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1. Connect the handle attachments and set the cable pulleys to shoulder height. Stand between the cables,
turn to face away from the cable pulley and grasp one handle in each hand in an overhand grip. Take two
steps forward and plant your feet in a split stance with your left foot forward and right foot back, making
your feet slightly further than shoulder width apart. Extend your arms directly in front of your chest with
your hands touching, ensuring that the cables are running over your shoulders.
2. Bend your elbows outwards to bring the handles towards your shoulders, ensuring your forearms
remain parallel to the floor at all times.
3. Using the muscles in your chest and arms,extend your elbows to return to starting position.



1. Turn to face the cable pulley. Standing a half step away, place both feet slightly further than shoulder-
width apart. Place both hands on the bar with an overhand grip and hold the bar directly in front of your
body with your arms extended.
2. Bend your elbows to allow the bar to come up towards your chest, ensuring that your elbows remain in
close contact with the sides of your body.
3. Using your triceps, extend your elbows and push the bar downwards to return to the starting position.


1. Extend your arms and hold the barbell directly in front of your chest with your palms facing away from
your body.
2. While keeping your shoulders still, bend your elbows to lower the barbell towards your forehead.
3. Using your triceps, extend your elbows to return to the starting position, ensuring that your shoulders,
elbows, and wrists remain in line with each other the whole time.



1. Lay on your left side with your arm extended.

2. Bend both knees to put them in line with your glutes, ensuring your hips are stacked.
3. Keeping your feet together, activate your right glute to elevate your right knee towards the ceiling.Lower
your right knee back to your left knee.


1. Plant both feet on the floor further than shoulder width apart, pointing both feet slightly outwards.
2. Looking straight ahead, bend at both the hips and knees, making sure your knees stay in line with your
toes. Continue bending your knees until your upper legs are parallel with the floor.
3. Make sure your back remains within 45-90 degrees of your hips. Push your legs back up to return to the
starting position.



1. Place a bench in front of you and stand shoulder width apart. Plant your entire left foot on the bench,
making sure your knee is in line with your toes.
2. Push through the heel of your left foot to extend your leg (don’t push through your toes). As you extend
your left leg, bend your right knee and draw it in towards your chest.
3. Extend and lower your leg to return to the starting position.


1. Sit in the leg press and pant your feet further than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward.
Press the foot plate away from your torso and release the leg press from its locked position.
2. Bend your knees and lower the foot plate towards your torso until your knees almost touch your chest.
3. Extend your knees and press the foot plate away to return to the starting position.



1. Set the height of the Smith machine to approximately chin height. Place a bench slightly behind the bar.
Put the bar so it rests on your upper back, and place both hands on the bar.Stand up tall and release the
bar from its locked position and plant both feet on the floor slightly further than shoulder width apart.
2. Looking straight ahead, bend at both the hips and knees, ensuring that your knees remain in line with
your toes. Continue bending your knees until you are able to lightly sit on the bench behind you, keeping
your back at a 45-90 degree angle to your hips the whole time.
3. Push through your feet and return to starting position.


1. Holding a dumbbell in each hands, shuffle off a bench so your heels hover off the end of a step.

2. Lower and raise your heels so they are slightly below the step, and then slightly above the step.



1. Holding a dumbbell directly above your chest with both hands, lie on your back.

2.Extend your legs.Bend your knees and bring them in towards your chest, keeping your feet together.


1. Lay on your back with your legs extended out in front of you. Bend your elbows behind your head and
bring your legs to make a 90 degree angle at your hips.
2. Extend your arms to touch your feet, lifting your head, shoulder blades, and torso off the mat.



1. Holding a dumbbell in your left hand, start with your left arm extended above your head and right arm
out to the side.
2. Raise your leg off the mat and arm at the same time and bring them together. Make sure your right
shoulder remains pressed into the mat.


1. Plant both feet slightly further than shoulder-width apart.

2. Hold the band out in front of you, making sure your elbows are completely locked.Using your shoulders
and back, pull the recovery band out and back.



1. Place both hands on the bar overhand, ensuring that they are slightly wider than your body. Bend at the
hips and knees and lean forward in a 45-degree position.
2. While maintaining a slight bend in your elbows, extend your arms to bring the bar to head height.Without
changing the angle at your elbow, pull the bar in towards your legs until your elbows are in close contact
with the sides of your body.


1. Place both hands on the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Sit on the bend
and hold the bar directly in front of your belly button with arms extended.
2. Pull your shoulder blades down and back slightly to push your chest out.While maintaining a proud chest,
bend your elbows towards your chest. You should feel a small squeeze between your shoulder blades.



1. Place both hands on the close grip attachment with a neutral grip. Sit down on the band directly below
the attachment and plant both feet on the floor. Adjust the leg pads so they are pressing firmly on your
upper legs.
2. Lean back slightly from your hips and bend your elbows and pull the attachment down towards the chest
until it is just below chin height and your elbows are in close contact with the side of your body.
3. Slowly lean forward and extend your elbows to return the starting position.


1. Set an incline bench to 85 degrees. Holding two dumbbells with an underhand grip directly in front of
your chest, sit down on the bench and plant your feet on the floor.
2. Using the muscles in your shoulders and arms, extend your elbows to press the dumbbells above your
head, rotating your wrists outwards to turn your palms away from your body.
3. Return to starting position.



1. Turn to face the cable pulley and place both hands on the rope with an overhand grip. Standing one step
away, plant your right foot on the floor and take a small step backwards with your left foot into a split
stance. Lean back slightly and extend your elbows to bring the rope in front of your face.
2. Bend your elbows outwards, and using the muscles in your shoulders and back, bring the rope in
towards your face until your hands are by your ears. Avoiding ‘shrugging’ your shoulders.
3. Extend your elbows back to the starting position.


1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip with arms out by your sides.
2. Raise the dumbbells outwards and upwards to shoulder height, ensuring that you draw your shoulder
blades down and back.



1. Plnt both feet on the floor shoulder width apart. Hinge forward so your torso is parallel to the floor. Bend
your knees slightly and extend your arms to hold the dumbbells directly below your chest.
2. While maintaining a slight bend in your elbows, raise the dumbbells outwards and upwards from below
your chest until they reach shoulder height.
3. Gently lower the dumbbells to starting position.


1. Pick up a barbell and hold it with an overhand grip directly in front of your body. Plant both feet slightly
further than shoulder width apart.
2. Gently raise the barbell forwards and up to just below shoulder width height.
3. Return barbell to starting position.



1. Extend both legs and engage abs by letting them hover off the ground.
2. While keeping your legs extended, slowly raise your legs upwards until they form a 90 degree angle with
your hips.
3. Slowly return your legs to your hovering starting position.


1. Connect the small bar attachment. Turn to face away from the pulley. Standing a half step away, plant
both feet slightly further than shoulder width apart. Place both hands with an overhand grip. Bend at the
hips and knees and press your glutes into the pole. Lean forward slightly and extend your elbows to
bring the bar in front of your face.
2. While keeping your shoulders as still as possible, bend your elbows to bring the bar back behind your
3. Using your triceps, extend your elbows and push the bar forward to return to the starting position,
ensuring that you maintain the same bent over position.



1. Connect the rope attachment and set the cable pulley at the top of the pole. Turn to face the cable pulley
and grasp the rope with both hands. Stand two steps away and cone to a kneeling position with your toes
tucked. Bend your elbows so that the rope is just over your head and your hands are by your ears.
2. Using your abs, flex your torso and draw your elbows into your knees.
3. Extend your spine to return to the starting position.


1. Stand a half step away and plant both feet on the floor.
2. Place both hands on the bar with an overhand grip and hold the bar directly in front of your both with
arms extended.
3. Bend your elbows to allow the bar to come up towards your chest, ensuring your elbows remain in close
contact with the sides of your body.
4. Using your triceps, extend your elbows and push the bar downwards to return to the starting position.



1. Holding a barbell with an underlying grip with arms extended in front of you, plant both feet on the floor.
2. Bend your elbows to bring the barbell in towards your chest, ensuring your elbows remain in close
contact with the sides of your body.
3. Extend your elbows to lower the barbell and return to the starting position.


1. Connect the small bar attachment and set the cable pulley at the bottom of the pole. Turn to face the
cable pulley, back up a half step, and plant both feet. Place both hands on the bar with an overhand grip
and find a neutral standing position.
2. Bend your elbows to bring the bar up to your chest, ensuring your elbows remain in close contact with
the sides of your body.
3. Etend your elbows to the starting position.



1. Place both hands slightly further than shoulder-width apart and plant both feet together behind you,
resting on the balls of your feet. Gently draw your ribs to your hips to engage your core.
2. Taking a full three seconds, bend your elbows and lower your torso towards the floor until your arms
form two 90 degree angles, ensuring you maintain a straight back and engaged core.
3. Taking one second, push through your chest and extend your arms to lift your body back to the starting


1. Holding a medicine ball with both hands directly in front of your chest, plant both feet on the floor.
2. Take a big step forward with your left foot and bend both knees into approximately 90 degree angles.
While in the lunge position, twist your torso to bring the medicine ball over your front leg, ensuring that
your knee remains in line with your middle toe. Unravel your torso to bring the medicine ball back to
your chest.
3. Return back to starting position.



1. Sit in the leg press and your feet either together or a max of a fist width apart. Press the foot plate away
from the torso and release the leg press.
2. Bend your knees and lower the foot plate towards your torso until your knees almost touch your chest.
3. Return to starting position.


1. Safely place a barbell on your shoulders. Plant both feet on the floor slightly further than shoulder width
2. Looking straight ahead, bend at both hips and knees, ensuring that your knees remain in line with your
toes. Continue bending your knees until your upper legs are parallel with the floor. Ensure that your back
remains within a 45 to 90 degree angle to your hips.
3. Push through the heels of your feet and extend your legs to return to the starting position.



1. Pick up a barbell with an overhand grip directly in front of your body. Bring the barbell forwards and
upwards into your chest. You palms should be facing away from your body.
2. Looking straight ahead, bend at both hips and knees, ensuring that your knees remain in line with your
toes. Continue bending your knees until your upper legs are parallel with the floor. Ensure that your back
remains within a 45 to 90 degree angle to your hips.
3. Push through the heels of your feet and extend your legs to return to the starting position.
4. Raise the barbell over your head, and then lower them to the starting posiiton.


1. Start by lying on your back. Engage your abs by hovering both legs slightly off the floor.
2. At the same time, slightly raise your right leg and slightly lower your left leg, ensuring that neither legs
touch the floor.
3. At the same time, slightly raise your left leg and lower your left leg. This should create a scissor like



1. With a resistance band looped around your forearms, place your hands shoulder width apart with your
legs behind you.
2. Step your right hand and foot outwards so that your hands and feet are slightly wider than your
shoulders in wide pushup position.
3. Step your left hand and foot inwards to return to the starting position.


1. Set the cable pulley at shoulder height. Resting your right hand on the cable bar, plant both feet on the
floor slightly further apart than shoulder-width. Place your left hand on the cable end in an overhand grip
and extend your arm in front of your chest.
2. While maintaining a slight bend in your elbow, draw the cable outwards until your left hand is in line iwth
your left shoulder.
3. Slowly release the cable to return to the starting position.



1. Holding a dumbbell in your right hand, place your left hand and left knee on the bench, repositioning
your right foot to ensure that both your shoulders and hips are parallel to the floor. Extend your right
arm directly below your chest.
2. Bend your right elbow to bring the dumbbell in towards your body, ensuring that your elbow remains in
close contact with the right side of your body.
3. Extend your right elbow to return to the starting position.


1. Holding a barbell with both hands in an underhand grip with arms extended in front of you, plant both
feet on the floor shoulder-width apart.
2. Taking one second, bend your elbows to bring the barbell in towards your chest, ensuring that your
elbows remain in close contact with the sides of your body.
3. Taking a full three seconds, extend your elbows to lower the barbell and return to the starting position.



1. Standing on all fours on a yoga mat, ensure that your knees are below your hips and hands below your
shoulders. Set your spine in a neutral position and draw your shoulder blades down and back. Tuck your
toes and lift your knees off the mat, resting on the balls of your feet.
2. Take a small step forward with your left foot and right hand at the same time, ensuring that you keep
your abs engaged to help minimize torso movement and that your torso remains parallel to the floor.
3. Take a small step forward with your right foot and left hand at the same time. Continue alternating
between left and right.


1. Holding a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip, sit down on the end of a bench with feet together.
Extend your arms by your sides and sit up tall.
2. While keeping your upper arm as still as possible, bend your right elbow and gradually rotate your wrist
outwards to bring the dumbbell up towards your right shoulder.
3. Extend your right elbow and rotate your wrists inwards to return to the starting position.



1. Place both hands on the floor shoulder width apart and both feet apart behind you, resting on the balls
of your feet. Brace your abs and maintain a neutral spine, ensuring your hands are directly below your
2. While stabilizing through your abs, elevate your hips and release your left hand to reach towards your
right foot.
3. Lower your hips and place your left hand on the mat.
4. While stabilizing through your abs, elevate your hips and release your right hand to reach towards your
left foot.
5. Lower your hips and place your right hand on the mat to repeat to the starting position.


1. Set the height of the Smith machine to approximately chest height. Place an incline bench set to a 35
degree angle. Lie down on the bench and plant your feet on the floor. Place both hands on the bar in an
overhand grip, hands wider than shoulders, ensuring that the bar is directly above your chest.
2. Press the bar away from your chest.
3. Bend your elbows to bring the bar towards your chest until your arms form two 90 degree angles, like an
inverted push-up.
4. Extend your elbows to push the bar away and return to your starting position.



1. Holding a single dumbbell, plant both feet on the floor. Extend your arms over your head, ensuring they
are on either side of your ears.
2. While keeping your shoulders as still as possible, bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your
3. Using your triceps, extend your elbows to return to the starting position, ensuring that your shoulders,
elbows, and wrists remain in line with one another.


1. With a resistance band looper around your thighs, lie flat on your back. Bend your knees and position
your feet firmly on the mat, ensuring they are hip width apart. Allow your arms to rest by your sides.
2. Gently draw your ribs to your hips to engage your core. Press your heels into the mat, activate your
glutes, and raise your pelvis off the floor until your body forms one straight line.
3. While your hips are raised, open your knees outwards.
4. Close your knees and lower your hips, returning to starting position.



1. With a bench horizontally behind you and holding a dumbbell in each hand, plant both feet on the floor.
Step your right foot backwards and allow the ball of your foot to rest on top of the bench. Shuffle your
left foot forwards if needed.
2. Bend both knees approximately 90 degrees, ensuring your weight is evenly distributed between both
3. Push through the heel of your left foot and toe of your right foot to extend both legs and return to the
starting position.


1. Holding a barbell with both hands with an overhand grip in front of your legs, plant both feet on the floor
hip width apart. Draw your shoulder blades down and push your chest out slightly.
2. Bending from the hips only, allow the barbell to run along the length of your thighs. Once the bar reaches
your knees, bend your knees and allow the bar to run halfway down the length of your shins. Maintain a
proud chest and make sure your head is an extension of your spine.
3. Push through your heels, using your glutes and hamstrings, extend your knees and hips to return to
starting position.



1. Holding a dumbbell with both hands directly in front of your chest, plant both feet on the floor. Gently
draw your pubic bond to your belly button.
2. Looking straight ahead, bend at both the hips and knees, ensuring that your knees point toward your
toes. Continue bending your knees until your upper legs are parallel to the floor.
3. Push through your heels and extend your knees to return to the starting position.


1. Place a large dumbbell behind the yoga mat. Lie on your back and place your hands firmly on the
dumbbell. Extend both legs and engage your ab muscles.
2. Bend your knees and bring them in towards your chest. Allow your lower back to lift off the mat to allow
full contraction of your abs.
3. Slowly lower your back down to the mat and extend your legs to return to the starting position, but
without lowering your feet to the floor.



1. Holding a dumbbell in your left hand, plant both feet on the ground. Place your right hand behind your
ear. Gently draw your ribs to your hips to engage your core.
2. Stretching your right oblique, lower the dumbbell down your left leg and draw your ribs towards your left
3. Contract your right obliques to straighten your torso to return to the starting position.


1. Hold two dumbbells with an overhand grip and sit on a fitball and plant both feet on the ground.
2. Gently draw your ribs to your hips. Using the muscles in both your shoulders and arms, extend your
elbows to press the dumbbells above your head. Avoid 'shrugging' by drawing your shoulder blades
down and back.
3. Bend your elbows to lower the dumbbells into your chest and return to the starting position.



1. Holding a dumbbell in your right hand, sit down on the end of a bench with legs wide and feet planted.
Hinge forward from your hips slightly and rest your right elbow on the inside of your right knee. Extend
your amr to hold the dumbbell just above the floor with an underhand grip.
2. While keeping your upper arm as still as possible and firmly pressed into your knee, bend your elbow to
bring the dumbbell up towards your shoulder,

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