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centro de estudios ¢ intensivos Centro de Estudios Intensivos GUIA — RESUMEN DE ESTUDIO INGLES 5 DIRECTORIO L.A. E. Not Fajardo Pérez Director General Lic. Alejandra Dominguez Sanchez Edicién de materiales. Profa, Verénica Guillermo Peéa Responsable de contenido, L.A.E, Juan Velazquez Sanchez Diseftador de Material Educativo EL PRESENTE MATERIAL HA SIDO ELABORADO EXCLUSIVAMENTE PARA LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL. CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS INTENSIVOS, INCORPORADOS AL SISTEMA DE BACHILLERATO NO ESCOLARIZADO (ABIERTO Y A DISTANCIA): EN FUNCION DE LOS PROGRAMAS EDUCATIVOS VIGENTES AUTORIZADOS POR LA SECRETARIA DE EDUCACION PUBLICA. QUEDA PROHIBIDA SU REPRODUCCION TOTAL O PARCTAL O LA ALTERACION DE LA MISMA. ee ee ee ee Ue Ue UU UU INGLES V CONTENIDO TEMATICO 14 i Lectura: City or country, 1.5. Lectura: Human and animal ee EEA 4.1 Introducci6n 4.2 Idioms 4.3 Idioms # 2 4.4 Thomas Jefferson 4.5 Lectura: Mind readers and fortune tellers INGLES V INTRODUCCION 1a Inglés hoy en dia es 11na herramienta muy importante para que los estudiantes de bachillerato puedan desarrollarse con facilidad en diferentes campos de estudio. Sabemos que hoy por hoy mucha bibliografia de diferentes reas se encuentra publicad6 én este ididina; agess yl inaes sive para comprender paqueteria cor et ‘tambjénaun Fequisito para continuar $ n de 6a r fortha,és'un elemento importante para naea5«a8w8an @ananweaenePenanrnnae#endengmdengenmenmaneneh @. INGLES V OBJETIVOS GENERALES Una bachillerato con 0 irs comy ome las del inglés qué le permitan continuar sus estudios universitarios. inglés V V tiene a propésito de generar una progresién del ia de bachillerato no escolarizado abierto y a distancia para el pRaRNEOS ena va parti enla finalizado todos los niveles de inglés aa se incluyen | en nel 3 escolarizado, el alumno tendré una competencia suficiente y basica oe CAPITULO 1 REPORTED STATEMENTS 1, REPORTED STATEMENTS OBJETIVOS GENERALES ga Aiindt de fa Snitad effatumane: ¢ Podré realizar oraciones en 1. REPORTED STATEMENTS: VOCABULARY sostener (monetariamente) en contra de aunque cantidad(dinero) al menos ar Spmpogamiento jaula =e paz LF garras, ufias comunmente instructor de manejo manejar tintorerias debido a moradores el uno al otro facilmente igualmente olvidar emocién volar pelea lugar espantoso aRmeanannneannragneanrannmanngenenaenananaeneanag® fuerza regresar regresar buen progreso dafio saludable sin embargo herir seres humanos ‘aumentar efectivamente insuficiente intruso cohibicién pasado.mafiana => => = = = = = - b. He said, he worked yesterday. c. He said, we had worked yesterday. 8) A que cambia la palabra "tonight"?. a. The night before. b. That night. c. The following night. c 10), Como se le llama a las graciones AKTARKRARKRARARARKRARKRARKRARKRARKRARRARARARRARR A 1. REPORTED STATEMENTS RESULTADOS DE AUTOEVALUACION. (R Ch aan CAPITULO 2: QUESTIONS 24 2. QUESTIONS OBJETIVOS GENERALES Al final de fa unidad el alumno: . pores 2 Te a hacer preguntas en reported speech. . Decerolars fa habilidad de fa + Recta bogies de estuc mntensivo Speen 25 2. REPORTED QUESTIONS VOCABULARY acostumbrado ajustar demasiado estricto base militar al final &. estar listo , dllatse, inclinarse 4 {negocios checar, supervisar despachador acostumbrado. demandas iplomaticd Cass amistoso amistad experiencia temerosa - ee} ees %y : Gi emejorar ¢ ; / \difecto'al punto © ‘saludo armas recepcionista de hotel abrazo en poco tiempo identidad insulto guardar latinos gusto por los poemas bastante largo mitad, en medio vecinos no asi 26 GARARARKRAKRARHKRARARKRAKRARRKRARKRARRARARKRARAHRKRAR. 3. QUESTIONS ESQUEMA-RESUMEN 7 2. REPORTED QUESTIONS 2.1- QUESTIONS Cuando cambiamos “preguntas” que empiezan con “question word” (who, what, ttc) de indirecto a reported speech la pregunta se convierte en una “oracin” el sujeto es puesto antes del verbo y el signg de interrogacién desaparece. Ejemplo:, “Where is my book?” asked kate Kate asked where her book was where is my book"? Kate wants to know Kate wants to know where her Book is Cuando ciambiamos “preguntas” que empiezen con auxiliares a reported speech, 12 palabra “if” o “whether” se pone después del verbo de introduccién, el sujeto y luego el verbo. Ejemplo: “Do you know Sam?" Asked Mary Mary asked if I knew Sam Mary asked whether I knew Sam “Do you know Sam?" Susan wants to know Susan wants to know if I know Sam Susan wants to know whether I know Sam 28 S C— = = ¢ } € }] = = — } € € e é e 6 = € € € € é e é c « < « « é 2. REPORTED QUESTIONS 2.1- QUESTIONS Cuandg: caribiamos “preguntas” que empiezan con “question word” (who, what, etc.) dé indirecto a reported speech la pregunta se convierte en una “oracién” el sujeto €s puésto antes de! verbe y el signo de interrogacién desaparece. “Where is my book? “ asked k kate Kate geked Lisad her book'was ? Kate wants to know where her pook is "Asked Mary Mary asked if knew Sam | Mary asked whether I knew So “Do you ino Sant” ‘Susan wants to know Susan wants to know if I know Sam ‘Susan wants to know whether I know Sam Ejercicios: 29 1. — Cambia las siguientes preguntas: 1.="Which one do you want?” she asked him ares Se Ge 5.- “Will. the better soon”? he asked the doctor é any 9.- “Where did you stay yesterday"? Sue asked : 10.-"L asked them, "Did you help him”? 11.- "Where does Jane live?” he asked me 12.- T asked them, “who are you?” 30 GAHKARKRARKRARKRARKRARRAKRARKRAKRAHRKRARRKRARAHRARARAHRRAHRAR 13. “Are they going on holiday”? she asked us 14.- “Will you be ready on time”? I asked him Jemry asked me, “Did you marry him?” lly like poems"? I asked him aac cect DIFFERENT CULTURES, DIFFERENT CUSTOMS. INSTRUCCIONES: Lee lo siguiente de una platica de Roberto Heard en "Different Cultures, Different Customs" Antes de venir hace cuatro meses a los Estados 31 Unidos. Contesta Falso 0 verdadero y haz el ejercicio. Esten preparados para dar su opinién en clase acerca de la platica “Different Cultures, Different Customs," ‘The United States and Mexico live side by side. We're neighbors, but we have two very different cultures. When Mexicans or people from other Latin American countries first come in contact with life in the U. S., they often feel that the ‘American people aren't as friendly or as warm and fun - loving as Latins. If we want to,énjoy living, working or studying in the U. S., we have to make an effort to S., culture. If we do, welll find that the American is warm and we are, but he expresses his warmth and friendship in his own We’ should-remember that our way of doing things seems strange to the American, too. The American who visits, Mexico. can't-understand why we are so polite, He finds it-difficult to use two/different words for ae") the formal "usted” and the Yer be BE lexico feels that people are always shaking hands and hugging an goes tb the States, he may feel that people aren't being se, they greet a a ae a ieybe'e Hoye Of us” Batals t to hel, and) they feel that “them, etc, he's sSyind he e's stronger They want to take their pid blcpl when a mat ns doors, Eat than women gad superior to them. x The Americaftis used to being direct. He normaly tells you exactly what he. thinks. He doesn't ustially make a lot of polite conversation or try make everything he says sound sweét-and nice. So when you call an American on the phone, for example, he expects you to get right to the point. Hell think it's strange if you spend five or ten minutes trying to have a polite conversation with him about how he and his family are, the weather, etc, before starting your business, U. S, culture demands that people be on time. If an American tells you to meet him at 5 o'clock, hell be there at 5 o'clock sharp, or 5:05 or 5:10 at the latest. If you're not there on time, he may leave. He won't wait more than ten or fifteen minutes for you, because after fifteen minutes he'll think you're not coming. On the other hand, one of the most difficult things for an American in Mexico is to 32 DRKFARHRRARARARKRARARKRARARARRARARHRAKRARA AN learn to wait, and also the faculty that "ahorita’ doesn't mean "now" or "right this minute” but “in a little (or a long) while". If we go to the United States to work or study, we should be sure to remember that the rules there are a lot stricter than they are in Mexico. In Mexico, most rules can be bent or changed if we talk long enough or politely enough to the person in ity. Not so in the U. S.! If a policeman catches you driving too fast, you'll fo pay a big fine. You can't talk your way out of it!. ‘Mexicans have to change our ways of looking at things and doing things int to live in the U. S., the American who wants to live in Mexico has to ot, too. He has to learn the art of polite conversation and of being nice and diplomatic about everything. ite has to adjust his sense of time. And he should leafn:to.éxpress his feelings for others in a more open way. One thing that attracts many Americans to Mexican-to-Mexican. culture is precisely that - the Latin ability to openly express emotions like warmth indship. ae ‘ a er BEES COMPREHENSION CHECKS ~ Escribe dado © falso SsSpeaker talks a lot about similarities between the U. S., and ican cultures. : 3 Most American have no problem using the two forms of the Spanish "you" - "tii" and "usted" 4 People in the U. S,-sonijetimes wave their hand to say.hel Ef PEt, 5. =Mén usually open sdb idaecter thes! {6 .Men may have problems if they open doors for women in the U. S. ______7 | Americans usually state their business immediately when they call you on the pone. 8 An American will usually wait for more than a half hour if someone is late to meet him. 9 If you are very polite, you can usually convince people in the U. S., to change the rules for you. 10 Americans who want to live in Mexico have to change some of their ways of looking at things and doing things. 33 2. - Qué pregunta le harias a cada uno? Reporta las preguntas. Empieza I asked the... Ejemplo: I asked the mechanic if It would take long to repair the car. ‘Ca park my car in West Street?” A doctor ‘“\hatitime does the film finish?” A hotel receptionist i got a double room”? A policeman ny times should I take the medicine?” A waiter soup of the day?” A cinema attendant 34 DOnNnRnAnARnNnHRARARARARRARRKRRKRARARARRARARA 3. — Andrew had a frightening experience recently while he was on holiday. He was out walking in the countryside when suddenly he was surrounded by a group of soldiers. Aqui estan las preguntas que cada uno de los soldados hizo a Andrew: Gi gi jou doing here?” Wh you carrying a camera?” i 2. - “Why 3. “Did you see the signs warning people not to enter the area?” 4. “Have you been taking photos of the army base?” 5 6 . “What's your name?” - “Can T see some prove of your identity a de Andrew usando reported Speech. miles from the youth hostel in the middle of nowhere when by soldiers pointing guns! iy Kodak and Ve ee SE hada Then he asked me T said that I didn’t even know there army base there. Then he wanted to know and jen, Then, just because I couldn't prove who I was, they put ine ip the Jeep arid drove me to. somte kind of-underground army base. They kept me there while they phoned the ph up of 2. QUESTIONS EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACION amos las preguntas que empiecen can “question word"? ~gyefP sueto es puesto antes del verbo, y el signo de interrogacién fesaparece g ae a s ¥ El sujeto es puesto di ay clea yash a signo desaparece. El sujeto es puesto ain vet vel ‘vel signo permanece. Preguntas que empiecen con “auxiiares"? ra "If" 0" pejvaty introduccign palabra "If" 0 phe: se egal rate Antroduccién, SPL BE SE A ~ éto y luego els }¢ la pregunta correcta. a) Where's Paola? She w. aap She wants to know wbe ‘Shewants to know wher E She Wants to know where Paola is a) Did you go to the movies? Mary asked b) Mary asked if I went to the movies ©) Mary asked if I had gone to the movies 36 - 5.- What we have to do if we want to enjoy living? a) We have to make an effort to understand U.S culture. b) We have to study more b) We have to find the American friendly and warm fat do American expects when you make a phone call? a)- That you speak a lot on the phone Fat you get right to the point speaks about your family 7.= What héppened to Andrew? a) a) He had a frightening: jer 7

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