluation Period (1.5 Months)
grouped the six scores of each observer as medians and compared
The subject was shown a series of 52 new actions (not previ- the scores of each observer. In 86% of the cases, the three observ-
ously shown in training) classified in 4 categories, each containing ers gave a specific action the same score; therefore, we consider
13 actions. The categories were (a) gestures (Gestures), (b) actions the level of agreement to be acceptable. The 2 ⫻ 2 kappa coeffi-
in which one object was handled (Object), (c) actions in which cients were also calculated, and the mean agreement reached was
objects were used in combination (Object–Object), and (d) actions 82.3%, with a range of .75 to .92.
in which an object was used with parts of the body other than the
hands (Object–Subject; see Table 1). Three or 4 new actions were Results
inserted among the actions already demonstrated in the training
period. Half of the actions demonstrated involved things within the Of the 20 actions presented in the training period, Lili success-
subject’s field of vision (i.e., actions involving in-sight body parts fully imitated 19 (95%), as well as the 6 transition actions. In the

Table 1
Actions Demonstrated During the Training Period, Transition Period, and Evaluation Period

Action imitated
Action perfectly

Gestures (G)
1. Clap hands Yes
2. Slap back of left hand with right hand Yes
3. Slap head with right hand Yes
4. Touch tongue with right index finger Yes
5. Touch nose with right index finger Yes

Object (O)
6. Turn bowl upside down and hit it in the center Yes
7. Turn 2 buckets upside down in sequence and hit with right hand Yes
8. Hit big buoy with both hands Yes
9. Stand brick upright and hit with right hand Yes
10. Put handkerchief over face Yes

Object–Object (O–O)
11. Thread rope through big buoy handle and hold ends Yes
12. Hold big buoy by handles and hit barrel on the ground with it Yes
13. Place bucket upright on brick Yes
14. Put small buoy inside 2 buckets in sequence Yes

Object–Subject (O–S)
16. Put sock on right hand Yes
17. Cover right foot with piece of cloth Yes
18. Put right foot in bucket Yes
19. Place glass on right ear Yes
20. Put piece of corrugated sheet on back and hit with right hand Yes

1. Hit the inside of left elbow Yes
2. Slap stomach with right hand Yes
3. Put right index finger in small buoy and hit barrel on the ground Yes
4. Thread rope through both handles of big buoy Yes
5. Put piece of corrugated sheet on head and hit it with right hand Yes
6. Slap back repeatedly with right hand Yes


Maximum score Imitated perfectly

Action Type awarded 1st attempt

Gestures (G)
1. Blow raspberries with right index finger and thumb in cheeks OSa 3 Yes
2. Close eyes by lowering eyelids with fingers OS 3 No
3. Make U shape with tongue OS 3 Yes
4. Make circle with right index finger and thumb ISa 3 Yes
5. Bring 2 index fingertips together and interlace them IS 3 Yes
6. Rub hands with sand IS 3 Yes
7. Touch left palm with right index finger ISa 3 Yes
8. Touch left thumb with right index finger ISa 3 Yes
9. Slap knees with both hands IS 3 Yes
10. Touch left ear with right index finger, putting arm around
back of head OSa 1 No
11. Pull out bottom lip with right hand OSa 3 Yes
12. Cover eyes with right hand OSa 3 Yes
13. Hug yourself OS 3 Yes

Object (O)
14. Turn bowl upside down and run right index finger along
edge, describing a circle ISa 3a No
15. Slide bowl upside down along floor with both hands IS 3 Yes
16. Shake bowl lid from side to side above head OS NP NP
(table continues)

Table 1 (continued)


Maximum score Imitated perfectly

Action Type awarded 1st attempt

17. Unscrew container cap, drink water inside, and replace cap IS 3 Yes
18. Hold container in right hand behind back and hit it with left
a a
hand OS 1 No
19. Throw container upwards OS 1 No
20. Pick up red container and clean sand from bottom with both
hands IS 3 Yes
21. Turn 2 different-colored buckets upside down and lift 1 up
and down (chosen by model) IS 3 No
22. Put bucket on head and hit it with both hands OS 3 Yes
23. Spin the buoy like a top IS NP NP
24. Weave cloth between cage bars IS 3 No
25. Wrap scarf around neck OS 3 No
26. Twirl handkerchief above head in big circles OS 3 No

Object–Object (O–O)
27. Place bowl, put straw inside, and put on lid IS 3 No
28. Place big buoy on floor and cover it with bowl OS NP NP
29. Put buoy and stick in bowl and remove buoy with stick OS NP NP
30. Put stones in container and shake it with hands IS 3 No
31. Lay container on floor and clean with straw using both hands IS 3 Yes
32. Put stick in container and swing it above head OS 3 Yes
33. Place container on back and hit it with buoy OS NP NP
34. Turn over 2 containers of 2 chosen colors and hit 1 with
small buoy IS 3 Yes
35. Put bucket on back and put straw inside OS 3 Yes
36. Hit bucket with stick above head OS NP NP
37. Put stick through buoy, raise it to chest height, and twirl it IS 1 No
38. Thread rope through buoy, hold ends, and roll it on floor IS 3 Yes
39. Put buoy behind neck and put hat on it OS NP NP

Object–Subject (O–S)
40. Hold container lid with both hands in front of chest and
strike with feet IS 3 Yes
41. Put straw in bowl and mix it with foot IS NP NP
42. Put lid behind head like crown OS 3 Yes
43. Hold bowl by handles and put on head OS 3 Yes
44. Strike container with right foot ISa 3a No
45. Hold container with both hands and hit head OS 3 Yes
46. Hold bucket under arm and hit with right hand ISa 3a No
47. Put right foot in bucket and drag along floor ISa 1a No
48. Thread rope through big buoy handle and put on back OS 3 No
49. Wrap piece of cloth around right index finger ISa 3a Yes
50. Lay shirt out on floor and put it on IS 1 No
51. Put baseball cap on backwards OS 3 No
52. Put scarf around waist and rub lower back IS 3 Yes

Note. IS ⫽ involving in-sight body parts; OS ⫽ involving out-of-sight body parts; NP ⫽ not performed.
Actions performed as a mirror reflection (i.e., with the opposite extremity to the model).

evaluation period, 52 new actions were used and the percentage of demonstrations to be copied exactly, that is, fewer attempts would
copied actions was calculated at least once for each category (see be needed to achieve a perfect score. All the gestures were imitated
Table 2). Only 6 actions were not given a perfect score (score of by Lili at some stage, and 84% of them were done correctly on the
3) after one of the attempts. To determine whether it was more or first attempt (an average of 1.58). In the other categories, success-
less difficult for the subject to imitate gestures than actions related ful imitation did not appear to be related to the demonstration cycle
to objects, different points were considered (see Table 2): (a) the (correct imitations were observed in all three demonstration cy-
number of actions imitated perfectly in each category, (b) the cles). In the Object category, 9 actions were given a perfect score
number of attempts required to correctly imitate an action (score of (of the 11 performed), and 4 of those were performed successfully
3), (c) actions imitated successfully in each cycle of demonstra- on the first attempt. However, the mean number of attempts
tions, and (d) the number of perfect imitations after the first needed to perform an action successfully was higher (2.55; see
attempt. We assumed that the simplest actions would require fewer Table 2). In the Object–Object category, the subject imitated 7

Table 2 difficult and represents the final stage in cognitive development, in

Number of Actions Performed in Each Category and Results which case, differences should have been detected in our study in
Obtained in Different Categories the imitation of actions involving in-sight and out-of-sight body
parts. It was seemingly no harder for our subject to imitate actions
Category that involved out-of-sight body parts. A possible explanation for
Variable G O O–O O–S
these results is that our 5-year-old subject was sufficiently skilled
at mentally representing the parts of her body that were not visible
Actions performed, n 13/13 11/13 8/13 12/13 to her. Custance et al. also found no differences in 4.5-year-old
% 100 84 61 92 subjects regarding to their capacity to imitate actions that involved
Actions imitated perfectly, n 12 9 7 10
in-sight and out-of-sight body parts.
Mean attempts to earn a score of 3, n 1.58 2.55 2.1 2.5
Actions imitated perfectly in each cycle, n The most intense disagreements in this field of research arise
Cycle 1–2 12 5 5 8 from the difficulty of distinguishing between imitation and other
Cycle 3–4 11 8 7 7 social learning processes, especially emulation. However, this is
Cycle 5–6 11 8 3 5 not a plausible explanation for Lili’s behavior, given that 46
Actions imitated perfectly in first attempt, n 11 4 5 6
actions were awarded a score of 3 in at least one of the six
Note. G ⫽ Gestures; O ⫽ Object; O–O ⫽ Object–Object; O–S ⫽ repetitions, that is, she imitated the different movements and action
Object–Subject. units. Therefore, in accordance with what other authors have
defended (Call & Tomasello, 1994, 1995; Nagell et al., 1993;
Tomasello et al., 1987; Tomasello, Kruger, & Ratner, 1993), the
actions correctly, 5 of which were performed on the first attempt, conditions in which the subject is raised may encourage the de-
and the mean number of attempts needed was 2.1. Finally, in the velopment of imitative skills, and enculturated animals (such as
Object–Subject category, the subject imitated 10 actions correctly, Lili) are better at imitating than those raised by their mothers.
with 6 actions given a perfect score on the first attempt and a mean It should be pointed out that Lili performed 5 actions (of 13
of 2.5 attempts needed to perform an action successfully. Accord- possible actions) with the wrong extremity compared with the one
ing to Piaget (1962), actions demonstrated that involve in-sight used by the model, but she corrected this error in subsequent
body parts are initially easier to imitate. In our case, the subject attempts. In studies with children (Povinelli & Deblois, 1992), this
correctly imitated the actions after the first or second demonstra- correction of the extremity used is considered to be an indication
tion, regardless of whether or not they involved in-sight body of the subjects’ ability to adopt the model’s perspective. The
parts. For each category, the proportion of actions involving in- excellent results achieved by Lili can be explained by factors that
sight body parts that the subject performed perfectly at the first may be of interest in future research: The relationship with the
attempt were 55% in the Gesture category (45% for actions in- model could explain why only enculturated animals imitated the
volving out-of-sight body parts), 75% in the Object category (25% actions presented, which is why the habituation period is so im-
for actions involving out-of-sight body parts), 60% in the Object– portant. However, Custance et al. (1995) did have a relationship
Object category (40% for actions involving out-of-sight body with the subjects in their study, and yet their results were more
parts), and 50% in the Object–Subject category (50% for actions modest. Another important point is the subject’s motivation. It is
involving out-of-sight body parts). Finally, mirroring was ana- possible to maintain the interest of the subjects involved through
lyzed: Of the 13 actions that could be performed as a mirror the use of parallel games, music in the sessions, and verbal
reflection, Lili performed 5 with the wrong extremity during one or reinforcement. Furthermore, in the series of actions used in the
more of the attempts (38.4%). However, she corrected the error in training period, actions that exceeded the subject’s ability level or
subsequent attempts in all cases. were too simple were not used (Byrne, 1995). Another key aspect
was implementing the study within a context of play that encour-
aged imitation (Miklósi, 1999). Custance et al. pointed out that
rewards can influence the subject’s behavior in two ways: (a)
The results reflect the subject’s surprising skill at imitating Withdrawing the reward can inhibit the subject from imitating the
actions and clearly exceed those achieved by other great apes actions, and (b) the reward itself can distract the subject, who may
(Call, 2001; Custance et al., 1995; Whiten, 1998; Whiten et al., pay less attention to the action demonstrated. Thus, the cases of
1996). The subject’s best results were achieved in the Gestures emulation recorded in previous studies may have been a fast way
category. Whereas in the study by Custance et al. (1995), the two for the subject to receive the reward, or the subject may not have
chimpanzees successfully imitated 27% and 35%, respectively, of understood that the “Do this” command meant that it had to
the gestures presented, Lili imitated 92%. Moreover, the subjects reproduce the actions as perfectly as possible. To avoid these
in the study by Custance et al. performed very few perfect imita- problems, we used the reward system strategically by progres-
tions, whereas 38 of Lili’s actions (72%) were awarded a score of sively asking the subject for greater perfection and kept the reward
3 by the observers. Myowa-Yamakoshi and Matsuzawa (1999) out of her field of vision. Another way to ensure that the basic rules
also used the “Do this” procedure and three categories of actions of imitation are complied with is to extend the training period as
with objects (not including gestures). According to these research- much as necessary. In our study, the training period lasted 9
ers, the Object–Object category was the one the subjects imitated months, whereas it lasted 3 months in Custance et al. and 8 months
the best and 6% of the actions were correctly reproduced in the in Myowa-Yamakoshi and Matsuzawa (1999).
first test compared with 50% by Lili (26 actions). Piaget (1962) Another aspect to bear in mind is the age of the subjects under
argued that the imitation of perceptually opaque actions is more study. According to the bibliography, most of the study subjects

that showed an interest in performing tasks were individuals ages Hayes, K. J., & Hayes, C. (1952). Imitation in a home-raised chimpanzee.
4 to 8 years (Myowa-Yamakoshi & Matsuzawa, 1999; Tomasello Journal of Comparative Psychological Physiology, 45, 450 – 459.
et al., 1987). However, given that imitation calls for analytical Heyes, C. M. (1994). Social learning in animals: Categories and mecha-
skills by the subject and that these skills are developed with age, nisms. Biological Reviews, 69, 207–231.
adult animals were used in most of the laboratory studies (Miklósi, Heyes, C. M., & Ray, E. D. (2000). What is the significance of imitation
in animals? Advances in the Study of Behavior, 29, 215–245.
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Horner, V., & Whiten, A. (2005). Causal knowledge and imitation/
uals are most resistant to changing their behavior on the basis of
emulation switching in chimpanzees and children. Animal Cognition, 8,
what they see. Given that a certain degree of cognitive maturity is 164 –181.
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