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PURPOSE .......................................................................................... 2
1. NAME ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. DENOMINATION ..................................................................................................................................... 2
3. OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................. 2
4. DECLARATION OF PURPOSE ................................................................................................................... 2

B. DECLARATION OF FAITH ........................................................... 3

5. The church declares its adherence to the following doctrines: ............................................................. 3

C. STATEMENT OF BAPTIST PRINCIPLES ....................................... 5

6. The church believes in the following distinctive Baptist principles: ...................................................... 5
D. WORSHIP SERVICES AND ORDINANCES.................................... 7
7. Worship Services and Ordinances .......................................................................................................... 7
E. MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHURCH .................................................. 7
8. MEMBERSHIP.......................................................................................................................................... 7
9. CHURCH DISCIPLINE................................................................................................................................ 9
F. CHURCH ADMINISTRATION..................................................... 10
10. MEETINGS ......................................................................................................................................... 10

G. CHURCH LEADERSHIP ............................................................. 13

11. OFFICE BEARERS ............................................................................................................................... 13
12. COMMITTEES .................................................................................................................................... 24

H. CHURCH PROPERTY ................................................................. 24

13. FINANCES .......................................................................................................................................... 24
14. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS............................................................................................................... 25
15. IMMOVABLE AND MOVABLE PROPERTY .......................................................................................... 25
16. TRUSTEES .......................................................................................................................................... 26
17. INDEMNITY ....................................................................................................................................... 26
18. DISSOLUTION OF THE CHURCH ........................................................................................................ 27
19. INTERPRETATION OF THE CONSTITUTION........................................................................................ 27
20. REVISION OF THE CONSTITUTION .................................................................................................... 27
21. TRANSITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... 28
22. EFFECTIVE DATE................................................................................................................................ 28
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The name of the church shall be the COSMO CITY BAPTIST CHURCH (hereinafter styled
as “the church”).


The church shall maintain membership in the Baptist Union of Southern Africa and shall
subscribe to the Baptist principles as defined in paragraph 6.


Acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Supreme Head of the Church, the church
undertakes to manage all its affairs according to the principles of Scripture and
recognises the sole authority of the Bible in all matters of faith and life.


4.1 The purpose of the church shall be:

4.1.1 By God’s grace, to glorify God according to His Word which is our
spiritual act of worship (Romans 12)

4.1.2 By God’s grace, to seek to pursue and demonstrate Biblical purity in

doctrine and living and Biblical unity in practice (Ephesians 4:1-3).

4.1.3 By God’s grace, to seek to edify fellow Christians in the things of God
by way of baptism, teaching, fellowship, worship, prayer and caring for
temporal needs (Acts 2:41-45).
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4.1.4 By God’s grace, to seek to fulfil the worldwide mission the Lord Jesus
Christ has given, proclaiming the gospel by way of teaching, preaching
and serving in order to make disciples and to lead people into the
fellowship of a local church (Matthew 9:35-38; 28:16 – 20).


5. The church declares its adherence to the following doctrines:

5.1 The Bible

We believe the Bible to be the complete Word of God; that its sixty-six books,
as originally written, were verbally inspired by the Spirit of God and are entirely
free from error; that it presents us particularly with the Lord Jesus Christ; and,
that it is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16;
2 Peter 1:21; John 20:31; Psalm 119:105)

5.2 God
We believe in one God existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit –
co-existent, eternal and co-equal in all their attributes. (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19;
2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Peter 1:2)

5.3 Jesus Christ

We believe in the absolute and essential deity of Jesus Christ, in His eternal
existence with the Father in pre-incarnate glory, in His virgin birth, true
humanity, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, triumphant
ascension, mediatorial ministry and personal return. (John 1:12, 14; Romans
3:21-26; 8:34; 1 Cor. 15:1-19; Acts 1:9-11)

5.4 The Holy Spirit

We believe in the absolute and essential deity and personality of the Holy Spirit,
His illuminating, convicting, regenerating, sanctifying, empowering and
comforting work and His abiding presence in the believer. (2 Cor. 3:17; John
3:5; 16:8, 13, 14; Acts 1:8; Romans 8:9).
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5.5 Satan
We believe that Satan is an evil personality, the originator of sin, the arch-
enemy of God, the great deceiver of man, but also a defeated foe, whose destiny
is eternal punishment. (Gen. 3:1-7; 2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Peter 5:8; Rev. 20:10)

5.6 Man
We believe that man was created in the image of God, but that he sinned by
disobedience, becoming guilty before God and depraved in all areas of his life,
thereby incurring physical and spiritual death. (Gen. 1:26-27; Romans 3:10-
23; 6:23)

5.7 Salvation
We believe that salvation is a free gift of God given by His grace, only to those
who repent from sin and are justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, being
born again by the Holy Spirit, thereby receiving eternal life and becoming
children of God who are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ.
(Eph. 2:8, 9; John 1:12; 3:5, 6, 16; Romans 8:29)

5.8 The Church

We believe that the Universal Church includes all who have been regenerated
by God as they have responded in repentance and faith to the Lord Jesus Christ,
and includes local autonomous fellowships of believers who are being brought
to maturity as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ so that they reflect the character
of God, build one another up, administer the ordinances and serve others, so as
to fulfil the mission He has given them. We believe that the local Church is an
interdependent body exercising its own divinely awarded gifts, precepts and
privileges under the Lordship of Christ. (Acts 2:41-47; Eph. 4:1-16)

5.9 Missions
We believe that “missions” is the process of planting and perfecting propagating
churches amongst the peoples of the world and that it is our crucial responsibility
to promote and participate in evangelism, discipling and the establishing of new
churches, both locally and internationally. (Matt 16:18; 28:16-20; Acts 1:8)
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5.10 The Future

We believe in the personal, bodily and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ,
in the resurrection of the just and unjust, in the eternal blessedness of the
redeemed and in the judgment and conscious, eternal punishment of the
wicked. (1Thess 4:16; Matt 5:46; John 5:28, 29).

5.11 Marriage and family

We believe that God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of
human society. The family is composed of a man and a woman relating to one
another by marriage, together with their children. Marriage is the uniting of one
natural man and one natural woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime and
that God has ordained marriage as a heterosexual relationship between a
natural man and a natural woman. (Gen 2:23-25; Eph 5:22-33: Rom 1:26-27)


6. The church believes in the following distinctive Baptist principles:

6.1 The DIRECT LORDSHIP OF CHRIST over every believer and over the local
Church. By this we understand that Christ exercises His authority over the
believer and the local church directly, without delegating it to another.

6.2 The CHURCH as the whole company of those who have been redeemed by Jesus
Christ and regenerated by the Holy Spirit. The local church, being a
manifestation of the universal Church, is a community of believers in a particular
place where the Word of God is preached and the ordinances of believer’s
baptism and the Lord’s Supper are observed. It is fully autonomous and remains
so notwithstanding responsibilities it may accept by voluntary association.

6.3 BELIEVER’S BAPTISM is an act of obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ and a sign
of personal repentance, faith and regeneration; it consists of the immersion in
water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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6.4 The CONGREGATIONAL PRINCIPLE, namely that each member has the privilege
and responsibility to use his/her gifts and abilities to participate fully in the life
of the church. We recognise that God gifts His church with overseers, who are
called pastors, or elders, whose primary function is to lead in a spirit of
servanthood, to equip members and to provide spiritual oversight; and deacons
whose primary function is to facilitate the smooth functioning of the church.
This principle further recognises that each member should participate in the
appointment of the church’s leaders, and that a constituted church meeting,
subject to the direct Lordship of Christ and the authority of Scripture, is the
highest court of authority for the church.

6.5 The PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS, by which we understand that each

Christian has direct access to God through Christ our High Priest, and shares
with Him in His work of reconciliation. This involves intercession, worship,
faithful service and bearing witness to Jesus Christ, even to the ends of the

6.6 The principle of RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, namely, that no individual should be

coerced either by the State or by any secular, ecclesiastical or religious group in
matters of faith. The right of private conscience is to be respected. For each
believer this means the right to interpret the Scriptures responsibly and to act
in the light of their conscience.

6.7 The principle of SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE in that, in the providence
of God, the two differ in their respective natures and functions. The church is
not to be identified with the State nor is it, in its faith or practice, to be directed
or controlled by the State. The State is responsible for administering justice,
ensuring an orderly community, and promoting the welfare of its citizens. The
church is responsible for preaching the Gospel and for demonstrating and
making known God’s will and care for all mankind.
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7. Worship Services and Ordinances

7.1 Worship services shall be held each Lord’s day, and may be held throughout the
week as the elders determine.

7.2 The elders or anyone authorised by them may administer the ordinance of
baptism to any believer. It shall be administered upon request by the believer
and shall take the form of immersion in water after it has been determined that
the believer understands its biblical significance.

7.3 The elders or anyone authorised by them may administer the ordinance of
communion to anyone who professes acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Lord
and Saviour. It shall be administered regularly, in a spirit of worship, involving
the two elements symbolising Christ’s broken body and shed blood.



8.1 The membership of the church shall consist of the existing members, being those
identified on a list kept by the elders together with those persons who are
received into its membership and who:

8.1.1 Have declared their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ;

8.1.2 Have confessed the same in baptism by immersion (except where

excused from this requirement by the elders for sound reasons);

8.1.3 Have familiarised themselves with the approach of the church via direct
interaction with the eldership or via the orientation classes;
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8.1.4 Have subscribed to the terms of this constitution; and

8.1.5 Have made written application for membership.

8.2 Procedure for acceptance of new members

8.2.1 Persons desiring to join the church shall make written application to
the elders of the church. An Applicant, who has complied with the
requirements of paragraph 8.1 above and has been interviewed by an
elder together with another church member, shall have his or her
application considered by the eldership. The name of a conditionally
approved applicant shall be published before the church for comment
for a period of two consecutive weeks. In the event of no objections
being received during this period, the applicant shall become a member
of the church and shall be welcomed into membership at a worship

8.2.2 Any objections submitted in respect of any applicant for membership

shall be considered and finally determined by the elders who shall
inform the applicant of their decision and the reasons therefore. At the
discretion of the elders they may inform the church of their decision.

8.2.3 A pastor, called and approved at a church members’ meeting, will

become a member of the church, on signed acceptance of his
appointment to a Pastoral position within the church. The pastor’s wife
will also become a member of the church at the same time.

8.3 Obligations and responsibilities of membership

8.3.1 Each member shall seek to live their life consistently demonstrating the
lordship of Christ as the prevailing direction of their life and in their
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8.3.2 Each member is responsible for participating in and contributing to the

ministry and life of the church, consistent with God’s Word and with the
gifts, financial and material resources each has received from God.

8.3.3 It is also the responsibility of members to attend members’ meetings

and to participate in decisions regarding such matters as may be
submitted to a vote.

8.3.4 Missionary members and members studying too far from the church in
order to attend church meetings shall enjoy the same rights and
privileges as members, but their number shall not be counted for
purposes of establishing a quorum at a church meeting.

8.4 Removal from church membership

8.4.1 A person shall be removed from membership of the church if that

person: Is, in the opinion of the elders, guilty of neglecting the

obligations and responsibilities of a member of the church for
a period of at least six months without good reason or
demonstrates by his conduct that that person no longer
intends to be a member of the church; or Is guilty of failing to respond to church discipline in a biblical

way; or Resigns their membership from the church.


9.1 The threefold purpose of church discipline is to glorify God by maintaining purity
in the local church (1 Corinthians 5:6), to edify believers by deterring sin (1
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Timothy 5:20) and to restore the offending believer by calling him or her to
return to a biblical standard of doctrine and conduct (Galatians 6:1).

9.2 Church discipline should ordinarily only be contemplated after individual private
admonition has failed. Any member of the church who consistently refuses to
respond to correction, or who persistently engages in conduct that violates
Scripture or which dishonours the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be subject
to the admonition of the elders and to church discipline according to Matthew
18:15-17, 1 Corinthians 5, 1 Timothy 5:19-21 and the examples of Scripture.

9.3 Any matter to be taken to the church in terms of Matthew 18:17 shall be brought
to the church at a Special General Meeting called by the elders.



Unless stipulated otherwise all church General Meetings shall be called by the elders
who shall also be responsible for compiling the agenda of each such meeting, subject
to an amendment of the agenda by a majority vote on any one subject that may be

10.1 Types of meetings

10.1.1 Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting shall be held within four (4)
months of the church financial year end. At this meeting, the elders shall report on the general

activities of the church during the preceding financial year
and on matters affecting its various ministries and spiritual
welfare of the members. Reports on the various activities and
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ministries of the church shall be presented at the meeting.

Audited financial statements of the church shall also be
submitted for approval by the members. An auditor, who preferably shall be a registered auditor, shall

be appointed for the following financial year, provided that
such auditor shall not be connected to the church. The
appointment by the elders of the treasurer of the church for
the following financial year shall be ratified by the members
at this meeting. The appointment of the auditor and
treasurer shall be valid until the next Annual General

10.1.2 Special General Meetings

Special General Meetings of the members may be called at any time by
the elders or by the request of at least 10% of the members of the
church. In the event of a written request for a Special General Meeting
from the members, the elders shall convene such meeting within one
month of receipt of its request. This meeting shall be chaired by an
Elder of the church.

10.1.3 Ordinary General Meetings

Ordinary General Meetings which shall be called by the elders may be
held as often as the business of the church requires. At such Ordinary
General Meetings the members shall transact such business as the
elders, or majority of members determine shall be brought before the

10.2 Notice of Meetings

Notice of all General Meetings shall be given to members from the pulpit or by
other effective means for at least two successive Sundays prior to the meeting.
Such notice shall stipulate the particular purpose of the meeting and any motion
to be tabled.
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10.3 Quorum
Unless provided for otherwise in this constitution, 30% of the membership of
the church shall constitute a quorum at all church meetings for the transaction
of business.

10.4 Proceedings at Meetings

10.4.1 In every church meeting, members shall act in a Godly manner, with
openness and loving consideration of others, which is appropriate
within the body of Christ.

10.4.2 All members are encouraged to attend any church meeting but only
members of eighteen years of age and older are entitled to vote at such
meetings. For determining the number of members present, only those
entitled to vote shall be counted for this purpose. Adherents’
attendance at any church meeting shall be at the discretion of the
elders. Where adherents are permitted to attend a church meeting they
shall only be permitted to be present as observers.

10.4.3 In all matters requiring a decision to be taken by the members of the

church at a church meeting consensus shall be sought, but unless
provided for otherwise in this constitution, matters shall be finally
decided by the vote of a simple majority.

10.4.4 In order to determine the threshold required for any vote, only yes
votes will be counted.

10.4.5 Voting at church meetings shall be by the show of hands unless a ballot
is called for by at least 10% of the members present at such meeting
or at the request of the Elders.

10.4.6 All church meetings shall be presided over by the chairman of the elders
or, in his absence, a nominee appointed by the elders. In all meetings,
the chairman of the meeting shall not have a casting vote.
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The church recognises the need to appoint pastors in a full or part time employed
capacity to shepherd the church spiritually and to equip the church for the work of the
ministry; elders, normally in a non-paid capacity, to provide spiritual oversight and
leadership to the church, and deacons, also in a non-paid capacity, to facilitate the
complementary and practical needs of the church.

11.1 Pastors

11.1.1 The church shall call or appoint a man to the position of Senior Pastor.
The Senior Pastor shall become an elder of the church on his
appointment to the church. He shall perform the duties of an elder and
shall be recognised by the church as a gift to the church and called to
the full-time ministry of preaching and teaching to equip the church
and shepherd the flock.

11.1.2 In addition to the Senior Pastor, the church may call or appoint
additional pastors. Additional pastors shall become elders of the church
on their appointment to the church. They shall perform such duties as
usually pertain to the office of Pastor or which may be specifically
assigned by the eldership body.

11.1.3 When it is necessary to appoint a pastor, the elders, together with two
deacons and two members of the church nominated at a church General
Meeting, who together shall constitute a call committee, shall ascertain
the suitability of each candidate nominated by the members of the
church for the position of pastor, having regard to the requirements
given in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5–9. The call committee shall
make such enquiries as they deem necessary for this purpose. After
ascertaining the suitability of each candidate nominated for the position
of pastor, the call committee shall make a recommendation to the
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church membership as soon as possible, which recommendation shall

require the support of at least 75% of the members of the call
committee. The call committee’s recommendation shall be considered
at a Special General Meeting constituted for that purpose and an
invitation shall be extended to a prospective pastor, provided his
recommendation shall have been supported by a vote of at least 75%
of the members present at the meeting.

11.1.4 Any written invitation from the church addressed to any prospective
pastor shall be accepted by him in writing and confirmed in a contract
of employment. It shall be a condition of any agreement between the
church and the pastor that the pastor accepts in writing the provisions
of this constitution.

11.1.5 A pastor’s appointment may be terminated as a result of misconduct,

a serious breakdown of the trust relationship with the eldership, default
in duty or manner of life, heresy in doctrine, or should he hold or
propagate any view which differs from the declaration of faith or Baptist
principles stated in this constitution. The elders shall investigate any
allegation that has been made against the pastor and in the event of
the majority of them deciding to bring the matter before the church in
terms of Matthew 18 and 1 Timothy 5:19-21, a Special General Meeting
shall be called for that purpose. An Elder, appointed by the Eldership,
shall chair this meeting. A pastor may be removed from office by a
majority vote of members present at the church meeting.

11.1.6 Such agreement may be terminated by either party, furnishing to the

other 1 months’ notice of termination in writing, or such other period
as may be mutually agreed upon.

11.2 Elders

11.2.1 Elders are those men who are recognised and set aside by the church
as being gifted by the Holy Spirit for the office of elder, and who satisfy
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the requirements set out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. Within
the eldership, no elder, irrespective of his calling or function, shall have
greater or personal authority to operate from a higher positional level
(The plurality principle).

11.2.2 In accordance with the teaching of the New Testament, the elders
collectively shall be responsible for: The teaching of the Word; Leading the church in a spirit of servanthood; Portraying the Word; Providing spiritual oversight and direction to the church; Guarding the flock against false doctrine and practice; Interviewing prospective members; Anointing with oil and praying for the sick; Counselling and caring for those in need; Generally overseeing the management of the church which

includes the finances of the church and which functions can
be delegated by the elders to any group or committee.

11.2.3 Number of elders.

Assuming a plurality of elders, the number of elders shall be
determined by the availability of suitably qualified men to fulfil this role,
ideally there should always be at least one more lay elder than the
number of remunerated elders.
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11.2.4 Appointment of elders. Any member of the church may, when invited, submit a

name for nomination to the eldership for scrutiny and
nomination. Any man, who has been nominated as an elder, has been a
member of the church for at least three years or a shorter
period if agreed unanimously by the elders and has a desire
in his heart to serve the Lord and the church in this way, may
make himself available as a nominee for eldership. The nomination(s) shall be considered by the present

eldership and two deacons who together shall constitute a
nominations committee. The nominations committee shall biblically consider each

nomination by enquiring into the suitability of the nominee
in the light of the Scriptural requirements set for elders in 1
Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 and in terms of their collective
wisdom. The nominee may be required to complete a written
questionnaire before his nomination is considered and he
may also be required to attend an interview with the
nominations committee. After biblical consideration of the nominee, and provided he

receives the approval of at least 75% of the nominations
committee, the name of the nominee will be announced in
writing or otherwise to the church as soon thereafter as is
practically possible. Should any member have any biblical objection as to the

nominee’s suitability as an elder, this should be submitted to
the elders in writing for consideration by the elders.
Page 17 The elders shall make a full investigation into any biblical
objection that may be made against any nominee. If, after
careful consideration, the elders sustain the objection, the
nominee should be declared unfit for the office of elder and
informed accordingly. If the elders do not sustain the
objection, or if no such objections are forthcoming within a
period of two weeks of the announcement having been made
to the church, the nominee should be presented to the
church for confirmation at a General Meeting. Should at least
75% of the members present at such General Meeting vote
in favour of the nominee, he should then be formally and
publicly welcomed into the office of elder at a Sunday
worship service.

11.2.5 Elders’ meetings

The elders shall meet as often as is necessary to discharge their
responsibilities as elders. They shall also appoint from amongst them
in their first meeting of each financial year a chairman who shall preside
over elders’ meetings. A quorum for elders’ meetings shall be at least
50% of the eldership body, unless provided for otherwise in this
Constitution. In all matters requiring a decision to be taken by the
elders, consensus shall be sought, but unless provided for otherwise in
this Constitution, matters shall be finally decided by the vote of a
simple majority.

11.2.6 Term of office of elders

The term of office of an elder shall be two years. After completing a
two-year term an elder is eligible for reappointment.

11.2.7 Removal or resignation from office and sabbatical Subject to what is stated in 1 Timothy 5:17 -21, an elder

shall be removed from the office of elder as a result of
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misconduct, a serious breakdown of the trust relationship

with the eldership, default in duty or manner of life, heresy
in doctrine, or should he hold or propagate any view which
differs from the declaration of faith or Baptist principles
stated in this constitution. The elders shall investigate any
allegation that has been made against the elder concerned
and in the event of the majority of them deciding to bring
the matter before the church in terms of Matthew 18 and 1
Timothy 5:19-21, a Special General Meeting shall be called
for that purpose. An elder may be removed from office by a
simple majority vote of members present at the church
meeting. Any person may resign from the office of elder by submitting
a letter of resignation to the elders. A lay elder shall be entitled to take a sabbatical from his term
of office for an agreed period.

11.3 Deacons

11.3.1 Deacons are those men and women of the church who are recognised
and set aside by the church as being gifted by the Holy Spirit for this
office and who meet the spiritual qualifications set out in 1 Timothy 3:8
– 13 and Titus 2:3-5, are at least 21 years of age, have been a member
of the church for at least 1 year and who are available to serve in this

11.3.2 In accordance with the teaching of the New Testament, deacons are
responsible for: Caring for the temporal needs of the members of the church;
Page 19 Being involved in facilitating a compassionate ministry of

caring for the poor and needy; Managing the practical needs of the church; Caring for and maintaining the church property; Assisting the elders in any service that supports and

promotes new and existing ministries of the church and the
ministry of the Word; Administering the finances of the church under the direction

of the elders; Performing such administrative and other duties as may be

assigned to them by the elders.

11.3.3 Number of deacons

The number of deacons appointed shall be consistent with the number
of ministry portfolios in operation at the church from time to time and
the availability of men and women to serve in this capacity.

11.3.4 Appointment of deacons Whenever it is necessary, the elders, together with a

representative committee of the deacons, shall call for
nominations for deacons from the church. Any person, who
believes that they qualify, according to the Scriptures, and
has a desire to serve the Lord and the church in this way,
may make himself or herself available as a nominee. Any
member of the church may submit a nomination in writing to
the elders after having received the acceptance of the
nomination by the nominee.
Page 20 The elders and two deacons who together shall constitute a
nominations committee shall biblically consider each
nomination by enquiring into the suitability of the nominee
in the light of the scriptural requirements set for deacons in
1 Timothy 3:8-13 and Titus 2:3-5 and in terms of their
collective wisdom. The nominations committee may require
the nominee to complete a written questionnaire before his
or her nomination is considered and may also require the
nominee to attend an interview with the nominations
committee. After careful consideration of each nominee, and provided he

or she receives the approval of at least 50% of the
nominations committee, the name of the nominee will be
announced to the church as soon thereafter as is practically
possible. Should any member have a biblical objection as to the

nominee’s suitability as a deacon, this should be submitted
to the elders in writing for consideration by the elders. The elders shall make a full investigation into any biblical
objection that may be made against any nominee. If the
elders sustain the objection, the nominee’s application shall
be declined and he or she shall be informed accordingly. If
the elders do not sustain the objection, or if no such
objections are forthcoming within two weeks of the
announcement having been made to the church, the
nominee should be presented to the church at a General
Meeting for confirmation. Should at least 50% of the
members present at such General Meeting vote in favour of
the nominee, he or she should then be formally and publicly
welcomed into the office of deacon at a Sunday worship
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11.3.5 Organisation
The deacons shall organise themselves however they determine best
to achieve the functions of the diaconate. Meetings of the deacons or
sub committees thereof shall be held as needed to best fulfil the
obligations and responsibilities of the deacons. The deacons shall
appoint from amongst them in their first meeting of each financial year
a chairman who shall preside over deacons’ meetings. A quorum for
deacons’ meetings shall be at least 50% of the deacons.

11.3.6 Term of office of deacons

The term of office of a deacon shall be two years. After completing a
two-year term a deacon is eligible for reappointment.

11.3.7 Removal or resignation from office and sabbatical A deacon shall be removed from the office of deacon as a

result of misconduct, a serious breakdown of the trust
relationship with the diaconate, default in duty or manner of
life, heresy in doctrine, or should he or she hold or propagate
any view which differs from the declaration of faith or Baptist
principles stated in this constitution. The elders shall
investigate any allegation that has been made against the
deacon concerned and in the event of the majority of them
deciding to bring the matter before the church in terms of
Matthew 18; a Special General Meeting shall be called for
that purpose. A deacon may be removed from office by a
simple majority vote of members present at the church
meeting. A deacon shall be entitled to resign at any time during his or

her term of office by submitting a letter of resignation to the
chairman of the elders. His or her appointment as deacon
Page 22

may also come to an end should the ministry for which he or

she was appointed, cease to exist. A deacon shall be entitled to take a sabbatical from his or her

term of office for an agreed period.

11.4 Ministry Directors / Coordinators

11.4.1 The leadership of certain ministries in the church may need to be filled
by a person who is not required to be a pastor and such leader shall be
designated as a Ministry Director / Coordinator. A Ministry Director /
Coordinator shall demonstrate the character qualities of a deacon set
out in 1 Timothy 3: 8-13 and Titus 2:3-5 and shall be appointed by the

11.4.2 The elders, after consultation with the deacons, shall determine the
duties and responsibilities of Ministry Directors / Coordinators. Ministry
Directors / Coordinators may serve in a paid or non-paid capacity.

11.4.3 A Ministry Director’s / Coordinator’s appointment may be terminated

by any conduct on his or her part which would, in the view of the
majority of the elders, constitute misconduct, default in duty or manner
of life, heresy in doctrine, or should he or she hold or propagate any
view which differs from the views of the church. The elders shall
investigate any allegation made against any Ministry Director /
Coordinator and in the event of the majority of them deciding to
terminate the Ministry Director’s / Coordinator’s appointment; they
shall be entitled to do so.

11.4.4 A Ministry Director / Coordinator may resign from office by submitting

a letter of resignation to the elders.
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11.5 Church Treasurer

11.5.1 The elders shall appoint a person as treasurer of the church. Such a
person shall preferably be an elder or a deacon. By not holding either
of these offices will not disqualify a person from acting in the capacity
of church treasurer.

11.5.2 The nominee for church treasurer should, in the opinion of the majority
of the elders, be suitably qualified to fulfil the role of treasurer.

11.5.3 A person shall be eligible to act as treasurer of the church for so long
as he is appointed to this position by the elders and agrees to accept
such appointment. The appointment must be ratified at the next church
Members’ Meeting and ratified at each subsequent Annual General

11.5.4 The treasurer, together with the finance committee which shall be
chaired by an elder, shall ensure that all funds of the church are
properly deposited in such banks or financial institutions as are
approved by the elders. The treasurer shall also be responsible for
presenting regular reports of the assets and liabilities, revenues and
expenses of the church as well as the church budget at a church
members’ meeting. The treasurer shall also ensure that a complete
record of all transactions is kept in the set of books belonging to the
church. The elders shall ensure that such internal controls as are
determined necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements
that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
error, are implemented.

11.5.5 A treasurer’s appointment may be terminated by any conduct on his

part which would, in the view of the majority of the elders, constitute
misconduct, default in duty or manner of life, heresy in doctrine, or
should he hold or propagate any view which differs from the views of
the church. The elders shall investigate any allegation made against
Page 24

the treasurer and in the event of the majority of them deciding to

terminate the treasurer’s appointment; they shall be entitled to do so.


12.1 To promote the efficient handling of the various church ministries, the elders or
deacons may appoint various committees from within their membership or the
church at large. These committees must be chaired by a church member and
shall perform tasks in accordance with the responsibilities and with the powers
specifically delegated to them by the elders.

12.2 A finance committee shall be appointed by the elders in consultation with the
treasurer and shall consist of elders’ and deacons’ representation and such
members of the church and/or invitees as the elders deem necessary. This
committee shall be responsible for performing such tasks as may be delegated
to it by the elders and for making recommendations to the elders and to the
church on matters related to the finances of the church.

12.3 The treasurer and the finance committee shall be accountable to the elders.



13.1 The church shall be supported by the voluntary giving of tithes and offerings by
the members and adherents of the church and by donations and by any other
means agreed upon by the elders of the church.

13.2 The deacons shall be responsible for the collecting and safekeeping of all monies
Page 25


The church shall have the power to buy, sell, donate, let or hire, exchange, transfer,
receive by way of donation or otherwise, movable and immovable property and to
invest its funds in fixed deposit or otherwise, in any approved bank or financial
institution. It shall further have the power to borrow money with or without security
in such manner as the church shall think fit, negotiate loans from any approved bank
or financial institution by overdraft or otherwise and by passing mortgage and notarial
bonds for registration with the proper authorities. It shall be entitled to open and
operate banking accounts and to make, draw, accept, discount, execute and issue
transferable instruments to guarantee the performance of contracts by any person or
duly constituted church having objectives wholly or partly similar to the objectives of
this church and to enter into guarantees or suretyships of every description.


15.1 The elders shall be responsible for administering the church property and may
appoint such people as deemed necessary to fulfil this responsibility.

15.2 Any proposals to acquire, sell, mortgage, hypothecate or otherwise alienate or

encumber any immovable property shall require the approval of at least 75% of
the members present at an Annual or Special General Meeting subject thereto
that the quorum required for any meeting where such a decision was to be taken
shall be 50% of the membership of the church.

15.3 All immovable property acquired by the church in any manner shall be registered
in the name of the Trustees appointed at an Annual General Meeting acting for
and on behalf of the church and shall be the property of the church.

15.4 All movable property that the church may acquire shall be held and administered
solely for the furtherance of its objectives and theology of ministry.

15.5 In the event of the church at any time ceasing to exist or failing to comply with
the requirements of paragraph 2 of this constitution, all property owned by it
Page 26

and all rights to the property which may have vested in or have been acquired
by it at such time shall vest in and become the property of the Baptist Union of
Southern Africa. The said Union shall hold and administer it or deal with it in
such manner as it may deem best to secure the furtherance of the objectives
and the propagation of the principles of the Baptist Union of Southern Africa.
Such furtherance of objectives should give preference to the region where the
church exists.


16.1 Trustees shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting from the members
of the church. The number of Trustees to be appointed shall be not less than
five, provided that at least two trustees are elders.

16.2 Any Trustee shall be eligible for re-appointment as Trustee at a subsequent

Annual General Meeting.

16.3 The immovable property of the church, whether already received, purchased,
held or mortgaged shall be registered in the name of the Trustees acting for and
on behalf of the church and who shall deal with such immovable property as
directed by the members of the church in accordance with the provisions of this


17.1 All officers and members of the church shall be fully indemnified against all
actions, costs, charges, losses, damages and expenses which they or any of
them individually shall or may incur in the execution of their duties, except such
as they shall incur by their own wrongful action done intentionally or by their
gross negligence.
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18.1 The church may be dissolved by a resolution of at least 75% of the total
membership of the church, at a Special General Meeting duly convened for that
purpose. Notice of such meeting of at least 30 days shall be given to all members
of the church. In the event of such resolution being passed which will take effect
immediately, save for the winding up process, the meeting shall thereupon
authorise the elders or such members thereof who may still hold office to take
the necessary steps to wind up the affairs of the church in due and proper form
to the Baptist Union of Southern Africa.

18.2 In addition, it shall also cease to exist when the number of members on the
members’ list has dropped to below 20.



If any dispute arises as to the interpretation of any clause of this constitution, the
power of determining it shall vest in the elders and failing agreement by them, by a
panel appointed by the President of the Baptist Union of Southern Africa. The chairman
of the church meeting shall have the right to suspend the process regarding the matter
under dispute and refer the matter to the elders for deliberation and to bring a
recommendation to a subsequent church meeting.


20.1 This constitution may be amended, revised, added to or deleted from at an

Annual or Special General Meeting duly convened for that purpose, provided
that at least one month’s notice in writing, detailing the proposed revisions or
amendments, has been sent to all the members of the church. The non-receipt
of such notice by any member for whatsoever reason shall not invalidate the
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20.2 No change shall be made to this constitution unless at least 75% of the members
present at an Annual or a Special General Meeting vote in favour of the proposed
alteration or amendment; either in its original form or with such amendments
as the meeting may itself propose. Notwithstanding this, the declaration of
purpose (para A4), the declarations of faith (para B5), the statement of Baptist
principles (para C6) and the administration of movable and immovable property
(para 15) may only be amended upon an affirmative vote of at least 90% of the
total membership of the church. Such voting shall be by ballot at an Annual or
Special General Meeting and shall incorporate postal votes.


All acts and actions done in accordance with the previous Constitution shall continue
to be valid and binding on the church and any third party notwithstanding its repeal
and the implementation of this Constitution, on the effective date and thereafter
insofar as may be necessary. To this effect the previous Constitution shall be deemed
to be in full and binding force and effect but will otherwise be repealed.


This Constitution shall become effective on the date of its acceptance by the church
members at a Special General Meeting.

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