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 The honorable Chief of Islamic Gemilang Cendekia Foundation

Ibu Yuli Puspita, S.Pd

 The honourable the Principal Islamic Kindergarten Gemilang Cendekia
Ms. Ikhtiarini, S.Pd
 The honourable Parents of Islamic Kindergarten Gemilang Cendekia
 The honourable Teachers and Staff of Islamic Kindergarten Gemilang Cendekia
 And all my beloved students.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Tabik Pun….

 Welcome to Meeting Parents of Islamic Gemilang Cendekia School Academic Year

 First of all, let’s open this event by saying Basmalah
 To begin the event we will resite du’a and it will be recite by Ms. Miftah, S.Pd

For ms. Miftah time is yours

Thank you for your attention

Oke, The next agenda is Speech

 The next speech will be delivered by Principal of Islamic Gemilang Cendekia School
Ms. Ikhtiarini, S.Pd
For ms. Iren time is yours
Thank you for your Speech
 Improve

 The next agenda is question and answer session from Parents of Islamic Kindergarten
Gemilang Cendekia
 Now we are in the end of the meeting parents of Islamic Kindergarten Gemilang
Cendekia Academic Year 2022/2023
 Im as a master ceremony asking appologize if i have some mistake in leading this event.
We are also asking appologize to almaighty Alloh SWT.

 Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

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