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Pymes glossary

How many times do we read articles that contain sophisticated and innovative terms,
many of them consisting of acronyms, technicalities or anglicisms. Words like trends,
leads, startups, etc.

The use of these types of terms contribute to giving relevance to the message.
However, if its application is abused, to emphasize the "expert" appearance that it
confers to the text, it can have a pernicious effect: Difficult access to the information
in the text, and saturating the receiver, achieving the opposite effect, making it lose

The way of calling things may vary, but the meaning of them remains. You find some
term whose meaning is not clear to you, or you directly don't understand, you try to
update me, and many times, oh! surprise, that new word is not so much, and it is
about "the updating of the name" of a well-known concept.

Large companies have the technical and human resources to keep up to date with
all new terminology and implement it, even being the same multinationals
responsible for many of the new meanings that we handle.

However for SMEs, it is not so easy.

Specifically, I am thinking of that freelancer whose Internet provider seems to speak

to him in Chinese, or those who are reluctant to use more current terms due to
ignorance, to refer to common concepts in their business activity.

With this publication, I would like to bring together all that technical, new, and
disconcerting vocabulary that we constantly come across. A dictionary that covers,
from the most basic to the most complex terms, always trying to give a definition that
is accessible to most people.
1. APP: Software for mobile devices.

2. Ajax: Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.:. Combination of 4 types of

computer languages, to develop web applications.

3. Adpointer: This is advertising personalization of the mouse pointer.

4. AdSense/AdWords: The first term allows you to earn income by placing ads
on our website.

The second refers to Google's advertising platform for advertisers.

It is the opposite, of making advertising investment in ads that Google

distributes, either through ads that appear in the first positions when a search
is made, either through the Display Network (ads that are distributed on the
Google network of sites, such as Gmail, blogs with AdSense, etc.)

5. Advertgaming: It is the fusion between the term advertising + game. It is a

technique of promoting a product/brand through a video game.

6. AEIs: They are the acronyms to refer to the group of companies, training
centers and public or private research units, which are located in a common
geographical location and carry out their activity in a specific industrial sector,
a common target market or market segment, or a branch or scientific-
technological sector of reference, collaborating in joint projects. The objective
is to improve its competitiveness and relevance.

7. Antimarketing selectivo: Strategy aimed at discouraging certain parts of the

defendant for different reasons such as dismantling residual demand for your

8. Author rank: It is a type of metric aimed at determining the positioning of a

website or articles based on indicators that show signals about the quality and
relevance of the author who publishes it.

9. Avatar: Image of the user in his profile in a social network. In the business
world it is usually something evocative about the brand, images, logo, etc.
10. Banear: It is even the prohibition, blocking or termination of the relationship
of a user in a forum or community, or of a website by search engines that
block it due to some type of malpractice.

11. Banca in TIC It is known as online banking. They are characterized by their
high level of implementation of security systems in the processes carried out
by users. They can be entities with physical branches or that only operate

12. Banner: Internet advertising format

13. Bartering: xchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using

14. Behavioral marketing: Anglo-Saxon term that refers to Marketing based on

user behavior on websites, rather than by the content of the pages they visit.
It is closely related to usability.

15. Black hat SEO: Not recommended techniques to boost SEO, since if the site
is detected, it can be penalized.

16. Backlinks: Links highly valued by search engines to position the site, which
point to a website from other websites. They are the most valued for SEO.

17. Blog: It is a web page in which articles with updated content on the topics
that the author (blogger) wants are published periodically. Each blog post is
called a “post”.

18. Content Marketing: Content marketing is the curation, creation, and

publication of interesting content for users, on our blog, social networks, etc.

19. Community manager: It is the person whose task is to manage the profile of
the company in the social networks where it is present and the relationships
that it establishes in said networks.
20. Crowdfunding: Also called crowdfunding, funding or subscription,
crowdfunding and micro-crowdfunding. It is the cooperation of many, to
finance a project.

21. DMOZ: ODP (Open Directory Project –, is one of the most
important directories on the web.

22. Dropshipping: Online sales model through which the retailer does not store
stock, but passes the order to the supplier upon prior request of the customer.

23. e-Business Intelligence: Capacity and autonomous resources of the

company to find, analyze and share information on the Internet about any of
the actors with whom customers, users, competitors, suppliers, etc. interact.

24. Email marketing: Sending information, via e-mail, by the company to its

25. E-commerce: Term to designate electronic commerce on the Internet.

26. E-learning: Training system through the new electronic channels.

27. Engagement: It is the Anglo-Saxon term, to refer to the commitment

between the brand and the users. Linked to interaction between the company
and users on social networks, it seeks to create a stable relationship, build
loyalty, and convert users into prescribers of our brand, thus attracting others.

28. Enlaces no follow: They are links that include an attribute that indicates to
search engines that they should not follow that link, nor index it.

29. EFQM: European Foundation for Quality Management. Self-assessment

system of the quality level of a company that allows to analyze: human
resources, processes and results.

30. E.R.P. (Enterprise Resource Planning) It is a comprehensive management

computer system for all company information. It is the set of internal activities,
necessary for the operation of the company that includes production planning,
purchase of raw materials for supply, inventory, orders, etc. It may also
include modules for financial management and human resources.

31. Framework: Set of documents that make up a framework. In web design they
are usually sets of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files that give us styles and
functionalities with which to start web development.

32. Freeware: Free software, the use of which is unlimited. It allows its
redistribution with some restrictions depending on each case, such as
profiting from its sale.

33. Fulfillment: It brings together all the actions in the final phase of the online
sales process, aimed at improving the product delivery process.

34. Hashtag: Name that receives in Twitter the label that is used to organize the
tweets (messages of the users) by topics.

35. Hoax: It is a hoax, or false news.

36. Hosting: Or accommodation. It refers to the service that deals with

37. Inbound Marketing: Marketing technique, whose objective is to attract

potential customers, and reinforce our recognition in the sector, through the
quality of our content. Pull Actions, which try to produce a magnet effect on
our audience, without express commercial intent, but rather by providing
relevant content for our target audience, for example through videos, tutorials,
blogs. To deepen the terminology «Inbound».

38. Indexar: This is the name given to the action carried out by the search
engine, adding web pages to its Internet database, so that they appear in the
search results. A more number of indexed pages better positioning results in
39. Influencers: Influential user within a certain sector or subject for being
considered a specialist or expert. His influence legitimized by the number of
followers on social networks. Internet opinion maker

40. IPSP: English acronym for Internet Payment Service Provider. to refer to the
Internet payment service provider specializing in online payment
management services.

41. Joint venture: Joint venture created between two or more companies
pooling knowledge, skills and resources, also sharing profits and risks to carry
out a third business project.

42. Junk mail: Synonym of junk mail or spam.

43. Know-How: It refers to all the knowledge, methodology of the production

processes, experience and way of operating a company.

44. KPI: Anglicism, Key Performance Indicators, refers to the key performance
indicators of a company in different processes. They are used to monitor the
activity of a business, these are quantifiable measurements, previously
agreed upon, that reflect the critical success factors of an activity within the

45. Landing Page: It is the landing page that users reach when they click on an
ad or payment link.

46. Leads: This anglicism refers to the person who shows interest in our brand,
offer, product. They are potential customers. For example, they subscribe to
our newsletter or fill out the contact form for more information.

47. Mail Spoofing: It consists of falsifying the email address in order to

impersonate third parties.
48. Matriz BCG (Boston Consulting Group) also known as growth-share matrix
or portfolio analysis. It is a method of quantitative analysis of a company's
product portfolio. It is shown on two axes: the growth rate in the market (Y-
axis) and the market share (X-axis). Defining the following types of products:
Star, interrogative, dairy cow and dog.

49. Outbound Marketing: Marketing Push actions, whose objective is to get

closer to the user/client, which interrupt our audience with the hope that the
message, with a clear commercial aspect, will interest them. For example: TV
commercials, handing out flyers, cold calls, advertising banners, etc.

50. Page rank: It is a kind of Google ranking or score, which provides information
on the relevance of the site to which it is linked with a certain numerical value.
The higher (from 1 to 10) that number, the more important that website is for

51. Pharming: By manipulating the DNS addresses, the user believes that he is
visiting the desired and original page, although in reality he is on another
whose sole purpose is to fraudulently obtain data, especially those related to
online banking.

52. Phishing : It derives from the previous practice, it is about deceiving the user
through the massive sending of electronic messages in which a false website
appears that confuses the user. Its purpose, as in the previous case, is the
theft of data in an irregular manner to commit new infractions with them.

53. Press Clipping: It is the name given to the activity of compiling links,
mentions and news about the company or brand on and off line in a press kit.

54. Podcast: Audio file intended to be distributed over the Internet via RSS (as if
it were a blog).

55. Podmercial: Type of advertisement that uses a podcast as distribution

56. Responsive design: Design adaptable to mobile devices (smartphones,
tablets, etc.).

57. Remarketing: Google's advertising system, which allows a company's ads

to be shown to those users who have previously visited its website.

58. Reply: Referring to Twitter, reply to a tweet sent to another user. It is visible
on the profile for users who follow who sent it and who replied. It is a particular
type of mention.

59. RSS: They are the English acronyms for Really Simple Syndication. It is used
to share information. It is a subscription service, through which automatic
updates of the content selected by the user, or web syndication, are provided.

60. RRSS: Social networks, this term encompasses the entire set of communities
on the Internet.

61. SEM: English acronym for Search Engine Marketing. Increased visibility of a
site in search engine results (SERPs) through payment.

62. SEO: Search Engine Optimization acronym. Set of measures applied to a

web page, to favor its positioning in search engines or optimization of search
engines or SERPs.

63. SERP: Search Engine Results Page. It is the Google results page, the one
that appears when you perform a search.

64. SES: Combination of strategies SEO y SEM.

65. Shareware: Software distributed free of charge in order to promote it for sale,
after a limited time of use, or limiting the functionality until the paid version is

66. Spoofing: Generally illegal internet phishing techniques. There are multiple
methods for different purposes of impersonation, it can be impersonation of
the web page, the domain, the email, the IP, etc.
67. Stakeholder: It refers to someone who participates in something. It brings
together workers, social organizations, shareholders, customers and
suppliers, all the key players who are affected by a company's decisions.

68. Startups: It is the fashionable term to refer to newly created companies with
great growth potential It normally refers to companies with a technological
profile, although the term can be extended to companies in any field.

69. Storage: I am referring to the storage of data. There are several options;
NAS stands for Network Attached Storage, shared storage capacity of the
computer network. SAN in English Storage Area Network, is characterized by
network storage elements (hard drives).

70. Skyscrapper: Vertical banner type.

71. Tags: Or labels, in Spanish. It is the information that browsers read to identify
the contents of a page.

72. Target: It is the English term to refer to the target audience of a company.

73. Trends: Anglicized to refer to trends. It is a word that is currently used for
everything, trends map, google trends, trending topic.

74. Troll: In the field of social networks, it is a user who seeks to annoy or stir up
with his interventions. They can trigger an online reputation crisis for a

75. Usabilidad: It is about measuring or quantifying the experience of using an

application, a website, etc.

76. URL: Acronym in English for Uniform Resource Locator, in Spanish uniform
resource locator. It is the name used by the browser to identify and locate
resources on the Internet. It is the address of our website, the name of the
link to a downloadable pdf, etc.

77. UX: UX stands for User experience, that is, user experience. This is the
user's interaction with a specific environment or device, resulting in a positive
or negative perception of said service, product or device.
The user experience depends not only on the design, but also on aspects
related to emotions, feelings, construction and transmission of the brand,
reliability of the product, etc. It is based on disciplines as diverse as
psychology, ethnography or anthropology.

78. V.P.N (Virtual Private Network) o Red Private Virtual: It is the network
technology that allows the interconnection of several local networks physically
separated from each other. Provides easy access to all resources and
information as if they were directly connected. It connects the different
locations of the company with each other, access to all the information or
resources even if they are outside the offices.

79. White hat SEO: Legal SEO techniques, recommended by search engines.

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