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My Little Bear

It’s already night time, the fireworks sound in the background, I ask my parents to put the film on
pause. I leave my parent’s room to check if Santa had already arrived, what a surprise! He did!
Exited, I run to my parents and say “Santa was here!” My parents join me, with a smile on my face
I slide on my knees to the base of the Christmas tree, I see all the wrapped gifts; each year they
gave me less gifts, but this year Santa brought me too many.

I open the gifts one by one, a doll, a sketchbook, a pair of clothes, a dairy, everything that I like. I
only have one gift to open. I tear the paper with care, I never liked break the work of the elves,
when I take out the gift from inside, I am impressed, I probably escaped a «Wow» from the

Inside was a stuffed animal, but not any stuffed animal, it was a snow-white plush polar bear with
black eyes and a black nose, fat and big as any other. Immediately I knew that he would be my
best friend all my life.

“This is nice, isn’t?” my mother asks me; “yes” I say excited, I forgot the other gifts, this polar bear
is the best without a doubt. “what are you going to call it?” my father asks, “umm… I think I’ll call
it little bear” as soon as I say it I know it’s not the most original name, but it looks so good on him.

After opening the gifts, we continue watching a family movie, and there I am, hugging my new
best friend, little bear.

Note: I think I have to explain a couple of things, first, I’m from Latin America, that’s why the
fireworks (and probably some grammatic errors), here is a tradition. Second, “little bear” es the
literally translation of “osito” (his real name), but I felt that if I put the name in Spanish wouldn’t
have the same feeling. And third, that stuffed animal is still with me, now it’s much thinner and
without neck, but it’s still my best friend.

Anyways, thanks for reading it, any suggestion I would love it.

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