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Table of Contents ................................... 2 Abandoned Campsite .................. 18 Kenku Village ................................ 34

Introduction ........................................... 3 Seagulls ........................................... 18 Rainfall ........................................... 34
Overview ............................................ 3 Dream Encounters ......................... 19 Fierce but Small ........................... 34
The structure .................................... 3 The All-Seeing Eye ...................... 19 Roadbuilders ................................. 34
How to use......................................... 3 A Memory Changed ..................... 19 Mountain Encounters ................... 35
Browse randomly ........................... 3 Fighting Yourself ......................... 19 The Curious Giant ........................ 35
Find an encounter category ........ 3 Songs of Nature ............................ 19 Dwarven Miners ........................... 35
Select randomly .............................. 3 A Void Filled ................................... 19 Hoard of the Young Dragon...... 35
Creator’s note ................................... 3 Swimming in Ale .......................... 20 The Broken Bridge ...................... 35
Encounters – Short Description .......... 4 Enchanter of Minds ..................... 20 The Roc’s Nest .............................. 35
Badlands ............................................ 4 A Locked Idea ................................ 20 Rockfall ........................................... 35
City ..................................................... 4 The Endless Hall .......................... 20 A Cup of Tea ................................... 35
Desert ................................................ 5 Attic ...................................................21 Thin Air ........................................... 36
Dream ................................................ 5 The Fire Burning Within.............21 Above the Clouds ......................... 36
Forest ................................................. 6 The Group of Shadows ................21 Mirror Ice ....................................... 36
Grassland .......................................... 6 Your Mind’s Garden .....................21 Warm Hearts ................................. 36
Marshland ......................................... 7 Feather Fall .....................................21 The Broken Railroad ................... 36
Mountain .......................................... 7 Visions of Hell ................................21 An Armed Trap ............................. 36
Sea ...................................................... 8 The Day but Different ..................21 The Gatherer ................................. 36
Underdark ......................................... 8 Lucid Dreaming ............................ 22 Mindful Monks ............................. 37
Encounters – Detailed Description ..... 9 Enlarge & Reduce ......................... 22 Call of the Winter Wolf .............. 37
Badlands Encounters ....................... 9 Bird’s Perspective ........................ 22 The Shining Crevice .................... 37
Bird Nest Surprise .......................... 9 Darkness ......................................... 22 Hard Snowfall ............................... 37
Unexpected Greenery ................... 9 Forest Encounters ..........................23 Feather Faller ................................ 37
Friendly Goats ................................. 9 The Talking Tree .......................... 23 Frozen in Ice .................................. 37
Tumbleweed Migration................ 9 Pixie’s conclave ............................ 23 Sea Encounters............................... 38
Colors of Danger ........................... 10 Tired Woodcutters ....................... 23 Merfolk Gambler.......................... 38
The Lost Trader ............................ 10 Forest Watchtower ...................... 24 The Friendly Whale ..................... 38
Ravens’ Path .................................. 10 Colorful Mushrooms................... 24 Abandoned Debris ....................... 38
Hard Rain ........................................ 10 Children’s Playground ............... 24 The Lost Traveler ........................ 38
Groundhog Day ............................. 10 Weird Woodpecker ...................... 24 Air Elemental ................................ 38
Rock Formation ............................ 10 Circle of Ferns ............................... 24 When Fish Fly ............................... 38
Abandoned Temple ..................... 10 The Lone Cub................................. 24 A Green Lit Sea ............................. 38
Lone Mephit.................................... 11 Treehouse....................................... 24 Keep it Straight ............................ 38
The Roc’s Feather ......................... 11 The Hidden Spring ...................... 25 Sea Sickness .................................. 39
Trip and Laugh .............................. 11 Dark Friend .................................... 25 The Island that Isn’t ................... 39
The Crossroads .............................. 11 Stuck Arrow ................................... 25 A Patch of Ice ................................ 39
Curious Stones ............................... 11 Thick Moss ..................................... 25 A Patch of Algae ........................... 39
The Wildflower .............................. 11 Curious Squirrels ......................... 25 Ship Immobilized ........................ 39
The Hermit ...................................... 11 Reckless Hunters ......................... 25 Reflection ....................................... 39
Footsteps ......................................... 11 Hidden Chapel .............................. 25 Hungry Dragon turtle................. 39
Sight of Beauty ............................... 11 The Smell of a Bear ......................26 Illusory Fire ................................... 39
City Encounters .............................. 12 Abandoned Camp .........................26 Cook Gone Sick ............................. 39
Innkeeper’s Daughter................. 12 Autumn Comes Early ..................26 Black Powder ................................ 39
Those Curious Cats ...................... 12 Grassland Encounters ................... 27 Song of the Sirens........................ 39
Progress .......................................... 12 The Shy Goblin ............................. 27 The Crew’s Headache ................. 39
Restoring Old Memories ............ 12 Rabbit Family ................................ 27 Underdark Encounters .................. 40
Caught up in a Wedding ............. 13 Runic Circle .................................... 27 A Ray of Sunlight ......................... 40
A Kid’s Fortune ............................. 13 Old Ruins ........................................ 27 Draw the Drow .............................. 40
Released from War ...................... 13 Territory of the Lioness ............. 28 Dreaming about the Sky ............ 40
Street Magician ............................. 13 Statue of Memories ..................... 28 The Forge ....................................... 40
An Amulet Found ......................... 13 Earthly Remains ........................... 28 Unmanned Watch ........................ 40
A Generous Noble ......................... 13 The Scrollcase ............................... 28 Lost Mining Expedition ............. 40
Those Pesky Racoons! ................ 14 The Archeologist .......................... 28 The Three Gates ........................... 40
Riverside Memories .................... 14 Wildfire ........................................... 28 Spiral Staircase ............................. 40
An Honest Thief............................ 14 Till the Sun Comes Up ................ 28 Daylight .......................................... 40
Blessing of the Gods .................... 14 Firefly Dance .................................29 The Last Wish ................................41
Helping your Elders .................... 14 Harmless Undead.........................29 The Amber Chamber ....................41
A New Business ............................. 14 The Splitting Grass ......................29 Bet your Life on it .........................41
The Cloak ........................................ 15 Lone Tree ........................................29 Weeping Walls ...............................41
Sparrow’s Dinner ......................... 15 The Three Brothers .....................29 Ahead of Her Time .......................41
A Proud Mother ............................ 15 A Dog’s Meal..................................29 Changed Perceptions ...................41
Lighting up the Town ................. 15 A 20-sided mystery .....................29 Gold Veins .......................................41
Desert Encounters ......................... 16 Bison Herd .....................................29 The Little Spider ...........................41
Talking Mirage.............................. 16 Cold Winds ..................................... 30 Petrified ...........................................41
Water Trader ................................. 16 Marshland Encounters .................. 31 Forgotten Alchemy ......................41
Spider Roll ...................................... 16 Mimic My Sound ...........................31 Distant Whispers ..........................41
Oasis ................................................. 16 Jade Totem ......................................31 NPC Setup ............................................. 42
Sandcastle in Nowhere ............... 16 A Positive Hag ................................31 Appearance .................................... 42
Dunesailor ...................................... 16 These Gasses Don’t Smell ..........31 Strengths ........................................ 42
Travelling Rocks ........................... 17 The Sweet Fruit .............................31 Flaws................................................ 42
Dry Riverbed .................................. 17 The Fisherman’s Catch .............. 32 Secrets ............................................. 42
Salt Deposits .................................. 17 The Turtle Trader ........................ 32 Credits ................................................... 43
Tired Stork ..................................... 17 Trapped Crocodile ....................... 32
Nighttime Symphony ................. 17 The Fortune Teller ....................... 32
Blocked Canal ................................ 17 Butterfly Dance............................. 32
Sandstone Basin ........................... 17 The Scrying Pond ......................... 32
Fairy Circles ................................... 17 Feeding Kingfisher ...................... 32
Flowering Cacti ............................. 18 The Traveling Merchant ............ 33
Planar Traveler ............................. 18 The Liar ........................................... 33
Protective Snakes ......................... 18 Moonshiners’ Den ....................... 33
Glowing Sand ................................ 18 All That Copper Gone .................. 33

• Look at the “Short Descriptions” and identify your
environment of interest.
OVERVIEW • Browse through the second column of the tables, and

his supplement contains a total of 200 find out which category of encounters are you looking
unique encounters, focusing on social for? This book has ideas covering the following:
interactions with NPCs, deepening role play o Nature: An effect of nature, a landmark or a
experience within the party, engaging with happening that is first and foremost meant to
environmental effects, solving skill challenges, and be observed – with options for players to
meeting interesting creatures. partake or modify outcomes.
This is not your usual “roll 1d4 Wolves and 1d6 bandits” o Hook: The start of a potential story with NPCs
encounter list! and secrets involved. While the ideas may
already be half-baked, you will need to do some
The encounters are aimed to be resolved peacefully, and work on these to embed them in your world.
to provide a light-hearted, friendly time among all the o Creature: Meeting a creature that may look
dangers the adventurers face. They contain the setting, interesting, act unexpectedly, or hold
description, some dialog, and backstory options – and interesting secrets.
multiple potential ways of resolution. Some are magical, o Skill: A skill challenge relevant to the
some are mundane – but they all fit a D&D 5th Edition environment the players travel through.
fantasy campaign setting. o NPC: A person of interest with their backstory,
quirks, and specifics.
THE STRUCTURE o Loot: An item that may be hard to get or
identify – but one that can yield interesting
The publication contains encounters for 10 distinct benefits or even bring great value to the players.
The beginning of the book has itemized lists, to help SELECT RANDOMLY
you navigate and hand pick stuff you like.
• Select an environment and find the related 20
After the lists, the detailed descriptions can be found
encounters with short descriptions in the following
split to chapters in line with the 10 environments in the
• Navigate to the “Detailed Descriptions” and roll a d20
In the end of the book, you find the NPC setup blocks
for a random selection for your preferred
to support the encounters wherever an NPC needs to be
rolled up.
• Navigate to the full description and get familiar with
the encounter concept. Review and roll up NPCs (if
Chapters start with a 1d20 random encounter –
included) – using the Appearance, Strength, Flaw and
optional for you to use. Some of the encounters are
Secrets Tables.
simple and may last no longer than a minute, while
• Review related stat blocks and items from the official
others may ignite a whole side quest, and require your
books – Prepare for any unexpected things your
thoughts to come alive.
players may pull during the encounter.
• Some encounters may need you to add flavor –
Each encounter holds all needed background
embedding them into your version of the lore.
information within, the only external resources you

need are the Monster Manual, Player’s Handbook and
Dungeon Masters Guide – which are used to reference
stat blocks of the creatures, mundane or magical items This is a long book – and has a wide variety of ideas
that may be used within the encounter. Such references inside – but it does not align with the idea of a combat
are marked with bold in-line text. Aside of these focused D&D session.
resources, standard rules will be referenced too for I personally believe that while fights and loot are
ability checks, saving throws and the like. good, not all encounters need to have a reward to them –
sometimes players are expected to engage in altruistic
ways or just observe the happenings around them.
HOW TO USE I cherish any and all involved role play discussions
throughout the sessions I am running and this
If you decided to buy this book, I think you can figure it
publication is set up in a way that fosters inclusion,
out without this chapter, but hey, sometimes ideas come
positivity, sometimes a bit of a thrilling experience, and
in handy regardless!
non-aggressive interactions, while exploring a story –
Gather ideas, read through the “Short Descriptions” NPC gender and flavor in multiple cases remains to be
chapter or the full scenarios under “Detailed determined by you, the encounters may provide a
Descriptions” in this book and build your own story. You proposal that you can use out of the box.
are the DM, you do what you want as long as you are
having fun! This supplement is pay-what-you-want on DM’s Guild,
but took a long time to put together. If you like it, consider
buying it – or donating a coffee’s worth here.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 Hook Bird Nest Surprise A colorful bird drops a shiny ring before flying to its nest in a rocky wall.
2 Hook Unexpected Greenery Players find a lush garden – out of place in these dusty, rocky, and dry badlands.
3 Creature Friendly Goats A pack of mountain goats decide to accompany the players on a part of their journey/
4 Skill Tumbleweed Migration Tumbleweeds appear and roll swiftly through the landscape, containing some items within.
5 Creature Colors of Danger Players find a small gecko, capable of changing its color, and warn players of dangers.
6 NPC The Lost Trader A trader lost in a dust storm – grateful for any help to find civilization.
7 Creature Ravens’ Path Ravens circle above, trying to lead the party to a respite in these hostile lands.
8 Nature Hard Rain A heavy rainfall colors the badlands green with vegetation– almost instantly after it starts.
9 Creature Groundhog Day Pesky groundhogs try to steal the players’ items but give other treasures in return.
10 Nature Rock Formation A large rock balancing on a flat base – is about to trip and fall to the ground.
11 Nature Abandoned Temple 4 enchanted stone columns with inscriptions – each providing a temporary resistance.
12 Creature Lone Mephit A lost soul follows players and gets excited if they find its remains in a nearby crevice.
13 Creature The Roc’s Feather A large bird leaves an extremely large feather behind.
14 Nature Trip and Laugh A player falls and gets red powder smeared all over their equipment and body.
15 Nature The Crossroads A sign, showing two directions and a thieves’ cant message of treasure.
16 Item Curious Stones 4 small stones, capable to be enchanted into magical items.
17 Nature The Wildflower A little green flowering plant against all odds is growing strong between two rocks
18 NPC The Hermit An alchemist living alone in the badlands, greeting guests, and helping them.
19 Nature Footsteps The signs of a large crowd are visible in the dust and then suddenly disappear.
20 Nature Sight of Beauty A great view of the canyon ahead.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 Hook Innkeeper’s Daughter The innkeeper’s daughter loves the tanner’s son, but their love is forbidden.
2 Creature Those Curious Cats Cautious cats look at the players from the distance, curious, but not trusting.
3 Hook Progress A young man in tears, grasping a rusty key. He has just bought a home for himself.
4 Hook Restoring Old Memories A beggar asking for a coin and sharing his half-forgotten stories.
5 Hook Caught up in a Wedding A wedding party catches the players and drags them along to celebrate.
6 NPC A Kid’s Fortune A kid will propose to tell your fortunes – in return for some sweets.
7 NPC Released from War An armored war veteran looking to reunite with his wife.
8 NPC Street Magician A lady is performing magic tricks, with some arcane essence. She has greater goals though.
9 Hook An Amulet Found An amulet is hanging from a sewer grate. Its owner was dragged down to the depths.
10 NPC A Generous Noble A well-dressed noble asks the party to help hand out wealth to the poor of the city.
11 Creature Those Pesky Racoons! A barrel of raccoons will try to find and steal all food on unsuspecting players.
12 Nature Riverside Memories A reflection in the river reminds players of old memories – helpful in their current dealings.
13 NPC An Honest Thief A man of regret – sitting and drinking the pain away on the side of the road.
14 Nature Blessing of the Gods A blessed moment fills the players with power.
15 NPC Helping your Elders An old woman struggles to take her wares to the nearby market.
16 Hook A New Business A tiefling lady will try convincing you to spread the word about a new drink she is brewing
17 Loot The Cloak A mysterious mage hands a patched cloak to the players and then disappears wordlessly.
18 Nature Sparrow’s Dinner Feeding sparrows lead players to an abandoned alchemy laboratory.
19 NPC A Proud Mother A lady handing out jars of fruit jam, celebrating her daughter’s success.
20 NPC Lighting up the Town A worker replacing torches greets the players in the night, happy to chat and make friends.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 Nature Talking Mirage An ethereal figure, out of reach – giving useful advice.
2 NPC Water Trader A gambler willing to risk their wares for a good game.
3 Skill Spider Roll The small inhabitants of the dunes may uncover a treacherous path ahead.
4 Nature Oasis A respite, that has been found by others before as well.
5 Loot Sandcastle in Nowhere A magical, ever-present sandcastle.
6 NPC Dunesailor An unusual sport – and an expert who likes to challenge the elements.
7 Hook Traveling Rocks A cursed family – forever deemed to move at an impossibly slow pace, to change their fate.
8 Nature Dry Riverbed The remains of a river and its inhabitants – still trying to hold on to the last breath
9 Nature Salt Deposits A natural phenomenon making it hard to hide – or find drinkable water.
10 Creature Tired Stork A bird in dire need of rest, water and help to reach its destination.
11 Nature Nighttime Symphony The memories and ghosts of the past host a nighttime celebration around the resting party.
12 Hook Blocked Canal A stream of water – split in the middle by some sort of magic.
13 Nature Sandstone Basin A slightly shady looking bath – that freezes during the night and hides toxic effects.
14 NPC Fairy Circles A determined fairy trying to grow gold – not wishing to be interrupted.
15 Nature Flowering Cacti The wonder of nature, that may be harvested for the good of the travelers.
16 NPC Planar Traveler The party meets a visitor through planes who seems... slightly confused.
17 Nature Protective Snakes The poisonous inhabitants grow fond of the adventurers for a while.
18 Loot Glowing Sand Sand may not always be what it seems – sometimes it is alive and may be taken with you.
19 Nature Abandoned Campsite Take what you need, give what you can.
20 Nature Seagulls A seagull seems to be in trouble – it may not last long without help.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 Hook The All-Seeing Eye A vision, that allows insight to those who select the right place and the right time.
2 Hook A Memory Changed An opportunity, to get a second chance in life.
3 Hook Fighting Yourself Preparation for an inevitable – and a warning through your reflections.
4 Skill Songs of Nature A touch of nature may enable players to increase their harmony and harness its powers.
5 Skill A Void Filled Whoever fails to resist the pull of the void, may be the target of greater evil for the future.
6 Skill Swimming in Ale Swimming is great, but surviving is even better. Can the party get out of the ale sea?
7 NPC Enchanter of Minds A player’s mind may be strengthened – if they understand the enchanter’s intent.
8 Skill A Locked Idea Chests in the mind of a player hold an important campaign secret. Will they open in time?
9 Skill The Endless Hall A memory locked away at the end of an endless hallway. Find a way to get to the door!
10 Nature Attic Childhood memories uncovered together in a dusty attic.
11 Nature The Fire Burning Within Selfless sacrifice to fuel your own flame gives a long-lasting benefit.
12 Skill The Group of Shadows Sticking together, creating light to defeat an undefeatable enemy.
13 Skill Your Mind’s Garden Tending to plants that resemble parts of your personality – be careful with your approach!
14 Nature Feather Fall A peaceful fall results in a peaceful rest. Your mind decides how you wake up!
15 Nature Visions of Hell An image of hell – and some standing strong against it. Is this real, or is this a metaphor?
16 Nature The Day but Different A second chance in recognizing details that may have been missed during the day.
17 Nature Lucid Dreaming The feeling of helplessness may bring peaceful or terrifying experiences.
18 Skill Enlarge & Reduce Fighting your larger self requires willpower and wisdom.
19 Hook Bird’s Perspective Flying through the world to see notable events unfold.
20 Hook Darkness Instilling a sense of urgency.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 NPC The Talking Tree An unexpected friend in the depths of the forest.
2 Hook Pixie Conclave The politics of a hidden village get exposed – and the party may help resolve conflicts.
3 NPC Tired Woodcutters Exchanging information for help with honest workers in the woods.
4 NPC Forest Watchtower A paranoid trap master, and his home opens up to the adventurers.
5 Nature Colorful Mushrooms Eating unknown mushrooms and finding out their effects can be fun!
6 Nature Children’s Playground A secret spot for a nearby village’s smallest inhabitants.
7 Nature Weird Woodpecker Sometimes birds get scared by their own actions – and give the party things to investigate
8 Loot Circle of Ferns A ceremonial looking clearing in the middle of a forest.
9 Creature The Lone Cub A lost bear cub is looking for its family and wants to have some fun along the way.
10 Nature Treehouse A hidden writer’s respite – home to a disappointed artist.
11 Nature The Hidden Spring Hard to find springs may yield worthy benefits.
12 Creature Dark Friend A content panther gives a scare to the party – and then goes to sleep.
13 Loot Stuck Arrow A mundane looking arrow upon investigation uncovers its true value.
14 Loot Thick Moss An unusual plant grows above and under the ground, through the power of a lost artifact.
15 Creature Curious Squirrels Helpful rodents accompany the party if they find them friendly enough.
16 NPC Reckless Hunters A stray arrow endangers the party – coming from a reckless couple. They are very sorry…
17 Nature Hidden Chapel The shrine of love - hidden in the forest.
18 Creature The Smell of a Bear A gassy bear alerts the party – can the party help it though?
19 Nature Abandoned Camp A ravaged campsite – did the campers escape?
20 Hook Autumn Comes Early Leaves change color within a couple of seconds – signaling significant change.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 NPC The Shy Goblin A fragile creature hiding in the grass – looking for friends.
2 Creature Rabbit Family The local rabbit population is out of hand – and hard to catch!
3 Hook Runic Circle A powerful magical effect holds a magical artifact. Will you be able to take it?
4 Loot Old Ruins Under long forgotten debris items may be found with unforeseen benefits and drawbacks
5 Creature Territory of the Lioness A wounded lioness is fiercely protecting her territory.
6 Nature Statue of Memories A magical statue helps players with something they knew already – but have forgotten.
7 Hook Earthly Remains A fresh corpse lies out in the grass – someone may be waiting for them at home…
8 Loot The Scrollcase An abandoned wagon with a hidden compartment.
9 NPC The Archeologist A fanatic – digging for artifacts of the past.
10 Skill Wildfire The dry grass catches fire easily, and players need to act quick to save themselves.
11 Hook Till the Sun Comes Up An unsettling omen, or magical effect causes an early and dark night.
12 Creature Firefly Dance Little shining bugs are the wonder of nature – do you want to catch them?
13 Hook Harmless Undead 2 reanimated husks drag themselves on the ground – the victims of a recent slaughter.
14 Nature The Splitting Grass A bored deity is drawing paths with their invisible fingers in the tall grass.
15 Nature Lone Tree A single tree serving as a landmark, and a potential source of information.
16 Hook The Three Brothers Three unusual figures, with unusual goals - doppelgangers trying to integrate to society.
17 Creature A Dog’s Meal A dog close to giving up – weak in form, but still fierce in mind.
18 Nature A 20-sided mystery A d20 from behind the 4 th wall – the source of potential benefits for the party.
19 Skill Bison Herd A bison herd trampling in the direction of the party – near unstoppable.
20 Skill Cold Winds Unexpected weather changes may catch unprepared party member off guard.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 Hook Mimic My Sound A very talkative bird repeats the party’s discussions – and things it overheard before.
2 Loot Jade Totem A peculiar looking totem that holds no traps – only some valuables to take.
3 NPC A Positive Hag A hag whose alignment is out of the ordinary.
4 Skill These Gasses Don’t Smell Patches of gas with negative effects puff up from unexpected places.
5 Nature The Sweet Fruit An unusually healthy tree yields hidden but very useful fruits to the players.
6 NPC The Fisherman’s Catch The fisherman may have caught something that he wasn’t bargaining for – will you help?
7 NPC The Turtle Trader A local, selling wares of the marshlands to visitors.
8 Creature Trapped Crocodile A crocodile in distress, unable to escape on its own.
9 NPC The Fortune Teller A chance to learn something important – or get a worthless piece of wisdom.
10 Nature Butterfly Dance Observe the happiness of butterflies, and maybe take them home with you.
11 Skill The Scrying Pond A pond with magical properties, enabling the unwilling to spy on others.
12 Nature Feeding Kingfisher The kingfisher is adept at catching fish – and may show the party a good spot for that.
13 NPC The Traveling Merchant A merchant – stuck – in need of help, and willing to trade.
14 NPC The Liar You shall not trust a word this person says to you.
15 Hook Moonshiners’ Den The sound of an explosion reveals an underground operation to brew strong drinks.
16 Skill All That Copper Gone A kid’s church donation pouch falls into the shallows. The players have limited time to act.
17 Nature Kenku Village The well-hidden nests of elusive, large birds, whose friendliness depends on player action
18 Nature Rainfall A thick rain causing adverse environmental effects, and soaking players to the bone.
19 Creature Fierce but Small A bird protecting its nest at all costs, trying to draw the party away.
20 NPC Roadbuilders Exhausted workers, trying to better the infrastructure between settlements.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 NPC The Curious Giant A giant, who wants to learn and is awestruck by anything mechanical or magical.
2 Hook Dwarven Miners A set of renegades trying to steal a large amount of gold.
3 NPC Hoard of the Young Dragon A poorly hidden dragon hoard and its inhabitant asking for advice to get better.
4 Skill The Broken Bridge Passing this crevice is hard – will the players decide to fix the bridge?
5 Skill The Roc’s Nest A large egg and other knickknacks may be found in this nest. Will the Roc come home?
6 Skill Rockfall An unstable mountain face falls out of control, giving little time for preparation.
7 NPC A Cup of Tea A small hideout and an unexpected drink presented to you by a mountain druid.
8 Skill Thin Air A sudden lack of oxygen will test the players’ constitution.
9 Nature Above the Clouds The sight of clear skies and the clouds below instill peace in the minds of the players.
10 Nature Mirror Ice An unusually smooth, flat ice surface blocks the movement up or downwards.
11 Nature Warm Hearts Long term cold exposure has its detrimental effects on all – kindness may help.
12 Loot The Broken Railroad Remains of broken rails and an overturned wagon hold some treasure.
13 NPC An Armed Trap A bear hunter with random trivia, and dangerous toys.
14 NPC The Gatherer A foreigner, now gathering herbs and living peacefully in a nearby village.
15 NPC Mindful Monks 3 disciplined fighters on the path to find inner peace.
16 Creature Call of the Winter Wolf A howl makes the mountain range fall silent.
17 Skill The Shining Crevice A hidden treasure hoard – hard to get to and hard to unearth.
18 Nature Hard Snowfall A sudden snowfall effects visibility.
19 NPC Feather Faller An ambitious rock climber, seemingly not finding success – but having 1 fallback plan.
20 Loot Frozen in Ice An item frozen deep beneath a flat ice surface.

1d20 Category Event Description
1 Creature Merfolk Gambler A half-fish half-person figure approaches the crew, wanting to play and gamble for shells.
2 Creature The Friendly Whale A peaceful whale, bearing marks of a large predator swims along the ship.
3 Nature Abandoned Debris A violently destroyed vessel – what may have caused its fate?
4 NPC The Lost Traveler An impulsive, ambitious but reckless traveler out on the open sea.
5 Creature Air Elemental A bored elemental, looking to play and be amused.
6 Creature When Fish Fly Early morning “rain” of soaring fish – may be an omen, may just be a natural phenomenon.
7 Nature A Green Lit Sea Glowing water – harmless but interesting to travel through.
8 Skill Keep it Straight Strong winds require everybody to work together and take a role on the ship.
9 Skill Sea Sickness Rhythmic waves are not good for the stomach – try staying in top shape!
10 Nature The Island that Isn’t A mirage to pursue – if players are not perceptive enough.
11 Creature A Patch of Ice The “den” of an ice mephit – looking to get established, and fighting with the elements.
12 Nature A Patch of Algae A corrosive and thick alga that may be the end of any ship getting stuck inside.
13 Nature Ship Immobilized A ship which fell victim of the thick alga – will you stop to help?
14 Nature Reflection The mirror like sea may show you changes formerly unrecognized.
15 Creature Hungry Dragon turtle Will the party be able to satisfy the hunger of this fierce creature?
16 Creature Illusory Fire A fairy hiding on the ship is causing chaos with harmless sensory effects.
17 Nature Cook Gone Sick The ship cook is unable to work – will someone take the job?
18 Nature Black Powder The ship has a large amount of hidden, flammable black powder in its hull.
19 Skill Song of the Sirens Keep your sanity and steer the ship away from the menacing songs.
20 Hook The Crew’s Headache A headache – an omen. What does it signify?

1d20 Category Event Description
1 Nature A Ray of Sunlight The beauty of nature makes you feel rested more quickly.
2 NPC Draw the Drow A mute figure asks you to paint them – if it goes well, they may share information.
3 NPC Dreaming about the Sky A shy figure draws crude pictures of forests, and the world above. They have a dream…
4 Loot The Forge An abandoned underground forge, with some useful items left behind.
5 Nature Unmanned Watch A watchtower – with the remains of a guard long past – and a letter in their hands.
6 Hook Lost Mining Expedition A set of miners – seemingly lost – will you believe their story?
7 Skill The Three Gates A magical hindrance results in a 1 in a 3 chance to choose the right path forward.
8 Nature Spiral Staircase A hidden laboratory with some leftovers from the scientist.
9 Loot Daylight Unexpected shining of light – disappearing as quickly as it appeared.
10 Hook The Last Wish The party overhears the last words of a dying person – will they carry out their wish?
11 Nature The Amber Chamber A chamber that looks like its walls are made from valuable precious stones.
12 Nature Bet your Life on it A pedestal filled with blood – will open the way forward.
13 Hook Weeping Walls Tears pour from walls and disappear in the ground – who do they belong to?
14 Nature Ahead of Her Time A modern looking laboratory with electric lights – something the party has never seen.
15 Skill Changed Perceptions A disorienting area may hinder travel in the Underdark.
16 Nature Gold Veins A full fortune, waiting to be mined and brought to the surface.
17 Creature The Little Spider A little friend who can give you simple messages.
18 Hook Petrified Statues – petrified people of a long-forgotten time – doomed to be forgotten in a temple.
19 Loot Forgotten Alchemy A forgotten recipe, written in a weird language.
20 Nature Distant Whispers You can hear thoughts of your friends if you are perceptive enough.

ENCOUNTERS – The bird’s nest is 4 feet deep and inside the party can
see some more shiny items. Upon getting them, they can

DETAILED find 1d10 gold pieces and 1d10 silver pieces.


A small part of the otherwise dry foliage is lush green

and is bustling with all kinds of living organisms. The
looks out of place.
1d20 Event Passing a DC12 Perception check, players can identify
that this is a cultivated garden, with the vines, flowers
1 Bird Nest Surprise
and plants being kept neat, well-watered and orderly.
2 Unexpected Greenery Taking any plants or flowers or staying here for more
3 Friendly Goats than a day will trigger the owner’s appearance.
The garden belongs to a cursed elf – who is forever
4 Tumbleweed Migration
bound to be a Water Elemental. The elemental is hiding
5 Colors of Danger in a crevice between rocks nearby, players can find it
6 The Lost Trader with a DC20 Investigation check. It is not inherently
hostile – and will not attack, rather try to snatch any
7 Ravens’ Path
torn pieces of foliage from the players hands and place
8 Hard Rain them back in its garden. The loving relationship of the
9 Groundhog Day elemental towards the plants can be identified with a
DC12 Insight Check.
10 Rock Formation
Players can end the curse and shift the elf back to their
11 Abandoned Temple original form, with the Remove Curse spell.
12 Lone Mephit Upon the shift the elf will share their story and ask
players to escort them to a nearby settlement.
13 The Roc’s Feather
14 Trip and Laugh
15 The Crossroads
16 Curious Stones
17 The Wildflower
18 The Hermit
19 Footsteps
20 Sight of Beauty


A small, blue-yellow bird (stat block of an Owl) flies into
From a small dry hill 4 goats look down at the
a nest in a rocky outcropping. She carries something
adventurers – their sound filling the air. They follow and
shiny in her beak – but drops it just before entering the
ask for food – letting them be milked in exchange.
The goats are visibly wild, unkept, hooves and fur
The item is a small gold ring, with the initials (V. S.)
dirty and overgrown. Their loud sound will make it
Engraved on its inside. It has a small diamond in it, a
impossible for the party to sneak while the goats are
DC16 Perception check will identify that its cut is special,
A DC12 Insight or Animal Handling check will identify
It belongs to a trader, who lost it on the road through
that they are hungry. Upon being fed (rations or any
the badlands. Players can decide to sell the ring for 50 GP
plant-based material) they will close in and act friendly
or try and find its owner.
for 1d4 hours. In this time the party can identify that
there are multiple females in the group that are ready to
be milked – and by passing a DC10 Animal handling
check the party can acquire 1d4 jugs of goat milk.

From a hillside suddenly hundreds of small spheres –
tumbleweed – start rolling towards the party,
harmlessly, but providing a once-in-a-lifetime
experience. Some have useful items entangled in them
Showing the ring to someone adept at jewelry they will too.
point the party to the person known for the special cut, The wind picks the weeds up and blows them hurriedly
who in turn can share the information about the owner’s through the landscape. A DC12 perception check can
whereabouts. identify that there are different items stuck in the
If the ring is returned, the players will be rewarded tumbleweeds. A series of group Dexterity checks can
with 3000 gold pieces – as it is of great sentimental determine how many tumbleweeds the party can catch.
value to its owner. The DC starts at 12 and increases by 2 each time. If there

are more successes than failures, the party manages to RAVENS’ PATH
catch a bog of tumbleweed. A flock of small Ravens circle in the air above the players
When the first time the group check fails, the once, and then leaves – looking back at them
tumbleweeds pass, and there is nothing left to catch. occasionally. In case the party decides to follow them,
The below items can be found in the caught they will lead to a respite with drinkable water and a
tumbleweeds. place to sleep.
If the party does not immediately follow, the ravens
Tumbleweed Item return 1d4-1 times, and fly off again into the same
First Hempen Rope (50 Feet) direction. A DC14 Insight Check can identify that they
want the players to follow.
Second A silver necklace (20GP)
Third A Periapt of Wound Closure (DMG 184)
Fourth A small living mouse (Stat block of a Rat) HARD RAIN
The otherwise dry weather and the blue sky give way to
Fifth A third level Spell Scroll what seems to be a wall of water. A heavy rain that
Sixth A diamond worth 500 GP almost instantly puts the badlands to a bloom, with
small green plants hurriedly growing from the ground,
taking advantage of the surplus of water.
COLORS OF DANGER This encounter is rather to represent the beauty of
The layered sediment reveals a particularly light area, nature. The party can use the rain to refill their
with a small skeleton in it. It is intact and looks like the waterskins, they can gather flowers, and some edible
skeleton of a rodent. From the eye socket a small gecko ferns to help with their rations.
peak out at the players. After the rain, within 1d8+4 hours the land and the
The Gecko has 1 HP and an AC of 12. It does not have ferns dry out again.
combat stats and is friendly to the adventurers and has
no purpose other than to be a friendly little companion.
It eats insects and can be taught tricks with the help of GROUNDHOG DAY
food and Animal Handling checks. A set of groundhogs (stat block of a Rat) appear from
It changes color – and its coloration resembles the their holes in the ground. They will follow the party and
level of danger the party is in. upon possibility try to steal some of their mundane
items, at the same time placing at the front of their feet
Color Danger level other items – stolen from other adventurers.
Items of their interest include anything that is not
White No danger at all around stored within backpacks – such as ropes, belts,
Yellow Slight danger, tense atmosphere necklaces, hats. The players can avoid being stolen from
Red Near immediate danger, hostile atmosphere with a DC12 Dexterity saving throw.
Even on a successful save the groundhogs will bring
Red with Immediate danger another mundane item worth less than 5 GP from the
black spots Adventuring Gear table (PHB 150) and throw it at the
ground of the players.
Once they manage to “exchange” one item, or get
THE LOST TRADER hushed away twice, they leave back to their dens.
Outside, in the middle of nowhere the party can find a
cart -with a trader (stat block of a Commoner) and two
thirsty horses (stat block of a Draft Horse). They are all ROCK FORMATION
visibly happy that they see a living creature and ask for A physics defying rock formation appears on the
help to find the way to the nearest village. horizon. The party sees it starting to move slowly – it
The trader is an honest person, lost in a dust storm – will trip over! Will this be the end of this wonder of
and not finding the path again. They are running low on nature?
resources (food and water) and are grateful for any help. The rock shifting is a large 10000-pound round,
In return they will give the party items for free from smooth naturally formed stone. It is balancing on top of
the Adventuring Gear table (PHB 150) in the maximum a 10-foot high, similar stone – and it seems very
value of 50 GP. unstable. If the party does not interfere it will crash to
the ground. To help keep this wonder of nature standing,
the party needs to pass a DC20 Strength check. Upon
failure, they need to pass a DC15 Dexterity Saving throw
to avoid being hit by the falling rock. On failure they take
5d6 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone.
If the rock hits the ground it will split to many parts,
revealing the inside. With a DC13 Investigation check the
party can find a Pearl of Power (DMG 184) embedded

This clearing is similar but still different from all the
rest. 4 stone pillars organized in a square seem to be the
product of civilization. But what purpose do they serve?

Investigating the stone pillars the party can identify
that all four have text on them, written in Celestial. Each
column has one word engraved in them. “Fire”, “Cold”, CURIOUS STONES
“Radiance”, “Force”. On the ground the players find 4 identical looking
If players cast a spell or magical effect on one of the stones. Both in size, coloration, and every small feature.
stones, they will get resistance to the damage type Almost as if they were magical.
engraved on the column for 1d12+3 days. Effects don’t Players with a Passive Perception of 14 and higher can
stack. identify the stones. Gathering them and showing them
If the players cause any physical harm to the columns, to anyone with proficiency in Arcana, they will be able to
they emit the damage corresponding to them. Players tell that the stones are very potent to become Sending
need to make a DC14 Dexterity saving throw. On failure Stones (DMG 199). An enchanter can do this change for
take 2d6 damage of the column’s type, or half on a the party for 500 GP for the 4 stones, which will act as an
success. instant communication device afterwards.


A non-hostile Dust Mephit appears and keeping its Out from a small niche between two red rocks a small
distance, will stick around the party. It seems… Lost? green patch, with yellow spots – a lone flower is growing
The Mephit will not attack the players, rather just flies against all odds.
around them for 1d6 hours. This is an encounter to show the beauty of nature. If
Players can find a set of small bones with a DC16 players water the flower, or contribute to its survival in
Investigation check around in a small crevice. Once they any other way, can award them Inspiration.
find the bones the Mephit will get excited, dashing
around them.
If the party decides to bury the bones, the Mephit THE HERMIT
disappears, and a loud sigh of relief is heard. In the side of a rock formation a small fire is burning. A
lady greets adventurers – cautiously but without ill
THE ROC’S FEATHER If the players are friendly with her, she will share her
Falling from the air, a large, 6-foot-long feather lands story and gift a Potion of Healing to the party.
on the ground in front of the party. In the distance far
above, players can see the large silhouette of a flying
creature (a Roc)
The Roc will not come back, not notice the party and it
is more than 1000 feet away at the moment of the
feather falling down.
The feather is a valuable artifact and can be sold to a
collector for 100GP.


At a patch, where the ground is particularly dusty and FOOTSTEPS
reddish – a member of the party trips and falls – only to Large, booted footsteps are visible in the dust. After a
be painted red by the dust. while, more join – one by one. Eventually, it looks as if a
The fall can be avoided with a DC12 Dexterity saving small crowd walked here – but the footsteps stop at one
throw. point. Looking back, players can’t even see them – as if
The dust can’t be washed off but will disappear from they were never there.
the skin and clothes gradually in 1d4+2 days. A DC12 The footsteps are part of an illusion that originated
Insight check can identify that washing might make the from the anomaly of this plane of existence almost
situation worse. If the player tries to wash the powder off colliding with another version of reality.
regardless, the time taken for it to disappear is 1d8+4 Players with Proficiency in Arcana can make an Arcana
days. check – and upon a 15 or higher will be able to
The effect of the dust is a disadvantage on Persuasion understand the source of the phenomenon.
checks for the time the dust soils the clothing and skin of
the player.
From an outcropping the party can oversee a full valley.
THE CROSSROADS Beautiful moments of adventuring need to be
The path diverges, but there is a sign showing appreciated!
information, detailing both the closest destinations to Looking to the valley below, players will gain the
the left and right. It has some text on it though, that is effect of the Bless spell for 1d4 hours.
hard to read…
The text is written in thieves’ cant, and details a
nearby stashes location. The stash can be found with a
DC15 Investigation check under a set of flat stones. On
this check characters that successfully read the text on
the sign have advantage.
The chest contains 1d10+20 GP, 1 Thieves’ Tools, 1
silver locket.

CITY ENCOUNTERS In the city, players can see that an unusual number of
cats are around – all looking at them attentively. They
1d20 Event
are friendly but don’t let the party touch them.
1 Innkeeper’s Daughter Players trying to pet the cats or catch them need to
2 Those Curious Cats make a DC18 Dexterity check. If they want to tame the
cats, they need to make a DC15 Animal Handling check.
3 Progress
The check is with advantage if food or toys are involved.
4 Restoring Old Memories Upon successfully taming a cat, they gain one use of
5 Caught up in a Wedding Luck, and the cat will become their companion.
6 A Kid’s Fortune
7 Released from War PROGRESS
8 Street Magician On a plaza, a young man holds a rusted key and seems to
be struggling with his tears. Upon inquiring players will
9 An Amulet Found
get to know that he just managed to buy a small shack –
10 A Generous Noble not much, but it is his first ever property in his life,
11 Those Pesky Racoons! spending most all of his fortune on it.
He will invite the party to visit, and they can see that
12 Riverside Memories
the shack is very run down, barely livable. If they decide
13 An Honest Thief to help the man in any way, he will become a positive
14 Blessing of the Gods contact to them, helping any way he can – and players
will always be welcome at his place to stay – or hide, if
15 Helping your Elders
that becomes necessary.
16 A New Business
17 The Cloak
18 Sparrow’s Dinner
19 A Proud Mother
20 Lighting up the Town

Players can meet a lady in love working in the inn,
seemingly in pain and worry. She is the daughter of the
innkeeper, wishing to marry to the son of the tanner
living nearby. She wants the party to help convince her RESTORING OLD MEMORIES
father, who is very much against the intentions. A var veteran sits on the side of the road, asking for
If the players agree, they can talk to the father who coins – visibly in a bad shape. He seems to have lost
will share that he is only afraid to lose his daughter, most of his memories, but still has some stories to share.
fearing that she would grow cold to her family due to the If players throw a coin to the man, he will share a
marriage. This is clearly a false assumption – players story with them. You as the DM can use a part of your
can convince the father with a DC12 Persuasion check or world’s lore, exaggerated, or in slightly untrue ways. The
pay him (50GP) to change his mind. recollection of the memory will not be complete and
If players try intimidation, the father will not be open somewhere in the middle the veteran will stop saying “I
to discuss any further. think I should remember more. My memory fails me
Upon success the lady will thank profusely and will more and more often.”
pay their accommodation within the inn. If players wish they can help the man restore his
Later (in 1d12+20 days) a wedding can be observed in memories and revitalize his mind with the Greater
the city – that of the lady and the tanner’s son. Restoration spell or a similar effect. This will trigger
uncontrollable happiness, as the man suddenly is met
with an influx of memories. He will try do his best to
dance (which is not easy with his old bones). He will be
able to finish the story and warn the party against a
looming threat as an added benefit.

The party gets caught up in a wedding celebration – The party sees a man in armor (stat block of a Veteran)
handed drinks, food and pushed towards a nearby of the army arriving to the city, asking around. He is
square, to celebrate together with the happy crowd. looking for information about his family – who seem to
On the event the following things can happen: have moved while he was out of town on the war effort.
The party can decide to help, in which case they
1d6 Happening eventually find the wife of the veteran. As a reward, the
couple will invite the players over to dinner, where they
Drinking contest – DC16 Constitution saving
1 will share stories to each other and as players to share
throw or become drunk.
their stories as well.
2 See a pickpocket (Passive Perception 13)
A great performance – one of the players gets
handed a lute and is ushered to perform.
(Performance check DC12) On a success, great
ovation and a rain of coins is the reward.
The tripping bride – Players can try catch her
with a DC14 Dexterity saving throw.
Food fight – the pastries and creamy sweets
5 start flying around covering everyone in a
lighthearted food massacre.
Priest’s blessing – a priest joins the event
6 providing prayers and blessings for everyone

The party meets a kid, grasping a glass sphere,
cracked on one side. She offers to tell their fortune and STREET MAGICIAN
A young lady (stat block of an Acolyte) performs magic
asks only some sweets in return.
tricks – she does not accept money in return though. She
If the party complies, or gives some coins for the kid,
practices and aims to become a powerful mage once.
she will lead them to a small alleyway, sit them down on
The Party can identify that most of the tricks use
wooden planks in a circle and start the fortune telling.
Prestidigitation – and are easily replicable.
This has no magical effect, no real powers behind and
is solely for fun, but you as a DM can play around the
fortunes later.
The kid can tell the following fortunes:

1d8 Fortune
1 You will do great big, amazing things! I think.
2 Your future holds candies, a lot of candies.
3 A big cat is all I see, sorry.

Beware, never cross your eyes, for they will AN AMULET FOUND
remain like that forever! Hanging from a sewer grate, almost falling in – the
5 If you eat a fruit, your earlobes will grow. players see a nice amulet. It is not engraved – nor has it
any distinct features…
If you do not thank your parents for the life,
6 The item is an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and
they gave you they will cry every evening
Location (DMG 150). It was left here as part of a fight a
3 horses are smiling at you decide wisely which couple of days ago.
one you trust During the fight, a lady was abducted and pulled to the
Fall is the season when good things will sewers. Players can identify with a DC16 Investigation
8 check that the sewer grate has been moved, and that
there are signs of fighting around it.
Entering the sewer and looking around, with a DC20
Investigation check the players can find a dead body. A
DC10 medicine check will identify that an amulet was
torn from her neck, leaving a mark. The cause of her
death is suffocation, the culprit is nowhere to be found

A noble is walking on the street handing out gold pieces,
looking at the players he will hand them a bunch and ask
to hand it out for those who are in need.

If players agree the following things can happen BLESSING OF THE GODS
during their altruistic venture: The sun shines more radiant than usual. The party can
feel it piercing their skin and fill their mind. It feels good
1d6 Event and liberating.
A kid catches a gold piece, and brings it to their Through the radiant energy the following impacts may
1 occur.
mom, hugging her intensely
An old man leaning to a fence catches a piece
2 1d4 Event
and nods agreeingly
1 A message from a deity fills the players’ minds
A drunkard tries to snatch all gold from your
3 They get strengthened against effects of the
2 undead (resistance to necrotic damage for 1d4
3 identically looking sisters come shyly forward days)
asking for some coins.
They can ask questions that will be answered
A guard looks at a coin on the ground and when 3
5 (The effect of the Commune Spell)
he thinks no one sees, he will pick it up.
They can ask for an intervention (The effect of
A thrown coin is snatched from the air by a 4
6 the Divine Intervention spell)
raven, who flies away instantly


THOSE PESKY RACOONS! An old lady (stat block of a Commoner), carrying a heavy
A barrel is suspiciously moving in an abandoned alley. It basket tries to pass the road. She is visibly struggling –
is full of feasting raccoons (stat block of a Rat). They will but no one stopped to help her so far.
swarm the party if they get within 5 feet and try to find The party can decide to help, and the lady will engage
all food you have – especially sweets! in conversation – sharing that she is planning to go to
The party members getting close to the barrel need to the market, to sell the vegetables in her basket.
make 3 consecutive DC20 Dexterity saving throws, or She will thank the party at the end of the journey with
their food items will get stolen and eaten. In-between a payment of 3 SP.
the throws they can decide to act – if they throw a piece
of food the raccoons will rush to get it, leaving the
players alone.
If they pass all saving throws, raccoons leave with an
empty stomach.

Looking into the usually moving water – stillness greats
the party – and a mirror like surface. Looking into the
mirror – they see their faces – but they seem… young.
You as a DM can use this to remind them of a moment
in their childhood and their past. A lady (stat block of a Commoner) stands behind a
You can even decide to play the moments out, giving makeshift stand, selling what seems to be a purple liquid
the party a chance to shape their backstory, and give called “Flowerbooze”. It is a new mix of sweet
certain benefits/proficiencies based on the memory they ingredients! She hopes to make it as famous as ale or
relive. wine.
Trying the drink, the party can identify that it is good
tasting, non-alcoholic and a refreshing beverage.
AN HONEST THIEF The lady asks the party to help in the venture, buying
Players see a man (stat block of an Assassin) with a
barrels from her to resell at inns the party visits. Her
bottle of drink sitting on the cobblestone path. He is
proposal is to but for 50GP and resell for 100 – keeping
contemplating his bad life choices as a thief. He wants to
the profits.
find the right path but is afraid he went too far.
You can return any time to repeat the transaction and
Upon the party engaging in conversation, they will
help the drink gain fame. Selling the Flowerbooze for the
find that this person has nearly given up on life. Upon
designated 100GP to a tavern can be done by passing a
passing a DC12 Persuasion, DC12 Perception check they
DC12 Persuasion check, anything less and you can only
can identify that the person is an outlaw.
sell it for a lower price.
He will share with the party that he killed many people
After 6 successful sales ventures the drink starts to get
but recently had a realization – that all was for nothing
famous and within a year of in game time, most taverns
and feels like his soul is lost.
will have it on shelf.

A hooded figure (stat block of a Mage) approaches you
and with slow, non-threatening movements puts a
weird looking patched cloak on one of the party’s
members – then leaves.
The mage does not answer any questions and
disappears with the use of a greater invisibility spell
scroll in a nearby alley.
The motivation of the mage is to create chaos, and she
only gave the cloak to contribute to that. She will scry on
the wearer of the cloak regularly afterwards.
The cloak is a Robe of Useful Items (DMG 195). Once
all patches are used, she will visit the party and thank for
the entertainment that they provided.

Quick moving small sparrows (stat block of a Raven) fly
around, just above the party’s heads, catching bugs and
taking them home. The view is amazing, and the
sparrows trail leads to a place of interest an abandoned
building with an operational alchemy laboratory with 1
Alchemy kit, 1d10 empty vials, 1d4 random potions and
1d4 random poisons.
The trail of the sparrows can be followed by a DC10
Survival or Perception check. The abandoned building is
locked and has the doors and windows barred –
openable with a DC10 Strength check.
The sparrows travel through small holes in the wall to
their nests that are on the inside, at the corners of the

A lady (stat block of a Commoner) happily hands out
small jars of sweet sugary jam. Her happiness is due to
the success of her daughter – she has just been accepted
to the Mages College – her lifelong dream coming true!
The party can get jam out of this encounter. The jar
can make any food tastier or can serve as a valuable gift
packed neatly.


Late in the evening a worriless singing man (stat block
of a Commoner) can be heard. Upon examining the party
will see him replacing and relighting old torches. He
greets them with a wide smile. He is happy to give the
party torches, candles for free, and can share secrets of
the night within the city.

your water against all his. Upon winning, he will admire
your braveness and will not take your water – nor will he
1d20 Event give it to you for free. Upon losing he will fill his end of
the bargain and you can leave him waterless in the
1 Talking Mirage
2 Water Trader
3 Spider Roll
4 Oasis
5 Sandcastle in Nowhere
6 Dunesailor
7 Traveling Rocks
8 Dry Riverbed
9 Salt Deposits
10 Tired Stork
11 Nighttime Symphony
12 Blocked Canal
13 Sandstone Basin
14 Fairy Circles
15 Flowering Cacti
16 Planar Traveler
17 Protective Snakes
18 Glowing Sand
19 Abandoned Campsite
20 Seagulls


Looking into the distance the party can see the form of a Atop a large dune the party stirs up a small family of
lady. It is a mirage – but then why does she talk, why can spiders. They roll up into a wheel shape and bolt down
they hear her voice? the side of the dune with unimaginable speed.
At the beginning of the encounter the party should With a DC12 Perception check, players can identify in
have a hard time identifying what the phenomenon is. As the spiders’ path which spots are stable to traverse down
soon as they perceive that the figure in the distance the slope of the dune and which seem unstable.
looks like a lady, they should hear her talk – right as if Stepping in an unstable spot, players need to make a
she were next to them. DC15 dexterity saving throw. On a failure they fall prone
The image of the lady is vague and nondescript and and slide down to the base of the dune taking 1d6+5
stays in the distance regardless of if the party tries to get Bludgeoning damage and becoming blinded for 1 minute.
She can say one of the following before disappearing
from the horizon: OASIS
Shade, moisture, drinkable water, and fruits await the
1d4 Message tired adventurers. And this is not even a mirage!
The oasis is empty – but many footprints can be seen
1 Information about the nearest Oasis
– those of people, those of animals.
Information about a dangerous threat in the Passing a DC15 Investigation check the party can find a
vicinity backpack, that contains a map to a supposed treasure
A message in Celestial – saying – “gods watch nearby.
3 over you. If you need help just cease fighting
and pray.”
“Ask for rain and your wish shall be granted Between two dunes an ornate sandcastle is found. If the
through the tears of my sorrow” party breaks it, it rebuilds itself.
In the middle of the sandcastle there is a small stone
shovel – that emanates a magical essence. Its only power
WATER TRADER is that whenever it is placed on the ground, it
Deep into the desert, on what counts as a “road” the automatically builds a sandcastle that is rebuilt
party meets a caravan of 5 Camels and a Trader (stat whenever disturbed.
block of a Commoner). The trader sells water and is
happy to supply you as well.
The camels have large pouches on them containing DUNESAILOR
mundane items, and many filled and empty waterskins. The party sees a small ship-like wooden construct, with
The trader is honest and loves to gamble. He can be large white sails making its way swiftly between the
challenged to a card game – and proposes you to bet all

dunes. A gnomish inventor (stat block of a Spy) is at the
Waving or any other way signaling interest in NIGHTTIME SYMPHONY
engaging in conversation the inventor will come towards As darkness settles, and stars cover the dunes the party
the party and stop nearby, not leaving his construct. starts to hear singing. Eventually yellowish translucent
He is living in a nearby village and does dunesailing as figures start dancing around – the eerie night starting to
a sport. If the party is friendly with him, he will propose resemble a ball.
them to join for a ride. The phenomenon is harmless, and the figures are
visibly spirits of human nobilities. They do not interact
with the party, nor do they acknowledge their presence.
They are dancing in unison, and at the end of the song
they bow and disappear.
They are spirits of a long dead traveling noble and his
entourage who died in this desert hundreds of years ago
due to getting lost.

A 20 feet deep, 200 feet wide canal filled with water
TRAVELLING ROCKS blocks your way – or at least would block – if not for the
These 3-foot-high standing stones leave a clear trail in two invisible walls cutting a path in the water, enabling
the sand. When the party looks at them, they do not passage with a dry foot.
move, but as they look away – it seems they shift ever so The passage is provided by two Wall of Force spell
slightly. effects blocking both sides of the canal, enabling
The stones house the souls of a cursed family. They traversal. A Disintegrate spell can end the effect of the
are bound to move and get to the source of their curse – Walls, connecting the stream of water again, starting the
which is a powerful archmage on the other end of the flow anew.
world. The spells were placed here by a mage who wanted to
The party can clearly see the trail the stones made so build an underwater stronghold. They left, to pursue
far but to identify that the stones are moving at any more important matters – but players passing the canal
given point of time when nobody is looking at them, they may identify signs of construction and - with some luck
need to pass a DC14 Perception check. – clues about the mage that started this project.


The desert dunes give way to sandstone banks – and a A circular 20 feet hole in almost flat sandstone ground,
dry riverbed with the remnants of some shallow ponds filled with murky water. During the day it is a warm
remaining. Water is scarce, but there is still some life to bath, during the night it is frozen shut.
be found here. Players with a DC15 Investigation check in the bottom of
Players can find drinkable water and 1d12+6 fish and the pond can find small bones of rodents, and a couple of
amphibians destined to death in these small ponds. gold pieces.
They can decide to fish them out and release them in During the day, the basin has a 20% chance to start
any freshwater environment later. You as the DM can emitting toxic gasses. If players stand at the side or in
award them inspiration for such an altruistic deed. the pool of water, they need to make a DC14 Constitution
saving throw or fall unconscious for 1d12 minutes.
Players in water will start to drown.
The sand turns white and is covered with a 2-inch-thick
layer of clean salt. It is an eerie sight – harmless FAIRY CIRCLES
regardless. 1 feet diameter, round, 1-inch-deep holes decorate the
Salt can be harvested and used as resource. This place sandy ground. Each small indent has a gold piece inside.
does not host any life, or drinkable water – and on the Who has time for this out in the desert?
white surface the party has disadvantage on stealth This is the work of a fairy (HP 20, AC15 non-
checks. combatant), who thinks gold can grow on trees, and is
desperately trying to prove it.
If players pick up a gold piece or spend more than 10
TIRED STORK minutes around the “seeds” the fairy will arrive scolding
In the distance the party can see a stork (stat block of an them for their interference asking to leave.
Owl) trying to catch flight but falling back every time.
Getting closer – it is visible that this bird is near death
The stork would like to reach nearby warm, but more
habitable areas. Its strength is not enough to proceed
The party can feed and quench its thirst, letting it fly
off – giving it a 70% chance to reach its destination.
If the party decides to take the stork with them and
nurture it further, after 1d4 days the stork flies away on
its own and will 100% reach its original destination.

The side of a sand dune is adorned with a set of high, A small, hidden camp with supplies, water, and a small
tubes – cacti – that have blossoms on them that look letter – saying to “help yourself to whatever you find
ready to open. The blossoms contain small fruits, that and thank the gods for your good fortune”.
can be picked with a DC12 Dexterity check. The campsite contains mundane items such as Ropes,
On a failure the fruit is still picked but the player takes Waterskins, torches, clothing items.
1d4 piercing damage from the cactus. If the players leave something behind as well, to
“exchange” instead of only take, you as a DM can decide
The effect of the fruits can be the following: to give them inspiration for the fair deal.

1d4 Effect
1 1d6 temporary hit points
A set of seagulls (HP 1, AC 12, no effective attacks) fly
2 Darkvision 120 feet for 1d12 hours above head. Their presence signals that the sea or a body
3 No effect of water must be near. One of the seagulls seem to be
entangled in something…
Visions of dead people who walked the desert
4 The party can identify that a seagull has a fishing net
in the past, for 1d4 hours
entangled across their neck, barely keeping up with the
other birds. The bird can be lured with food, or a DC12
Animal Handling check and caught with a DC10 Dexterity
A lightly dressed, elegant female half-elf drops to the
The fishing net can be retrieved in one piece and the
ground out of nowhere (Stat block of a Mage) She walks
party can keep it in their inventory, and the bird can join
up to the party and asks where she is. Hands a coin in
its friends flying off towards the direction of the sea.
exchange for the information and leaves, by reading a
scroll and disappearing into thin air.
The lady is a planar explorer and uses scrolls of Plane
Shift to move around – but is not particularly great at
targeting her jumps – and is regularly lost.
Upon the players trying to stop her she will throw a
ring at them and scold the players for interfering. The
ring is a Ring of Evasion (DMG 191).

A pack of Poisonous Snakes (1d6+3) surround the party
and accompany them for a while (1d4 days). They are
protective of the party and even fight on their side– if
the players do not attack them. Upon hostile player
actions against the snakes, they leave immediately, and
will not return.

A small amount of sand is picked up by the wind – and
instead of dropping down straight as could be expected
– the sand starts to glow and float for a while before it
hits the ground again.
The party can identify that only part of the sand
particles do this with a DC14 Perception check.
A DC14 Dexterity check will allow them to catch the
particles while in the air. Looking at them closer they can
see that the glowing bits are not sand, but tiny bugs –
harmless, and when blown at, emitting a faint light.
Their light is not enough to be used as effective light
source, but enough to be seen faintly, and give small
signals with across short distances.

Waking up in their dream the party finds themselves in a
1d20 Event square room. They seem to be alone, and they seem to all
1 The All-Seeing Eye have the same vision. After looking around – the party
2 A Memory Changed can see that above them, where they would expect a
ceiling to be located, they see a mirror like surface –
3 Fighting Yourself with the only difference that their reflections do not
4 Songs of Nature move – only stare at them from above – crying silently.
5 A Void Filled Any way to interact with the mirror images will
increase discomfort in the party members attempting to
6 Swimming in Ale
do so. After 3 tries, they will hear a shout from their
7 Enchanter of Minds mirror images – and a warning message (that you as a
8 A Locked Idea DM can decide).

9 The Endless Hall

10 Attic Without an image materializing in the head of a sleeping
11 The Fire Burning Within party member – in complete darkness, they hear
different natural sounds around them. With a DC14
12 The Group of Shadows Perception check they can identify the sounds sources –
13 Your Mind’s Garden and they can move, try to get closer to the sources as
14 Feather Fall well.
When they reach the sounds source, the following
15 Visions of Hell effects may happen – depending on the natural sound
16 The Day but Different they decided to go towards.
17 Lucid Dreaming After the effect is triggered, the dream ends.
Sound Effect
18 Enlarge & Reduce
A waterfall DC14 Dexterity saving throw – on a failure
19 Bird’s Perspective
falling and waking up. On success – the player
20 Darkness will feel as if they become one with the water.
After waking up, they will have no difficult
terrain penalty in water, and gain swimming
THE ALL-SEEING EYE speed equal to their movement.
One member of the party wakes up and feels that their
limbs and body seem to be sucked into their torso. In Strong DC14 Constitution saving throw – on a failure
fact, it feels as if their torso is also disappearing and wind fall and wake up. On success – lean into the
getting merged into their head. wind and seemingly be embraced by it, filling
Eventually all that is left of them is one large blob with the player with a warm feeling.
a vision of everything around them in 360 degrees. After waking up, the player will always be able
They can see different locations, times and to tell the change of weather 4 days before it
happenings all around them and when trying to happens.
concentrate on one, they need to make a DC14 Wisdom
Leaves DC14 Intelligence saving throw – on a failure get
check. Upon success they can get a clear view – and you
brushing in lost in the dream forest and wake up. On a
as a DM can explain a happening from your world that
can help the story progress. On a failure, the visions blur the wind success, the leaves seem to form words that the
and as the eyes focus fails, the images turn to a dark, player can understand – saying “hear, and
dreamless slumber. listen, we have much to say”.
After waking up the player can spend 10
A MEMORY CHANGED minutes in a forest area to commune with trees
A player character wakes up as their younger self, – who will be able to answer questions about
reliving a memory that shaped their life. For a while, the what they experienced within the forest –
memory goes by as they remember it -at one point they similarly to the effect of the Commune spell.
need to make a DC10 Wisdom check. Upon success, they
Waves DC14 Constitution saving throw – on a failure
will realize that they can act differently in this dream as
crashing drown in the dream and wake up. On a success,
they remember the memory to go – and the realization
feels to have weight, and an unusual significance to it. players can feel their lung fill with water – but
After this, they can play out their memory any way will feel that it is like air, enabling them to
they wish – and when they wake up – whatever they breathe.
played out will become actual reality – changing their After waking up, players gain the ability of
backstory. water breathing once a day for 10 minutes.
You as the DM can use this to change proficiencies
with weapons, instruments; change relationship of the
PC with certain NPCs, change how they interacted to A VOID FILLED
help their story develop – and give players agency over In their sleep the full party wakes up together, in
things they might not want to change about their complete magical darkness, not seeing anything. They
backstory. can hear each other though and can identify that they are
organized in a circular pattern. Between them, they feel
a pull – towards the center of the circle. If they decide to
try to move away, or not move at all, they will need to

make a DC14 Strength Saving throw. On a failure they get Going closer, the player can see that the figure has no
sucked closer to the center by an unseen force – while facial features, and its hammer is adorned with runes
everyone hears whispers in their mind. glowing red – hammering at what seems to be an
Players can decide to willingly move close, and enter amorphous greyish substance.
the void in the center, but if they decide not to - whoever As the creature realizes they have guests, they will
is the first to fail 3 of the saving throws, gets sucked to point the player to a marble block – which they could
the very center, filling the void. swear, it wasn’t there before.
After this, the force fades, and the darkness slowly On the block they see colors – touching each will make
turns into blinding bright light – releasing the dreamers. the color glow slightly and give the vague feeling to the
You can use this dream to select a target for an player of the skill the color represents.
antagonist of the campaign – giving them disadvantage
against being scried upon, or relay any message you Color Skill Feeling when touched
want through the whispers during their struggle.
Red Arcana A magical breeze
SWIMMING IN ALE Blue Charisma Confidence, and charm
Players hear large brass bells, and waves crashing. As Yellow Wisdom Peace, and sense of purpose
their vision clears, they see themselves, submerged,
swimming in liquid, next to them a ship, its bell Going to the large figure and expressing with words or
dangling and lazily ringing as waves nudge the hull up any non-spoken way a choice made between the colors –
and down. Aside of the ship there is nothing around. its hammer will change to resemble it, and one of the
Getting familiar with the surroundings, note that the large hands will try to grapple the players.
players can feel an overwhelming alcohol smell, and if If they resist – the figure shakes their head in
they look to the water or try it – they can identify that it disapproval – and the dream ends. If they let the figure
is not water, but ale. take them – the player will be put on the anvil and be
Upon this realization a figure appears on the deck of worked on painlessly with the hammer.
the ship – their features hard to make out. They will say At the end of the ritual they gain +1 to their base score,
“Y’all havin’ a mighty fine drink down there, we be resembling the color of their choice.
leavin’ ya!”
With that the ship starts to turn and slowly gain speed. A LOCKED IDEA
Characters can try to catch up with a skill challenge You as the DM can use this to hide a campaign secret – a
where you as a DM should encourage creative use of piece of information that can help tremendously to
spells or items. The spell slots or item charges only are resolve a conflict.
used within the dream, they have no effect on the Each night, players have a 20% chance to have the
sleepers. same dream.
You as a DM determine what skills players should use In the dream they find themselves in a room with
for each of the challenges. When the players gather 2 nothing but a locked chest.
successes, they reach the ship, when they reach two The chest has 3 large keyholes, and there are 3 keys
failures, the ship gains distance and becomes laying on the ground next to it.
unreachable. DC of each skill challenge should be 12, any Players with a DC16 Perception check, can identify
creative idea can either lower it, or give advantage to the which key corresponds to which hole. The DC is
roll. decreased by 4, if the player has proficiency in Thieves’
Failing the challenge players will eventually drown in Tools.
ale, and for the upcoming 7 days, will have a strong Some of the locks are trapped, some are locked, and
aversion to any alcoholic drinks. they need to be opened in a strict order. If the order is
Reaching the ship, the ship captain helps players incorrect, or a trap is triggered – a bellowing laughter is
aboard, saying that “y’all are made of tough driftwood” heard, progress is reset, and the dream ends.
patting them on the back. Choose one of the following Once players figure out the correct order, over the
rewards, as the dream ends: course of multiple dreams, they can get access to the
1d4 Effect secret inside the chest.
For 1d6 days, drinking ale has the same effect The locks order and trams can be as follows:
as drinking a Potion of Healing Correct Order Effect

For 1d12+4 days you can’t get drunk drinking Center Not trapped
alcohol. Left Trapped (DC14 to notice, DC14 to disarm)
Waking up you find a bottle next to you – it is Right Trapped (DC16 to notice, DC14 to disarm)
filled with ale and replenishes each night.
You smell of old ale, regardless of how much
One party member finds themselves in an endless
looking, dimly lit stone paved hallway – with nothing on
the sides, aside of a couple of light sockets, containing
ENCHANTER OF MINDS magical light.
A selected player finds themselves on a domed structure, The corridor is straight, and at the end of it, far -far
lit with a green-blue hue. away, there is a door. If the player tries to walk towards
In the middle of the dome, a large muscular it, eventually they will realize that the door does not get
androgynous figure is hammering at something, closer at all. This can’t be changed by any non-magical
creating not sparks, but bright flashes of light. Each hit means – but magical solutions (such as Dimension door,
is silent, and the light reflects off the dome. Misty Step do help players close the distance.

The dream lasts for 3 actions that the player would YOUR MIND’S GARDEN
like to do. 2 successful magical actions are needed to Within a pitch-black space, the only light and items seen
reach the door, otherwise the dream ends in the corridor. to one player of the party are 6 square, 10feet wide
Upon reaching the doorway, and opening the wooden planters, with different kinds of flowers inside.
door with its brass knob, the other side can contain a The flowers represent the state of mind and mental
long-forgotten memory or a plot hook that helps players health of the player, each planter resembling an
in an upcoming encounter. important aspect of wellbeing. These aspects are detailed
in the table below – and the state of orderliness or
ATTIC dismay in each pot is determined by the DM – based on
The party finds themselves in a dusty attic, with multiple the character’s past experiences – and how deeply the
piles of items covered, and hidden under white cloth – given aspect influences them at the given moment.
all dusted over. Standing next to each planter, the player can feel
The attic has a faint bit of light entering through small traces of the feeling connected to the flowers within.
holes in the roof, giving a dim, but adequate light for Next to the planters, after examining them, a small
exploration. wooden table can be seen, with rakes, watering cans and
Under each pile, a cage and some boxes are located. In all other gardening supplies.
either cage or box there will be an item from the If the player decides to tend to a pot, they will feel
characters past (not a long-hidden secret, rather a their pains, fears, or flaws ease – if they cause harm, the
childhood or early memory). Players can recognize the situation gets worse.
items as an item of significance, but if they do not make Aspect of mental health
the connection – through a DC10 Insight check you as a Flowerpot represented
DM can let them know what the items really are.
This small encounter is supposed to generate role play
Small yellow flowers Grief of a loved one
and increase player to player discussions. It helps, if Blue lilies A flaw the character has
each item is found not by the person who it bears a Red roses A love (fuldilled or unfulfilled)
connection to.
Pink azalias Fear of a task at hand
THE FIRE BURNING WITHIN Flowerless black leaves Impact of a curse or madness
A player wakes up next to a campfire, and finds White callas Confidence
themselves between shapeless, faceless, colorless
figures. The only thing in fact – that is clearly visible
with all its details is the fire itself.
One of the figures throws a boulder to the fire – saying
A player wakes up in freefall – only seeing clouds and
“You need to fuel your flame”.
sky above and below – with no ground in sight.
With a bit of looking around the player can find a set of
Upon shaking the feeling of surprise, they can identify
that the fall seems to be very slow – in fact, way too slow
If they decide to throw logs on the fire, after a while
to be natural. (The player falls with the speed of the
the bonfire gets extremely hot and you as the DM should
Feather Fall Spell)
ask them to make consecutive Constitution saving
If they let the fall continue, they gain a long rest, and
throws with increasing difficulty upon failure, waking
1d6 temporary hitpoints in the morning – due to the
relaxing, freeing nature of the dream.
The only way to resolve the encounter is if they the
If they try to break out, they will benefit from a regular
player throws themselves into the fire. In this case, as
long rest.
the flames embrace them – they will feel warmth and
If they actively disrupt the effect of the spell slowing
receive a benefit – an example being resistance to fire
their fall, in the morning they get 1d4+2 hitpoint
reduction that lasts until their next long rest.


Trying to identify items of interest within the clouds –
with a DC12 Perception check, players can see cloud
A group of 1d12+3 Shadows start attacking the players in
formations resembling peaceful things – e.g. a bird with
a pitch black, magical darkness. Darkvision does not
open wings, a stretching cat, a smiling face.
penetrate the night and torches will also have no effect,
making the fight heavily in favor of the attackers.
The only way to win and resolve the encounter is if the
Players see a set of disturbing images – demons and
players decide to touch each other – at the places where
devils amidst flames – hurting others, and each other.
they connect, bright light appears penetrating 10 feet
With a DC14 Perception check they can identify
into the darkness, immediately dispersing any shadow
innocents, who are out of place – standing their ground,
that is withing range. If they let go – the light disappears
but seemingly loosing.
– giving the shadows a chance again.
This can prompt a quest to save people, by a descent to
If players spread out the DM can allow them to make a
the hells, or have an other – less literal relevance to the
DC12 Insight check – to reveal that sticking together
parties adventures.
seems like a better idea. If they are within 5 feet of each
other, they might accidentally touch shoulders or backs, THE DAY BUT DIFFERENT
triggering a small flicker of light as a clue to the In this dream you as the DM can explain your players a
resolution. part of their last day, and let them experience it from
Each dispersed shadow leaves behind a small ring or birds’ eye view. Allow them to focus on certain aspects
necklace on the colorless ground – upon picking one up, that they might be interested in, and ask them to roll
the players fade out from the dream – grasping the ring Perception checks to notice things that they might have
or necklace they picked up… missed during the day in the heat of the action – or
simply because they did not pay attention.

Once they find 3 interesting nuances or once the scene (e.g. the players may see a city in flames – see a
you wanted to replay to them ends, the dream comes to notable ship leaving port, an army marching, a volcano
an end. erupting.)


The player having the lucid dream, does not really sleep. The party is conscious, hears people and a lively village
Their eyes open wide, but they are unable to move them around them – but sees pitch darkness. They sometimes
or their body at all. touch things or bump into people and items – but no
They are silently experiencing the world around them light penetrates through the pitch dark.
– with little chance to break out from the dream. If they After a small while the lively village voices start to
fight the lucid dream, a DC25 Wisdom Saving throw is fade – and eventually get replaced by screams. The party
needed to snap out and gain control over their bodies. starts feeling fire touching their skins and eventually
While dreaming they may experience one of the wake up.
following effects. You may use this dream as a sense of urgency to help
1d4 Effect speed up the main storyline.
Harmless ethereal butterflies land on surfaces
around them and on their bodies.
A creeping shadow moves closer and closer to
them eventually caressing their face.
They overhear sounds of murder from a
location nearby.
They find reality fading away to give space to
another plane of existence temporarily.


The player finds themselves in an arena with ovation all
around and realizes that fighting is about to start – them
being one of the fighting parties.
Soon, from a side door in the arena a character enters
– and getting closer the player can see that it is a mirror
copy of themselves but double their size.
In the fight the player can use a bonus action to try
enlarging themselves or reduce the size of their
opponent. This can be done as a Bonus Action – with a
successful DC12 Wisdom saving throw. Upon failure, the
opposite of the desired action transpires.
The sizes and their effects on damage (for ease of
access) may be categorized based on the below table.
Size Effect
No damage and 1HP. Increase on Wisdom Save
DC to 14 – if the player reaches this size.
Half Size Half damage and HP, no additional effect.
Life size Normal damage, no additional effect.
Double size Double damage and HP, no additional effect.
Tripple damage and HP, increase on Wisdom
Enormous Save DC to 14 – if the opponent reaches this

The opponent in the dream may reveal a backstory

secret from the player’s past that they may not
remember – or give insight on plans set by the party in
the real world.

The party finds themselves flying way above the land –
seeing towns, villages, mountains, and forests
underneath. They can control their flight and you may
ask them where would they like to soar.
If they choose a direction in which important world
events are happening – you may give insight about those
to the players to help drive the plot forward.

The party, traveling through a patch of high trees can
FOREST ENCOUNTERS overhear from the top of the canopy sounds of a heated
1d20 Event
Looking up they can vaguely see small, winged figures
1 The Talking Tree deeply engaged in the conversation, not even noticing
2 Pixie Conclave their presence.
They are pixies (AC15, HP 10, non-combatant), living
3 Tired Woodcutters
in the canopy, in small homes magically hidden in the
4 Forest Watchtower trunk of the tree. The canopy houses a small pixie
5 Colorful Mushrooms village, which 1d20+10 of the creatures. Once they realize
that the players are aware of their presence, most pixies
6 Children’s Playground
will hide (a DC15 Perception check can identify the
7 Weird Woodpecker hidden homes). The pixies will send one of their
8 Circle of Ferns representatives towards the players, who is scared, and
ashamed – as they approach. This pixie will be able to
9 The Lone Cub
share the following things with players:
10 Treehouse
• The Pixie village is isolated and is not supposed to
11 The Hidden Spring meet outsiders.
12 Dark Friend • The debate made them unaware, and the players were

13 Stuck Arrow in the wrong place at the wrong time.

• The pixies will ask you to forget and never talk about
14 Thick Moss
them to anyone. (They are willing to pay 200GP)
15 Curious Squirrels • (DC15 Persuasion Check) – The debate was about the

16 Reckless Hunters succession of the village leadership. There are 2

candidates, and the village is divided.
17 Hidden Chapel • (DC17 Persuasion Check) The division is based on two
18 The Smell of a Bear opposing directions – open the village, and connect
19 Abandoned Camp with outsiders, or stay isolated and hidden.

20 Autumn Comes Early


An old looking tree eerily resembles a face. As soon as
the party would write this off as a coincidence, they can
see the tree open two yellow eyes and turn towards them.
The tree can be used as a “quest giver” a source of
information, or a side plot to find out why he is able to
• The tree speaks common and is friendly to the players. TIRED WOODCUTTERS
• It refers to itself as “Bark”.
2 old men (stat block of a Commoner) walk out towards
• It has a hushed voice and loves company.
the nearest road, carrying a large log on their shoulders,
axes tied to their belts. They are overburdened but make
• Not a lot of people come into this part of the forest and
do with their work.
realize that a sentient tree is here. Those who do,
Players approaching the woodcutters can engage in a
usually run away.
discussion with them – they will share that their job is to
• It does not remember its past, for as long as Bark
supply the nearby village with firewood – and that the
remembers it has always been a tree.
next winter is expected to be harsh.
A potential idea of who Bark is: It can be one lost seed of One of the woodcutters has an axe that is magically
the Wild Mother, enchanted and fallen out of sight – enchanted (visible only with a Detect Magic spell). Upon
only to sprout as a sentient being within this forest. being asked – he will share that sometimes fiends roam
the woods, and magical protection is needed against
They are open to share information about the area and
accept any help the players may provide during their

FOREST WATCHTOWER players can identify footprints – a DC12 Survival check
A square shaped building with a 30-foot-high will reveal that the footprints belong to children.
watchtower on top of it. It is inhabited by a trapper – The cave entrance is tight, 5 by 3 foot in size. It leads
who is friendly to all – unless he suspects the guests to 10 feet angled downward and opens to a 5-foot high 1
be shapeshifters. foot diameter chamber, with unlit candles on a wooden
Players can meet the trapper outside of their cabin table and a lot of toys all around.
setting up traps, processing leather, going to hunt, or This – once fox den - now belongs to local children,
smoking their pipe. The trapper will be cautious and will who come out here and play in secret. If players stay here
need to be convinced (DC12 Persuasion check) that the for 1d8+4 hours, children will arrive to play – asking the
guests are not changelings, or shapeshifters. If any players not to share the secret of their playground.
player uses an effect that alters their appearance, the
trapper will cease to communicate and lock themselves
in their home. WEIRD WOODPECKER
Upon establishing friendly relations, the trapper will A black-white woodpecker flies from tree to tree. It
gift warm winter clothing made from fox and wolf fur to always bangs a couple of times, giving off a muffled, but
the travelers and supply them with rations if they still loud sound. One tree sounds hollow, and way louder
require it. than the others, even scaring the bird away.
The tree can be identified as a long dead one, with a
hole in its middle. There are some places on the tree’s
side which can give access for players, and with a bit of
strength, they can even fell it.
In the bottom of the tree, where the hollow part ends,
a large quantity of gathered acorns can be found.

A small clearing in the middle of the forest, with light
ferns growing in a visible circle pattern. The center of
COLORFUL MUSHROOMS the circle at first glance seems empty, devoid of
The trees in this are different from others. They grow vegetation.
stronger, taller, thicker – and at their base, round In the center an orc is buried, with their weapons and
purple, yellow, and red mushrooms are growing. earthly belongings, without a headstone or any other
Eating the mushroom can have various effects. Players marker.
with a DC15 Nature check can identify what potential Players with a DC12 Religion check can identify that
effect consuming the mushroom will have. They can be this place resembles a burial site. Detect Magic spell will
picked and stored for further consumption, and spoil give a signal from 6 feet below.
after 1d10+4 days. Digging in the center, the party can find the long-
The potential effects of the mushrooms are below: decayed remains of an orcish warrior. The Skeleton is
grasping a +1 Longsword and with a DC15 Investigation
1d4 Effect check (or a still active Detect Magic spell) a Quaal’s
+1 damage to all weapon attacks for 1d8 hours. Feather Token (Whip) (DMG 188) can be found.
Players consuming the mushroom need to
1 make a DC12 Constitution saving throw, upon
failure taking 1d4 damage and becoming A little brown bear lost and scared – looking for its
poisoned for 1d4 hours. parents in the depth of the forest.
Advantage on Insight checks for 1d4 days. The bear will not be hostile, and players can help it
Players consuming the mushroom need to reunite with its family by passing a DC15 Survival check
2 make a DC12 Constitution saving throw, upon and finding the trail. The family will be on the other side
failure taking 1d4 damage and their movement of a nearby river, the cub itself not being able to traverse
speed is decreased by 10 feet for 1d4 days. – has been left behind.
Players can help the cub through, and in the process
Movement speed increased by 15 feet. Players
befriend it – DC12 Animal handling checks are required
consuming the mushroom need to make a DC12 to make the bear doo certain actions – on these checks
Constitution saving throw, upon failure taking the party has advantage if food is involved.
1d4 damage and losing darkvision for 1d4 days.
The Commune spell is cast with a random deity.
Players consuming the mushroom need to TREEHOUSE
4 make a DC12 Constitution saving throw, upon One of the large trees has a house on it. It looks
abandoned and run down. There is no visible entrance,
failure taking 1d4 damage and gain 1 level of
but the tree looks climbable.
The party can climb the trunk with a DC14 Athletics or
Acrobatics check. Getting close to the treehouse they can

see a hidden door locked (DC12 Thieves’ Tools check to
open). Inside they can find a writer’s respite. Quills, ink,
Out of nowhere a small den suddenly becomes visible to
papers, multiple unfinished and some finished novels,
the players in the ground. It seems frequently traveled;
poems and book fragments litter the place. A DC14
the ground is hard in front of it. Looking at it closer, the
investigation check will identify love letters and players

reading through can ascertain that the writer got more capable to transmit power to many different purposes –
and more hopeless. among others growing plants, providing heat, providing
A last document they find is a paper fixed with a crude light.
dagger to the wall next to the door saying: “Farewell my To get this source of power the party needs to identify
Delia, farewell my writing”. Players can identify that the that whatever this circle is, the effect comes from
writer has abandoned their profession. underneath the ground – and dig for the item.


In a particularly thick area, on a rocky-muddy hillside From low branches party members with a Passive
the party starts to hear the trickling of water. Looking Perception higher than 13 can see 1d6 squirrels (stat
for the source, under the bushes they can identify a bit block of a Rat) looking intently at them. As the party
rockier terrain, and a small spring originating from the progresses, squirrels follow. Their goal is to take the
ground. shiniest items from the party. They do not care if that is
Water is clean and attracts nearby fauna, players can tightly attached to someone, they will try to take it
replenish their waterskins, and whoever drinks from the regardless.
spring will lose one level of Exhaustion. (Effect does not In return they throw acorns at the feet of the player
stack) they try to rob.
A DC14 Animal Handling check will pacify the jumpy
squirrels, who will look with understanding eyes, fixated
DARK FRIEND on anything shiny. Their intentions can be identified
From the bushes a small Panther walks out slowly. It with a DC12 Insight check. If the party hands them a
looks very satisfied and is neutral to the party. It will shiny item, regardless of value (gold or silver piece,
jump up a tree and find a comfortable sleeping position. piece of shiny foil etc.) the squirrels will become
Players with a DC12 Nature check can identify that the irreversible friends, accompanying the players from a
animal has recently eaten – therefore is extremely safe distance, but helping them while they are located in
happy and has no care whatsoever of anyone being these woods.
around in its territory. Help comes in multiple forms, decide with the
following table, what the squirrels provide to the party.

STUCK ARROW 1d4 Squirrels’ help

You see a large tree, like all others, except for a branch
that seems too straight. Looking at it closer, you see that 1 Squeak at the sign of danger. The party can’t be
it is not a branch, but an overgrown arrow. surprised.
The arrow looks timeless, and its tip is fully 2 Gather useful items. Within a 100 feet radius any
overgrown by the tree. None of the party members can dropped, even mildly useful looking item will be
identify the wooden material the body is made from. The gathered by the squirrels and dropped at the
feathers are missing, it seems they were destroyed by party’s feet.
either time, or the elements.
3 Lure dangers away. The squirrels deceive beasts
The arrow can be pulled out from the Tree with a DC12
Strength check, revealing the tip. of the wilderness, to leave the party alone.
The tip of the arrow is made from Jade. It looks sharp, 4 Battle ready – the 1d6 squirrels engage in battle,
clear dark green and unchipped. It has no magical effect on the initiative count of 20, charging in against
but can be sold for 50GP at a merchant who is any hostile creature.
appreciative of the craftsmanship.
The origin of this arrow is unknown. A former
civilization, or a combatant thrust here against their will RECKLESS HUNTERS
from another plane and unintentionally releasing an Walking in the forest an arrow flies dangerously close to
arrow might have been the reason for this uncommon the face of one party member. Shortly afterwards you
phenomenon. hear a loud surprised and relieved shout and a woman
say “You almost hit them you bastard! Does that look
like a deer to you?”
THICK MOSS The 2 Hunters (Maria and Pontus) then close in
Walking the forest ground your feet touch something profusely apologizing.
unusually soft. You look down and see that you are They are a pair, who like to go out hunting but usually
walking on a 1-foot-thick moss cover. It seems oddly do not have much success – due to the lack of skill. They
large, oddly overgrown. are trying regardless!
With a DC12 Perception check the party can identify They will invite you for dinner in the nearby village as
that the color of the moss is slightly different from that a compensation for the scary experience.
of similar greenery they saw earlier.
With the same check they can identify that the moss
grows in an almost perfect circular shape on the ground, HIDDEN CHAPEL
and that its middle is slightly more elevated. You see stone pavement – a small path, lead you to a
If the party decides to dig, they will find that the same specific direction. Under a small group of pine trees, the
moss grows even underground, similarly thick, similarly path leads to a small weather worn, 10 feet tall, 10 feet
lush green – but also only within the circular area. wide shrine.
The moss cover is created by an ancient, buried power The shrine has the shape of a cylinder and has a 5 feet
source, that is located 15 feet beneath the ground. It is a high arched door on its side. Outside it is undecorated,
Brass cage, with a glowing white gemstone inside, inside you can find freshly cut flowers on a 2 feet high

pedestal. On the internal walls a lot of carvings – hearts,
with names inside are displayed.
If the party decides to wait here for 1d12+6 hours a
young couple (Commoners) will make their way towards
the shrine visibly only caring about each other (Passive
Perception 9). They place a flower, kiss, hug and leave.
The shrine is that of love, the locals think placing a
flower strengthens any romantic bond represented by it.
As for the party – whoever leaves a flower here, will
have advantage on their next Persuasion check against a
romantic interest of theirs.


A foul stench hits your noses as you approach an
otherwise not noteworthy forest patch. A DC12 Survival
check will lead you to the source – a large Brown Bear
laying on its side, emitting gasses loudly into the air.
It is visibly in pain – reason being it did not consume
enough plants – its diet was too meat oriented in the
past weeks.
In case the party helps the bear any way to get better –
either by providing some plant-based material or
helping the bear move, it will be grateful and slowly walk
The bear’s pain is easiest to identify with spells or
features allowing to speak with animals.

In a forest clearing the remains of a campfire and some
broken tents can be found. A DC12 Survival check will
identify that this place has been abandoned in the last
couple of days and that it was ravaged by some sort of
large beast (Brown Bear)
Investigating the ruins (DC12 Investigation check)
Players can find a pouch of gold, 1 longbow, 15 Arrows
and 2 torches.
The campers were outlaws – the players can try to
follow their tracks, only to realize that they did not
manage to escape the beast – and lie dead about 200 feet
away from their campsite.


Looking up to the canopy players can see with a
successful DC14 Perception check that the trees start to
change color – and within a day’s worth of time they go
yellow and orange – regardless of the season.
This phenomenon can signal the presence of a greater
evil or an unfavorable change in condition and should be
localized to a certain point within the forest, not
everywhere in the world.
One reason can be the passing of a Green Dragon –
who ruled over the forest, and in its wake leaves a
vacuum of power behind.

In the tall grass players can find an opening and a
1d20 Event natural hill. On the top, 8 large 10 foot high runestones
1 The Shy Goblin are standing in a circle, grey, smooth, with one rune on
2 Rabbit Family each – glowing yellow and facing the center. The stones
together are the key to a Demiplane – which can be
3 Runic Circle opened by activating each stone – touching them one by
4 Old Ruins one.
5 Territory of the Lioness The players can sense conjuration energy from the
stones (the effect of the Demiplane spell) – they are
6 Statue of Memories
clearly magical. The stones can be dispelled with a Dispel
7 Earthly Remains Magic spell (Passing a DC15 Arcana Check). If one stone
8 The Scrollcase is dispelled, all lose their essence, and nothing happens.
If players touch the stones they start to glow and once
9 The Archeologist
the last stone was touched, the demiplane opens.
10 Wildfire It is a small Storage chamber, with a Weapon on the
11 Till the Sun Comes Up wall, and some empty storage lockers. The weapon is a
Sword of Life Stealing (DMG 206).
12 Firefly Dance
You as a DM can decide who is the owner of this
13 Harmless Undead sword, but an idea can be the following:
14 The Splitting Grass
15 Lone Tree
16 The Three Brothers
17 A Dog’s Meal
18 A 20-sided mystery
19 Bison Herd
20 Cold Winds


Players can catch glimpses of a creature observing them
from the tall grass. The creature is a goblin (with Good
The ground is littered with what seem to be large,
alignment), who was cast out from their tribe, for not
irregular stones – but then suddenly in an area the
wanting to commit evil deeds – and is now living alone,
stones seem less irregular and more like products of
mostly hiding in the tall grass.
civilization. Players can identify that they are parts of a
The goblin can be noticed (DC15 Perception check) and
ruin that is mostly underground and is a part of a long-
caught (DC14 Dexterity Check) or lured towards the
forgotten city.
players if they try to gain its trust or deceive it (DC12
By moving the ground and digging around
Persuasion or Deception check).
“aimlessly” or using the Detect Magic spell players can
Upon being on friendly terms with the creature it will
find a magically enchanted (+2) weapon underneath the
share her story and that it is living alone in the
soil. The items are cursed though – which can’t be
identified at first glance.
The following can be options for the curses:

1d4 Curse Weapon Benefit

1 While the item is in Each critical hit does
possession of a creature, maximum damage
they can attune to one less with the weapon.
magical item.
2 After dealing more than 30 Any healing done to
damage on a turn, the player the player will be
loses a hit die, each time. maximized.
3 The wielding player gains The player can decide
RABBIT FAMILY vulnerability to radiant the type of damage
A family of white rabbits (AC8, HP1, non-combatant) damage. the weapon does.
hops around and scatter as players enter the region
where they live. 4 Whenever the player drinks The weapon does an
The rabbits scatter and hide in their burrows. Players ale, they need to drink until extra 1d6+3 Poison
can identify the location of the burrows with a DC12 they pass out. damage on a hit.
Perception or Survival check. They can try to tame an
adult rabbit with a DC18 Animal handling check.
In the burrows they can find remains of food, small
rabbit kittens and rabbit droppings. The offspring can be
taken and nurtured, they will become friends with
whoever acts as their parents.

TERRITORY OF THE LIONESS this site. She is researching past eras, and found artifacts
An area in the grass seems to be traveled more often (bones, buildings, and items) in this area.
than the surrounding places. With a DC12 Nature or
Survival check players can identify that this is the
territory of a Lion.
In fact, it is the territory of a lone lioness. She patrols
the perimeter regularly and is hostile to those who pass.
The lioness has a large scar on her body – which seems
to be constantly bleeding. It was caused by a fiend.
Players can identify with a DC12 Perception check that
the scar seems to hinder the lioness and is very much not
of natural origin. She might ask the party to help her find further sites
If players heal the lioness, she will cease to be hostile of archeological importance – and if you help her, she
and let players traverse her territory. will give you items she finds that seem useful in your
endeavors. (Magical rings, amulets, trinkets identified
In the side of a ruined temple players can find a small
altar, with a metal plated statue of a lady in agony. WILDFIRE
In front of the statue there is a small pedestal, with a The players start hearing sound of crackling, slowly
long-dried piece of flower. A faint divination aura is getting louder and louder. Eventually they will see
around the statue. If players put any gift to the pedestal, smoke and start to see the flames in front of them.
the next time they blink, they will relive a memory of They are in the danger of being burnt by the fire – if
their and will have the chance to remember aspects of it they wish to endure and let themselves be engulfed by
that at the time they did not see. the flames, they take 6d6+6 fire damage. If they decide
You as a DM can use this to give extra flavor to to outrun the fire, you can run a skill challenge.
backstory, and by playing out the memory give agency to Ask players how they would like to escape, what
players on how they modify and grow their character. skills/actions they would like to use. Identify the
Potential examples for the effects of the relived relevant check for the plan and evaluate success. If the
memory can be: players present you (the DM) a good plan, the check DC
is 12, if you identify that the plan is not so good, you can
1d4 Effect increase the DC accordingly. After 3 successes the party
escapes the fire.
1 An extra proficiency with a tool or instrument.
On a failure a hindrance will happen to the party, for
2 Getting to know a piece of useful lore. which a couple of ideas you can find below:
3 Remembering a potentially useful contact/NPC
4 Remembering the magical sparks – learning 1 1d4 Hindrance
cantrip 1 DC14 Dexterity Saving throw – on a failure, the
player’s leg gets stuck in a sinkhole, and while
getting out – they get burnt for 1d4+4 fire
The party finds the recently deceased corpse of a poorly
2 The smoke incurs a disadvantage on the next
dressed young human man. He seems to be mauled to
ability check of the party.
death by Hyenas (DC14 Medicine check). He was the son
of a miller around the grassland, went off for a walk 3 A party member drops and loses one of their
never to return. items from the adventuring gear. (DC14
His death was caused by a Gnoll’s and 3 Hyenas’ Perception check to realize that the item is
ambush. His home can be tracked down with a DC14 dropped)
Survival check to trace his footsteps, or by stumbling
4 The flames leave a permanent mark on the hair,
upon the mill directly. Upon learning the son’s fate, the
skin, or equipment of a party member.
father will provide a small prize (10SP) for at least
finding out the child’s fate.


An unusually dark night greets the adventurers. In fact,
Players will stumble upon an abandoned wagon covered
darkness seems to consume all around them as they set
by cut grass – poorly hidden. The wagon is empty and
up camp.
seems to be long abandoned – no tracks are visible in the
ground around it. It has a hidden compartment under The players with darkvision have their darkvision
one of the seats, containing a locked wooden scrollcase. distance halved, and any light source is working at half
The case can be opened with a DC15 Thieves’ Tools check effectiveness until the sun comes up. Creatures with
blindsight are not impacted by this effect.
and contains a 3 rd level spellscroll.
Any player that wants to sleep during this night needs
THE ARCHEOLOGIST to pass a DC12 Wisdom saving throw. Upon failure their
A clearing in the grass looks like an organized site. Some sleep is restless, and they gain 1 point of Exhaustion -
of the dirt is piled up on the sides and there are holes dug but do gain all other benefits of a Long rest.
in the ground and some bones, stones are laid out in Players with a Proficiency in Religion can identify this
them neatly. If players decide to take a closer look, they as an omen, and you as the DM can decide what for.
will be shouted at by the archeologist who is working on

FIREFLY DANCE civilized society but having no real understanding of
During the night in the distance yellow spots of light how start.
become visible then fade away. This phenomenon is the Upon noticing the party, they will wave and invite
fireflies dance in the night. Players can decide to them to join and sit with them but will try to hide their
investigate – if they come close with a light source in secret at all costs – and will share their cover story - that
hand, the fireflies will disappear (turn their glow off) they are identical twins.
and will be hard to find (DC18 Perception check). If players decide to sneak closer before getting
If the players come close with no light source, they can noticed, they can overhear the discussion. The figures
approach the fireflies without them being startled. talk about their desire to integrate into the human
The creatures can be trapped in vials or bottles (DC12 society and “be like all others”.
Dexterity check to catch), and can serve as a portable If the party does not uncover the Doppelgangers’
small light source, or a pet. secret, they will say their warm goodbyes and walk their
own way.
HARMLESS UNDEAD If the secret is identified through any means, the
In the soil players can see the signs of something being Doppelgangers will ask for advice, how to integrate into
dragged. Following the trail, they can soon stumble upon civilization.
2 corpses (AC8, HP10), missing their lower halves – They are each very similar personalities, mimicking
dragging themselves along the grass and dirt. They are the half-elf that they copied. Their first result in
undead and are neutral towards the players. becoming people was that they chose names for
They can be killed or let go – and tracing back where themselves.
they came from, players can find an unmarked pit, with
a multitude of mutilated corpses (multiple different
species) inside.
Along the pit with a DC12 Perception check orcish
broken weaponry can be found. This can serve as an
adventure hook for an orc related conquest.


The players get to a point in the grass where the thick
vegetation looks like it is spreading in front of them,
trying to guide them in a certain direction.
The invisible finger of a god draws the line in the
grass, for its amusement – depending on the god,
different directions and motivations may be behind this A DOG’S MEAL
A starving dog walks painfully, sometimes falling to the
“intervention”. Some ideas for the destination can be:
ground – without a real sense of direction. It has a
1d4 Location
muzzle on its mouth, which makes it unable to feed or
1 An open, empty treasure chest with a hidden drink.
compartment inside. The dog seems to be close to death, when the party
2 The spreading grass leads players in a circle finds it, but still will be reacting fiercely first – requiring
a DC12 Animal Handling check to pacify it. If food is
(DC12 Survival to identify that it is just wasting
shown to the dog, the check is an automatic success –
and a party has a new best friend who is as loyal as they
3 The nearest paved road. ever could wish for.
4 Lead to an abandoned cemetery
A 5 – foot metal multi-sided shape is buried in the
LONE TREE ground partially, shining in the sunshine. Each side of it
From afar in the plain landscape, a lone yellowish-green is having some sort of inscription – that the party can’t
tree can be seen. It has seen better days, thirsty, but even identify – aside of one, which is a picture of a crown.
with its current form it provides some shade for anyone The item is a metal d20, the inscriptions are Arabic
sitting at its trunk. numbers. Players can take the item with them and use it
This tree serves as waypoint for outlaws in the area once a day to roll. If they roll a 20 (the crown) a random
and has multiple messages carved on it, which can be positive effect happens determined by the GM.
understood by players knowing thieves’ cant, for anyone The Reduce spell can be used on the metal dice to
else, the symbols have no meaning. permanently make its size more compact.
The cyphers represent successful and unsuccessful Potential rewards for rolling a 20:
ambushes and robberies. With a DC14 Investigation 1d4 Reward
checks the party can find a patch of land about 30 feet 1 Advantage on all ability checks for 1 day
from the tree that seems to be freshly disturbed. Digging
2 50% better prices while haggling
it up, they can find a small chest, with 300 GP, and
gemstones worth 200GP – as the last loot of the outlaws 3 The next long rest, will take only the time of a
hidden from civilization. short rest.
4 The player rolling gains one use of a Wish spell.
Three identically looking male half-elves sit at a
campfire and engage in hushed discussion. They are
Doppelgangers, trying to find a way to integrate into the
The sound of an earthquake starts to hit the party’s ears
and gets stronger and stronger as time passes. Players

with a DC15 Nature check can identify that this is not an
earthquake – but a herd of migrating bison.
The herd will pass right where the party is and will
trample them – the only way out is to think fast. They
need to find a creative way to get out of the way of
danger. Any spell or skill putting them to another plane
of existence, a DC18 Dexterity check, hiding
underground or simply standing strong against the flow
of bison (DC20 Strength saving throw) can help them
avoid taking damage.
Upon failure players will take 4d6 +2 bludgeoning
After all players made their choice and either avoided
or took the damage – the bison leave, and the sound
starts to fade.

The usual warm, dry climate gives way to strong cold
winds that shiver the party to their bones. If they do not
cover up, the cold wind will affect their endurance. The
players will need to make a DC10 Constitution saving
throw – they have advantage on this if they are warmly
dressed. Upon failure, they take 1 point of exhaustion
which lasts for 2 days. (The first long rest does not reset
The winds are temporary, they only last for 1d4 hours,
and afterwards the weather turns back to the way it was.

MARSHLAND ENCOUNTERS her only sinful pleasure is the scrying pool she likes to
look through.
1d20 Event If asked she can create different potions and poisons
1 Mimic My Sound upon the party’s request, for a gold price. These brews
can have any effect that you as the DM deem non-game
2 Jade Totem
3 A Positive Hag If the party is hostile, the hag will turn to smoke and
4 These Gasses Don’t Smell disappear from the hut – never to return again. In the
hut the players can find 1 Alchemy kit and 1d4 Potions of
5 The Sweet Fruit
6 The Fisherman’s Catch
7 The Turtle Trader
8 Trapped Crocodile
9 The Fortune Teller
10 Butterfly Dance
11 The Scrying Pond
12 Feeding Kingfisher
13 The Traveling Merchant
14 The Liar
15 Moonshiners’ Den
16 All That Copper Gone The party reaches a part of the swamp where
17 Kenku Village unexpectedly, form patches of dirty water occasional
large bubbles come to the surface and burst releasing a
18 Rainfall
gas with slight brown coloration.
19 Fierce but Small They can try to identify the gas with a DC15 Nature
20 Roadbuilders check, or by trying to sniff it. Potential effects of the gas
are listed below.
Traversing this area will require a 3 part, DC15 group
MIMIC MY SOUND skill check – where Dexterity and Constitution related
From a lust tree canopy a black bird (stat block of a checks have advantage, while the rest are at DM
Raven) is observing the party. If they are engaged in discretion – depending on how feasible the idea is that
discussions, the bird will shout parts of what they say the party comes up with.
back at them. If the party wants to trap some of the gas, they will
If the party calls out to ask for clarification, who need vials, or bottles with corks, and they can trap gas in
mimics their sound, they will not get an answer – but those without the need to pass any checks.
their questions will be repeated back to them.
If the party can lay eyes on the bird, by climbing the 1d4 Effect of the gas
tree, the bird will curiously look at them without fear.
1 DC12 Constitution Saving throw or become
Eventually – if the bird overheard other discussions in
Poisoned for 1 day.
the past days, it would repeat sentences from those as
well, potentially giving the party hints of side quests. 2 DC12 Constitution Saving throw or fall
JADE TOTEM 3 DC12 Wisdom Saving throw or gain 120 feet sight
In a small stale pond, under twisted trees a 6-foot-tall to the Ethereal Plane for 1d4 hours – and gain 1
rotting wooden obelisk is standing slightly shifted to the
point of Exhaustion.
side. It is carved to resemble animal heads on top of each
other. From bottom to top a wolf, a bear and owl and a 4 DC12 Wisdom Saving throw or see all colors in
raven. shades of green for 1d4 days.
The eyes of the heads seem to be empty holes, aside of
those of the owl – which contain two large circular jades.
The totem is not trapped, not cursed – the jades can THE SWEET FRUIT
be taken and sold for 400 GP. A thick tree in a dry patch grows strong with multiple
branches to the sides, all lush, bright green with an army
A POSITIVE HAG of leaves.
In the middle of a small muddy patch, a dirty shack is to With a DC12 Perception check, the party can identify that
be found. A small walkway, made from wooden plank among the leaves fist sized red fruits are hidden. With a
leads to the entrance – and within lives a Green Hag DC12 Acrobatics or Athletics check they can get to the
(good alignment). fruits, which have the effect of a Potion of Healing.
With a DC 14 Insight check the party can identify that
she looks more human than expected – and the hag
indeed does behave welcoming and does not try to lure
the party into a deal or deceive them.
Upon being on friendly terms, and open to discussion
she will share that not all hags are child-eater
monstrosities, and that she is appreciative of nature, and

THE FISHERMAN’S CATCH disappears – it is only visible looking through the exact
You see an old man (Commoner) sitting on a makeshift two trees the party lays eyes upon.
wooden fishing post, holding a fishing rod – and getting Upon getting closer they can get up to the two trees
dragged off with the line, and pulled into the water. The and realize that the lady is a two-dimensional illusion.
creature on the hook is a Crocodile, and it will kill the In her background faintly fire and smoke are visible –
fisherman if the party does not interfere. but the image is slightly transparent.
Getting close the party will hear a mental message
“Do you want to hear what your fortune has to offer?”
The lady will only react if the party answers yes or no
– otherwise the image remains motionless.
The party saying yes, there is a 40% chance that the
lady will say something relevant to your story (at DM
discretion) in other cases the fortune will be irrelevant
or makes no sense. Some of the non-sensical ideas may
1d4 Prediction
THE TURTLE TRADER 1 The white of your eyes is the key tofind what you
A Tortle (stat block of a Druid) stands alone in a ruined are looking for.
stone hut, at the side of the muddy path. Getting closer it
2 The answer you seek is under your feet.
waves the players, inviting them “inside”. Looking
around the ruins, they can see that the place is organized 3 Only when you fall will you see the full extent of
as a makeshift shop, with unusual items lid out to be your influence
sold – most seemingly useless in standard terms for 4 Eating regular rations weight heavily upon you –
adventurers. try avoiding them at all costs
The Tortle believes that all their wares are valuable
and will try to convince the players to buy.
The shop may contain the following items:
In an open patch, as sunshine pierces through the trees
Cost Item and dissipates the ever-present mist, the air is filled
5SP Fish skeletons with a flock of butterflies. They dance around silently,
brushing their wings against each other and the players.
2SP Fermented swamp ferns
Players can catch butterflies with a DC14 Dexterity
1GP A tar-like liquid in crude glass bottles check, and a caught butterfly has a 20% chance of being
1GP The rotting eye of ravens caught alive, unless using a net or any other instrument
that has no way of crushing the creature.
1CP An exceptionally smelly piece of wood
Anyone living in the marshland or having a decent
10GP A crude twisted rod, with a pink shimmer where historical knowledge will be able to tell that this is the
light hits it butterflies’ regular mating dance, and their color is most
pompous at this time of the year.
Any caught butterfly will sell for a good price, ad
collectors are always looking for new and new patterns
to add to their collection.
A live butterfly will sell for 10Gp, a dead one for 1GP.


One small, segregated body of water looks slightly
different from others. Players with a Passive perception
higher than 15 can identify that the water in this circular
pond is not moving, its surface resembles a mirror – and

TRAPPED CROCODILE upon touching it and stirring the surface, the waves
subside much quicker than expected.
Players can hear thrashing from a deeper part of the
Concentrating on the surface of the pond, players need
water, off to the side of the traveled path. Investigating
to make a DC12 Wisdom Saving throw. Upon failure, they
through the treacherous marsh they can lay their eyes
can cast the Scrying spell, on a target of their choice
upon a struggling Crocodile. With a DC14 Perception
(DC15), but gain 1 level of Exhaustion in the process.
check they can identify that it is tied up in strong ropes,
The pond allows the use of Scrying once per day.
caught up in a trap laid underwater.
If players decide to free it, the Crocodile swims away
without attacking them – and while the party is in the
swamp, they will not be attacked by Beasts in the water
A small, bright, shining blue bird (stat block of a Raven)
as a sign of gratitude.
can be observed looking a slow-moving current within
the swamp. It suddenly lunges forward into the water

THE FORTUNE TELLER and after a loud splash emerges with a small fish in its
beak – only to fly back to the branch it started from and
Traversing a dense tree patch, looking between the
consume the fresh meal.
trunks of a tree at one point of time – behind the trunks,
Players can use this knowledge to find a suitable
the image of a lady with a large glass orb becomes
fishing spot and replenish their food supplies.
visible. Taking 2 steps further or backwards, the visage

THE TRAVELING MERCHANT Getting closer and looking around the players can
A cart, visibly not suitable to traverse treacherous identify the strong smell of alcohol, and see bottles,
marshland routes is stuck, one of its wheels nearly fully fermenting material in barrels, and equipment to boil
submerged in thick mud. said fermented material – one of which is broken and
An angry halfling lady tries to free the wheel, by charred – as the pressure made it explode.
shoveling dirt with her bare hands, her clothes being The goblin will not care about the players until the
already drenched in the mud of the marsh. fires are put out – after that they threaten them with a
Getting closer she will ask the players to help and in crude dagger and try to intimidate into forgetting
return she will give them a discount on all wares that the whatever they saw right now. If the intimidation fails, he
cart has on it. The cart has items from the Adventuring will try to bribe players (10GP).
gear table (PHB150) with a value less than 5GP, and aside Although he will not share explicitly, it will be clear for
of those she is selling Alchemist’s supplies, Thieves’ players that this is an illegal brewing operation.
Tools and with a DC15 Persuasion check she is willing to
part with her Bag of Holding (DMG 153) for half price as


A child wearing church robes is carrying a large basket,
covered with a white cloth. They trip and as the basket
falls over, the contents of the basket (3d100 copper) spill
right into the water next to the road.
The child tries to catch as many pieces of copper as
THE LIAR possible -and will shout for help.
Walking the opposite way on the road a careless, happy Players looking into the water can see that the flow
looking half elf male (Commoner) crosses path with the and the thick mud will make it impossible soon to find
party. He will not engage in conversation unless asked anything that fell in – and will realize that time is off the
and will keep his slow pace walking the opposite essence before the copper spreads or sinks.
direction. They have 60 seconds to come up with ideas and help
If the party wishes to communicate with him, he will the lady. You can ask them what they would do and roll a
gladly answer to any questions, but every single answer related check (DC14). If they succeed, they will be able to
he gives – starting from his name – will be a lie, actively retrieve a certain amount of copper. Once the minute is
trying to deceive the party. done, finding copper will become impossible.
The deception can be uncovered with a contested Success Effect
Deception – Insight check. On the Deception check the Failure on the check, or
Liar has a +5 modifier. irrelevant way to help (e.g.
Upon his lies uncovered, he will just shrug it off and No copper retrieved
sing a song to retrieve
say – “Well you’ve got me, god day to you!” and will try
to leave. At no point of time even after the deception
uncovered will he say anything that is true. Success on the check 1d20 copper retrieved
Success on the check with a
2d20 copper retrieved
15 or higher
Success on the check with an
4d20+15 copper retrieved
18 or higher
Success on the check with a
2d100+25 copper retrieved
22 or higher

The child will be thankful and will share that she was
tasked to take religious donations between 2 villages.
The money would be used to renovate the churches – so
MOONSHINERS’ DEN it is a significant and important task.
A muffled sound of an explosion will alert the attentive
adventurers. It is coming from way off to the side of the
With a DC12 Survival check, players will find a hidden
path leading to the side and following it they will
stumble on a makeshift shack, covered with leaves and
other greenery.
Currently smoke is rising from the side of the shack
and small traces of fire are visible – with a goblin
running around trying to put it out.

In a dense area, away from all roads and civilization, the
sound of birds can be heard. Players who met a kenku
before, will be able to identify that the sound comes from
them – otherwise they will just think that it originates
from very large birds.
Passing a DC15 Perception check, players can get a
glimpse of the kenku (Stat block of a Raven, HP12) who
are looking at them attentively.
The birds live in makeshift nests close to the ground,
which contain precious items – shiny gold and silver
rings, and coins.
They will try to hide and not engage in any interaction
with the players rather only observe them from afar. If
players take anything from their nest, they will never be
befriended – but if they put some shiny items into the
nests, the kenku will accompany them from afar in the
swamp, calling out dangers before they arrive – making
it so that players can never be surprised.

The sky turns dark gray, and the sound of thunder gets
stronger and stronger. Shortly afterwards a pouring rain
starts to soak the players – causing disadvantage on any
Perception checks and putting out any fires (including
After the rain no campfire or torch can be lit for 1d8
hours as all materials that are unprotected by magical
means or that are not wrapped tightly in waterproof
material - are soaking wet.


A small brown bird (AC10 HP 1 non-combatant)
“attacks” the party. It is pecking at anyone they can
reach, dealing no effective damage.
The bird can be calmed by a DC12 Animal Handling
check. It is so mad because its nest is nearby – which can
be noticed with a DC17 Perception check, above head
hidden in the canopy of trees.
If players leave the area of the nest or manage to
pacify the bird, it will leave them alone.

Near a small encampment a group of workers
(Commoners) are gathered and are in progress of slowly
laying out stones and building a paved path through the
They are visibly exhausted (have 4 levels of
Exhaustion) and have a hard time uttering straight and
complete sentences. They are slow to work – because of
the exhaustion and are exhausted because of the work.
If players decide to help them, or contribute to
removing levels of exhaustion, later travels in the
swamp become faster – as the road will be completed
If the players do not contribute to the builders
wellbeing, they will eventually perish, leaving the road

1d20 Event
The adventurers stumble upon a small crevice in a steep
2 Dwarven Miners
mountain face. The crevice is hard to reach – requires a
3 Hoard of the Young Dragon 2-step skill challenge in climbing – a DC14 Athletics,
4 The Broken Bridge and a DC16 Athletics check to get to the entrance.
Inside the party can find a set of broken chests,
5 The Roc’s Nest
spilling gold and gems on the ground – but the cave
6 Rockfall seems rather empty.
7 A Cup of Tea With a successful DC12 Perception check, copper
dragon scales can be found, and claw marks of a Young
8 Thin Air
Copper Dragon.
9 Above the Clouds If the players stay in the crevice for the time of a long
10 Mirror Ice rest, the dragon shows up – not aggressive but curious
as to how the party found the hideout, asking for advice,
11 Warm Hearts
how to conceal the place better.
12 The Broken Railroad Upon the party taking the small hoard, the dragon will
13 An Armed Trap try to track them down through scent.


14 The Gatherer
15 Mindful Monks A deep crevice cuts off further progress on the steep
16 Call of the Winter Wolf mountainside. The adventurers can make out a couple of
sturdy wooden poles fixed on both sides, dangling from
17 The Shining Crevice
both end a half of a rope bridge – broken in the middle.
18 Hard Snowfall The crevice is 60 feet wide, 300 feet deep.
19 Feather Faller The bridge may be fixed by players with Mending, or
any similar magic, or using rope with a DC14 Dexterity
20 Frozen in Ice
check to create a new link.
In case players decide to fix the bridge, later on their

THE CURIOUS GIANT journey (maybe even outside of the mountains) they
may meet pilgrims, who refer to the miracle of the
In a broken wooden hut, wedged into the side of a
bridge being fixed, meaning a lot for them, giving
mountain slope players will see a large figure, a Hill
renewed hope – and ability to visit a shrine in the
Giant, looking down, hunched.
The Giant currently is in process of examining a
cartwheel, but has a hard time keeping it in one piece –
with each turn braking off a small part – grabbing it
with too much strength.
The adventurers may see wooden planks way above their
The giant is not hostile and is awestruck by any item
heads on a rock outcropping. The wooden planks are part
that looks modern or interesting – things like weapons,
of a nest, belonging to a Roc. The mountainside is near
magical artifacts, artificial light, and trinkets that
vertical, and the nest can be reached by 3 consecutive
otherwise they would not see.
successful Athletics Checks (DC15).
If the party gives them something to “experiment”
If players do not decide to stealth, or roll below the
with, the giant will become a loyal ally to them for the
passive perception of the Roc, the bird arrives to the nest
time they spend in the nearby mountains.
5 rounds after it notices the intruders.
The nest contains one large egg, and with successful

DWARVEN MINERS investigation checks (DC set at your discretion) you can
award your players with Magical items, artifacts,
A group of four, tough looking miners (stat block of a
weapons or quest clues.
Duergar) are walking carefully down a narrow path
pushing an iron cart that is covered with a cloth.
The cart contains gold ore, in the value of 2000 GP,
Travelling near a risky, steep incline, suddenly rocks and
but unprocessed. The miners will try to avoid the party
boulders of different sizes start to fall uncontrollably
and stick to their business – pulling the cart with them.
from the mountain, as a couple of rock formations
They will not share openly what the content is, in fact,
collapse due to natural causes.
they will actively try to deceive the party.
The adventurers have 1 round to prepare, before the
The 4 miners are renegades, having stolen the ore
rockfall reaches them. After the round of preparation,
from an official mining expedition, trying their own
they need to make 3 consecutive Dexterity Saving
luck. Descending the path, they start to question their
Throws. The DM can decide to make the throws more, or
life choices, but it is late to return for them.
less difficult, or even negate them entirely based on how
the players prepared for the fall.

The party finds an opening in the mountain, out of
which a small puff of mist or smoke is seeping out into
the cold air. Getting closer, they can hear the sounds of a
campfire – and investigating they will find a silver

haired lady wrapped in thick furs, sitting next to the fire cold damage. With a DC12 Insight or Wisdom check
– brewing tea. She is a Druid, who lives out in the players can identify that the long-term exposure to
mountains and knows the place and nature as the back of adverse conditions wears down not only the body – but
her hand. the mind as well.
She is friendly and will invite the party for tea – The feeling of unease and cold does not have direct
answering any questions they may have about the adverse effects on combat and skills – but will not go
region. The tea grants resistance to cold for 8 hours. away until players decide to focus on interpersonal
relationships – to help reclaim a healthy state of mind
and shake off the adverse effects of long-term cold
After any kind gestures, words, or acts are carried out
by a party member – you can explain that the
overburdening feeling of cold seems to lift from their
mind, and they feel much better.
Use this as a way to initiate role play and positive
attitude towards each other.


Ascending to a plateau, the air clears, and sun shines The party finds the remains of a mine train, within a
brightly to the party. Their natural reflex is to take a crevice. After a short but precarious descent they can
deep breath – but the desired effect, the filling of the investigate – and identify that the last commute of the
lungs does not happen. mine cart was a disastrous experience – it having been
The party can realize that this area is almost devoid of derailed and shattered on the multiple hard and sharp
oxygen. The players staying on this plateau need to make stone surfaces of the crevice.
a DC12 Constitution saving throw. Upon failure, the lack With a bit of luck (DC12 Investigation check) the party
of oxygenation will impact their abilities in combat and can find the cargo – gemstones worth 1000 GP – and a
exploration – equal to 3 levels of Exhaustion. long-frozen corpse – with a letter in a pouch, that
The effect goes away 1d4 hours after they descend details the destination and purpose of the cargo, and a
from the plateau into an area with more oxygen. delivery date which expired about 10 years ago.


A sudden weather change results in the sky clearing and AN ARMED TRAP
suddenly the party finds themselves above the clouds. On a curving path a hidden iron bear trap is placed –
Looking around underneath they can only see the activated by a pressure plate, snapping shut on anything
milky white “ground” which is a slowly swirling cloud that may step on it.
blanket over the underlying terrain. As a GM you can The trap can be identified by a DC14 Investigation
explain that the view fills the hearts and mind of the check, avoided by a DC15 Dexterity check. Upon failure to
party with content, and peace. If the party wishes to avoid, the damage taken is 1d8+5 piercing, and the
engage in any way, and uses this opportunity to roleplay, character is Restrained.
you can reward them with either of the following traits. Shortly after the trap has been triggered (if at all) a
If they decide to continue pushing without taking the halfling hunter will arrive, scolding the party for their
view in – nothing happens. recklessness – and sharing random trivia about the
bears that live in the region.
Random bear trivia
Bears in this mountain range find their mate for life, and once
Remove one level of Exhaustion
their mate passes, they go into a frenzy and eventually
Insight (DM selected piece of information) about the goals recklessly drop into a crevice.
and tasks the party is currently doing – either validating or
All bears have a pink toe on their front right paw.
warning them about the usefulness of their planned actions.
If a bear blinks at you it means that they consider you as part
of their family.
MIRROR ICE Bear poop is a treasure, but nobody knows why.
As part of a long and tiring descent, the party arrives at a
steep incline where the rock faces are replaced with ice –
ice that seems so pure and flat like a mirror. It can be
shattered with climbing gear and progress can be made
upwards – the DM may decide to make the DC higher
because of the nature of the ice.
A ranger with dragons as favored enemies, or any
character with a successful DC18 Nature check will
identify that the ice deposit is reminiscent of the traces
of a White Dragon being nearby.


As the evening closes the players will find that cold gets Players can meet a Commoner in a more hospitable area,
to them – now more than ever. You can explain that near a small settlement or outpost. The figure will ask
their movements slow, and that they feel on the verge of for a warm refresher, and if provided will help out the
hypothermia – regardless of if they have resistance to

party – either through giving information or curing a
Poisoned condition.
You may decide to give the figure an accent that is not FROZEN IN ICE
common to the mountain region – hence giving you an The party finds a large patch of transparent ice –
opportunity to inform players about an other part of inside of which an item of interest is encased deep
your world that they may visit later. within the ice (30-40 feet deep).
Physical means of entering, and brute force melting
MINDFUL MONKS will take about 8-10 hours, and result in either
The players may find a circle of 3 meditating Githzerai exhaustion or loss of multiple spell slots.
Monks. They do not speak common and if they are Reward player creativity with quicker progress and
interrupted, will hurl slurs in their mother tongue at the access to the item in the depths.
players, visibly annoyed by the distractions.
Upon the players only observing, and not interrupting
the meditation – nothing will happen immediately – but
during the players next combat encounter – the 3 monks
will show up to help.
If through any means the party can communicate with
the monks – they will share with very brief sentences
that they are on a mission to find inner peace.


From the distance a Winter Wolf howling can be heard.
For 1d4 hours after the howl, nature’s sounds will be
silenced – and any perception checks reliant on hearing
will have advantage.


Looking down into a 2 feet wide crack, players can see a
slight shine – with a DC 16 Perception check they can
identify that the shining is like the hue of gold – and it
seems to be about 60 feet below ground in this thin
Players deciding to try exploring need to pass a
relevant skill check to descend – avoiding the sharp ice
edges and the slippery ice walls – upon failure falling to
the depths.
On the bottom of the crevice multiple skeletons and a
large pile of frozen coins can be found – the remains of a
long-forgotten dragon hoard.
How to unfreeze the coins? How to lift them 60 feet?
You can decide based on your players creativity how
much reward you will give them.

The weather turns dangerous – snowfall limits the
visibility to 10 feet – Vision based Perception checks
above 30 feet automatically fail, and below they have
Any clever use of magic may help the party negate or
lower the adverse effect of the snowfall.

Walking up on a steep mountain face players can see a
figure flailing their arms, slowly falling – about 20 feet
from the mountain.
The figure has Feather Fall cast on them from a
magical ring they are wearing. (The ring can cast Feather
fall once per long rest.)
The figure (if saved by the party) will share that they
are a performance hiker – just wanting to climb the
mountain for fun – seemingly having little success…

clear, that the person does not know the dangers of the
open sea and is headed that way with their non
SEA ENCOUNTERS seaworthy vessel.
Upon questioning the person, they seem determined
1d20 Event
to reach the other shore, but it also is immediately
1 Merfolk Gambler visible that they have no idea what they are doing.
2 The Friendly Whale The party may be able to convince the traveler to
change their plans – if not, the person will most likely
3 Abandoned Debris
die on open sea.
4 The Lost Traveler
5 Air Elemental
6 When Fish Fly
7 A Green Lit Sea
8 Keep it Straight
9 Sea Sickness
10 The Island that Isn’t
11 A Patch of Ice
12 A Patch of Algae
13 Ship Immobilized
14 Reflection AIR ELEMENTAL
15 Hungry Dragon turtle On the open sea a patch of water seems to be wavier than
the surrounding environment. A DC12 Perception check
16 Illusory Fire uncovers an Air Elemental playing with the waves.
17 Cook Gone Sick If the party finds creative ways to entertain the
18 Black Powder elemental, it may decide to help boost their ship for the
upcoming day, travelling at twice the usual speed.
19 Song of the Sirens
20 The Crew’s Headache WHEN FISH FLY
On an early morning right as the sun rises, the party may
hear sounds from their cabins akin to that of strong
A Merfolk swims near the ship and tries getting on the Investigating the cause, they will see masses of tiny
deck. It shows no aggressive intent, nor do they have any fish jumping out, soaring on their front wing like fins,
weaponry. and dropping back into the water.
Once on the deck it pulls out a set of dice – and looks The small fish may try to get away from a predator, or
expectantly at anyone nearby. It wants to play and puts their behavior may be related to any other event you
some shiny shells on the deck as bet. You can choose any decide.
game you like, the simplest being who rolls higher on The fish are easy to catch, and they are considered a
the die - wins. delicacy. Sailors on the ship will be very happy to have a
After playing a couple of rounds, and either taking the soup or stew made from the unexpected catch.
earnings or giving you the shells – the gambler bows
and jumps back in the water. A GREEN LIT SEA
A usual night only is interrupted by the sea being
THE FRIENDLY WHALE unusually bright, taking on a green color. Investigating
A Killer Whale (without the attack) approaches the ship. – there seems to be no real identifiable light source –
The party may not identify first that the creature has no and when the water is lifted from the sea, it continues to
ill intent, but after a short while they can see that it is emit light. This phenomenon is caused by an invisible
simply curious and swims along for a while. species of algae, that shines dim light after each sunset.
With a successful DC14 Perception check they can see Players can decide to bottle up water – providing them
that the whale has large teeth marks on its fins – a light source for each upcoming evening. The light is
indicating some sort of predator it managed to escape dim and covers a 10-foot diameter.
ABANDONED DEBRIS Strong winds try to derail the ship from its original
Out on the open sea from afar a nondescript chunk of course, prompting a skill challenge to make sure travel is
debris can be seen. Upon closer investigation players can uninterrupted.
identify that it is the remains of a vessel – violently Through 3 skill challenge rounds a DC20 Strenght
destroyed by some external force or creature. check needs to be completed successfully by whoever is
You as a DM can decide to give clues to your players at the help of the ship – otherwise the direction of travel
about what and how may have destroyed the ship – changes, increasing travel time towards the destination.
giving them warning about the dangers the sea may hold The party can help decrease the DC by creative actions
for them. such as decreasing the effect of the wind through
magical means, using their own strength to hold the
THE LOST TRAVELER sails or any other idea they come up with. For each
Close to a port, a small dingy may be found struggling creative idea, subtract 2 from the helm DC check.
with the waves – with a single person rowing in it. It is

Each failure on the check results in 4 hours of added HUNGRY DRAGON TURTLE
travel time as the ship strays away from the planned A small Dragon Turtle approaches the ship and starts
path. circling around. It will not attack immediately, but if it
does not receive food, eventually it will take a bite out of
SEA SICKNESS the hull, and leave the party deal with the leak, having
A rhythmic set of waves starts taking the toll on the been “fed” this way.
party. If fed with at least 10 days’ worth of rations, the
You can warn them that they start to feel sick – and creature leaves, never to return to bother the
give them an opportunity to try mitigating the effects of adventurers.
sea sickness before it becomes apparent. Any idea that
helps clear the head or soothes the stomach will give an ILLUSORY FIRE
advantage on the saving throw (or give automatic The ship’s sails seem to catch fire (the effect of a Minor
success). Illusion spell) as a fairy hidden and living in the cargo
Once players decided on how they plan to mitigate, ask bay gets tired of boredom and starts to spice things up a
them to make a DC14 Constitution Saving throw. Upon bit.
failure, they become seasick for 1 day. Players can identify that the fire is not real, but every
Sea sickness gives them disadvantage on Dexterity once in a while the fairy may cause other nuisances –
saving throws, and upon using the Dash action while using Minor illusion or Prestidigitation to cause chaos.
seasick, players need to pass a DC12 Constitution saving Upon being found – they will thank for the fun times and
throw – Upon failure they fail to dash and will use the will say they can grant a wish.
time to puke instead. The wish – if small and easy to materialize – will be
granted instantly – if grandiose – nothing happens. You
THE ISLAND THAT ISN’T as the DM decides where the limit is.
In the distance a small island can be seen on the horizon. Regardless of the wish the fairy disappears.
If the ship is steered in that direction, soon it will
become apparent that the island is a mirage, and it does COOK GONE SICK
not get any closer. The cook on the ship gets terribly sick. Through
Time may be lost on this if the players do not try to questioning and investigating it seems that they have a
perceive the distance they are from the island. newly developed allergy to seafood. They can’t fulfil
their job anymore and now the party has to solve 2
A PATCH OF ICE things – who will cook for the rest of the journey? What
A thin sheet of ice will be visible on the sea ahead. It is to feed the allergic cook with?
not hindering the movement of the vessel, nor does it
cause damage. Upon investigation the party may find an BLACK POWDER
Ice Mephit that seems to be lost – and wanted to build a The ship the party is travelling with seems to have a
lair out in the middle of nowhere – fighting the warmth hidden compartment which contains a large amount of
of the water and the destructive force of the waves. highly flammable and explosive black powder.
The mephit is desperate and is non hostile. It is willing Upon it being uncovered – the party needs to decide
to join the players, and tag along until a suitable place how to approach this dangerous material.
for its lair may be found. Any aggressive encounter on sea may set the stocks
The mephit may become an ally or friend to the aflame…
players if they help it find a new home.
A PATCH OF ALGAE Within a foggy patch of clear, silent waters the song of
The water gets thick and dark green, and the ship seems sirens may be heard – the effect of which may be
to slow down as it enters a patch of algae. If no action is negated with a DC18 Wisdom saving throw or imposing
taken by the players, the ship eventually stops. on oneself the Deafened condition (either through magic
The algae layer covers the top of the sea and is only 5 or by obstructing hearing.
feet deep. If the water is stirred any way, the ship may be All members of the crew failing the save will want to
able to resume movement. steer the ship to a rocky reef. Will the party be able to
If sensitive moving parts of the ship spend more than avoid the crash?
10 minutes standing still in the algae, they begin to stick
together, and become inoperable. THE CREW’S HEADACHE
All of a sudden, a headache surges and impacts everyone
SHIP IMMOBILIZED on the ship – like a wave of negative energy. The effect
Using with the random encounter “A Patch of Algae” fades in 1d4 hours and may signify a significant negative
above, the ship of the party may find a ship already event in your world.
immobilized and stuck in this liquid.
If they decide to stop and help, they risk being
immobilized themselves.

A silent, windless day results in the reflection of the
party becoming unusually clearly visible in the water.
Looking at themselves, they see faces nearly as clearly
as in the mirror. You as the DM can call out some slight
changes in their appearance that they may not have
noticed beforehand.

A portion of the cavern walls is covered with crude
1d20 Event paintings about the sky and open horizons.
1 A Ray of Sunlight Whoever painted these, has only a slight idea about
2 Draw the Drow what the surface may look like.
Players may eventually find a goblin who has a set of
3 Dreaming about the Sky Painters Supplies.
4 The Forge The Goblin may join the party if they promise to lead
5 Unmanned Watch them out of the darkness for it to see the sky – for real.

6 Lost Mining Expedition THE FORGE

7 The Three Gates The party stumbles upon a carved arch, and the remains
8 Spiral Staircase of a long inoperable forge. It seems crude, but around it
with a DC15 Investigation check they may find a +1
9 Daylight weapon of choice.
10 The Last Wish
11 The Amber Chamber UNMANNED WATCH
At a passing near an underground river a crude wooden
12 Bet your Life on it watchtower is to be found. It is made from debris, and
13 Weeping Walls from afar it is not clear if it is occupied.
Getting closer though it will become apparent that the
14 Ahead of Her Time
watch has died long ago – their skeleton still laying on
15 Changed Perceptions the top of the watch.
16 Gold Veins Next to them a set of torches, and a letter can be
found. The letter states “wait and watch until I
17 The Little Spider
command otherwise”.
18 Petrified It seems that the command never came…
19 Forgotten Alchemy
The party will start hearing muffled voices speaking in
common – desperate and angry.

Getting closer they will see 5 Commoners who have
mining gear and are severely lost. The miners will tell a
Through an opening – somehow, some way a ray of
story that they were on a mission to find gold, but got
sunlight shines through. It seems to attract bugs, and
lost and have been wandering around for days – but you
some plant life is around as well – that you may find on
may decide if this story is true or not…
the surface. If taken a long rest in this area, the players
will benefit from the effect in 4 hours – not having to
spend the full 8 hours on resting as usual.
The party comes to an intersection – with 3 arched gates


leading to 3 different tunnels. 2 of the 3 gates lead to an
illusion – where after a short while the party is
A mute young male drow (Stat block of an Assassin) in
teleported back again to the 3 gates. Only one of the
tattered clothes and scarred face comes towards
gates leads forward – and after each time a wrong gate is
adventurers with a stack of papers and ink in hand. His
chosen, the right gate’s location changes.
tongue is torn out, therefore he can’t utter any words,
The place has magical aura to it, and a Detect Magic
but thrusts the paper and the ink to the players, and
spell can identify the right gate to traverse – otherwise a
starts to stand in a mighty, heroic pose.
large amount of time may be lost finding the way
Players can identify that the drow wants them to draw
him. A DC12 Dexterity check or anything higher and he
will be very pleased with the result.
If players show other drawings as well, the drow will
In a small, cavernous opening the remains of a tower
be enthralled.
may be found – with a near intact Spiral staircase
He can talk through writing undercommon on papers
leading downwards.
and will be friendly and open to communicate their
If the party decides to enter, they descend about 100
thoughts this way if players drew him nicely.
feet – and end up in a small laboratory. On the bottom of
the staircase a pressure plate is located – that triggers a
rockfall above that will close the only exit to this
laboratory. The plate can be identified with a DC15
Investigation check, avoided with a DC10 Dexterity
check, disarmed with a DC15 Sleight of Hand check.
The laboratory houses 1d4 common potions, and 2
spell scrolls of your choice.

Out of nowhere, a portion of the cave shines bright with
daylight – for it only to disappear again in 1 minute.
If the party decides to investigate, in a small socket on
the wall they may find a magical item – “Flash of

Daylight” which can be triggered once per long rest to not, you may decide to add to their travel time towards
emit daylight for 1 minute in a 60-foot radius. their destination or impose disadvantage om
Perception/Investigation checks.
A dying human male – a husk of a man may be found in GOLD VEINS
the depths – raising an arm and asking the party to carry The party stumbles upon untouched veins of gold.
out one last thing for them – burry them near their They can use this information to help out
hometown on the surface. Before any other questions communities above the Underdark to gain riches or
may be asked – the man passes away. No resurrecting or decide to keep the knowledge for themselves.
healing magic works on them – anyone trying such may The amount of gold in these veins is enough for a full
get suspicious. Passing a DC14 Insight check casters may town to grow into a large city.
identify that this was not a real person – though the
remains of the body are real. THE LITTLE SPIDER
If the wish of the dying is carried out, the party will A small spider drops gently on the shoulder of a party
receive the favor of a god of the good alignment in your member. It is friendly and uses small bites to
world. communicate. The communication “style” of the spider
is unknown to the party, but they can learn it through
THE AMBER CHAMBER experience or with spells to speak and understand
The party enters a pitch-dark chamber, where the walls animals.
seem to be smoother than most. Spider action Intended meaning
Players with darkvision will not be able to identify the
1 small bite The spider is hungry
color – deep red – of the walls, only if there is at least a
dim light source. Rapid tapping Danger nearby
Players knowledgeable in jewelry will be able to One foot pulled along Something of interest is nearby
identify the color and material as amber – and the vast the skin repeatedly
amount here seems to be of massive value. Taking time
to mine some amber will risk exhaustion – and after
leaving the chamber it will become apparent that the PETRIFIED
material was an illusion – all that was harvested is In an underground temple a set of statues may be found
worthless, heavy rocks. – which if a player has already seen a Petrified person,
or by passing a DC16 Insight check will be identified as
BET YOUR LIFE ON IT petrified humanoids.
A large stone door obstructs the way forward – with a 3 There are plenty of them around – and if freed they
feet high stone pedestal in front of it. will not understand how they got there.
The pedestal has drawings on it – drawings of people The people are from a long-forgotten time, and if
drawing blood through various fights. The top of the
allowed, they will try to start a new life on the surface,
pedestal houses a chalice, that can hold about 10 ounces
integrating into society.
of blood.
Only once filled, will the door open to allow passage. FORGOTTEN ALCHEMY
The party may find asset of scribblings in a long-
WEEPING WALLS forgotten language. Any magic that allows
A portion of the Underdark’s walls seems to seep water understanding of written text, will uncover recipes of
that somehow disappears through the ground. The water potions (choice is DM discretion)
is salty, like tears. Whose tears are they? It depends on
Hard to hear sounds of whispers appear as the party
AHEAD OF HER TIME travels underground. To hear what they say a successful
The party finds a stainless-steel door – opening it is DC18 Perception check is needed.
possible through a button on the rock walls. Inside they Upon success choose another party member – and ask
see a modern laboratory, with half dead electric lights, them to share what they are thinking of. The thoughts
and modern equipment. Noone is to be found here – only
are the words that the succeeding player hears.
letters, and a journal – detailing inventions that mean
The cause of this phenomenon is up to you to decide.
nothing for the party, and disappointment of the
inventions not being well received by the public.
Where is the inventor? What unusual items may the
party find? It is up to you.

Looking down in a large crack, the party may see an
interconnected set of stone bridges, interlocking in a
chaotic, disorienting way.
They need to make a group DC12 Intelligence saving
throw – upon failure they identify that there is a very
high probability that they will get lost in this area. You as
a DM can give the information that they desperately feel
like they need to find a way to track where they are
Give them time and decide if the ideas they come up
with are helpful enough to keep their course correct. If

Very good at juggling.
Has a great 6th sense for danger.

APPEARANCE 12 Always obeys the law and regulations.

13 Will always give presents to their friends.
1d20 Appearance 14 They love unconditionally and for life.
1 Long blonde hair, wide smile, bright blue eyes, and 15 They can tell the weather in advance.
average height. 16 They understand magic naturally.
2 Bald, brown eyes, dark skin, muscular figure 17 They are experts at crafting mechanical things.
3 Short black hair, blue eyes, and a scar on the side of 18 Whatever sport they try, they excel at.
her face
19 Expert at seafaring.
4 Braided red hair, thrown to the side, freckled face,
20 The best haggler there is.
radiant smile, tall figure
5 Long white hair, black eyes, thin lips, and frail figure.
6 Dark brown thick hair, brown eyes and skin. FLAWS
7 Straight red hair, stern green eyes, lean but muscular
figure 1d20 Flaw

8 Greyish hair, blue eyes, slightly chubby physique 1 Hates to open doors

9 Purplish, glowing hair, long, straight face, thin lips and 2 Will lie to you at any chance they get
tight-fitting white dress. 3 Thinks they can tell good jokes, but in reality – the
10 Large black hat, covering most of the face – short jokes are awful.
figure, strong physique. 4 Always sneezes when they lie
11 Wearing a white button up shirt, way too big. Loosely 5 Can’t control the volume of their speech
braided reddish hair, careless half-smile. 6 Is generous – beyond reason.
12 Scarred body, black hair, scarred forehead and one 7 Kleptomaniac and can’t help it.
eye missing. Wearing multiple weapons, looking
8 They are addicted to some sort of substance.
strong – piercing black eyes.
9 They can’t judge situations at all.
13 Unkept, blonde hair tied to a bun – round, reddish
face, full body, surprisingly smooth and quick 10 They can’t behave normally in social situations.
movements. 11 Falls asleep every once in a while.
14 Short brown hair, leather coat and trousers, thick, but 12 Gets angry without reason.
tightly pressed together lips and stern look. 13 They hate some people specifically – without reason.
15 Snow white hair, half long, half near bald. One brown, 14 They can’t stand ugly clothes.
one blue eye, white lips, androgenous form.
15 They can’t count or read.
16 Thick coat, covering the full body, only 2 brown eyes
16 To sleep they need complete silence.
are visible and 2 mittens.
17 They can’t look at blood – they will faint.
17 Deep dark skin, black, curly hair – radiant smile.
18 They can’t eat anything other than a specific
18 Caramel skin, piercing green eyes, missing one arm,
having prosthetics as one leg.
19 Gluttony
19 Unusually short, and small – thin, near transparent
hair, red lips and eyes. 20 Anything they touch – breaks.

20 A form that is near impossible to decipher – you look

at them, and as you look away – you already forgot.
STRENGTHS 1d20 Secret
1 Made a deal with a devil
1d20 Strength
2 Killed their own parents
1 Honesty above all else.
3 Visits brothels every chance they get
2 Whatever they start, they succeed at.
4 Stole a very valuable artifact.
3 Can convince even the most stubborn of people.
5 Wanted in most big cities.
4 Knows a lot of languages.
6 They escaped hell – defied death.
5 Is instantly accepted by all animals.
7 Once they burned down a farm.
6 Military background – knows all about wars and
related equipment. 8 They are a doppelganger.
7 The best cook you have ever met. 9 They sold their children to slavers.
8 There is no sickness they can’t cure. 10 They ran away from home.
9 Has friends in every city and village.

Creator: Peter Kuna
Document Design Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template
by Laura Hirsbrunner
Maps: Created by Peter Kuna on Inkarnate Pro
Cover image is from DMs Guild Creator Resource - Eberron
Heroes & Villains Art Pack - Dungeon Masters Guild | DMG
Creator Resources | Dungeon Masters Guild

Additional information

All art and content within this adventure was created by Peter
Kuna and only serves the purpose of you having fun within your
tabletop adventures.
If you are interested in finding more resources like this, check
out the following site:

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similar adventures, buy me a coffee here:
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If you would like to receive access to the adventure through

Roll20 in a digital format – ready to run – or if you have
questions and requests, drop me a note on:

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all ot her Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permissio n under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Peter Kuna and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


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