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Some people that the government is responsible for the rise in obesity in children, while others think

it’s the fault of their parents.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Nowadays, obesity is increasing especially in younger children. Some people propound that the
government should be blamed for such high numbers as it is the government’s duty to impose a ban
on the advertisement of unhealthy food. While others believe that parents should be held
accountable for rising cases of obesity in young ones because they are the custodians of their
offsprings’ well-being.

According to some people, childhood obesity is dominating due to the negligence of the
government. They feel that it is the government’s responsibility to audit what is promoted in the
media. Moreover, the government should take initiatives to ban the advertisement of junk food and
encourage healthy eating instead. Norway, Denmark, and Finland are a case in point. These
countries have completely banned the promotion of sugary items such as choc olates and candies,
resulting in lower cases of obesity. To cut a long story short, it was their government's effort that
helped in controlling obesity in these countries.

Another school of thought advocates that parents play an inevitable role in weight gain in children.
They explain that kids’ choices are influenced by their parents’ upbringing. Therefore, parents must
teach their children what is good for them and what is not. For example, a study conducted by the
Allama Iqbal Medical College indicates that children tend to imitate their parents from a very young
age. Hence, if parents adopt a healthy lifestyle, chances are remarkable that children will follow.

To sum it up, it is a common opinion that the government plays a vital part in increase in number of
obese children because the government must stop the advertisement of fattening food. Some
people also argue that parents are the main culprits for their children’s obesity due to the reason
that they should teach them about the right and wrong choices. While the government and parents
go hand in hand for kids’ well-being, I believe that parents have the upper hand in the decision
making of children.

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