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Unit 1: Internet as a Network Infrastructur Internet, Technology Background, The: ‘The Intranet-Definition, Application of Extranet - Definition, Application of Intranet, Industry! to Email, Common Email Features, Google andits. Google Forms, Google Sheets, Google f Unit 2: Introduction to Ecommerce Introduction to E Comi Commerce and M Comm systems, Benefits of El Systems, Types of B INTERNET AS A NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE Overview BHRUGSHSHRRHHHRARSHAHHA Internet Technology Background The Internet Today The Future Infrastructure The Intranet Definition Application of Intranet Industry Specific Solutions The Extranet Application of Intranet Industry Specific Solutions Introduction to Email Common Email Features Google Google Drive Google Does Google Forms Google Sheets Google Hangouts ae < be defined as a large network that connects other networks of co, Tene i example of a single network of computers might be all the conn all sone = an entire school district. The Internet is tens of thousands of these Retwo wit : age a connect «cating with one another. Using different applications, such as e-mail, telnet, ang B0phe, comer .d to interact with information found on the other computers Connected to the A user is allowet Internet. ; : The WWW is not the Internet; the WWW (World Wide Web) is only a Portion ofthe Internet. The WWW presents information to the user via a graphical browser like Netscape i the form of text, pictures, video and even sound. Consisting of connected hypertext “pages” of information, the W.W.W. allows the user to easily move to other hypertext documents by > clicking on links provided by the document’s author. The ease of navigation and the integration of many Internet protocols for receiving information has led to a global increase of over a billions pages from 1997 to present. . Saeed hes: 4 eee There is no single, generally agreed. upon answer to this question, because the Internet is different for each of us: iL "isa set of computers taking over fiber optics, phone lines, satellite links, and other media. 2. Itis a place where you can talk to your friends and family around the world. 3. It is a place to Bet cool game demos, 4. Itis an ocean or resources waiting to be mined, | 5. Itis a place to do Tesearch for your thesis or a business presentation, | 6. ite where “crackers” and other shady characters lurk, waiting to wreak | 7. Itis unlimited commercial Opportunity, | 8. It is world-wide Support group of any problem needed, | 9. It is a gold mit 7 A j SSeeksine of Profesional in al feds sharing information about their work 10. It is hundreds of libraries and archives that will open to your fingertips. It is the ultimate time-waster. 12. It is the technology of the future that will help make our lives and those of our children, brighter. All of these answers are right; none of them is complete. Pr AML hela) The internet is a network that connects thousands of individual computer networks. Each computer on the internet has a unique address. These address can be referred to as ‘a number’, which is called ‘IP Address’ or ‘a name’, is called ‘Domain Name’. For example, IP Address: and Domain Name: Everything that is sent across the internet is a ‘packet’ of data. Your e-mail, your live chats, your web searches and FTP sessions are all packets of data. The reason computers of vastly different manufacture can exchange data is due to a set of standards called ‘Protocol’. Protocol is like rules that govern the exchange of information. These protocols make it possible for one computer to translate its data into a form readable to all computers and send the data out on its way. The data arrives at its destination and the protocol steps in to translate the data from the general format of the internet into the format acceptable to this computer. The two primary protocols of the internet are — Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). TCP breaks your data up into small IP packets (which are numbered so receipt can be verified and the data put back in correct. order) which are passed along from one network to another until they reach their destination. At the destination the TCP protocol reassembles the Packets into the message. If packets are lost or damaged along the way a request is sent back to the source for replacements. on exchanging packets of data xample, it looks as connection”; the The internet is a ‘packet-switch’ network. The emphasis is Tather than connecting computer systems together. When telnet is used, for & ‘hough there is a direct connection between two computers. But it’s a “virtual aR eR Se ' ms aren’t really directly connected to each other. In reality Packets are being eam stem to another. The networks on the internet uses a hardware devi from one sy! ; — device catteg The router on a network accepts packets addressed to it and Passes on Baie a fee : i, : ae sed to other networks. Each computer system with a direct connection ss : to the interes ust have the hardware/software to allow it to work with packets, Many internet services and tools operate on a scheme called ‘Client/Server’, A person on one computer starts a program that contacts another (remote) computer. The “Client? ig the emote Commands on to the server at the remote computer and the ‘Server’ sends back the reply to the command Usually a server ean deal with several clients. Gopher works this way, and IRC and the Wold Wide Web (WWW). WHO OWNS AND GOVERNS THE INTERNET The internet has no president, chief operating official or owner. The constituent networks ) may have owners and presidents but there's no single authority figure for the intemet as a whole. The Internet is a working example of anarchy. program the person is running on the first computer and the server is Tunning on the cand The person gives commands to his client software, which then Pass The closest thing to authority on the internet is the Internet Society (ISOC), a voluntary membership organization whose purpose is to Promote global information exchange through internet technology. (AB), The IAB meets to approve “standards” and to addresses. The standards, or protocols, are what allow and operating systems to communicate with each other. The JAB also keeps track of the various numbers ( and other things) that must be unique, such as the IP address assigned to each computer on the internet, The way standards/protocols are developed is through the Internet Engineering Task Force CETP), another volunteer organization, IETF sets up a “working group” to further investigal® Tequests for new standards (when there i groups have many different functions, from producin, : 8 documentati idi should cooperate when problems do arise. A working group vaulyorany epee luces a report. The ible to anyone who ee to be declared a standard. wants it, or it might be sent to the IAB Task No one pays for the intemet. There is no “Intemet, Inc.” that collects fees from the individual networks. Instead everyone pays their part. The NSF Pays for the NSFnet, colleges and corporations pays for their connection to a regional network (NCREN), : ; which in turn pays a national provider for its access. There is a myth that the internet is free. It’s not; someone pays for every connection. Many times these fees are not passed onto the end user (students, employees) and this feeds the illusion of “free access”. IPADDRESS AND DOMAIN NAME Each machine on the Internet is assigned a unique address called an IP address. IP addresses are 32-bit numbers, normally expressed as four “octets” in a “dotted decimal number.” A typical IP address looks like this: Because it is hard to remember the string of numbers that make up an IP address and because IP addresses sometimes need to change, all servers on the Internet also have human- readable names, called Domain Name. For example, The Domain Name System (DNS) is a method of administering names by giving different £10ups responsibility for subsets of names. These are separated by periods. ANALYSIS OF DOMAIN NAME Let’s take a few examples of domain names for five different web sites. These examples will provide an easy way of describing the different parts of a op domain name. Using the ‘vision’ web site address, we will break up the address j a into th individual parts of a domain name. if . General domain . Organization name . Server name In’s case, there is a different classification in its domain, it is considered in the organizational domain. For, the word maps indicates that this address references the portion of Yahoo domain designated for working with maps. Also, the .com means Yahoo is considered a commercial site. Partial list of common domain abbreviations is: > All organizations in the government (excluding military sites) fall under the .gov domain. A edu Education .com Commercial -B0v Government entities ail Military organizations snet Networking institutions .org Non-profit organizations Last but not least, the food for our future web site, a site about the possible impact of biotechnology on our future food supplies, is another non-profit organization (evidenced by -org domain name) that has one interesting addition to its domain name. The interesting site be presumed to be in the India since it has a geographical domain name of .in. All address outside of the U.S. have such a domain name that varies with the county # resides. The following is a small list of es:common geographical domain name abbreviations: ae Australia Py ciel lil ihe tenia Le Japan United Kingdom in India In addition to having a complicated domain name, the complete address (URL) might also have a path to a particular part of the computer found at the domain name. For example, the address leads a browser to main page is found in the section of monon’s site dealing with educational organizations. By recognizing that computer folders are surrounded by ‘/’s and a file has only a ‘/’ at the beginning of its name, a user can determine if a URL leads to a specific file or general folder. Also, a web document should end with one of the three following extension; -html, .htm, or shtml. ADVANTAGES OF INTERNET They are many advantages to using the Internet such as: (E-mail: E-mail is now an essential communication tools in business. It is also excellent for keeping in touch with family and friends. The advantage to e-mail is that it is free (no charge per use) when compared to telephone, fax and postal services. (i) Information: There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and Conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support. (ii) Services: Many services are now provided on the Internet such as on-line banking, job Seeking and applications, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off- line or cost more. commercial maneuvering, iv) . ©) E-Commerce: E-commerce is the concept used for any type of lobe via Tntemet. It or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the 0) Communities: UZ VEU eevee inp mn associated Wil) aby A) SEN PPis almost anythi eno! ing. Yo. | has become a phenomenon “°° : 8. You name it and e-commerce with its giant tentacles engulfing every single product and sery i ~steps. It has got a real amazi : will make you available at your door-steps. gi agree a icts from household nee Communities of all types have sprung up on the Internet, It’s a great Way ds, technology to entertainment. produ meet up with people of similar interest and discuss common issues. Breck Ya cia Une (i) Theft of Personal Information: If you use the Internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc., can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse. (ii) Spamming: Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in_bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you, and so instead of just ignoring it, you should make an effort to try and stop these activities so that using the Internet can become that much safer, (iii) Virus Threat: Virus is nothing but a program, which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to Internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache. (ix) Pornography: This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children’s healthy mental | life. This is a very serious issue conceming the Internet. There are thousands of | Pomographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the Internet. It is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, a3 itis Sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment. 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY BACKGROUND. ‘ Communication: The main aim of technology is communication. Families have brougtt together social media and other modern tools. Today, with facebook, twitter, instagram, W° may find forgotten schoolmates and restore communication. x bapaen shy Technology help in legal work: It is one of the imy protection of the community comes with our safety, duty. Technology has contributed a lot to better |; cameras, CCTV cameras, ete., that portance of technology background the and legal systems lie primarily under law and other. We now have telephone show criminal scenes. 3. Technology in security: Security is provided by technolo; H ii gy. Several hi equipment like surveillance cameras, door cams, ome safety anti-theft apps are connected to our smart phones. Most of them are designed electronically for improved security and security. Importance of technology in internet: Without the internet, globalization would not have been feasible. It’s because we have the intemet that we can connect and work from anywhere in the world. We can have customers and requirements worldwide, and we can use the internet to absorb information and process delivery. Knowledge: We had to go from library to library in our city to find books and materials for our school project. Even then, we would not receive the information needed for research. Today, however, we can browse any material and information required for attending a journal call for paper with google. Importance of technology in education: Technology showed us how computers and the internet could bypass time and place limitations. This makes education more accessible and affordable for individuals world wide. Online school and college is not only a notion or luxury; it is particularly important in the event of a pandemic. Online learning is a lot for students and universities to afford, and therefore every other university has relocated its curriculum online, Importance of technology in entertainment: Technology has made a major contribution to the entertainment world. A wide range of technical inventions has assisted us in spending. our free time from video and the computer game to smart TVs. Even now, theatre is n0 longer the only place to watch films. We look at movies on digital platforms as we read on @ computer. ue aiuiaee meds www has made the | the Ease to access to information: The World Wide Web, abbreviated as www has TE all around the see on social media is purely World a social village. This is because information from available on the internet, While most of the news to get 10 i news. Not only more Rp also see image results for oe als e may ; ” , 7 on fer all such information 1S also straightforwé ns : an i iliar town? Yes, we 7 Have ever faced navigation problems in an ee i ba b) Saves Time: fave notes : is move : faced such issues when we ey 2 2 es ae to enjoy ou modem technology allows : aking things cheaper ang seney: One of the main goals of technology includes ah ca a 1 st efficiency: ese days ° eee for people. Therefore, people see cost eficlenry mee ef mor technology. 11 banking: Less than a decade ago no one ever thought that they would be d) Improved banking: Cryptocurrency has recently got viral because of its vying in bitcoins rather than dollars. paying in bitcoins rath x \ f usefulness. Ne would now have to wait in the lon; of banks just for their utility | fulness. No one would ave t in 1g f bi iy bills. Been atts Te intemet today comprises hundreds of thousands of local area networks worldwide, | ) interconnected by a backbone wide area network. HOW THE INTERNET WORKS TODAY? . a) It work by using a packet routing network that follows Internet Protocol and ‘Transport Control Protocol, b) TCP i IP work together to ensure that data transmission across the internet is consistent | and reliable, no matter which device using or where using it final c) When data is transferred over the internet, it’s Sent over the internet is called a message into tinier parts called packets, $ delivered in messages and packets. Data) but before message get sent, they're broken UP on computer to another computer over an internet connection, ©) Using numerical address the IP system receives furth, be transferred. er instructions on how the data should | The transport Control Protocol works with IP to ensure reliable. transfer of data is dependable and This helps to make sure that no packets are lost, : packets are re i sequence, and there's no delay negatively affecting th assembled in proper e data quality. eeTost euch oa ca cunts 1. Uses of the Internet in Education: The Internet is a great platform for students to learn throughout their lifetime. They can use the internet to learn new things and even acquire degrees through online education programs, Teachers can also use the internet to teach students around the world. Internet use to speed up daily tasks: The internet is very much useful in our daily routine tasks. For example, it helps us to see our notifications and,emails, Apart from this people can use the internet for money transfers, shopping order online food etc, Use of the internet for shopping: With the help of the internet, anybody can order products online. With multiple choices ranging from online home décor stores to buying costs and jackets from Gym king or similar companies the options are endless. Internet for research and development: The internet plays a pivotal role in research and development as it is propelled through internet research. Business promotion and innovation: The internet is also used to sell products by using various e-commerce solutions. The result is new services and businesses starting every day thereby creating job opportunities and reducing unemployment. Communication: Without a doubt, the intemet is the most powerful medium if communication at present. It connects people across different parts of the world free fast. Now there are tions, transfers, it could be said Money Management: The internet can also be used to manage money - and other tools that help us in daily transact many websites, applications, currency, Management, budget, etc. With the growing popularity of digital that the internet i ssity of this century. , et is the necessity 1 ea effective as it iting the places. Tour travel, the use of the internet Tour and travel: During tour and 5 start visi Serves as a guide. People browse a the internet before they bookings can also be done using the internet. PA Oda aoe LD emation Technolo; Info ystems that support the sustincttl cilities and §} or other area, includin; i ling the services af fundamental ountry, city, d firms. Serving 4 ¢ holds and for its economy 10 function. aueture is the set ° Infrastr tionality of housct fun and facilities nevessany 4, India was well- according to a World Bi «of purchasing power in the improve drastically. onomic corridors in India, the government has created Zones comprise places in India with the most economic be made, and investors and companies are given free economy in terms of infrastrocture in India willl have to ensure the creation of more ect To Zones. Such multiple Special Economic otential, where foreign investments can rein to conduct business operations. / “The various infrastructure examples in India that, if improved, can greatly improve the state of tings include roads, highways, technological spaces such as IT parks, seaports and harbors, _————— cold storage, railways, and Warehouses, THE MPORTANCE OF INFRASTRUCTURE : Infrastructure is importan stn, Th eatin, aad @ number of reasons. First, it plays a vital role ip om * wunicatior id + — nell economy by facilitatin mn, and energy systems in the U.S di — i tating trade and helping businesses move as mn uct ey ey also support our Ii ts to market. lifestyle whether that’s needs by making it easi work in our own town or another city 7 a flu. gathers need © ross the country. Ba esa en An intranet is i @ private com, securely share any part of an ae network that uses Internet Protocol technologies organization. The term ization’s inf A echnologi ae : is used formation o1 ‘ a instead refers to in contrast to int r operational systems within that a network within an temet, a network between organizations, if onganization’s internal websi organizati : ‘a internal website,:bot may — Sometimes the term refers only t0 th @ more extensive Ae ae part of the organizatio® ank report i 201 set to become the third- lar ie, world. But to ensure reaching that goal, the state | (i) (iii) (iy) w tie Cynu niente jnformation technology infrastructure. It may host multiple private websit dd constitute an important component and focal point of internal communication and collaboration. The Intranet server Diagram illustrates the concept of an intranet, which is given below: Fig: Intranet Server @ ai) (iii) (i) (0) Workforce productivity: Intranets can also help users to locate anc faster and use applications relevant to their roles and responsibilities. iew_information Time: Intranets allow organizations to di: basis. Communication: Intranets can serve as powerful tools for communication within an organization. They are useful to communicate strategic initiatives that have a global reach throughout the organization. Web publishing allows cumbersome corporate knowledge to be maintained and easily accessed throughout the company-and Web technologies. 0 being used as @ platform for Business operations and : al agement: Intranets are als Poe eae ; ‘and decisions across developing and deploying applications to support business operations the internet worked enterprise. scree ww information and data via_web-browser rather {h, i vie wi) Cost-effective: Users can maintaining physical documents. Every user is viewing the same informati i ON. With porate culture: (vii) Promote common CO! the Intranet. Ty ican ‘As a result of the dynamic growth of the Internet, new terminology is emerging almo of confusion is the use of the terms ‘Internet’ (capitalized) and “intern, (noncapitalized). By convention, “Internet” is generally considered to be the global ‘cen; other words, this is the Intemet that connects the world. The Internet is often depicted " cloud, because the connections that make up the Internet are —— Se numerous and vary depending on the access point of the user. daily. One source connection. This term is often 7 used to disti : ‘emet technology and protocols, wi p fe sample “internet” diagram, : inguish | odteeg {Wo or more networks internet-worked using connected to the global Internet as illustrated in | APPLICATION OF INTRANET The intranet is a private network contained within an enterprise that is used to securel chare company information and computing resources among employees. , ae eRe Intranet applications are software data applications that are used Primarily on the internal inetwork of an organization. These applications deliver information more accurately and instantly an traditional methods such as emails and phone calls, ‘The application of intranet are as follows: J. Company intranet and extranet: The term "intranet” refers to a website that is only accessible from within the company’s domain. A business extranet is a website that can be accessed from outside the company, but it typically cannot be edited by anyone outside of the company. the way that company interacts with its customers. With this kind of simple change, the business can see a substantial increase in project management productivity and efficiency. It can also help the company to present a professional image to the public. Sale processes: A new trend in business is the use of an intranet for sales processes. A lot of companies are giving their intranet users more access to information such as company news and calendars, while also offering a platform to share and knowledge another. The idea is that this process will help employees become more productive while also improving customer service. Quality and compliance: Many organizations struggle with compliance and quality issues. By using the intranet’s workflows and security, companies_can improve the overall efficiency of their business and lower this risk for costly regulatory fines. ery business. It's Content management: Content management is a significant part of vs Ge the process of organizing and managing all the content generated by she. compans-# employees. Intranet content management systems help businesses time and across different mediums. manage content over agement: Corporate documents and their management is ON€ OF the ing 6. nome = re rpanization’s day-to-day work. Every company should have a dog; vital mane With this tool, The company can use the document management to0Isy vy onsnized and reduce employee complaints about lack of information available, | 7, Employee engagement: Private networks like the a snecurage collaboration W provide tools to help motivate employees by providing them with information about company operations and work culture. Also, by giving employees real-time feedback on their contributions and helping them feel valued, can see a significant increase in overall satisfaction among the staff. DEFINITION OF THE EXTRANET : An extranet is a private network that uses Internet protocols, network connectivity. An extranet can be viewed as part ofa company’s intranet that is extended to users Outside the company, usually via the Internet. It has also been described as a “state of mind” in which the Internet is perceived as a way to do business with a selected set of other companies (business to-business, B2B), in isolation from all other Internet users. 7 For example, a manufacturing company might work closely with a parts supplier for 2 specific product. The parts supplier might be allowed to log on to the extranet server to review part inventories. The Extranet Diagram illustrates this point. : Fig: Extranet Server fen NGhoue cients EWE Nc ss) Exchange large volumes of data using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Share product catalogs exclusively with trade partners. Collaborate with other companies on joint development efforts. ,) Jointly develop and use training Programs with other companies. Provide or access services provided by one company to a group of other companies, such as an online banking application managed by one company on behalf of affiliated tanks. Share news of common interest exclusively, DISADVANTAGES (i) Extranets can be expensive to implement and maintain within an organization (e.g., hardware, software, employee training costs), if hosted internally rather than by an application service provider. Gi) Security of extranets can be a concern when hosting valuable or proprietary information. Tae Serr ad Think of an intranet as a “private Internet.” It is a network that uses Internet applications, but is designed for use by company personnel. An intranet lets us leverage new Intemet comply technologies to achieve cost savings and productivity gains in our organization. On the other ilities. Extranets are Web and are not available to the hand, extranets are a cross between Internet and_intran‘ Servers that are shared between closely aligned organizations, general public Ges yee laren i specifically Industry specific solution, as the term suggests, is any digital solution — expensive for niche market or industry. Every business is unique, but not all businesses © " “ustom software solution. eases ui jp: Total cost ih st of owners ae 1. Lower total cos! a the cost of the initial pl ne of the system ct, includin 7 oued ur over the lifetime . : . ! specific solution is pre-built with the functionality neeq, | ace. This means they can implement the solution of ownership refers to the costs associated with rchase, as well as ERP implementation costs ang any expenses ine! 2, Faster implementation: Industry- and the vendor |S likely an expert e the sp: te relatively quickly so cam start reaping the benefits. ( In every industry, there are certain best practices that 3. Access to industry best practices: ; is processes $ jow. There are also strict requirements, such as regulator define how processes should flow. Th compliance. Industry-specific solution systems have built- in functionality to address these needs. Moreover, these modules are re larly updated by vendors as industries evolve. 4. ERP vendors with industry knowledge: the opt for an industry specific ERP system, the partnering with an ERP vendor that has deep experience and expertise in niche. Not only does this make it easier to communicate and shares ideas, but it also means vendor understands even most intricate business requirements. | Faster issue resolution: The vendor has domain experience in specific industry, they’re able to address issues and offer resolutions much quicker than a generic solutions provider. Stronger customer focus: The industry-specific systems make life easier for employees, they're really designed with the customer mi empoy er mind. That’s because th i processes that define the industry, vise tac customer. Which starts with understanding the needs of the end- Ability t0 address common pain points: Ind i : . teams of people who are far removed fro. lustry-specific ERP solutions aren’t created by = the industry. Rather, they’re developed through i iplexities of the 5 : Points, as well as critical solutions that can help sol panies Pie real comin ve them, CONCEPT OF EMAIL mai formation stored on a computer ainicati " that is telecommunications. More plainly, e-mail is a Eo reece between two users over other attachments sent through a network to a specifi may contain text, files, images, of fied indivi, individual or group of individuals. The first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinso nin 1971. Tomlinson sent the e-mail to hi ec vant aap een ent the e-mail to himself as ‘omething like QWERTYUIOP." However, despite Sage Was still transmitted through ARPANET. The first ae of all e-mail addresses, the part before the @ symbol, contains the alias, ser, group. or department of a company. In our above example, "support" is the Technical support department at Computer Hope. nord sind Net, the "@" (at sign) is a divider in the e-mail address; it's Tequired for all SMTP e-mail cidresses since Ray Tomlinson sent the first message. _ Finally, “" is the domain name : of where the user belongs. The ".com" is the TLD (top-level domain) for our domain. How to send and receive e-mail To send and receive e-mail messages, you can use an e-mail program, also known as an e- nail client, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, When using an e-mail client, a ver that stores and delivers your messages is used. This server is often hosted by your ISP but can be another Internet company. An e-mail client needs to connect to a server to download new c-mail, whereas e-mail stored online is always available to any Internet-connected device. Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list 'ware of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your Cience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases. It can also be thing in between, Mail chimp can help you design, build, and optimize your email marketing 0 the best ROL in your marketing program. ___ Email marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct oe ee igital marketing, that uses email to promote your business’s products or serge Me Ke Your customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating it ak ‘mation efforts, It can also play a pivotal role in your marketing rate) chases awareness, building relationships. or keeping customers engaged and Push different types of marketing emails. Pre LEO hie caleceh Pitas engineer named Ray Tomlinson, The 1 by a computer _ put it was the beginning of a new era in 197] qumbers and letters, The ee : ingots ge he sent was just a string © Jso the person who introduced the usage of the “@” sym) messai mae ea : ymlinson ital Equipment Corp named ie of communication o 1978, a marketing manager at Digi aimee Coa os . in email addresses: In aA of direct communication to send out the first commercial pa “Thuerk used this new me Jew product. His email list only had 400 addresses, but the emails he vk je know about a new Pro email “oe $13 million in sales. cma vs in about sent resulted in the internet had become commercially available to the masses. The way “90s, the int other began to change dramatically, and marketers discovered| that email could be an effective way to advertise. The emergence of marketing emails als ushered in the need for regulatory updates; the U.K.'s Data Protection Act, for example, was option for all marketing emails. By the people communicated with one an adjusted to require an “opt out" COMMON EMAIL FEATURES : E-mail, e-mail or electronic mail permits the transmission of electronic messages between) computer users. Most mail programs permit the incorporation of text messages and file itachments. Advanced mail programs support the concept of multiple mailboxes and ht incorporating sound and graphics, ms Ete <3 y @ Messages can be sent at whatever time of advantage of reduced charges) dispatch at convenient times. day suits the user (including times that take ). They can also be prepared in advance for subsequet! Gi) Messages will be in the rec; speak e recipient’s mail ithin mi anes lent’s mailbox within minutes. No need to speak to (iii) Message can be marked 8 ‘urgent? (iv) A reply can usually be demanded, PLUS aN aL UMLIE acral) Email has become such a popular marketing tool for businesses partly because it forces the isser to take some kind of action; an email will sit in the inbox until its read, deleted, or hived. put email is also one of the most cost-effective tools available, too. In fact, a 2015 study by the K.-based Direct Marketing Association (DMA) found that for every $1 spent, email has an verge return on investment (RON of $38. For more on the power of email marketing, check but our email marketing statistics by industry, : Email marketing can help you build a relationship with your audience while also driving jaffic to your blog, social media, or anywhere else you'd like folks to visit. You can even Begment your emails and target users by demographic so you're only sending people the messages they want to see most. Here is some email marketing campaign tips to get started, Email marketing also allows you to run A/B tests of a subject line or call to action to dentify the best performing message by using email marketing software that can also be onfigured to easily send out emails. Check out Mailchimp's email templates to see more of hat you can do with email marketing. But how do you build an audience of people to send email to as part of your internet harketing efforts in the first place? There are a few ways, and all of them have to do with ating your customers right, taking into consideration marketing best practices. Don’t buy email lists. Many email marketing companies have a strict, permission-based vlicy when it comes to email addresses, which means that sendi Ohibited. Instead, concentrate on encouraging folks to opt into receiving messages from you by ing lead magnets. You could offer a discount on your customers’ first orders when they sign up P* your email list via a custom signup form. Or maybe you can offer new subscribers free 5 1 puri ii PPing on their next order or give them a chance to win a prize when they join your list. Here Some more tips to help you build an email list. Be aware of national (and international) email regulations. Make sure you adhere to any SY requirements and applicable laws in your area when sending automated emails, ike the ANSPAM Actin the United States, the Canadian AntiSpam Law (CASL), or the General fF Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union for the treatment of personal P ™ation. The regulations are based on both your location and the location of your subscribers, ow which laws apply to you. Here's more advice on ayoj, ing ponstilty #0 kn mail is a great marketing tog) " the occasional break fiom y ‘ jomers how much you appreciat, abandoned cart, or just say hello. Not onk able feedback, but it also allo and it’s your 5 email spam filters. ‘Use email t0 hi it can help your business in of rketing content 0 send regular ma them after buying from you, following up after an to provide you with valu: goes it give your audience a chance them to get more insight into the person behind the business. Only send when you really need to. Once someone has trusted you. with their 7 + mail oding your audience’s inbox with superfluous emails wil] wil ‘ith your customers. Ei too. Consider taking ave a conversation W’ ther ways, out surveys, tell you cust address, don’t abuse that trust. Flo rest or unsubscribe entirely. Focus on sending them relevant, en, , engaging) cause them to lose inter messages about the stuff they like, and they'll be loyal for a long time to come. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF Advantages of Email for internal Communication: rae lere is no further expense that you need to spend 1 Email is a free tool. Once you are online, on : in order to send and receive message: S. . Eg : e 3 3 E z & 3 2 g 3 a : 8 g & 8 E a = 3. Email is simple. It is ¢ “asy to receiving messages is. simy use. Once your account i information and contact Ble. Also, email allo 'S set up, composing, sending and 4 * 8 for the easy and quick access ef ick access Email allows Ss for easy re: ferenci an ren d searched through safe) “ng: Messages that have b een sent and recej received can stored, Y and easif ly. It i £0 On paper. * #T0t easier t0 g0 thro igh : ugh old email messag® a a. Email is accessible from anywh . not you are in the office oro) “ey 80 through your messages mes rather than old notes writ eld, or > OF even overs S You can access your inbo and) our inbox S 3S wm wp Ce ctu 6, Email is paperless, and therefore, beneficial for the planet. Not only can you reduce the . € costs of paper, You are actually reducing the damage paper usage does to the environment t. 7, Email allows for mass sending of messages. An effective medium to utilize to get your nut the i message out there, you can send one particular message to several recipients all at once. g, Email allows for instant access of information and files. You can opt to send yourself files and Keep messages 80 that you have a paper trail of conversations and interactions you have online just in case you may need them in the future. 9, On the other hand, while internal email certainly has its advantages, it can also have disadvantages especially if an email alert system is not available in the workplace. Disadvantages of Email for Internal Communications| 1. Email could potentially cause information overload. Some messages may be dismissed or left unread, especially if there are a lot coming in and the network has not integrated some sort of email alert system into the computers at work. Email lacks a personal touch. While some things are better off sent as written and typed ressages, some things should be verbally relayed or written by hand in a note or letter. Email can be disruptive. Going through each email can be disruptive to work as it does require a bit of time. This disruption is decreased through the utilization of an email alert system. Email cannot be i a long.time. The thing with email is that it needs constant maintenance. If you ignore it, more and more messages will enter your inbox until it gets to the point that your inbox is no longer manageable. Email can cause misunderstandings. Because email does not include nonverbal communication, recipients may misiterpret the sender's message, Ths i particularly true of senders fail to go through their messages before they send them. 1 best to be aware of this possibility so that you sre Email ntain viruses. It’ ir | messages can co1 or when downloading careful when opening messages from people you don’t knows attachments. if you are one to send Email should be kept short and brief. This is especially difficult Messages that are too long. ee ee ee eee thay le some pe il i id read. If not, ur, es timely responses: Whi on as they are received an‘ ba ied to as SO left untended. . Email require ; : ire responses should be rep! ee pes may be and important mesa GLE ANDITS FEATURES gle is an inte : Igori did igned to emet search engine. It uses a proprietary algorithm = t’s desi | eae “ sults to provide the most relevant and dependable sourc eve and order search results es of d rt ‘THE FEATURES OF GOOGLE Th word checkup tool: The password checkup tool from Google is very helpfal as it = os users saved login credentials against “known cony ‘omised passwords”. The has deen available for desktop users and now it is coming to android. ‘0 schedule messages. The feature Was spotted by some users in September last “wasn't officially confirmed by the company. Google maps dark mode: Dark mode has To enable dark mode in pplication and then loo, Mieka te = wi wend ‘© 80 to the settings in the oO * l8gle the option for “Always in dark tions, : Hands-free Gooyle 4ssistant ¢ have been available fo, OMe time, However vss oy nds for etoile spictns Commands 10 make it casieg © use, many i now S*Panded the list of Will now be theme” or anything else fre 4. ‘omman Messages or Make calls, aly wi Blanceable cards showing basic j announcement, the User able ( thout unlocking te eet alarm, Play Music, send text nfo On the tok sereae One. There’s also a new set of 5, Updated eee Android has a screen reader named talkback which is aimed at th who are blind or with low vision. Its now geting revamped with more inmuitive gestures, « unified menu, a new reading control menu, and more. ie R Android auto customizations: A new update to the android auto service will being support for custom wallpapers as well as voice-activated games. The company is also fea to offer home screen shortcuts for things like contacts and tasks like checking weather or adjusting thermostat through Google assistant, : oleate Google drive is a free cloud-based storage service that enables users to store and access files online. The service syncs stored documents, photos and more across all of the user’s devices, including mobile devices, tablets and PCs. THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF GOOGLE DRIVE EXON ET eTelt Ability to access files from everywhere: The most significant advantage of using Google drive to store the data is that can access it anywhere. Google serves allow to sign in using the Gmail account and access the data anytime. Ability to edit files: The ability to edit files in Google drive is an added advantage that will not find with other data storage options. Can get instant access to various suite editing tools, including Google spreadsheets, Google Decs and Google slides and many others. Compatibility with most devices: If are not limited using a single device to access Google rive, Can use different gadgets like a android phone, iPad, Mac, iPhone C to access 'o stored data anytime from anywhere. This makes Google drive benefici efficient, drive is made easy by the search Quick files search: Searching a specific file in Google = : to find the file. Even a word on to find the fl feature that allows to filter the file type and use keywords an image included i ina file r cate it fast. ve. The do not have ro of Google ari open many types « is a crucial P Google can ss Thi " rent fle OP 1s on the devices e) Ability to view diffe to install different file type of files, including AP 5 and data with other people. This makes clicks to share file r 4 to set up permis! to work a8 8 BFOUP: The nee collaborators to eat. ymment on specific files. f have a project that requires participants to carry out discussions, Open discussion: li Google drive makes it possible, It has @ 0 comments or reply to others and get feedback instantly. Google drive comes with a wide range of features that | 1h) Affordability and great usability: to browse through it effortlessly. encourages everyone, including new users, jons to allow the where users can make ® ymments feature ‘le organization and management: File management in Google drive is automated, but can customize them for quick and easy access. Google drive has proven to be a better option for many people looking for storage platforms when compared to others. i) Secured files: files: The before can access any data or file, are required to enter the correct password. This ensures the files it are secure in_Google drive. Besi admin control in Google drive to enhance security. : et an internet connection, vantage because ca ©) File size limit its: The embed Ided ji Mmegaby Imag . eaves. Also alphanumeric and add in a document sh ~~ ‘ould not be Tore than two characters. This i SOETS. OMS 18 regardless of the xt documents cg Page numb t have more than 1,024,000 — ae er. Besides, gli we ti Ides, slidesho Presentati ions should PP cu eanai DST iret ig not exceed 100 megabytes that are equivalent to almost 400 sli i disadvantages of this storage. ides, and most significant Erratic Third-party applications: Some several add-ons and apps work effortle ly with ae lessly wi Google drive. These are primarily first-party apps, and they they are eas easy to inte; platform, but some third party needs payment to unlock their features, tes o Downloading and uploading speed: When uploading or downloading files from. iGoogle drive, the speed becomes slow. With millions of people using the platform simu taneously, can expect this to happen. ~ - usa TOOLS IN GOOGLE DRIVE Google Docs: The Google docs can create and edit text documents. For more information navigate to Google’s information about Google docs. Google Sheets: The Google sheets can create and edit spreadsheets. For more information navigate to Google’s information about Google Sheets. 3. Google Slides: The Google slides can build presentations. For more information navigate to Google’s information about Google slides. 4. Google forms: The Google forms can create and analyze surveys. For more information navigate to Google’s information about Google forms. GOOGLE DOCS Google Docs isa free web- -based pased application in. in ed online: Files can be access: ee tured web browser. which documents ; and spreadsheets can be —— ed form ¢ any computer “with an internet agaist vere ase 1. Full screen view for distraction free writing: is the ever-present distraction of the various menus an that mimics traditional paper, can TY full soreen View. The downsides of using an app for writing s and toolbars in view. view. For an experience nts, such as ebooks ar 2. Table of contents tool for organizing documents: sae ore: eee whitepapers need a able of contents, so readers can find the i easy. looking for quickly. The table of contents tools makes this super easy. 3. \dd-ons ocs allows to use a variety of add-o Add-ons for grammar checks and more: Google D in cae to make document creation simpler. Some of the helpful selections for writers include a) Pro writing aid: For checking the grammar. and spelling. it WPM rate b) Track my words: For tracking how many words write each day and ©) Easy Bib: For easy and automatic citation. A 4 a Voice typing for easier thought processing: Some writers use voice recordings to cap’ their thoughts and ideas prior to writing. Can do the same with the voice typing feat inside Google docs. To access the feature: 2) Select tools in the menu and then voice typing. ©) Click the microphone button and start speakin, 1g. To stop the recording, click the 1 microphone button, 5S. Bookmarks for navigating documents: The bookmarks feature can help the navigate < Google Docs easier. For example, can ge use a bookmark to link to another Page of docum for reference. $ Offline mode for writing anywhere: all have to do is select file and then Google docs will ask if wish to eng To allow a document to be availabl make available offline. Ifhaven’t enai led offline me able the feature, Google explore for in-documeng research: R, especially when must have SO many windows ‘esearching while writing can be frustrati can search the internet form inside the Googl pen on screen, Using Google Docs expl le docs, = GOOGLE FoRMs Google forms is free online software that allows to Create surve: Google web-based apps. It’s a versatile tool that can be used for Various ay — i an athering RSVPs for an event to Creating a pop quiz, Pplications, fr THE FUNCTIONS OF GOOGLE Forms ) Create a form as easily as creating a document: Select from multiple question types drag-and-drag to reorder questions and customize values as easily as pasting a list. Send professional looking surveys to customers: Well-designed surveys help to connec with customers to gain valuable insights. Add i images, videos, ae custom logic to giv people who respond a great survey experience. Analyse responses with automatic summaries: Watch responses appéar in real time Can also access the raw data and analyse it with Google sheets or other software. Share forms with an email, a link or a website: It’s easy to share forms to specific people or to a broad audience by embedding forms on the websites or sharing via currents Facebook or twitter. , Make smarter forms: Data validation rules can makes sure email addresses are Properly formatted, dates are correct and that people get the right questions based. on their previous answers. the form faster and let’s to analyze results together without having to send around multiple versions of the file. ir ) Create questions and analyze results together: Real-time collaboration helps to create THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF GOOGLE FORMS Easy to use interface: Google makes the interface for Google form integration almost €asy to use and user friendly. There are some other surveys making tools available that can find easily online, If take a look and compare them with Google forms, can understand its authenticity. Free: Itis highly mentionable that Google form is a free integration that accelerates a huge Online process like distance learning, survey making, helping online retailers to get Consumer’ opinions and so on. As it is free small online retailers can use it to save money. = 3 can cre The Gooele a it offers 7 want. To save the time, i t tive as other survey tools, it must : £ Google forms. ‘When are creatiny .d and not aS effect aspects and can make i cons 0) form in a few ‘Though it is limite about the pros and 4 Customizable: can customize the jed when we are talking includ google form, ‘online forms with a friendly for audiences. istincti vant: Google form allows are the created from to any distinctive create forms, som ck and reviews, 5, Share anywhere to ¥ s to shi are at 4. ") _— ; Le platform want to share it. Different people have different ee i may want to capture marketing campaigns, some want to use feedb teachers use this for distance learning and so on. 6. Great for educational purpose: A google form is a great tool for both students ant teachers. Especially in the present situation when all the educational institutions are bei closed due to the pandemic. We are facing the importance of online as all the education activities are going through online. Eee 1. Need internet ion: ; “iment comet The first cons of google forms that I want to know about le internet. As the other servi oe services of google like goo; i 2 gl also requires a suitable internet connecti ae | / ust have a google account: Sane integrations of google, as just Boogle account, the won’t be drive, and google workspa, for the purpose, 3. Limited customization: its easy installation of It is not a only for goo; need a google account if allowed to use any of the ce. Therefore Must have a gle form but all the other goo; Want to use any of them. Without 80ogle services like Gmail, google account to use g00; fer Google form is o nal Surveys, persoy + images, vig ents like “9 and audio files is on in forms. internet as a Network Infrastruct Eons ae ; gpreadsheets online to organize and analyze information. _ THE USES OF GOOGLE SHEETS a) Edit and format spreadsheets: Spreadsheet items can be added, edited, formatted and applied to formulas and functions through Google Sheets. b) Analyze: Google sheets can visualize spreadsheets data in charts, graphs and tables. c) Share: Users can share Google sheets documents and folders with others for real-time collaboration. import Google sheets files into other document d) Print and download: Users can open and PowerPoint, Adobe PDF and PNG. formats, including Microsoft Excel, Word, freeeicias SHEETS formatting: This includes operations and functions for data ort; data validation; data protection cleaning Mag Vee 1. Spread sheet editing and entry; data summary text translation; data MPO mmm Some characters removed and trimming to remove space! to return text with unprintable be leading, trailing or repeal 4 conditions such as date, alp! custom conditions and heatmaps, the table: and basic advanced formulas. ich use colors to. 4. Data visualization: Users can generate spreadsheet data of graphs, charts and and other types of diagrams and embed them in websites, Machine learning-based features: The Explore feature uses machine learning to build ite based charts, create pivot tables and answer questions about the the data. It can auto- on selected data. m Offline editing: Even when not connected to the internet, sheets can edit offline, and changes will update once an internet connection is restored. leas Compatibility: Sheets documents are compatible with a variety of formats, including Excel, Apache ‘open offi fice, PDF, Text, HTML and comma-separated values. Google product integration: Google Sheets can be integrated with other Google services, such as Drawing, Finance, F Form and Translate. It js also compatible with Microsoft files and shares ffany of | the same keyboard shortcuts. 7.» Collaboration features: Emails can be sent wh en other collaborato changes to the shared spreadsheet, and users can view the version Ms ine comments or . BON: Security: Users can manage permissions for editing, downloading, copyi a specific collaborators through individual-group- or domain-leval = Spying or printing for domain-level access, GOOGLE HANGOUTS Google hangouts is a unified communications service that allows members to initiate and participate in text, voice or video chats, either one-on-one or in a group. THE FEATURES OF GOOGLE HANGOUTS 1) Instant messaging with emoji, images, videos, and GIF-sharing capabilities. b) Group chats of up to 250 people. ) The voice calls. d) The HD video calls. ) The HD group video calls(up to 25 people). The video muting abilities. 2) The compatibility with many platforms(iOS, Android). h) The screen_sharing. The integrations with other Google applications. xtension. The support on web browsers and a chrome ¢} Praia sulen tion - A What is Internet? What is a technology background? What do you mean internet today? Give the meaning of intranet. Define intranet. What is meant by industry speci fic solutions? Information Technology for Business 8. Define extranet. 9. Give the meaning of e-mail. 10. What do you mean by Google? 11. What is Google drive? 12. What is meant by Google docs? 13. What are the Google forms? 14. Give the meaning of Google sheets. 15. What is Google hangouts? Section - B What are the uses of internet? Explain. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of internet. Write a brief note on technology background. What is the impact of internet today? Explain. Discuss the briefly about the future infrastructure. What are the advantages and disadvantages of intranet? Examine the characteristics of intranet. Explain the application of intranet. per awe eno Explain briefly industry specific solutions. s Examine the features of Extranet. What are the advantages and disadvantages of extranet? 12. Write the distinguish between intranet and extranet. 13. Explain the importance of e-mail, 14, What are the features of e-mail? Explain in details. 15. Discuss the features of Google. 16. State the features of Google drive? Explain. 17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Google drive? 18, Explain the features of Google docs, 19. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Gooate forms. 20. State the features of Google forms. 21. Write the features of Google sheets. an ceamine the features of Google hangouts. a

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