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End-of-year test 1 Test B

4 Choose the correct particle. (6 marks)
1 1.12 Listen to Jenny and Ross talking about
1 Do you ever take the rubbish away / off / out?
holidays. Then write true or false. Correct the
false sentences. (10 marks) 2 I love listening for / to / with music.

Jenny is showing Ross her holiday photos. true 3 We swam across / up / over the river.

1 Jenny usually goes to New York on holiday. 4 Help! I’ve fallen on / off / to my bike!

___________________________________________ 5 Tara didn’t graduate from / to / with university.

2 Ross has never been to the USA. 6 They skied down / under / off the mountain.

3 Jenny stayed in a big flat in New York. Language focus
___________________________________________ 5 Complete the sentences using the present
simple or the present continuous. You do not
4 Jenny cycled around Central Park.
need one of the verbs. (6 marks)
5 Jenny bought a picture. get watch have go

___________________________________________ 1 Wendy ___________________ TV at the moment.

2 She ___________________ a shower at seven
Vocabulary o’clock every morning.
3 Justin never ___________________ up early!
2 Complete the sentences. (8 marks)
1 Our sc___________ lesson was in the laboratory. 6 Complete the text. Use the past simple or the past
2 Tigers and bears are w_____________ animals. continuous. (10 marks)

3 You can sit or lie down on a s_____________. not hear swim injure go play
4 A hundred years is a c_____________.
Yesterday was terrible! First I
5 Someone who is st____________ isn’t very
(1) _____________________ my foot while
intelligent. I (2) _____________________ in the pool. Then
6 I keep my keys on a key r_____________. my mum collected me in the car, and we nearly
7 She won the race. She’s the w_____________. crashed while we (3) _____________________ home.
8 When you are u_____________, you feel bad. Finally, Monica phoned to invite me to the cinema,
but I (4) _____________________ the phone
3 Complete the sentences. (6 marks)
because I (5) _____________________ a noisy
sail get burn clear paint surf computer game!
1 They want to _____________ married in a few
7 Choose the correct words. (8 marks)
years’ time.
1 You shouldn’t / mustn’t / should do exercise
2 We want to _____________ across the ocean.
every week. It’s good for you.
3 I love art. I want to _____________ a picture of
2 You could / should / mustn’t use your mobile
the falls.
phone here – it’s not allowed.
4 We often ____________ the internet in the
3 My sister can / could / should speak Polish
when she was four years old.
5 Who will _____________ the table?
4 You can’t / couldn’t / must take your ID card
6 Be careful when you’re cooking, or you will
with you to the cinema.
_____________ yourself!
End-of-year test 1 Test B

8 Complete the sentences. Use will or STUDYING AT BOARDING

be going to and the verbs in the box. (8 marks) SCHOOL –INTERVIEW WITH KAY, 15
(1) ...
meet fail phone happen ‘It’s a kind of school where you study and live.’
(2) ...
1 We don’t know what ______________________ in ‘It’s in the north-west of Canada. But there are
the future. hundreds of schools like these around the world.’
(3) ...
2 Marie ______________________ me tonight to talk ‘I share a bedroom with another student. I’ve got
about ideas for the barbecue. my own bed and desk, where I keep my laptop,
but we use the same chest of drawers.’
3 I ______________________ my friends in town at
(4) ...
three o’clock. ‘Well, I think it makes you feel more like an adult.
4 I think I ______________________ my exams. Here, I make my bed every day and tidy my
room – I never did that at home. And the students
are really nice. Most of the teachers are, too!’
9 Write the correct form of one of the verbs (5) ...
or adjectives. Add any other necessary words. ‘It was hard at first. I’m quite shy, and I remember
(8 marks) feeling upset and lonely! I’ve got a lot of friends
now, so it’s OK. But it’s sometimes quite noisy!’
1 (bad / good / clever)
Your cooking is even _____________________
hers! Her food is nice but yours is amazing! Communication
2 (do / play / try) 11 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
______________________ (you ever) surfing?
1 A Do you think you’ll become famous?
3 (scary / stupid / funny) B No, really / definitely / quite not.
This is _____________________ horror film I’ve 2 A When did you last go dancing?
ever seen! It’s terrifying. B A week ago / last / then.
4 (not put / not take / not go) 3 A Who’s the painting from / at / by?
If it’s cold, I _____________________ the dog for a B Frieda Kahlo.
walk. 4 A How did that do / become / happen?
B It was an accident.
Reading 5 A What do you like / reckon / prefer?
10 Read the text. Then match the questions a–g B It’s OK, I suppose.
with the gaps 1–5. There are two questions that
you do not need. (10 marks) Writing
a Where is your boarding school?  12 Write a description of a weekend holiday in a
city. Use the questions to help you. (10 marks)
b What are the good things about boarding
school?  Paragraph 1: Where did you stay? What was it
c What is a boarding school?  like?
Paragraph 2: What did you do on the first day?
d What’s it like to share a room? 
Go shopping? Visit museums?
e How many boarding schools are there?  Paragraph 3: What did you do on the next day?
f What’s your room like?  Paragraph 4: What did you enjoy the most?
g Is there anything you don’t like about boarding
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100

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