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Profiles Ability Profiler Score Report JONAISA TUNGCALING ABDULRAHIM (2020-02-02 0 Ministry ofthe Interior and Local Government 22) Wat information does the Ability P ler provide? Form Perception ines figures ‘The abilty ty quickly and accurately see details in object, pictures, or drawings. Itinvolves noticing lite differences in shapes of fgur Tied. fd longihe and whe of ies. Ths abltys important in such feds as craft arts, craft technology, jewelry making, production technology, production work, and quality coat Clerical Perception ‘The abit to quickly and accurately see dierences in etal in prinied material. It involves noticing if there are mistakes in the text and ‘humbers orf there are careless errors in working math problems. This abiily measures “speed of perception” whichis required in many Induetial Jobe, evan when these jobs do not have verbal ot numerical content. Tis ability Is important in such fields as administration, Claims processing, library serdces, fice machine operation, packaging, and word processing, Computation ‘The ably to use arthmetic operations of adeton, subtraction, multiplication, ang division to solve everyday problems involving number ‘This bi is mporatin such felds ax engineering, nance, mathematic, scence, and technology, Spatial Ability ‘The abil o form pictures of objects in your mind. I involves easly understanding how drawings represent real objects and correctly imagining how parts fi together. This ably is important in such fiids as architectun neering te 7 visual ar iaseig he a Sate 8, carpentry, engineering technology, the visual arts Verbal Ability Se eg ee eel eee ee a ‘biny ia important in such elds as communications, education, law, IRerery ats, and alesse en ears SPOR: OF inte as sg retary sane dolar seen rune ace Storie ep nas et beyspeneg ye ae TS ay epner reertons earn pe sma ee sty tty rer MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR AO Percent LT mach REAZE? ET. ane 4ST

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