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Sameer 19

Essay 3

Unequal Distribution of Wealth

One day, I looked outside one of my cousin’s window in his apartment. What I

saw was extremely pathetic. I saw a slum, smelly, dirty, and consisting of broken houses,

no bigger than one room. In contrast to this, I was standing in a large building. This was a

perfect example of unequal distribution of wealth in this country. Inequality in wealth in

Bangladesh has made me feel frustrated and I really want to do something about it. Its

importance is crucial, because it is the main reason behind the underdevelopment of


Most of Bangladesh is rural. I live in the city of Chittagong. But even in the so

called urban area where I dwell, slums stricken with extreme poverty are almost

everywhere. Whenever I walk down the street, I see half or fully naked children from

nearby slums running and playing on the streets. I see homeless people sleeping on the

sidewalks without any shelter. These scenes force me to think about one point: why do

the government and people of this country waste so much of money in recreation and

shopping malls despite of using most of that money in the improvement of the more than

70% rural share and 55% illiteracy rate of the country?

Some friends and I have started thinking about establishing an institution to help

illiterate, poor kids. I have taken this inspiration from my school William Carey

Academy’s Free School. I believe that education and employment are the only two

“weapons” that can kill unequal distribution in this nation. For that, we all will have to

take initiatives and work together.

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