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Region I

Department of Education
Division of Pangasinan II
Canarvacanan, 2436, Binalonan
Pangasinan, Philippines
Bautista District
S. Y. 2020-2021

First Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill
March 11, 2021

“You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.”

The First Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) was conducted on

March 11, 2021 at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon. All the pupils and teaching staff of Artacho

Elementary School actively participated in the event. To make this event possible amidst

pandemic the teachers of AES encourage their pupils to participate at home together with their

parents and siblings. However, the onsite teachers also participated at school. Prior to the event,

teachers posted on facebook and on their respective group chats (GC’s) to invite the parents and

pupils to participate in the said event. Even though the drill was held online and done at home,

the drill was carried smoothly because pupils, parents as well as the teachers seemed to be

prepared, alert, and awake during the activities.

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