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Two years ago when I started my masters in Computer Science at Vanderbilt I

struggled to be in tech industry coming from a Non-CS background. Inspite of all

the challenges of being a Teaching Assistant and doing my Co-Op, I have taken all
advanced graduate courses. I feel privileged to get an opportunity to work at
Startup like DeepTarget. I got an exposure of a startup culture and a chance to
work on end to end. As I am interested in exploring more on DeepLearning I took an
opportunity as a Software Engineer Intern at Nordstrom. It was really enriching
experience working at both startup and mid to high based company.

Now after two years of ups and downs I am super excited to share that I started
working with Microsoft under Azure IOT. Microsoft has always been my dream company
and I feel so passionate about working towards a mission of empowering everyone on
the planet. I am forever thankful that I went through the hardships I initially
faced at Vanderbilt but I never gave up. Finally I wanted to conclude by saying no
matter where you start, how difficult the goal looks like you can achieve it with
strong passion and perseverance.

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