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This essay discusses the advantages of focusing on the two types of customers including the
older generations and the youth.


-Paragraph one:
( targeting these groups could help to minimize the cost of production)

+The old tend to use high-quality product to not cost money on maintenance.(Because they have earning
more money so they can spend to buy quality product) → the cost of production is high

+However, the young could use the product which is cheaper. For example, they could use
second hand products, or products when they are on sale.

-Paragraph two:

(Better make strategies for two kinds of products to fulfill the people needs)

+The old could use products that are a gentle color and maybe the design is more traditional.
Therefore, companies do not need to spend money to make innovative and modernized features.

+The young are energetic, so the design is more colorful, innovative and modern, therefore, the
producers need to invest money to research their customer needs.

—> Company understand customers needs → they can create the valuable product that each kind of
customer are preferable

-Paragraph three:

(loyalty of customers)

-Old people will stick with the company for a long time if their products are good

-However, young people will find cheaper products and they change their style according to the
trend, so it is difficult for young people to stick around for a long time.


-This essay evaluates the needs of the customers, compares and then gives advantages of the
company in targeting these two groups of customers.

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