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Computer science Entry Test

1) Convert the (156)10 decimal into binary.

a) (11100010)2 b) (00010101)2
c) (10011100)2 d) (11001100)2
2) Convert the (1000001)2 into decimal.
a) (100)10 b) (56)10
c) (70)10 d) (65)10
3) Convert the (110101111)2 into hexadecimal.
a) (1AF)16 b) (1BF)16
c) (1CF)16 d) (1DF)16
4) The IPV4 address is made up of ______ binary bits?
a) 31 b) 28
c) 32 d) 30
5) Which of the following doesn’t includes the types of software piracy?
a) Softlifting b) Liability
c) Client and Server overuse d) Online Piracy
6) ______ is a cyber-attack to make machine or network resource unavailable for a user.
a) Malware b) Phishing
c) Denial of Service d) None of these
7) An individual list item can contain another entire list called?
a) Unordered list b) Ordered list
c) Nested list d) Definition list
8) The_______ element is a container for metadata.
a) <head> b) <body>
c) <title> d) <html>
9) Data test if the solution is actually solving the same problem for which it is design is called?
a) Validation b) Verification
c) Test Data d) None of these
10) Example of volatile memory that holds the data when it is in used.
a) ROM b) Hard Disk
c) RAM d) both A & B
11) Expression (A+B) . (A+C) is equal to____?
a) A.B + A.C b) A.(B.C)
c) A + (B.C) d) A + (B+C)
12) ________ is the standard TCP/IP protocol which is used for the purpose of transferring files from one
computer to another computer?
c) FTP d) both A & C
13) IPV6 consist of how many bits?
a) 32 bits b) 128 bits
c) 64 bits d) None of these
14) In primary and secondary storage, data is stored in the form of_____?
a) Bits b) Bytes
c) Megabytes d) Gigabytes
15) <dl> tag is used when you need to show some term and their description?
a) Delete list b) Definition list
c) Diamond list d) Describe list
16) What will be the vale of variable ‘a’ after execution.
int a = 4;
float b = 2.2;
a = a*b;
a) 8 b) 8.8
c) 8.0 d) 8.2
17) Which of the following statement will execute?
int a = 5;
if (a < 10)
if (a >4)
a) a + +; b) a - -;
c) both A and B d) Error in program
18) An ‘if’ statement may not have an associated ‘else’ statement, but an ‘else’ statement must have an ‘if’
statement to which it is associated.
a) False b) True
c) only if statement d) only else statement
19) Void main ( )
int array [5];
array [5] = {10, 15, 5, 35, 50};
what will compiler generates on the above mention code?
a) Compiler gives the output b) both A & D
c) Compiler generate the error d) Compiler execute the code
20) Values passed to the function are called?
a) Parameter b) Arguments
c) passing the value d) none of these
21) The function which are available in C standard Library are called?
a) Repetitive function b) User define function
c) Built-in function d) Recursive function
22) A float uses _________ bytes of memory?
a) 6 byte b) 2 byte
c) 4 bytes d) 8 byte
23) Gets a character from user into variable key. We use following function?
a) void main b) # include
c) getch d) both A & B
24) Which of the following is a valid line of code?
a) int = 10; b) grade = ‘A’;
c) line = line number; d) both A and B
25) The operator ‘%’ is used to calculate?
a) Percentage b) Divide
c) Reminder d) Square
26) How can we initialize an array in C language?
a) int arr [2] = {5,20}; b) arr [2] = {5,20};
c) int [2] = {5,20}; d) none of these
27) Variable in the function definition that receive the values are called ________ of function.
a) Argument b) Parameter
c) function calling d) Terminator
28) What is the correct syntax of ‘for loop’?
a) for (increment/decrement ; condition ; initialization); b) for (increment/decrement ; initialization ;
c) for (condition ; increment/decrement ; initialization) d) for (initialization; condition ; increment/
29) ________ help us in reading the values from array?
a) Compiler b) Array
c) Loops d) None of these
30) Which of the following is not a reserved word?
a) auto b) case
c) int d) print

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