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Detection of Fusobacterium Species in Human Feces Using Genus-Specific

PCR Primers and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis

Article  in  Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease · July 2009

DOI: 10.1080/089106002320644294


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4 authors, including:

Jens Walter Christian Hertel

University of Alberta DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e. V.


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Detection of Fusobacterium Species in Human Feces

Using Genus-SpeciŽ c PCR Primers and Denaturing
Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
Jens Walter, Dirk Margosch, Walter P. Hammes and Christian Hertel

From the Institute of Food Technology, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

Correspondence to: Christian Hertel, Institute of Food Technology, University of Hohenheim, Garbenstr.
28, D-70599, Stuttgart, Germany. Tel.: »49 711 459 4255; Fax: »49 711 459 4199; E-mail: hertel@uni-

Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 2002; 14: 129 – 132

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rDNA fragments generated with a genus-speciŽ c PCR system was used to detect
Fusobacterium species in human feces, with the exception of F. prausnitzii. Out of 30 fecal samples, four contained fusobacteria at
numbers close to the detection-limit of approximately 10 5 cells per g, thus questioning a substantial role for these species in the intestinal
 ora.

The distal human gastrointestinal tract is colonized by a primers (11, 18, 19). Nevertheless, even if present only at
complex bacterial community referred to as the intestinal minor numbers in the human gut, their occurrence is of
micro ora (13). Species of the genus Fusobacterium are interest since some are known human pathogens (5, 9).
considered to constitute a substantial part of the bacteria Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis in conjunction
colonizing this ecosystem (5, 13), and F. prausnitzii has with speciŽ c primers proved suitable to detect members of
been identiŽ ed as a dominant organism within the human the intestinal micro ora even when present at low numbers
fecal  ora (7, 11, 12, 17, 19). However, the application of or in a non-culturable state (14). In this communication,
phenotypic and genotypic methods of classiŽ cation re- we describe the derivation and use of PCR primers speciŽ c
vealed that F. prausnitzii can be separated from the genus for the genus Fusobacterium and their application to detect
Fusobacterium (8, 16). Although reclassiŽ cation is not yet fusobacteria in human fecal samples by PCR-DGGE.
proposed, an afŽ liation with the genus Eubacterium is Regions of the 16S rDNA speciŽ c for fusobacteria were
more suitable (16). Those fusobacteria within a close phy- identiŽ ed using the PROBE-DESIGN tool of the software
logenetic relationship to the genus type-species F. nuclea - package ARB (6). Primers f109V and f315R (Table I) were
tum were not detectable in human feces by direct analysis constructed to selectively amplify the V1 region. Primer
of 16S rDNA fragments generated by PCR with universal f678R was used in combination with the universal primer

Table I
Primers used for identiŽ cation of pure cultures and for PCR-DGGE

Primer Sequence (5Æ–3Æ) Position a Purpose Source or reference

f109V CGGGTGAGTAACGCGTAAAG 109 IdentiŽ cation This study

f315R b GCCGTGTCTCAGTCCCCT 315 IdentiŽ cation This study

Position according to the 16S rDNA of E. coli (3).
Primer was used with and without a 39 bp GC clamp (5Æ-CGC CCC CGC GGC CCG CGC CCC CCC CGC
CGC CCC CGC CCC -3Æ) added to 5Æ-end.
was added to 5Æ-end.

© Taylor & Francis 2002. ISSN 0891-060 X Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease
130 J. Walter et al.

Table II
Bacterial strains, media used for their cultivation, and speciŽ city of the PCR systems with primers
f109V:f315R and HDAI:f678R

Species Source Medium PCR product

f109V:f315R HDAI:f678R d

Escherichia coli DH5a LB n.d. e ¼

Bacteroides fragilis ATCC 25285 T BHI ¼ ¼
BiŽ dobacterium dentium ATCC 27678 T BHI ¼ ¼
Clostridium perfringens ATCC 13124 T BHI ¼ ¼
Eubacterium limosum DSM 20543 T BHI ¼ ¼
Fusobacterium gonidiaforman s ATCC 25563 T BHI » »
Fusobacterium necrogenes ATCC 25556 T BHI n.d. »
Fusobacterium necrophorum DSM 20698 BHI » »
Fusobacterium necrophorum ATCC 25286 T BHI » »
Fusobacterium russii ATCC 25533 T BHI » »
Fusobacterium simiae ATCC 33568 T BHI » »
Fusobacterium varium ATCC 8501 T BHI » »
Fusobacterium sp. AN 82 a BHI » »
Fusobacterium sp. AN 83 BHI » n.d.
Lactobacillus paracasei DSM 5622 T MRS ¼ ¼

AN, Anaerobic strain collection Hohenheim University.
BHI, brain heart infusion broth (Difco); LB, Lauria-Bertani broth; MRS (Difco).
Annealing temperature 66°C. The GC clamp at the 5Æ-end of the primer f315R reduced neither the
selectivity nor the sensitivity of the PCR system.
Annealing temperature 60°C.
n.d., Not determined.

HDAI (Table I) to selectively amplify the V3 region. The tion of bands were performed as described previously (2,
target sequences of the custom primers were compared 15) with a gradient of 25 – 35% urea and formamide in
with all sequences in the ARB database using the PROBE- DGGE gels. As shown in Fig. 1, the PCR fragments of
MATCH tool, and the suitability of the obtained PCR pure cultures showed sharp bands in DGGE gels at spe-
fragments for DGGE was deduced as described previously ciŽ c migration distances (lane 1–7).
(14). In silico primer speciŽ city analysis showed that the
primers should bind exclusively to the 16S rDNA of all
known Fusobacterium species (except F. prausnitzii ),
Clostridium rectum, and Propionigenium modestum which is
presumably not present in the human intestine. The match
with C. rectum is consistent with the phylogenetic Ž nding
that this species should be allotted the genus Fusobac -
terium (4). The speciŽ city of the PCR systems was evalu-
ated with DNA extracted from pure cultures. Bacterial
culture, DNA extraction, PCR reaction mixture and am-
pliŽ cation program (except the annealing temperature)
were performed as described previously (14). For both
primer pairs, PCR products were obtained exclusively with
fusobacteria (Table II). The sensitivity of the two PCR
systems was determined using chromosomal DNA of F. Fig. 1. DGGE analysis of PCR-ampliŽ ed 16S rDNA fragments
obtained with primer pair HDAI:f678R and DNA isolated from
varium ATCC8501 T . A minimum of 1 pg of DNA for
Fusobacterium species (Lane 1 – 7) and human feces (subjects
primer pair HDAI:f678R was necessary to obtain a faint A – D). Lane (1) F. necrogenes ATCC 25556 T ; (2) F. necrophorum
PCR product. In contrast, PCR with primers f109V:f315R ATCC 25286 T ; (3) F. gonidiaformans ATCC 25563 T ; (4) F. varium
required at least 10 ng of DNA. For identiŽ cation of ATCC 8501 T ; (5) F. russii ATCC 25533 T ; (6) F. simiae ATCC
cultures we used primers f109V:f315R, since the speciŽ city 33568 T ; (7) Fusobacterium sp. AN82. The bands (indicated by
arrows) were excised and sequenced (see Table III). The fragment
of both primers makes the PCR system more reliable.
of F. necrophorum DSM 20698 (not run in this gel) migrated the
Primers HDAI:f678R were used to detect Fusobacterium same distance as the fragment of the corresponding type strain
species in human feces. DGGE and sequence determina- (lane 2).
Detection of fusobacteria in feces by speciŽ c PCR-DGGE 131

Table III
Species detected by PCR-DGGE with primers HDAI:f678R and by culture for subjects A–D

Band Species b Similarity (%) Cell counts on FAA agar

1 F. varium 99.4 n.d. c

2 F. gonidiaformans 100 n.d.
3 F. naviforme :F. nucleatum ssp. vincentii:F. simiae 100:99.7:99.7 1.1½105
4 F. nucleatum ssp. polymorphum 99.3 –
5 F. nucleatum ssp. polymorphum 99.6 n.d.

Bands from DGGE gel depicted in Fig. 1.
IdentiŽ ed by sequencing upon excision from the gel.
n.d., not determined.

We tested the primer pair HDAI:f678R with total DNA To determine the molecular diversity of Fusobacterium
extracted from fecal samples of three healthy subjects species in human feces we tested further 27 human fecal
(male, aged 26, 30 and 33 years). DNA was isolated as samples with primer HDAI and f678R. PCR products
described previously (14), but the incubation with lysis were obtained for three of the samples only. PCR-DGGE
buffer was reduced from 1 h to 10 min and mutanolysin analysis revealed different band patterns for each individ-
was omitted. A faint PCR product was obtained exclu- ual (Fig. 1). Bands 1 and 2 were identiŽ ed based on
sively from the fecal sample of subject C. In parallel, the comparison with the migration distance of the reference
samples were homogenized, diluted as described previously strains (F. varium and F. gonidiaformans ), and all se-
(14), and viable cell counts were determined by plating on quences could be allotted to the genus Fusobacterium upon
Fastidious Anaerobe Agar (FAA selective with neomycin sequencing (Table III).
and vancomycin, (1)). This agar was designed for the Our study has led to the derivation of speciŽ c PCR
selective cultivation of Fusobacterium species from clinical primers that partially amplify the 16S rDNA of bacteria
and non-clinical specimens. After 48 h, colonies became belonging to the genus Fusobacterium, except F. praus -
visible on the agar plates of all three subjects, and one nitzii. These primers have been demonstrated to be useful
representative of each colony morphology was picked and to detect, at the species level, these bacteria in human
puriŽ ed. From the 14 strains obtained, DNA was isolated feces. Our results show that only a minority (four out of
(15) and subjected to PCR with primers f109V:f315R. Two 30) of human fecal samples contained fusobacteria, in
colony types (strains AN 82 and AN 83) from subject C numbers close to 105 cells per g. Given bacterial numbers
gave a positive result. Additionally, the Ž rst 500 bp of the exceeding 1011 CFU:g of feces these low numbers question
16S rDNA gene of all isolates was ampliŽ ed, and the a metabolically important role of fusobacteria in the gut,
resulting PCR products were puriŽ ed and sequenced. A for example as a meaningful producer of butyrate (10).
GenBank search using the BlastN algorithm conŽ rmed the The use of primers HDAI and f678R promises to be a
PCR result with primers f109V:f315R. Sequence analysis valuable aid in advancing our knowledge of the species
of the complete 16S rRNA gene revealed that the se- composition and population shifts within fusobacteria in
quences of both isolates were identical and showed similar- other complex ecosystems without the bias of cultivation,
ity of \ 98.5% to the species F. simiae, F. nucleatum subsp. such as the oral cavity, dental plaque, or abscesses, where
vincentii and F. naviforme. A band with the same migra- these bacteria play a signiŽ cant role.
tion distance and sequence was also detected by PCR-
DGGE in the fecal sample of subject C (Fig. 1, Lane 7 and
subject C, band 3). Additionally, F. nucleatum subsp.
polymorphum (band 4) was detectable by DGGE in the We thank M. Kranz for excellent technical assistance during
feces of subject C but not by culture (Table III). sequencing. The participation of the subjects in this study is
To determine the detection-limit of the primers HDAI gratefully acknowledged.

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