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1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Eating a balanced diet is the
most important factor for a healthy life. Use specific reasons and examples to support
your answer.

Today it is important to have a balanced diet for the health of one person. Eating all kinds
of food is needed for the body. The body needs essential vitamins to develop and grow as
a human being, so eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy life. A
balanced diet provides us with nutrients for developing,  maintaining our body well and
avoiding many diseases.

 A balanced diet provides us with nutrients for developing. Which all are required in our
body.A well balanced diet provides enough energy and nutrition for optimal growth and

A balanced diet provides us with nutrients for maintaining our body well.The food which
we eat there are several different types of nutrients that support our body.

A balanced diet provides us with nutrients for avoiding many diseases. Nowadays in the
world human beings are suffering from different kinds of disease because of food
problem In order to get truly balanced nutrition we should obtain the majority of our
daily fruits and vegetables,grain,proteins etc.There is good evidence that eating a healthy
diet can reduce illness such as diabetes,heart disease,and some type of cancer.

In conclusion,a balanced diet means getting the right types and amount of foods and
drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells,tissues,organs and for
supporting normal growth and development.

2. Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other
people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your
opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Nowadays, computers are a very important part of daily life, whether in the office or at
home. A lot of work during the day is done by computers and they have made everything
simpler and more comfortable. Computers enable us to improve the quality of a number
of other products and provide a way for us to get great knowledge.

Firstly,  computers have improved the quality of a number of other products. Companies
use computers to build products that work more efficiently and effectively. For example,
today, most cars possess small computers that help improve their safety and therefore,
improve their quality. My car has a small computer that can determine if the car is out of
control. If it is, the computer will take action and alter the speed of the tires so that it will
regain control. Cars represent just one example of how computers have positively
impacted our lives.

Secondly, computers provide a way for us to get great knowledge. Through the Internet,
the personal computer has become one of the most popular and convenient sources of
important information. For example, a friend of mine felt really sick a few months ago.
She had a bad stomach ache and it was late at night. I didn’t have access to a doctor, so I
researched information on how to help soothe a bad stomach online. I found that soft
foods such as rice could help. With this information, I was able to help my friend feel
better. This experience taught me that computers can help us significantly.

In sum, computers benefit our lives by making it easier and more convenient. Not only
have they improved a number of things that we use every day, on the contrary they also
give us a simple way to gather great information quickly. Computers have revolutionized
our lives, and we should all support their continued development and use.

3. Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends
most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific
reasons to support your answer.

Life is full of enjoyment and grief, and we spend it with the people who are important to
us. Each person has a different preference about spending their time. There is a good
benefit if we spend time with our friends rather than being alone. However, I'm the
opposite. I prefer to spend my time alone because friends can be a bad factor to
concentrate on our studies and when  I start to play with my friend, we’re hard to end the

First, friends can be a bad factor to concentrate on our studies. Imagine that your friends
come to your home. Can you concentrate on your study? You cannot. For example,
today, my friend came to my house. The original plan was to study with my friend, but
we did not. Because we are friends. Nobody can concentrate on their study when they
meet a friend.

Second, after I start to play with my friend, we cannot end the game and have fun.
Despite trying to study, it’s not easy. For instance, when I met my friend in the cafeteria
to do homework, we started to talk, and to chat, however, we could not finish our
conversation. We were already addicted. It is human’s instinct.

It’s natural to want to be with other people, but I find the time I spend alone is more
valuable to me in the long run.

4. Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which
place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your
Everyone has different dreams when it comes to where they wish to live. Personally, I
think it is very desirable to live in a big city because of invience, modernace, beauty and
great environment for raising children.

Firstly, a big city has invience, modernace, and beauty . It offers cultural experiences that
adults can enjoy and appreciate.  Most major cities have a plethora of museums, ethnic
restaurants, libraries, theater groups and other stimulating and cosmopolitan facilities. 
My city is no exception. For instance, my colleagues and I spend every Friday evening
visiting a new ethnic restaurant for dinner. Over the past three months we have enjoyed
food from more than a dozen different national cuisines.  Meanwhile, my sons and I go to
a different museum once a month and I have found that I enjoy our visits almost as much
as they do. These are the sort of things that are only possible in a heavily-populated urban
area. Small towns offer easy access to beautiful natural scenery, but I prefer the
intellectual and cultural stimulation that my city offers.

 Secondly,a big city offers a great environment for raising children, and I am a person
who values family above all else.  Urban areas have numerous parks and recreation
centers which encourage children to lead vital and healthy lives, and they also have well-
funded community centers which contribute to the intellectual development of young
people.  My own experience demonstrates the value of such facilities. Both my husband
and I work full time jobs, and are not home when our two sons finish school. This is not a
problem, though, as both of them go directly to a local community center when their
classes are over. Our eldest son participates in a computer club there, while our youngest
son practices photography. Their participation in these programs sets my mind at ease, as
without access to the community center they would just sit at home all alone.  This
situation compares favorably to a friend of mine who lives in a small town and recently
had to hire an expensive babysitter to watch her children when they get home from
school, as she was not able to locate any meaningful activities for them to take part in.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that living in a large city is preferable to living in a

small town.  This is because cities are better places to raise children, and because they
offer stimulating intellectual and cultural experience that grown-ups can enjoy.

5. Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone.
Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

While many people nowadays like to travel alone by contending that their trip will be
more comfortable as they can do whatever that they want to. I still believe that traveling
with a group is better because people in a group can help each other to plan a good trip,
the expense per person for a trip will be reduced and a group will make the trip more
convenient and enjoyable.

 To begin with, people in a group can help each other to plan a good trip. Planning a
trip is not a simple task because, even before the departure day, travelers will have to
make a lot of decisions and reservations such as booking a hotel, selecting a flight, and
scheduling a trip. If we have a group of people, then the tasks can be distributed among
people. On the other hand, if we decide to travel alone, then we will also have to
complete those tasks alone.

Second, the expense per person for a trip will be reduced when more people join the
trip because the same rate of charge will be shared among the group. For example, when
renting a vehicle, a person in a group of four people will have to pay only a quarter of the
rental cost instead of a full charge when driving the car alone. Other expenses such as
hotel rental, food cost, and even some ticket cost are also lower when purchased by a
group of people.

Third, a group will make the trip more convenient and enjoyable because there are so
many simple activities that can be done easier and happier with friends, for instance,
resting in a car while one is driving, chatting whenever we want to, taking a great non-
selfie photograph, and even going to a toilet while other are taking care for our
belongings. The trip will also be even more memorable when we, later, spend time with
friends talking about the adventure that will be taken together.

In conclusion, I live traveling with a companion with a group because the trip will be
more convenient, cheaper, and more enjoyable. 

6. How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific
examples to support your answer.

We spend hours every week watching television so it will affect our behavior.
Unfortunately, the effect of the television is makes people negative, more
violent, more inactive.

Firstly, television makes people passive .It teaches people to sit back and accept instead
of acting and thinking. Receiving quick information, opinion, analysis and criticism about
everything allows us to stop thinking about events. You rarely find programs on TV that
require you to think. In addition, television feeds you false information so sometimes you
may judge before the fact instead of after that. For example, you decide to change your
refrigerator so you prefer to choose the one which you see on television advertisements.
After a few weeks you find out that the refrigerator is not as good as you saw. It seems
television weakens your thinking ability and leads to making wrong decisions.

Many programs and movies on television are violent and some of them are not suitable
for whole family members. When you see violence on television over and over you
become less sensitive about it. Eventually violence doesn’t seem wrong. For example,
actors can be killed and come back for another movie so sometimes you are confused and
forget that death is permanent. For another example, the violence of heroes is shown
acceptable because they try to rescue the world (heroes can disobey any law to achieve
their aim) children learn from heroes and they believe that breaking the law is a way of

Watching television makes viewers inactive because they don’t involve any activity
during the TV program. Watchers just turn it on and change the channel so after a while
they become a victim of disease because they are sitting motionless in front of TV for
hours. For example, people prefer to stay at home and follow sports competitions instead
of getting exercise or taking a walk.

Television can undoubtedly influence in people behavior in many aspects.TV

programs can make watchers more stupid, more violent and more inactive so watchers
must be aware of that consequences.

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