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Secretaria de Estado da Educação, da Ciência e Tecnologia

3ª Gerência Regional de Educação

ECI Maria Lídia Rangel
Tenório – PB

Aluno (a): _______________________________________________________________________________

Data: 28/10/2021 IV Bimestre 3a série: (.......) A...(......) B

1. Substitua o ícone ♦ com who, whom, whose or wich to complete the following paragraphs.

A novel is a long narrative, normally in prose, ♦ describes fictional characters and events, usually in
the form of a sequential story. The plot of a story is a series of interconnected events in ♦ every occurrence
has a specific purpose.

In a narrative, the protagonist is the central figure with ♦ we usually sympathize or identify. The
antagonist is the figure ♦ opposes the protagonist and creates the conflict. The foil character is the figure
♦ personality traits are the opposite of the main character’s. This is a supporting character and usually
made to shine the protagonist.
2. Write the answers to the questions below.

a) Which of the relative pronouns of the exercise 1 expresses possession?

b) Which of the relative pronouns in exercise 1 are preceded by a preposition and cannot be replaced
by the relative pronoun “that”?

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