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Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!

Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015

Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!

Get Healthy And Stay Healthy

© 2015 by Eddie Palmon

Foreword © 2015 by Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D., CN, ND

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged! ................................................................................................. 1

Get Healthy And Stay Healthy ..................................................................................................................... 1

Foreword by Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D. ............................................................................................................... 6

Required Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................................... 8

DEDICATION: ........................................................................................................................................... 8

Warning: ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

What’s Ahead ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Part I............................................................................................................................................................ 12

Sickness and sugar...................................................................................................................................... 14

The Goal ...................................................................................................................................................... 15

THE FDA ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

Big Pharma.................................................................................................................................................. 17

Your Doctor ................................................................................................................................................ 20

The Learning Process .................................................................................................................................. 23

THE COMBINATION .................................................................................................................................... 24

Score! .......................................................................................................................................................... 25

Good Health: Getting On Board ................................................................................................................. 26

Strengthening Your Immune System ...................................................................................................... 29

Part II ......................................................................................................................................................... 29

The List ........................................................................................................................................................ 31

Coconut Oil ................................................................................................................................................. 33

Medicinal Mushroom Capsules ................................................................................................................. 38

Glyconutrients ............................................................................................................................................ 39

Probiotics .................................................................................................................................................... 41

Turmeric...................................................................................................................................................... 43
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Garlic ........................................................................................................................................................... 45

Spirulina ...................................................................................................................................................... 45

Green Super Food ....................................................................................................................................... 46

Olive leaf extract ........................................................................................................................................ 46

A Cocktail Punch ......................................................................................................................................... 47

7 Fruits & Veggies a Day Green Smoothie ......................................................................................... 49

Bananas: A Power Fruit .............................................................................................................................. 50

Red Cider Vinegar ....................................................................................................................................... 50

Food-based vitamins/Selenium ................................................................................................................. 51

D3, Calcium, Magnesium............................................................................................................................ 53

Importance of B3 (Niacin) .......................................................................................................................... 54

Importance of Selenium ............................................................................................................................. 54

Exercise ....................................................................................................................................................... 54

The Ball Is Now In Your Court .................................................................................................................... 55

About the author ........................................................................................................................................ 62

Parting Words ............................................................................................................................................. 63

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Foreword by Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Certified Nutritionist

Doctor of Naturopathy

The human body is an incredible organism. When working properly it has the ability to heal
itself from injury and prevent and overcome infections of all types. The body has the power to heal
itself from diseases for which there is no medical cure. It is only when the body is prevented from
working as it should, that chronic and degenerative illness occurs. Sickness is not a natural
condition. Our bodies are programmed to be healthy and will do everything it can to obtain and
maintain good health. The key to good health is to provide the body with everything it needs in
order to function as it should.

When the body has the tools for good health, conditions such as arthritis, chronic indigestion,
irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, cancer, insomnia, and other common health problems
go away. The use of vitamins, minerals, herbs, diet, exercise, visualization, and such, used in
natural healing are not designed to cure any specific ailment. Their purpose is to improve overall
health so that the body can heal itself. People have been cured from the most serious illnesses,
including cancer and heart disease, simply by giving the body the support it needs to reclaim good

In this book, the author provides several things he has discovered that has made an impact on his
health and on his life. Many people could likewise benefit by following these same steps.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Required Disclaimer

This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should
regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to
any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

The author presents this work as reference and educational material only. It is agreed that the reader
assumes responsibility alone for any methods he or she undertakes from reading this guide, and
also agrees the author is not liable for any damages that occur.

The reader also agrees to follow any warnings the author advises the reader.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s go…


Lovingly dedicated to Jean, my wife of many years, in profound acknowledgement and sincere
thanks for her untiring inspirational ideas for driving the funk out of my head, helping to point me
in the right direction when depression was my driver.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
I also give thanks for the wonderful spiritual uplifting I received from other family and friends that
made the journey along with me:

“D”, brother, for his daily telephone calls that did more than he knew; Stan, brother, who didn’t
ride to old age because cancer got him first. Daryl Washington for his stoic mask in the face of
such adversity; Kim Washington and daughters, Kelly and Michelle, who kept the laughter alive-
- a gift when it was so needed; Patty Washington, because life is beautiful, and she helped remind
me of that. I also give a special mention to Barbara Kieh, my wife’s cousin, for her soulfully
beautiful conversations with me, guiding me to resolve my stagnant, negative thoughts with death.

And lastly, to those who survived their personal journey, and those who didn’t, this book is warmly

Several years have passed since that grey day of my cancer diagnosis, and I wouldn’t trade that
day for anything in the world. It has made me a stronger man with the resolve only those who’ve
experience a similar situation could truly appreciate.

A special thanks to Dr. Bruce Fife for graciously reading through this material and writing the


It is NOT advised for those living with chronic health issues, such as, liver/kidney problems,
Crohn’s disease and other ills that require medications (or not), to follow the protocol in this guide
without seeking reliable guidance from a qualified source, as I don’t know how any illness you
may have will react to the products I describe later in this guide. However, coconut oil has no
known restrictions, and can be used freely, even for the diabetic.

Those using blood thinners are definitely advised not to use the products, unless advised by their
physician. If you have high blood pressure, and taking medication, check with your doctor to see
if you can safely use the products along with that medication. Some foods can cause an unfavorable
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
reaction with prescription drugs, as can some natural health products, as it can exacerbate some

What’s Ahead

The purpose of this work is to define a ridiculously easy, all-purpose, health regimen designed to
help the average adult get and stay healthy. The low-cost products and foods list in this guide is
the best you can do for your immunity. And the super immunity green drinks recipe links in part
II of the guide, though not an absolute necessary part of this health regimen, rather an option to
complement bad eating habits, will also help in supercharging your health so that you become the
best example of healthy living you can be. If you are a green smoothie drinker, fine; if not, that’s
fine too. Let emphasize: you REALLY don’t need to be on, or start, the “smoothie health kick” in
your life. You will benefit regardless.

The state of your health is actually quite dependent on the state of your immune system, and this
is the only guide you will ever need to reach the goal many try so hard to attain. It really is easy,
once you know a little something about what’s available, and what really works. You will find out

Although I do make reference to having had colon cancer, let me state now that this book is not
about curing cancer. I do, however, provide what I feel is the best information available for one’s
personal education at the end of this guide.

In the seven years since I’ve followed the simple protocol in the guide you are reading now, I’ve
had but one very mild cold that lasted all but a few days. During one cold season, I purposely
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
stopped taking the supplementation I cover in this book to see what would happen: just one hardly
bothersome cold! Sound evidence? Perhaps not. But it is good enough for me. None-the-less, I am
totally convinced that you, too, can enjoy good health if you follow this inexpensive regimen.

I enjoy good health for a sixty-four year old man, with no daily regimen of prescription pills, or
insulin shots, aches or pains—just good, all-around health. I have only one health issue that I
generally keep under control—G6PD. As I was born with this, it puts quite the limit on what I can
ingest, but I consider myself a very lucky man to have only this one problem. If you have G6PD,
you needn’t worry about ingesting something I suggest that will cause a “crisis” (save for iron
supplementation and vitamin K supplementation, which is on the “avoid list”).

With just a few budget-friendly products, you can strengthen your body’s natural defense
mechanism to a greater degree than you ever thought possible. In doing so, your chances of falling
ill are reduced. You will also lower your chances of cancer striking your life short. When the body
is in good fighting form, you needn’t worry about cancer and other health concerns, because your
body will correct what’s negatively affecting you. Believe that—your body is a wonderful, self-
healing machine, and getting you to accept that is the goal of this guide.

Some doctors can’t tell you this because they are so locked within the confines of the profession
(thinking with their prescription pads), that natural healing doesn’t figure into their medical
procedures. But you can accomplish what hundreds of thousands are learning every year: that just
a few products added to your daily routine, and one or two dietary changes (nothing drastic!), you
help your body in more ways than you thought possible. It is an easily accomplished feat. Just
know that it is neither a miracle nor a mystery. There are no magical, exotic-type of special,
difficult to find, products that promise the world but deliver nothing. They are products that the
average consumer has no knowledge of. You will be one-up on most.

The regimen for health you will read about in the coming pages is what I am currently doing, and
have been for years. There is no other guide like it. What is available is a re-hashing of common-
sense methods you could easily Google yourself. But you need more than that to get to a place
where you gain a more confident outlook that your health will be sustained that much better than
the average person. With this short guide, you will accomplish just that.

“Only a drug can cure, mitigate, treat or prevent a disease.” – A tired, erroneous, FDA mantra.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
It is therefore against the logic of the FDA to claim foods or other natural substances can heal
specific problems. A win for the pharmaceutical companies...

Part I

The Journey Begins

My journey culminated in that of an awakening. At about 112 pounds at 5’ 10 ½”, and weaker that
a frail centenarian, I was a physically mangled wreck. I hadn’t been taking care of myself, putting
all manner of garbage into my system, not realizing that the body can push back harder in some
cases than in others. I had been misdiagnosed twice, in two different hospitals, as having a
gallbladder problem, and in both cases it was suggested that it be removed. This I attributed to my
weight loss and general malaise (ignorance is NOT bliss!). As you will read later, this was not the

Through dogged persistence in devouring all factual (and some anecdotal) material I could find, I
have learned that our bodies can heal itself to an appreciable degree. I ask that you momentarily
suspend disbelief and know that our immune system can be strengthened by such means as a proper
diet; cutting out some of the crap we feed our system; special supplementation, and green drinks
(to augment bad eating habits). Actually, even without the green drinks recipe links provided in
this guide, you will still effect dramatic change in the status of your health from day one. In fact,
some of the ills we suffer were rare for people in many areas of the world with their simple diets
and relaxed way of life. It was when European diets (among other things) were introduced, that
sickness (such as diabetes and hypertension) began permeating their way of life (I’m not referring
to initial human contact that decimated many because there was no innate, or acquired immunity
for protection from disease brought by the first wave of interlopers).
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
If one would put only the proper foods into one’s body, one would be in fair health most of the
time. That’s a given. But people are people, and eating a healthy, balanced diet is just not what the
average person does well. That’s what I had in mind when I put together this health regimen.

Nutrient-depleted soil, antibiotic-fed cattle and fowl, crop spraying, sugar-laden products,
chemical preservatives, GMO (genetically modified organism)—this, and more, affects the quality
of the foods we put into our bodies, and that alone tags a lot of what we eat as subpar. And with
lifestyle as crazy as we make it, along with pollution and off-the-grid snacking, a little help is

Supplementation with the right products can help, even with less-than-ideal eating habits. Of
course, an organically-grown balanced diet is best, and the gain would qualify the greater financial
expenditure. But we shoot too high for most, so we have to keep it simple.

Staying healthy with just a few dietary changes (lowering sugar intake, and exercising), and
supplementation is a far better journey through life than living with aches and pains and other ills
that plague a great many of us. True, many have no choice but to continue taking some medications
because of the extent of the damage done by their own neglect. But there are some ills, like
inflammation (the contributing factor to many ills), high blood pressure, and others, that can be
mitigated to an acceptable level by giving the body the means with which to do so. That’s what
you will be reading about in this guide. And if you are physically unaffected by problems, you’re
ahead of the game, and have an excellent chance of staying that way.

By giving yourself the means with which to help strengthen your immune system, the likelihood
of getting sick in the long run is low, or non-existent, so that you will not have to avail yourself of
medical help, possibly having to be given drugs for your situation.

It is beyond the scope of this guide (nor was it a consideration) to outline a dietary regimen for
health, as there are countless books on the subject written by celebrated doctors, dieticians, and
other specialists that delve deep into the subject and, if followed, can have most enjoying fairly
good physical condition in a matter of some months. But people are people, and reconditioning
themselves to eat properly is a tough job. For many, the second best route to take is outlined in
Part II this guide.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Sickness and sugar

We’ve become a nation of disease-riddled consumers in a relatively short time. That may sound
to most as an undeserved description, and an insensitive poke, but we must acknowledge the truth.
Regardless of the words I use, there’s no hiding the fact that many of us are sick by our own design.

We’ve taught our children, by way of example, to also learn to love the convenience of fries, burger
and a shake or large soda and candies galore. We want what we want when we want it-- fast! It’s
killing us slowly, because we depend too much on the easy way to feed ourselves.

One of the most harmful of all substances we ingest is sugar, especially in the form of soda, as it
breaks down the body’s natural defenses in a short period of time. I cannot over-emphasize just
how radically life-changing the over-consumption of this poison can be to your system. The status
of our health is directly proportional to the health of our immune system, and the more sugar (from
soda to breakfast cereal, and more) we take in, the more negatively impacted our immune system

The suppression of immune system warriors, due to many other factors as well, puts us in a state
of weakness that can allow for sickness to take hold. Think of a house in a hail storm that has no
roof—no protection, right? It’s the same with your body if the immune system is seriously

It is difficult, if not impossible, to go through our day without some form of that sweet stuff-- I get
that. I will not have my coffee without a little organic sugar in it. But I do know not to go crazy
for it either! I am not a naive hopeful to think that you will even make an attempt to rid the pantry
of all sugar-laden products. But I do hope that you and your family will make some attempt at
cutting back some (the more, the better). Hold back on the extra soda (a killer!). Use less sugar in
your tea or coffee, or whatever attracts the spoon. Bring home some organic sugar (sugar is sugar;
but organic sugar isn’t processed the same way as “white sugar”). Investigate the option of using
Stevia if you are a sugar-head.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
I may hear some wrath about the last paragraph, but I know people will NOT put the sugar away.
So I don’t pretend to believe that you would have followed what I originally intended to write here,
instead. You are ultimately responsible for policing your own actions. Just try to cut back some,
and hopefully you will want to cut back even more. Just this will improve your health in ways you
can’t fathom. Read here the dangers soda drinkers expose themselves to. This is only a partial list,
but it should get you to thinking when you raise that next glass of soda to your lips.

The Goal

I am concerned here with getting information to the average person who is in relatively good or
fare health, or even those with health concerns that are pressing, and looking to get to a place where
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
their immune system can operate at an optimal level, helping to reverse some ills. If you are
overweight, it is your responsibility to your family do something about it. It is easier than you

You can eradicate inflammation to an appreciable degree, for example (implicated as the cause of
many diseases), to name but one ill the immune system is capable of tackling, if in proper form.
This guide will set up your body so that you reduce inflammation and begin operating on a level
you were meant to. I plead to your sense of self-preservation: do it for yourself, and your loved
ones will also share in your successful transition to health vicariously.

A proactive defense is the best method to ensure good health, keeping you on the bright side of
the road with no bothersome detours to confront. You will find yourself in awe of what your body
is capable of, once you take the steps to guide it towards the prize!

Some need an awakening in order to appreciate why having good health is the best thing they can
own. That is why in the next few pages I will cover a little bit concerning the FDA, the
Pharmaceutical companies, and the Doctor.


The infamous watchdogs for the People, the FDA states that only drugs can cure disease. A
substance must be patentable in order for the drug companies to make the billions they do.

A natural substance that is side-effect free (for most), that can alleviate/cure, cannot be marketed
by the sharks of drug manufacturing, and is ignored. The FDA and the pharmaceutical companies
have a relationship, and the consumer is the one on the receiving end of what is spawned by way
of that evil union. A marriage of convenience!
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Even with fresh, rotten egg on its face (allowing bad drugs to market), the power of the FDA is
far-reaching and adamantly opposed to claims of healing, other than by pharmaceutical drugs
(which do not heal).

This relationship is a good reason for the reader to be proactive, early, in the fight against disease.
Otherwise, you may become a consumer of the drugs that may just put you in a precarious health
situation we will look at in the next section.

“Only a drug can cure, mitigate, treat or prevent a disease.” – FDA

CRAP! Don’t buy into that!

Big Pharma

This ruthless gang of cutthroats are happy with each new patient prescribed their wares—more
money! The need for keeping diabetics on insulin, for instance, is more important than suggesting
alternate ways to deal with it in some cases that lend themselves well to non-drug intervention.
Big Pharma is NOT in the business of curing (as if they could!). They are only concerned with
reaping financial rewards, sometimes to the detriment of the consumer’s health. The
pharmaceutical company shot-callers will resort to anything to keep it that way. The FDA isn’t
barking; perhaps it forgot how. Remember this: FDA is the dog; the pharmaceutical companies
are the fleas, riding upon its generosity.

The pharmaceutical companies enjoy a special relationship with the Food and Drug Administration,
especially for the purpose of getting their drugs to market in the quickest time. The FDA has a
“Fast-Track” program for the convenience of “Big Pharma”, and it is just what it sounds like: to
get certain drugs on the market as fast as possible.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
And big-money drugs? Your doctor will probably just write out a prescription for Metformin if
you are a pre-diabetic. It is easier to prescribe a drug than to outline a simple dietary and exercise
regimen that can prevent the patient from going to type II diabetes, perhaps even reversing it.

There are huge profits to be had with drug therapy! It is all about the bottom line: the almighty
dollar. So what if hundreds (or thousands) are incapacitated, or die from taking a killer drug. The
drug companies can afford the law-suit payouts—it’s the great profits from patients they are paying

Many potential life-threatening side-effects of some big money-making drugs have been covered
up by way of omission. In some instances, big-heads at Pfizer knew some of their drugs were
capable of killing, but suppressed that information. They also “controlled” their clinical trial
subjects for just the “correct” data for FDA submission. Merck (measles/mumps/rubella cover-up)
and Pfizer (Celebrex and Bextra cover-up) are just two of the dirty players in the game.

Turn on your television and you will see at least one commercial, within a couple of hours,
announcing an active class-action lawsuit for the victims of a dangerous prescription drug the FDA
wasn’t prudent enough to further investigate before its marketing.

The drug companies make billions on just one drug. A fine of several million and lawsuits (of a
few billion dollars) for injury and death of consumers shake no trees. Even if it did, only the
monkeys would rattle—the baboons would still remain unscathed.

An example of a serious breach of trust between pharmaceutical companies/FDA and the consumer
was perpetrated with marketing both drugs, Gardasil (Merck) and Cervariz (GlaxcoSmithKline),
the human papilloma virus vaccine marketed for females 9-years old and over for the prevention
of cervical cancer. I was against this scheme when I first became aware of it, and asked a good
friend NOT to allow her daughters to be vaccinated with this drug, and why. It turned out I was

In 2009 one of the key players in the development of the drug turned whistleblower and damned
the drugs in a special conference, stating that the drugs were too dangerous and ineffective in the
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
prevention of the human papilloma virus. In fact, she stated that the virus cleared up in over 70%
of women, and in two years, 90% were free of the virus without intervention. But that’s not the
surprising aspect of the marketed drugs.

Gardasil alone had well over 15,000 reports of adverse side-effects, and many documented deaths!
Some of the gruesome side-effects of Gardasil are so ugly (the least of which is physical paralysis,
stroke and vision loss), I wonder how could anyone live with themselves in promoting an
unnecessary evil!

In actuality, the manufacturer knew that the vaccine was capable of such, and that it was only
effective in about 10% of the 40 strains of the human papilloma virus spread by sexual contact!
There are about 100 strains of the virus. There’s more! What’s good for Miss Goose is good for
Sir Gander! They just couldn’t leave the boys without “protection”, so the campaign for little
Willy’s wee-wee was launched—more money! Read more HERE.

Most people will not take the little time expenditure to research drugs prescribed, or learn how to
keep the body from being turned up-side down to begin with. They throw the ball to their doctor
and let him run with it. They sit on the sidelines, never actively getting involved in their care. Even
with the authoritarian aura doctors exude in the office, consumers need to take some control instead
of remaining a passive player. Your doctor is a medical student (always learning)—not an autocrat!
It is difficult to win a game when you, the star player, is benched. Cultivate a relationship with
your doctor that is conducive to a partnership where you are the boss. You are!

Before you find yourself at the mercy of prescription drugs from companies that only care about
profits, please become proactive with regard to your health. If you ignore this advice, later, you
may wish you hadn’t.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Your Doctor

Doctors are a wonderful addition to our lives, treating what ails us. And though I’ve not had a
checkup since my last visit over seven years ago (I don’t suggest you think you can get away with
that) I, for one, would be grateful for my life were I in a bad situation where a side-effects laden
drug, or even an untried, but potentially life-saving procedure could save my life. But pushing
dangerous drugs where safer ones could be substituted (in a non-life threatening situation), or a
safe, over-the-counter remedy would suffice, is just plain unconscionable.

By allowing one’s health to deteriorate over time, because of immune system weakening, body
breakdown may become all-encompassing; and by then, the problems have been exacerbated to
such a degree that hope for curing it naturally is all but a dream disturbed. Then we need doctor
intervention, and possibly prescription drugs!

Researchers at Montana State University have recently identified a chemical compound that may
be useful in halting the destruction caused by rheumatoid arthritis. But to what end for the patient?
A drug is a drug. Would it not be safer to seek out natural approaches first, before the use of drug
therapy, if there is hope for self-curing the problem? Better yet: stay proactive!

We can often circumvent doctor-suggested need for dangerous pharmaceuticals and some
surgeries, and reduce the amount of doctor visits, and enjoy the peace of mind good health gives
us, by availing ourselves of the wonderful resources we have at hand.

Prescription drug use often leads to other problems in the long run, some physically debilitating;
some, deadly dangerous. The patient sometimes has to be prescribed even more medications to
allay problems caused by the originally prescribed drug. How much sense does that make!
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Look at the elders who seek medical attention. Most of these aged consumers dutifully ingest what
their doctors tell them to, without question. Watch them the next time you are at your clinic
appointment. Some are newly retired and have no hope of enjoying what’s left of the golden years.
Yes, many are in bad health due to their own devices, and coupling that with declination of
cognitive function, mobility problems, we have a senior sidelined. That senior could be you or
what’s in store for you when you are in or approaching senior-hood.

If you enjoy some semblance of good health, shouldn’t you start now and learn to keep it that way?
Doing nothing could put you at risk of what many older people are living through now. Please
don’t think that because you are young you shouldn’t have concerns about your mortality. On the
contrary, you should have a voice in the back of your mind reminding you that you are not
impenetrable with regard to disease. You can be, yes, but you have to make that first step in the
right direction to build your body up and keep it that way. It really is easy to do. Keep reading,
even if this section doesn’t actually apply to you. You may have a loved one, or dear friend,
experiencing the trials of bad health. You could become a lifesaver to them.

While watching TV, I saw two commercials for bone-strengthening drugs featuring actresses Sally
Field and Blythe Danner. The spots suggested you ask your doctor about Boniva or Prolia. These
carry warnings of side-effects that are very dangerous.

A commonly prescribed drug, Metformin, for instance, used to help regulate blood sugar and
improve insulin sensitivity, is one of several drugs that is just one of a class of prescription drugs
indicted for drug-induced nutrient depletion. Many taking this drug, over a course of time,
experience a malingering malaise, feeling “out of the loop”, so-to-speak. It will be found that their
level of B-12 is very low. A good, raw, B-complex supplement and magnesium citrate should be
suggested. Better still, doc should have ordered testing for the levels. Did your doctor make you
aware of that?

Certain commonly prescribed drugs millions take as a matter-of-course don’t, in the majority of
cases, immediately raise red flags to the consumer. So, consumer dutifully continues ingesting that
seemingly innocuous drug until things start to go haywire. By then, it may be a difficult road to
traverse in rebalancing the system. There are drugs that can suppress the immune system to such
a degree that the consumer can actually falls prey to life-threatening illness because of it.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Your doctor can’t be expected to be up on the problems related to vitamin/mineral depletion
associated with most common drugs he or she writes a prescription for. Very little is taught in
medical school about diet and nutrition. That leaves the consumer, you, to read up on any drug you
take, so that you will become educated enough to help yourself from making a bad situation worse.
Also, getting a CBC (complete blood count) and differential, and other tests regularly, can keep
you aware of what you need to do to correct drug-induced nutrient depletion.

We can circumvent the position bad health puts us in by taking the simple steps to helping the
body’s natural healing process. There is no one-hundred percent guarantee that you aren’t going
to get sick if you follow the information in this guide, as there are many uncontrollable variables
in your life that can make you susceptible to something, regardless. But you will have a greater
chance at better health, following the tips in this guide, than the average person who doesn’t set
up his immune system as outlined later.

If you don’t do something now about getting your immune system up-to-par, and impose some
restrictions on what enters your body, thus mitigating the chance of real life-threatening illness,
eventually something is going to catch up to you, and that’s a chance you shouldn’t want to take.

When the time comes to pay the piper who blows that discordant-sounding music in your brain,
you are going to crack up into a wreck from which you may not easily recover. I’m one of the
lucky ones who did recover from bad health. From a little study comes enlightenment.

Having enlightened myself, I’ve had but one mild cold in seven years. That’s it! After all, it’s all
about the immune system!
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

The Learning Process

What propelled me to learn how to get healthy and stay that way was a bout with stage II colon
cancer (with colonic perforation). I was actually diagnosed with a faulty gallbladder, and glad it
wasn’t. After an operation to remove the large tumor, I felt the need to investigate ways to kill
errant cancer cells coursing within.

During my affair at the attempt at functioning within the guise of normalcy, and brain-fog (due to
antibiotics) abated to a tolerable level, I began the learning process in an attempt to uncover some
natural products for rebuilding my immune system to kill those intruders. And though I became
somewhat familiar with juicing before my cancer diagnosis, I realized that those cocktails were
just for general health, and not suited for the job I needed done. I knew I had my work cut out for
me. There were countless books, articles and websites dedicated to the seeker of this knowledge,
and it was, to say the least, a tiresome job to accomplish.

In my research I had to learn and fully understand the intricacies of the immune system, and how
to empower it. This was not as easy as I thought it would be. The immune system is very
complicated. Learning how it works, and what to do to boost it, takes some effort on the part of
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
the student. I am a fairly intelligent man, but this was out of my comfort zone. Yet I understood
that I had to continue my self-education if I were going to effect change to my body.

In time, I became somewhat intimately familiar with the immune system. The knowledge gained
laid the foundation from which I would begin the arduous task of studying various formulations
of health products in order to put together a health regimen that would do what I needed. It was
now a matter of studying those products and their ingredients (and the constituents of each) for
efficacy when utilized as a united front for war against the enemy. It would have to strengthen
special “warriors” of the immune system to do battle and win. On paper the combination looked
good. I had trust in what I put together, and I would find out later that determination pays off.

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

After having examined dozens of potential players for the one-two combo punch I needed, I settled
on a combination of 10 products specifically chosen for killing the cancer cells (a few of the
products are outlined later for immune system health benefits). I was not at all doubtful that it
would work for me. I am not a flag waving optimist, but I did have faith in the many hours of work
I did in order to come to a logical conclusion about the products. Wishful thinking had nothing to
do with my knowing I had hit on just the right combination for me.

There were many decisions I had to make; cross-referencing with respect to the constituents of
each product; and gauge how well they would work as a team. Having given myself an education
on the workings of the immune system made it all possible. But it was no walk in the park. There
were other variables I to take into consideration as well, that I needn’t go into here.

Now that my offensive team was born, it was now ready to join forces with the immune system to
do battle on the playing field. How I would have loved to have had that game televised!


After one year on the combination I put together, I went to see the oncologist, and it was confirmed
that I was cancer free. Spontaneous healing? Spiritual? Maybe. But I’d like to think otherwise. It
is still surprising to some that I had no fear of the cancer spreading to other parts of the body during
my year-long self-treatment. And even though I had faith in what I was doing, there were a few
moments when I wondered what I would do if it didn’t work for me. I am glad that I didn’t have
to find out the answer to that question.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Good Health: Getting On Board

Many are asleep at living, as far as future health concerns go. Sure, they go about their daily
routines, their familial obligations, and see all is right with their corner of the world, as long as
there is an acceptable healthy existence. They only awaken when something threatens that
existence, such as health degradation.

Humans have always felt that if it isn’t broken don’t try fixing it. This is a fallacy when it comes
to the body! Maintenance is the key! You can’t win at good health if you aren’t caring for yourself
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
in a proactive manner. You are only playing Russian roulette with your health, and eventually that
bullet will find you— Bang! You lose.

With the questionable food sources we rely on for daily sustenance tainted with all manner of
pesticides, chemical preservatives, and inadequate vitamin/mineral content because of degrading
soil conditions, it is difficult to receive vitamin and mineral-balanced meals of substantial integrity.
And though it is preferable to get your nutritional needs from organically-grown foods, most can’t.
The addition of a food-based daily vitamin, from a good source, is better than nothing. But you
need more than that.

Remember, when you were a child, and were told to do the “right thing”, even when your mom or
dad were the last thought on your mind? You made that one mistake you should have known better
to make, and it turned your world upside down for a while. That anxious feeling kept gnawing at
you, because you knew you should have heeded the warnings. Was that not the most terrible feeling
to experience as a youth? If only you had listened, you wouldn’t be in that mess, right?

Think of this as your wakeup call. I wish I could converse with you privately, but since I can’t, let
me plead to your sense of self-preservation—get on board of the health train, or you, like he who
defied mom and dad, will find that you are going to, eventually, have to face the consequences.
Don’t let it get that far. You can be your best friend, or your own mortician. Don’t help in the
preparation of your demise. Undertake to do right by yourself. You’ll live longer and healthier.

I have found that age can really be “just a number”. At sixty-four, I neither feel nor act my age—
I am not “elder”, neither physically nor mentally. But until one can experience that for one’s self,
it is difficult to comprehend the true meaning of what I’m talking about. Getting to your 70s and
beyond in good health should be your coveted goal. Make it reality. Plan today for tomorrow, and
pave the way to good health.

For many, though, this is not the case, because aches and pains are the lot in life accepted early on
with the diagnosis given them by their doctor. Inflammatory disease, just to mention one ill, can
be a formidable opponent to those entering their golden years. And, sometimes, even for the young.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
But it doesn’t have to be. Start early taking care of business, and you’ll appreciate living that much

There are parts of the nation to which the award goes for worst “well-being” that is well-deserved
because of regional dietary choices. Hopefully, that distinction will change in the very near future
with education and desire for change. In the meantime, the “sickest” states continue churning out
physically weak specimens of adults who can’t enjoy life. I am not heartless. I feel for those who
are in a precarious health condition, and I wish it weren’t so. I wish there was a quick-fix to their
situation, but, unfortunately, there isn’t. But that does not mean there is no hope. The longer
sickness and disease has taken hold, the longer it takes to improve physically, but in many dire
situations, it has been done.

Let’s focus our efforts on staying healthy by empowering the immune system so it can buffer us
against the elements, so-to-speak, that wants to take us down. Examining our diets and fingering
some of the culprits for expulsion is another way.

For many people, reducing inflammation turns the fight into a small victory! Couple that with
some proven products, and win the battle!

Many have some real concerns that need addressing. Even if you are a relatively healthy person,
you should really look ahead, because good health has a way of becoming not so good. Let’s try
and keep your health in a state of “goodness”. That’s what it’s all about.

Staying proactive with regard to your health, much like a professional athlete who will not
compromise his health and lose endorsements, will serve you well. Edging yourself toward
becoming the best example of good health status may encourage others to follow suit. Paying the
information in this guide forward could be the best gift you could give family and friends.

With a few simple changes to one’s life-habits, it is possible to enjoy a coveted day-to-day
existence some believe is lost to them. Supercharging your immune system is the best way to
ensure you live life with a somewhat bullet-proof body. Wouldn’t you like to own that? You can.
Keep reading.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Strengthening Your Immune System

Part II
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Thyroid Problems

Before we examine some products designed for your good health, let me say a bit about thyroid
problems. In the United States alone there are millions of people with this condition. How many
are undiagnosed, is anyone’s guess. You may have some thyroid problem and not know it. That
is why I added this small section, in hopes that you will opt to get screened. If you then find that
you are among those with thyroid problems, hopefully you can start the ball rolling to correcting
it by taking the advice in the next few pages.

The thyroid gland regulates metabolism. When the thyroid gland does not secrete enough hormone,
problems can arise, negatively affect your health. A slow metabolism will affect body functions to
performing below par, resulting in many physical problems, as well as mental degradation. You
can develop some very chronic health conditions if this is not corrected. Some consequences of
hypothyroidism (under-active) can, in some cases, turn your world up-side down.

You become prone to becoming overweight; can suffer joint pain; digestion of food is incomplete
or slowed. You can develop blood pressure issues. It can affect your heart and other organs. Your
body is incapable of healing from injury as before. There are too many problems associated with
a sluggish metabolism to cover in this short guide, but know that you will be functioning well
below par, and never get a clue as to why, unless your doctor performs tests. If it is found that you
are having a thyroid-function issue, your doctor will most likely want to put you on prescription
drug therapy to address the issue--and the possibility that more serious problems can surface--
especially for the elder consumer, can be a real concern. If you are one who is affected by this
problem, continue reading. You may be surprised to learn that you may be able to help yourself!
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
The List

The products and foods you will be reading about in this guide is one of the most complete lists
for health that actually gets results! Sure, there are many other foods and products I did not include
here. That is because these staples for immune system health are really all you need. So, please
read through each one, and if your curiosity is piqued, go online and do a little more thorough
investigating to convince yourself that this is, indeed, the best and least expensive goldmine for
extracting health benefits. Every product I suggest is something I am currently using or have used
for at least a couple of years.


Let me state that I have NO relationship with any of the producers of the products I reference here.
I am not an Amazon partner, so I get no “kick-back” for anything I suggest from that giant retailer.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Coconut Oil

Ever since I learned about this life-sustaining product, I have been extoling its virtues far and wide.
There’s good reason to shout it out on the mountain top: this oil is nothing like any other oil you
may have used in the past. Olive oil has its great properties; but coconut oil is far and wide the
healthiest, due to what immense health gains are possible with its ingestion. It has been used for
its many health benefits; and in the last few years has garnered a well-deserved reputation for
helping those who use it to live free of the ills that plague a great many.

Organic, unrefined, virgin coconut oil is a nutritious oil. It can also help in making nutrients more
bioavailable to your body! It has great antibacterial and antiviral properties. That is only part of
the reason this oil is “Manna” from heaven! If there was a poster-guy for this oil, my mug would
be plastered all over the world. I owe my health, in part, to this oil, and will continue ingesting this
nectar for life.

For years negative reporting has come to make many dubious about the health benefits of this oil.
Mainstream medicine believed, for some time, that this was an artery-clogging oil. Then the
pharmaceutical companies jumped on the bandwagon as well, sponsoring negative feedback,
trying to qualify what health workers thought to be the case, afraid that many would improve their
health, eating into their profit-making machine.

Because of the high fat content of the oil, and only anecdotal evidence of Malaysians, Filipinos,
and others with years of consumption experience enjoying good health, it was viewed as a
dangerous oil to consume on a daily basis. Many are now realizing that this is not the case! Thanks
to documented proof over a period of time, the results prove, irrefutably, that this is a healthy oil.
It can also help diabetics improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in type II diabetes, and
rev up a sluggish thyroid gland.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Total fat: 13 g

Saturated Fat: 12 g

Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2 g

Monounsaturated Fat: 0.8 g

But isn’t that amount of fat actually bad for you in the long run? No. Well, not from this oil!

Fats and oils are made up of fatty acid molecules. But it is the type of fatty acids you consume that
make the difference in how they affect your system, such as your heart and your cholesterol level,
weight gain, etc. The composition of the fatty acids in coconut oil are of the MCFA-type (medium-
chain fatty acids). Our body reacts to the size of the fatty acid, and that’s what makes the difference
when the body metabolizes certain oils. There are SCFA (short-chain fatty acids), MCFA
(medium-chain fatty acids), and LCFA (long-chain fatty acids). Another interesting bit is this
MCFA oil is converted into energy, and reduces the liver’s workload.

I can attest to the efficacy of coconut oil’s amazing health benefits, because I have been ingesting
this food for seven years. I see the amazing results; I feel its life-rejuvenating properties every day.
At sixty-four, I sleep like a baby. I am not bothered being awakened by my wife’s snoring at any
time of the night, as I just fall asleep again in a matter of minutes. It wasn’t always like that. It
only began happening after several months or so on coconut oil and mushroom complex capsules.
But don’t quote me.

I am hoping that you will want to give this life-sustaining oil a chance to bring you to a level of
health you may be missing yourself.

Please go to Dr. Bruce Fife’s website, for more information: Coconut Research Center
( You may want to purchase one of his books on the subject. Dr. Fife
does great work, and supporting his efforts is worth it.

Note: Children can benefit from this oil as well. Mother’s milk has MCFAs essential to the growth
and health of the infant, so it safe for young children.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
This oil helps in relieving the job that the immune system has. By destroying viruses and bacteria,
the immune system is greatly helped, in that there is less it has to contend with. But this oil offers
far more health benefits to your system than that. This oil is also beneficial to the pre-diabetic and
diabetic, and it doesn’t cause insulin spikes.

Just a few things coconut oil can do:

Helps with digestion

Aids bowel function

Destroys viruses that causes the flu and other illnesses

Helps to regulate cholesterol levels

Aids in the absorption of key nutrients and minerals

Aids in insulin regulation, helping maintain healthy blood sugar levels

Helps in reducing inflammation (topic discussed earlier)

Supports healthy liver status

Helps to regulate thyroid health

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

This short list is only the tip of the iceberg! I hope I have convinced you that you need to look
further into learning about this oil, especially for weight loss. Well, that’s the skinny on this great

Coconut Oil Dosing

If you are allergic to nuts (or have G6PD), you needn’t worry about ingesting coconut oil. The
coconut is actually from the palm family, and is therefore not a nut or peanut. To reap the greatest
benefits of coconut oil, I advise you to ingest it every day. Also, use the actual oil instead of

Coconut oil becomes a solid at temperatures below 76 degrees Fahrenheit; a liquid above that.

Start out by using one teaspoon of the oil for a couple of days, either straight (how I take it; many
can’t take the oily consistency straight), or mixed in foods, such as oatmeal, rice, soups, etc. You
can “butter” your bread (plain or toasted), in place of butter, and can use it to fry foods.

Mix in your green smoothies with pulverized flaxseed (don’t flaxseed if you have inflammatory
bowel syndrome, such as Crohn’s disease), and enjoy a nutritious, power-packed drink.

After a couple of days you can go for two teaspoons per day (one teaspoon twice a day). Then go
for 1 tablespoon per day after a few more days. After several days, go for two tablespoons (one
tablespoon twice a day). Work up to a maximum of 3 to 4 tablespoons a day. If you experience
loose bowels, cut back on the dosage until your body acclimates itself to the oil. If you are
overweight you will lose some pounds—it happens with coconut oil—the best type of side-effect.
After six months, you can go to one tablespoon a day—the maintenance dosage. I’ve been taking
3 to 4 a day for 7 years, because I love the stuff!
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
For young children, it is advised 1 to 1 ½ tablespoons a day. You can mix in their foods. That
equates to just over 4 teaspoons per day. Space it out during the day.

You can get it as low as $7.50 for 16 oz. (, but I advise you to buy in larger sizes, as
you will save more. It’s as simple as that to start your journey to good health.

My wife began and stopped taking coconut oil because she couldn’t take the taste, no matter how
I praised its virtues. Just recently she relented, and the results of just her weight loss alone is
amazing (with exercise and a couple of other products outlined in this list). She now extols the
benefit of her accomplishment to her church friends, and all that will listen. Actually, the taste of
a good quality unrefined, virgin, organic coconut oil product tastes quite good.

The next product you should want to start a relationship with is mushroom capsules (unless you’ve
an allergy to mushrooms).
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Medicinal Mushroom Capsules

Mushrooms, the once exotic fungi of those in the know, we now understand a great deal about.
Antioxidant and amino acid-rich, the mushroom contains powerful nutrients that can empower the
immune system. It is a rich source of the antioxidant, “selenium”, as well as other essential
elements. It contains powerful agents that also embolden killer cells to cause apoptosis of cancer
cells (causes their death).

The three biggies in this category are:




The mushroom has the potential to affect us in ways we could never have imagined this simple,
shy, edible fungi could. Its properties that support life has come to light, and we shall never again
be confined to the dark about mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms are a bit difficult to digest, and lose
some of its nutrients when cooked. Stick with the capsule form.

Medicinal mushrooms are important for helping to sustain a quality of life we need to be and stay
active. This is one major player you want on your team. I will not delve into the subject, as there
are many fine works available to read on your own. Suffice it to say, though, without some sort of
supplementation, disease prevention is a difficult thing to achieve in today’s world. This is one of
those helper supplements that does its job of protecting you by strengthening the immune system.
Take according to label. You may take it every day.

Garden Of Life sells RM-10, a proven product (somewhat costly), but worth it. I’ve been taking
this product for many years and it does a body good.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
RM-10, (, consists of 10 organically-grown mushrooms. It is specially formulated
to be extremely bioavailable to cells in the body. And because of the 100 mcg selenium content
(in this particular product), and that of some multivitamin brands containing 200mcg, you’ll be
getting 300 mcg of selenium. Find a good food-based multivitamin with 100 to 200 mcg of
selenium if you do choose to go with RM-10. If you buy a different mushroom complex product
without added selenium, you’re fine with a multi containing 200 mcg of selenium.

Swanson sells a reasonably priced mushroom complex capsule without added selenium. This will
suffice for most: Swanson Full Spectrum Mushroom Complex

Google to see if your medicines will interact negatively with selenium. Very few will. If you are
taking a blood thinner, *Reishi mushrooms in RM-10 and Swanson Complex may be
contraindicated. Consult with your doctor. Take only one the above products, but don’t take both
the mushroom complex AND the “Essential Sugars Complex” (below). It’s one or the other.

If you have a particularly hurried lifestyle, then go for the RM-10 Ultra with 200 mcg of selenium.
In either case, please don’t feel disappointed if you don’t “feel” anything after a month or so. It IS
working “behind the scenes”! Note: Selenium’s upper-limit is 400 mcg. For several years I’ve
been taking 400 mcg of selenium without problems. Your mileage may vary. You may want to
start out with a maximum of 300 mcg of selenium from a combination of both multivitamin and a
mushroom complex.

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

The science behind Glyconutrients, or the eight essential “sugars”, is so overwhelming that you
can’t help but champion its use to all who will lend their ears. This product is for adults. Do not
give to children. Further, if you have low blood pressure, and/or are taking medication to raise it,
please monitor your numbers more often. Also, if you have high blood pressure, keep tabs on your

This type of supplementation is the culmination of years of research on Polysaccharides. This

supplement will strengthen your immune system to highs you never thought possible. If you are
interested in learning more about this amazing health product, click on the link, “8 Essential Sugars
– David Wolfe” for a PDF download to learn a little something about it. He does a decent job of
introducing you to Glyconutrients. Do not take this with mushroom complex products – it’s one
or the other.

You can get all the 8 “sugars” from a product like Swanson’s, “Ultra Full-Spectrum Essential
Sugar Complex”. Site:

8 Essential Sugars - David Wolfe .

Understand, please, that I am not suggesting you buy any specific products I reference. You can
search around and purchase any brand from any online store you wish. As long as the ingredients
are similar, from a reputable manufacturer, you’re good to go. If you settle on a different brand,
check Amazon’s site for user reviews of that product.

I ask that you read, “Sugars That Heal”, by Mondoa and Kite, for an eye-opening glimpse into the
world of Glyconutrients. I read it back in 2003, but I didn’t have the sense to utilize the information
for my own use. I should have known better. Anyway, it is a fantastic ride into a whole new world.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.


A few of the signs that you may need to begin taking probiotics:

A yeast infection

Skin problems
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Digestive Tract disorders

Antibiotics use

There are a slew of other conditions that lend themselves well to probiotic use. We all should take
a good probiotic daily containing billions of live cultures. I do suggest, however, that you purchase
your probiotic in capsule form for better absorption, and less financial outlay.

You need to have an optimally regulated intestinal tract in order for your system to help keep you
healthy. Directly associated with a healthy digestive tract is the immune system. Without healthy
intestinal flora, bad bacteria builds up and that’s when problems arise. Getting good probiotics in
the mix kill the bad guys, and help flourish the system with the good guys. Please don’t take this
health agent lightly! Even if you haven’t been a recipient of antibiotics, you still need to feed the
good flora and kill off the bad invaders.

The most important strains of the living organisms in a good probiotic are:

L. Acidophilus - A strain of the Lactobacillus species. Good for supporting nutrient absorption.

B. Longum – For digestive tract toxins.

B. Bifidum – Helps to breakdown dairy, fats, carbohydrates and protein.

There are other types included in probiotic treatment, but these three are the major players.

Buy from a reputable company by searching online for “customer reviews” for the chosen
probiotic. Choose a multi-strain probiotic with 5 billion bacteria count per capsule so you don’t
suffer the uncomfortable “die-off” syndrome. If you have no real digestive tract problems, (gas,
bloating, etc.), you may start with a higher dose, perhaps 10 or 15 billion per capsule, and raise
that later. Your call.

Make sure at least two of the three major players are included in the formulation. If you opt to go
with yogurt, make sure you read, “Live Cultures” on the label. If you can get at least two of the
big players in the yogurt, go for that brand. Unsweetened is best. Go with your “gut”.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Turmeric is related to the ginger family. Curcumin is the active ingredient. For thousands of years,
Asians have used it for medicinal purposes, especially for its antimicrobial properties. Research
has shown that when turmeric is used with black pepper, it actually helps the body absorb it that
much better. A turmeric product with added black pepper is readily available at most online health
stores, such as

Perhaps the top anti-inflammatory natural agent you could buy, turmeric has properties known
through scientific study to cease inflammation, therefore easing or eradicating the pain associated
with rheumatoid arthritis, and other ills associated with inflammation. But it doesn’t stop there!
Turmeric gives a natural boost to the immune system, where prescription drugs can sometimes
suppress the immune system, and over time, reduce the body’s natural ability to heal. It is very
high in antioxidants, and has the ability to kill viruses and fungal infections as well. Research has
shown that turmeric is a preventative measure in the fight against cancer, especially prostate and
pancreatic cancer.

If you have high cholesterol, you should start taking turmeric supplements daily, as it is a
dependable ally in breaking up cholesterol deposits, thereby showing that it is a preventative
measure against heart attack and stroke. It helps with lowering high cholesterol by helping the liver
get rid of some of the bad cholesterol. If you are taking drugs to control these issues, discuss with
your doctor your plans to go a natural route, for he or she may wish for more regular testing.

The most surprising aspect of health gains related to turmeric use is for the diabetic. It helps to
lower the blood glucose level, and anything that can accomplish that is well worth ingesting. If
you are a diabetic, I do, however, suggest that you keep tabs on your blood glucose level, as you
may lower it too much. Discuss with your doctor your plan to incorporate this wonderful natural
agent into your diet.

If you are serious with regard to implementing a proven health product, please look into turmeric
supplementation with 95% standardization. According to Dr. Weil, and other qualified experts,
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
400 to 600 mgs of turmeric extract two to three times a day (follow label instructions) is enough
to encourage good health benefits. If you have gallstones, do not take turmeric. Even you if your
unaffected by physical ills, turmeric should still be high on your supplementation list.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Garlic has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, well before our modern way of
healthcare evolved. Today the benefits are well-known to greatly enhance the immune system, and
cure or appreciably abate many confounding ills that make our lives miserable. Many people use
garlic in conjunction with others supplements for the prevention of cancer. Science is supporting
this statement, so garlic shouldn’t be looked at as just another flavor enhancer. It is also a powerful
antibiotic and antimicrobial and antifungal agent. It has been used in successful studies in lowering
high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Heating garlic actually lessens its effects as an immune system enhancer, and killer of invading
microbes. It is best to consume it raw. But many can’t, so supplementation is best. Garlic pills is
your best bet to health. Any product with up to 1000 mg of allum sativum will suffice.


Spirulina is a green algae (well, not quite) and considered a superfood by many, including myself
(one of a few products mentioned here that I used in the fight to kill off the cancer cells). For health
benefits, this plant relieves allergies; gives a super boost to the immune system; provides ample
protein; protects against cancer; helps in lowering bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. Yes,
this is a superfood on steroids!

If you are allergic to iodine or seafood, do not take spirulina. Shop around online for the best prices,
and make sure you buy a brand with high, consistent consumer ratings. Buy spirulina powder, as
you can control how much you use. Start off with a low dosage, working your way up to the
maximum suggested on the label.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Green Super Food

Making a green smoothie, for some, is a chore. The alternative is to purchase green powder. I used
to buy Garden Of Life’s green powder, and used it daily for several years. It is a great product. But
the cost of this brand, along with other necessary supplementation, can take a toll on one’s budget.
It is best to make your own green drinks, as you can control every aspect of what goes into it. But
for those who are not up to that, you can purchase a lower-cost canister for not much, considering
what you gain. Here is an example of cost for a thirty-day supply that is not hard on the card. Look
around for the best deals, and make sure you read all user reviews of the product before settling
on one.

Green Super Food

Olive leaf extract

Olive leaf extract is an extremely powerful immune system enhancer. It has been studied world-
wide, and documented well. It is so potent, that those who regularly ingest it will find a change in
their overall health status taking effect rather quickly. Taking olive leaf extracts along with
turmeric, mushroom complex, and one or more of the other suggested supplements in this section,
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
can be tantamount to living in a glass bubble—you are truly protecting yourself to the greatest
degree possible. For more information, visit: Total Magazine .

For a 100-day supply, you can purchase this supplement for $12 at: The Vitamin Shoppe .

A Cocktail Punch

Along with the above mentioned products for health gains, you can add to our routine, apples,
carrots and kale. This is a super-drink, designed to fortify you for your best to shine through. It is
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
a powerful antioxidant-rich combination, containing essential vitamins and minerals. But those
with blood sugar concerns should talk to their doctor first.


2 apples, quartered (preferably, organic)

4 carrots, scraped, cut into thirds

Handful of kale (preferably, organic)

Optional: about 1/8 teaspoon of fresh, peeled and grated ginger

Coconut water (adjust to your liking)

In an nutrient extractor/pulverizer machine, such as the Nutribullet, or Nutribullet RX, or Nutri

Ninja IQ system, add 4 carrots, scraped, cut into thirds; one or two apples, cored, quartered (leave
skin on if organic; peel, if not); 1/8 teaspoon of fresh, peeled ginger (optional); a handful of rinsed
kale. Add coconut water (you may adjust the liquid to your liking). You may want to add very cold
liquid or a few ice cubes, as the blend will be a bit warm. Blend until all ingredients are fully
integrated. If too thick, add more liquid (or ice cubes) and blend more. Incorporating ginger every
day in your diet has immense health benefits!

Bonus: A good source of fiber. You may have this drink several times a week if you don’t have
blood sugar concerns. To help blunt the effects of the sugar in the apples and carrots, continue
taking coconut oil daily, especially if you aren’t getting some fats in your diet (we all should
consume some healthy fats).

There are green smoothie drink recipes all over the internet for the purpose of getting your health
improved, and I suggest you look into this. Once a day, or two or three times a week—whatever
you can do will add health benefits that improve your lot in life to an appreciable degree. Go for

Free green smoothie drink recipes: Here
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
And here: Daily Burn

This one is from :

7 Fruits & Veggies a Day Green Smoothie

 1 cup unsweetened almond milk or coconut water
 1 cup baby spinach
 1 cup kale
 1 cup fresh or frozen mango
 1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple
 1 orange peeled and seeded
 1 lime peeled
 1/2 cucumber
 1 banana
 1 Tbsp goji berries or 1/2 cup mixed berries
 1 to 2 dates (optional)
 1 Tbsp hemp seeds (optional)
 1 Tbsp flaxseeds (optional)
 1 Tbsp chia seeds (optional)

This one, from Raw Family, contains 15 easy-to-do recipes.

Read why we need some fats in our diets.

Anti-inflammatory properties of ginger and more

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Bananas: A Power Fruit

For several years now, I’ve been consuming two bananas blended with a cup of organic milk every
day. I love the taste of bananas, but like it better blended as a “milkshake”, because it is so very
satisfying! But there is so much more to the banana than its complimentary handshake with milk.
The fruit is a wonder all its own, and a great immune system helper. A little real vanilla in the mix
gives it an even better taste!

Bananas are chock full of B-vitamins. It also contains magnesium and potassium. It is known to
help in the prevention of diseases, especially of the eyes and kidneys.

Just two of these palette-pleasing pleasures a day, along with other products outlined in this guide,
can effect behind-the-scenes changes that will help you remain fit and ready to face the grind of
the day. When you can, and if you are fine with milk, make your shake for morning consumption,
or that quick lunch pick-me-up. I rarely miss having a daily shake. You really don’t need the milk,
as for some, it upsets the stomach. There is lactose-free milk, but why bother. Hail to the banana!

Red Cider Vinegar

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Much has been written about red cider vinegar in recent years, but it has been around for quite a
long time. Evidence that red cider vinegar has rejuvenating effects on the body continue to become
evident with every study, according to many prominent researchers around the world.

There is evidence that it may also be beneficial to pre-diabetics, as well as those with type II
diabetes, with as much as 20 per cent of type II diabetics (in a research study) improving insulin

It is thought that red cider vinegar may inactivate digestive enzymes, culminating in the slowing
of the conversion of carbs into sugar. Mounting evidence shows this is likely true.

There are countless benefits to your health other than aiding the diabetic, so you would be doing
yourself good by introducing yourself to this product.

A tablespoon in a cup (8 oz.) of filtered water, two to three times a day, the suggested dosing.

When buying apple cider vinegar for health purposes, stay away from the supermarket type. What
you want is one that has the “mother” in it. It looks like cloudy, web-like material. Hold it to the
light to see.

Food-based vitamins/Selenium

I’m not necessarily one who rallies the troops to ingest a daily vitamin if you are getting a good
amount of your needs met through eating. But in most cases, people are lacking in many of the
essential vitamins and minerals because of drug-induced mineral depletion, poor eating habits,
and/or the quality of the food itself.

The cost of a well-made, crap-free, food-based multi-vitamin can be a costly addition to one’s
daily routine. But the rewards are worth the expenditure. So those who can afford to do so, should.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Andrew Lessman’s ProCaps site is also worth a look. These are only suggestions, as I buy from
these companies. You should choose from whom you wish to buy. I’ve no special relationship
with these companies.

I suggest food-based multivitamins without iron (or a very little of it), unless you really have to
have iron on the advice of your doctor. But you really should get your iron from the foods you eat.
If, however, you are on the green smoothies kick, your need for iron supplementation is mostly
likely not needed. Because of the massive amount of information concerning iron overdosing,
please use caution.

If supplementing with vitamins, I always recommend a daily food-based multivitamin because

these are integrated within a combination of foods such as: spirulina, greens, vegetable juice,
probiotics, and are made more readily bioavailable to the body. For a decent, low-cost, food-based
vitamin, I suggest:

Rainbow Light Brand. Certainly not the best food-based multivitamin out there, but better than
most bargain crap you can get, and very affordable. Purchase without iron and make sure there is
at least 200mcg of selenium (vitamin E complex works well with selenium, so make certain that
your multivitamin has it). Just use the guidelines I pointed out above concerning mushroom caps,
and choose what you wish. Just make sure it is food-based. And please: don’t buy bargain basement
store brands! You may as well just toss your money into the Salvation Army kettle instead (they
do need it). Here is an example of cost for men and women:

Men's Multi

Women's Multi

At less than $22 for a 150-day supply, it is certainly easy on the wallet. If you are over fifty, choose
the appropriate-age formulation. Yes, there are better brands, but not all are capable of putting out
big bucks for what could suffice in a pinch. If you can, of course, go for a better-formulated brand.
That’s the way I see it.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

D3, Calcium, Magnesium

Getting the sun on your skin for the purpose of disease control is absolutely essential, but difficult
to achieve. Many are lacking in this vital steroid for that purpose. The best alternative is to
supplement with a good D3 source. D3 is also needed for the absorption of calcium.

D3 has been proven to be a team player in the prevention of disease and has a profound effect on
the immune system. Therefore, it is advised you supplement with D3 of upwards of 2,000 IU daily,
taking into account from all sources. If you aren’t supplementing with a food-based multi
containing 1,000 IU – 2,000, a D3 supplementation with calcium should be considered a must.

Another benefit of D3 supplementation is cardiovascular disease prevention. It is also a major

player in preventing autoimmune diseases such as MS, and other debilitating ills, including some

A good D3 supplement from a reputable source costs next to nothing, and there is no excuse for
not looking into it. Along with calcium at 500 to 1,000 mg per day, you’re doing your body a favor
it will thank you for. If you must get these two supplements separately from your multivitamin,
know that they are among the least expensive of supplementation. Use calcium citrate, as it is more
easily absorbed, especially for older adults.

Magnesium is so crucial to health that without it, your body can break down to such a degree, that
it becomes difficult to repair some of the damage. Juicing with greens is a good way to get a
sufficient amount of this vital mineral. If supplementing, get at least 300 mg – 400 mg of
magnesium citrate. If you are interested in learning more, go here: Magnesium.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Importance of B3 (Niacin)

Niacin plays a critical role in your overall health. The health benefits of niacin are far more than
once thought to be. Without adequate amounts of this B-family gem, our health could suffer to the
detriment of some of your body organs, including the heart. Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin, and
it supports over 200 vital chemical reactions that occur in our bodies. It should be taken with or
after a meal. Do not ingest high values of the time-released formulation, as there are concerns
about liver damage. If the B-vitamin complex (there are 8 B-vitamins) multivitamin you take
doesn’t contain at least 35 mg of niacin (B3), please supplement with additional amount. IF you
have liver disease, or drink heavily, see your doctor for tests to determine if niacin is right for you.
B3 is one of the most inexpensive supplementations on the market. Buy from reputable sources
with good consumer reviews. Don’t take more than 50 mg per day without first consulting with
your doctor.

Importance of Selenium

A lot of the behind-the-hood workings of the body depend, in part, on selenium. Your immune
system needs it, as well as for thyroid function. It works well with vitamin E, fighting off free
radicals responsible for damage to cells and DNA. Without selenium, we lower our resistance to
disease by interrupting the ferocity of the immune system. It is all about the immune system!

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
If you are able to exercise, please do. You can take a 30-minute walk once or twice a day. Make
sure you walk at a pace that gets a little cardio action going.

If you have exercise bands, use them for 15 to 30 minutes a day.

You do not have to “kill yourself” while exercising. As long as you can get your heart rate up, you
will be giving yourself a decent “workout” that will serve you well.

Diabetics need to exercise as well. This will help in controlling the level of blood glucose. Do
NOT take this lightly. It is for your health and your life!

If you have physical restrictions that would become exacerbated by physical activity, just go nice
and easy. Utilize exercises that will not compound any pre-existing problems.

The Ball Is Now In Your Court

You are now aware of ways to improve the integrity of your immune system. Whether you run
with it, or not, is ultimately your decision. I have tried the best in my power to make sure that the
protocol is light on the wallet, and I do believe I’ve accomplished that. You can save a great deal
by not shopping for these products in the big, brick-and-mortar stores (except, perhaps, for the
coconut oil, where you can sometimes find huge discounts on 54 oz. tubs), as the internet is a cache
of discounted products, especially at the giant, Amazon.

If, for some reason, you do not have the means to buy each product, don’t worry. Getting a few of
these can start you on the road to good health.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Coconut oil, integrated with a reasonably decent diet, along with a good probiotic, a food-based
multivitamin, and the cutting down on junk foods, sweets, sodas, and the like, will do wonders for
our health, given some time.

The mushroom complex capsules and the coconut oil, olive leaf extract, and a food-based
multivitamin is enough to start your life on the good foot.

The pairing of eight essential sugars capsule, food-based multivitamin, coconut oil, and your
probiotic can effect a wondrous change, in time.

The “Cocktail Punch” once or twice a week, a food-based multivitamin (if your system requires
vitamin supplementation), coconut oil, and taking apple cider vinegar each day is a great
foundational start to better health.

The mushroom complex and a daily, food-based vitamin is a strong ally in your quest to stay

The 8 Essential Sugars Complex and a daily food-based vitamin, and your daily coconut oil is one
way to stay healthy.

So, as you can see, you needn’t have a healthy bank account in order to acquire a healthy body!
But do try to incorporate as much of these products as you can.

Remember: Purchase only mushroom complex capsules, OR the 8 Essential Sugars product.

You should have a complete blood workup to find if you are lacking in certain vitamins and
minerals. If you are deficient in the B vitamin family, you should correct that on the advice of your
doctor (I know). If you are told you need to supplement those, get your own! Don’t accept a
prescription for the junk your doctor will prescribe for you. If he opts to give you shots for B-12,

I was asked what I take each day. For your interest, MY daily regimen:

Mushroom Complex capsule.

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Coconut oil.

D3 and Calcium Citrate supplements.

B-complex supplement

Food-based multi.

At the very least, you should supplement with:

Coconut oil.

Mushroom Capsules or Eight Sugars Complex.

Turmeric and/or Olive leaf extract.

Food-based multi (if advised you need it).

I’ve been supplementing for seven years, but eating a well-balanced diet, even for me, is difficult,
so I add the food-based vitamin.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.

Important Additions

Whenever you can, try to get these foods into your system, either by juicing (preferable), or
traditional preparation, and don’t overcook (save for tomatoes—cook long to release lycopene). If
you are diabetic, please consult with your caretaker, as many of these foods can have a positive
effect on lowering blood glucose levels, and helping with insulin sensitivity, thus reacting with
your medication. These are what the diabetic should be getting into their system, but they should
be on top of their blood glucose numbers if they take medication for their diabetes, to make sure
they aren’t inadvertently helping themselves too much.

Of course, you don’t have to be diabetic to reap the health rewards these foods offer. And, make
sure to exercise a little bit every day. Getting a short workout of 10 minutes a day, can do more for
you than you thought possible. It isn’t all about gaining shape and definition. Exercise can lengthen
your life-span—especially for the diabetic (just stay on top of your glucose testing!).


Tomato (cooked, to allow the lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, to be boosted)



Green Tea (Okay, not a food, but drink several cups a week)
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.










Red Onions

Baby Spinach

Flax seed



Avocado (contains many necessary vitamins/minerals)

I cannot over-emphasize the importance of how these foods can effect a wondrous body change
for all of us. These are among the greatest foods that for health you could utilize against disease.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.


It is best to take water in the form of spring, or filtered. NEVER chance drinking tap water (unless
fitted with a good filtering system). If you’re not drinking enough water, you’re slowly dehydrating
yourself. We need a good amount of water for our cells and other metabolic processes. It also helps
in flushing the digestive system.

It can help burn fat and increase your energy levels, as well. The general consensus is eight 8 oz.
glasses per day. If you exercise, drink electrolyte water (sports drink, unsweetened) every 15
minutes or so.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Cancer Free, by Bill Henderson

I have not used this particular guide when dealing with my own situation with cancer, as I was
unaware of its existence at the time. However, I have read and studied it and researched everything
contained in the pages of this guide, and I am convinced that the author has collected the best help
cancer patients need to know exists.

I am convinced of the veracity of the author’s words and beliefs, because I agree with most of the
logical points he makes, for whatever weight that may carry with the reader. This is the only guide
you will ever need to learn what’s what in alternative cancer treatments.

It is wholly in the interest of those who are curious concerning the difference between mainstream
treatment and a natural approach to cancer to at least examine the book. I personally recommend
the treatments outlined in the book, as they are among the best for those stricken with cancer. It is
a far better journey to take than the traditional methods used by the “establishment”.

Beating Cancer Gently

I want to thank you for purchasing this guide. It was a labor of love, and now that it is out of my
system, I am hopeful that you will point friends, relatives and anyone else you think can benefit
from it in the right direction so that they may, too, learn just how easy it is to live with better health,
and learn something about pharmaceutical drugs.

You may send comments, or questions to:

Note: “Journey To Health” was the original name for the first edition of this book. With added
sections, I changed the name to reflect the additional information.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
If I may ask a favor: please give a quick review on Amazon of this work. If you found it positive
and helpful, help me get ratings that could make this guide stand out from what is currently
available. You may do so by clicking here .

With sincere wishes for health and happiness,

Eddie Palmon.

About the author

Eddie Palmon, was born in Brooklyn, NY, 64 years ago. He began his love of researching health
literature after his cancer adventure, just a few short years ago.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
Eddie resides in Rocky Mount, NC with his wife, Jean, a member of New Morning Star Church
of Christ, close to their residence.

They have had a union of thirty years, twenty of those in lawful marriage.

Eddie enjoys repairing computers, reading anything technically challenging, playing his piano and
guitars, and collecting electronic gadgets. He is often lovingly referred to as “book-head” by the
only person who can get away with it: his wife!

Parting Words

Some readers will want to rate this guide low, or leave unflattering comments because I gave space
to harpooning a broken medical system. I felt strongly that you needed upfront information in the
form of an appetizer, before I got to the Kobe steak dinner. I was hoping that this would make you
appreciate the dinner better. Hopefully by pointing out what ill health has in store for you down
the line, you will resolve to never allow your defenses to drop.
Immune System: Immunity Supercharged!
Get Healthy And Stay Healthy © 2015
Eddie Palmon, Foreword, Dr. Bruce Fife, Ph.D.
I hope I have met my goal in providing the best advice for getting your health on track, and am
hopeful that you feel the same. If you would, please leave a review based on the end result. I do
hope you feel this is a reasonable request.

Bless you and stay healthy and empowered!

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