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Tutorial 1

1. What is referred to by the following acronyms?

 ADO.NET is a data access technology from the Microsoft .NET Framework that provides
communication between relational and non-relational systems through a common set of
 ADO.NET is a set of computer software components that programmers can use to access
data and data services from a database. 

b. XML
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple text-based format to store and transport data.

c. SQL
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized programming language that's used to
manage relational databases and perform various operations on the data in them.

2. Define the following terms: table, row, record, column, and field.
Table – a table consists of rows and columns
Row – each row represents the data for one item, such as name and year.
Record – each row stored in a table is a record.
Column – each column represents a different element of data
Field – a column or an attribute in a table

3. What is a primary key field? Why must it be unique? What is a foreign key?
 Primary key is one or set of fields with values that are unique throughout a table.
 Primary key must be unique because each record has a different value of key.
 Foreign key is a set of attributes which refers primary key in another table.

4. What is SQL Server Express Edition? How is it used?

 SQL Server Express Edition is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that can
be used to store and access the data hat stored in many different databases.
 It is a single-used database that is designed for desktop use.

5. List and describe the steps to set up an application for accessing data and displaying the data in a
 Set up the data source using the configuration wizard
 Choose the proper database and table
 Select the table want to display and choose to display the table in grid view or detail view
 Drag the grid view table from the data source windows to the form

6. How can you sort database data for a list box?

 Look for the correct table in dataset
 Right click on the table adapter and select add query or configure to create or modify a SQL
SELECT statement.
 Choose returns rows as query type.
 Select statement: Select * from table order by column
 Sort with Binding Source, provide the field name to sort.
7. Describe how to combine the city, state, and ZIP code fields into a single field. Where would this
step appear?
 Right click on the table adapter and select Add Column
 Right click on the new column added and select Properties
 Enter city + state + ZIPcode in the Expression

8. Explain how to add a data tier to a project.

 Add a new class to the project
 Create variables for TableAdapter and BindingSource to fill the Data Set

9. What types of items should be added to the data tier?

 Data Set
 Table Adapter
 Function to fill the dataset with data from database and return the dataset

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