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I J Write sentences about your regrets. Use should (not) have. 1. I spent all my money on clothes. Now | can't afford to take a vacation. _I shouldn't have spent all my money on clothes. 2. Iwas very argumentative with my boss, so she fired me. | shouldn't have argumentative with my boss. 3. | changed jobs. Now | work in a bank, My job isn’t very interesting. | shouldn't have changed my job 4. [bought a new TV with my credit card, Now I can't afford the payments. _I shouldn't have bought a new TV with my credit card. music in school, but I'm much better at computer science, | shouldn't have stud ool 6. | was completely rebellious when | was a student, so | got very bad grades. _I shouldn't have rebellious when | was a student. 7.. My friend asked to copy my homework, so | let him. The teacher found out and gave us both Fs. My friend shouldn't have asked to copy my homework. 8. My cousin invited me to 2 party. | accepted but didn’t put the date in my calendar. | forgot all about it. _I shouldn't have forgotten the date of the party. 9. | was very naive when I was younger. | lent money to people, but they hardly ever paid me back. | shouldn't have lent my money to people. 10. My friend asked for my opinion on her new hairstyle. | told her I didn't like it. Now she’s not talking to me. My friend shouldn't have asked for my opinion on her new hairstyle. Unit 11 A Rewrite the sentences as hypothetical situations. Use the words given. 1. I should have studied English sooner. (get a better job) If Id studied English sooner, | would have gotten a better job, a 2. We should have made a reservation. (eat already) If we had made a reservation, we would have eaten already. _ 3. I should have put on sunscreen. (not get a sunburn) _lfyou had let me drive, we would have arrived by now. 5. I should have ignored your text in class. (not get in trouble) _lf [had ignored your text in class, | wouldn't have gotten in trouble. B White sentences describing hypothetical situations. Use the words given and your own ideas. Can} borrow the car? No, you haven't cleaned your room yet. 1. dependable If | had been more dependable as a teenager. SS -ftly.parents would have let me borrow the car more often. __ ss 2. ambitious _IfLhad been ambitious, | would have left the university to work 3. pragmatic _if| had been pragmatic, | would have learned a new language. 4. naive _If had been less naive, | would have thrived. 5. rebellious: If had not been rebs I would have leaned more human values. ~ 6. wise _If [had been wise, | would have got good grades. Rites of passage and use the correct tense of the verbs given. Hector: Scott: Hector: Hector: Hector: Hector: Scott: WSS unit 17 I've made such a mess of my life! What do you mean? ifl___hagn't accepted _ {not accept) ajob before / unti) | graduated, 1 could have traveled around (wave!) South America all summer — just like you did. You were so carefree. You know, |should _not have gone (not go) to South America. Ishould _have taken (take) the great job | was offered. Before / Until) | returned from South America, itwas too late. But my job is so depressing! (Before 1 &enomeny Until) | started it, I hated it—on the very first day! That was five years ago, and nothing's changed. | should _have looked for another job right away. Well, start looking now. | posted my résumé online last month, and five companies contacted me right away. If | _had not posted my résumé, no one had contacted me. {not post) (contact) accepted one of the job offers. Really? What's the job? I's working as a landscape gardener. (Before \ saw it, | knew it was right for me. nti) But for me right now, the problem is that | get a very good salary and | just bought a house. i¢1__hald not bought the house, |__could have been able take a lower paying job. (not buy) (be able to) Well, ! guess you can’t have everything. if | __a better salary, 1___ Would have bought ses _ ahouse, too. (buy)

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