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Draft B-29 SoP

First: Set up B-29, crew and mission

Second: Take Off.

Third: Fly Mission - Each turn, Move One Zone, and

1. Check Pressurization (4.2)
2. Expend Fuel (Only one auxiliary box per zone!). If no Fuel, Roll on 4-1 (Includes 20th AF Base).
A. Two Fuel if Bomb Laden, else one fuel.
B. If entering Zone One after Take-Off, expend one fuel for each die roll:
1. < #Guns (Fwd Upper, Fwd Lower, Aft Upper, Aft Lower, Tail, Tail Cannon);
2. ≤ # Crew (Central Fire Control, Left Gunner, Right Gunner, Tail Gunner).
C. One fuel for turning around in Target Zone following a Bomb Run.
D. Two boxes for Climbing from LO to MED or MED to HI.
E. Possible Battle Damage results may cause Fuel Expenditure each turn.
3. Check Weather - May cause Fuel Expenditure. Not rolled for 20th AF Base.
4. Check Navigation Ω - No check needed if In Formation unless Lead bomber of Middle Formation.
5. Check for Random Event, roll for on a 12 - May cause Fuel Expenditure.
6. Abort Decision (4.7) - If not Aborted by a table, may only choose to do o following all combat in that
Zone. Expend Fuel for turning around; check for Combat again, but not weather. Affects Victory.
7. Formations - Formation Assembly (4-10): Zone 3 for Missions 1-10; else Zone 9 if a Day Mission. Roll
for Fighter Rendezvous (4-11) if Day and Fighter Escort available if In Formation.
1. Formations may only and must be formed at Mission Altitude. If Out of Formation in Target
Zone and may not Rejoin, may Abort (affects Victory).
2. To Rejoin Formation, Expend one extra Fuel, plus any Altitude Change Fuel Expenditure.
8. Combat - Zones 10-14 and Zone 6 if Missions 1-10 (Iwo Jima is Japanese Controlled).
1. De-Pressurization Decision if HI or MED unless just Re-Pressurized.
2. Combat
1. Determine Attackers (5.2).
2. B-29 Defensive Fire.
3. Japanese Offensive Fire.
4. Mid-Air Collisions Ω.
5. Successive Attacks.
6. Evasive Action Ω.
7. NIGHT: If In Target Zone, Roll for Searchlight (5.8) unless target is asterisked.
9. Bomb Run - If in Target Zone
1. Determine Target Visibility
2. Roll Flak - If hit, roll three times for effects. No rolls if “No Flak”.
3. Resolve Bomb Run.
4. Additional Flak Ω - Roll Flak effects again with a -1 on Table 6-2.
5. Turn Around - Expend one Fuel.

Fourth: Land and score mission

Martin Gallo - 4-17-08

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