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INTRODUCTION : part @ Old Country Advice to the American Traveler BEFORE READING THINKING AHEAD tn small groups, discuss these questions. 4. Haveyou ever taken along tain ip? yes, describe the ain cars, che other pasengers, and whar you Gidding the tip. f you haven taken long tain trip, describe any long trp cha you have taken, 2, Do older friends ot family members like to gi wha ive you advice? Do they ever give you advice about + to do in new situations such as going on a trip by yourself for the first time, starting a new job, or leaving home to go t0 school? Do you follow the advice or do you ignore ic? Why? 3. How do young people in your culture regard older people? For example, if you disagree with an older person, how do you behave toward him or her? 4, Did anyone from your family immigate to a different country? What is their story? READING You are going to read a short story by William Saroyan. Saroyan wrote stories about Armenian immigrants in California, The “old country’ in the tile is Armenia, "Califo r , the place that Saroyan’s family came from. Mi his stores are about these immigrants adjusting tile in @ new country ’ ‘Many Russia TuRKey ‘Armenia and the surrounding area {In this story, the narrator, Aram, i * Does Melik learn anything fro is describing two of his 17 Gara? I so, when Y Members. As you read, think about this question. 194 UNITS Literature Escaneado con CamScanner _ Old Country Advice to the American Traveler One year my uncle Melik traveled from Fresno! cS Ze te —__ahoprtt.the tain, his uncle Garro patd him a visit ad to Bie thea cers of gers o travel. When you get on the train, the old man said 5 down, and do not look about. aid, choose your seat carefully, sit ce Yes, sir, my uncle ae Santee ter INE TAIN Begins to move, the old man said, two men fring uniforms will come down the aisle and ask you for your ticket. Ignore them. They will be impostors.? How will | know? my uncle said. You will know, the old man said. You are no longer a child. Yes, sir, my uncle said. Before you have traveled 20 miles, an amiable? young man will come to you and offer you a cigarette. Tell him you don't smoke. The cigarette will be do Yes, sir, said my uncle. On your way to the diner, intentionally and almost embrace you, t apologetic and attractive, and your natur Dismiss® your natural impulse and go on in ‘A what? my uncle said. A,whore’, the old man. shouted. diner is crowded, and the beautiful yo If she speaks, not look into her eyes- Yes, sir, my uncle said. Pretend to be deaf, the old man said. That is the only Out of what? my uncle said- ‘ __ Out of the whole ungodly mess, the old man said: T'm talking about. Yes, sir, my uncle said. % Let's say no more about It, th 0 5 a very beautiful young woman will bump into you he old man said. She will be extremely <1 impulse will be to cultivate her friendship. and eat. The woman jl] be an adventuress- 1 best food, and if the t, Order the table from you. do Go on in and eat oss the ung woman sits ac pretend to be deal: y way out of it have traveled. Lknow what e old man said _Fresna acy in Coforia "imposters: fakes; not who they Pr (amiable: iendy be doped: have an ileal dru init «finer he retaurant car on a ain 1 iss forget about ignore ore: prostitute CHAPTER 6 Hesoes in Hiteanes us tend to be Escaneado con CamScanner Yes, sit, my uncle said. sa, the id. It's finished. I hay 4 Jk of the matter again, the old man saic inish ve seven wiht "My ie has been a full and righteous one. Let's not give it another thought. frvctand, vines, trees, cattle, and money. One cannot have everything—except for as_day or two at a time. iin Yes, sir, my uncle said. i Id man said, you will pass through ~ Or ir way back to your seat from the diner, the ol yor ass through the ewcker® There you wil find a game of cards in progress. The players will be three middle-aged men with expensive-looking rings on their fingers. They will nod at you pleasantly and one of them will invite you to join the game. Tell them: No speak English, Nes -sircmycunele seid ————___ That is all, the old man said. — Thank you very much, my uncle said, One thing more, the old man said. When you go to bed at night, take your money s out of your pocket ind put it in your shoe. Put your shoe under your pillow, keep your head on the pillow all night, and don’t sleep. ‘Yes, sir, my uncle said. ‘That is all, the old man said. The old man went away and the next day my uncle Melik got aboard the train and traveled straight across America to New York. The two men in uniforms were not impostors, the young man with the doped cigarette did not arrive, the beautiful young woman did not sit across the table from my uncle in the diner, and there was no card game in progress in the smoker. My uncle put his money in his shoe and put his shoe under his pillow and 38 put his head on the pillow and didn’t sleep all night the first night, ‘but the second night he abandoned the whole ritual. . The second day he himself offered another young man a cigarette which the other young man acce; ted. In the diner, my uncle went out of his way to sit at a table with a young lady. He started a poker game in the smoker, and long before the train ever got Gane York, my uncle knew everybody aboard the train and everybody knew him. Once, wie the train was traveling through Ohio, my uncle and the young man who ie cigarette and ic a stag The eer Bar nso" ee wa Vr emet The journey was a very pleasant one. a — my uncle Melk came back from New York, his old uncle Garro visited him again. See you are looking all right, he said. Did you follow my instructions? Yes, sir, my uncle said. ihe old man looked far away in space ‘am pleased that someone has profited by my experience, he said. Source: My Name is Aram ("019") $ smoker: the smoking car on tai ; at On rans ofthe pas (similar ‘wartette: od ashioned singing group wh Dern a 196 UNITS Literature Escaneado con CamScanner ~ AFTER READING , A. COMPREHENSION CHECK Discuss these questions about the reading with a partner. 4, Who are the main characters in the story? 2. Who is the hero? 3, What advice does Garro give? 4, What kind of person is Garro? How does he describe himself? Find examples in the story thar support your answer. 5, Use the T-chart to compare Garro¥ predictions of Meliks trip with the actual events of Meliks wip. Garro’s Predictions | Melik’s Trip is trip? 6. What do you think Mefik might have leaned on BF CHAPTER 6 Heroes in Literature 197 Escaneado con CamScanner B. VOCABULARY CHECK Look back at the reading on pages 195-196 to find the words and phrase: $ that match these definitions, Dont use a dictionary. 4, got onto the train (Lines 1-5) 2, came to see him (Lines 1-5) 3. look around (Lines 1-5) 4, walk so close that she touches you (Lines 15-20) 5. what you will want to do without thinking about it (Lines 15-20) = the (only) way to escape (Lines 20-25) ~ . made a special effort (Lines 55-60) 2 learned from (Lines 65-68) LOE Se rs ian) Recognizing Euphemisms -sounding word or phrase that is used to express a negative or le that many English speakers use is, "He is no longer with us” instead of People in the United States often say bathroom or restroom instead of un and makes you enjoy your reading more as you realize what the ‘euphemism isa positive oF neutral Unpleasant idea. A common example “He died.” Another example is that tole. Recognizing euphemisms is f speaker or writer relly means. C. RECOG! rey om COGNIZING EUPHEMISMS in the story, Garro uses some euphemisms when giving advice to Partner, try to guess the meanings of the euphemisms below. 1. cultivate her friendship = pe ET 2. dismiss your natural impulse = eC“ 198 UNITS Literate Escaneado con CamScanner BE. DISCUSSION in small Broups, discuss these questions. +n what ways can anot another persons experi teach You something about life? Give an example ofa time you learned from someone else's experiences, 2 Ws there a time when someone’ experience was not lke your own? Explain your answer, 3. What role do older friends and relatives play in your life 4. Go back to the reading and look at Saroyans use of punctuation. For example, when people are speaking? Why do you think he does this? how do you know Note: Incorrect use of punctuation is acceprable in a story but not in an essay, PART @) GENERAL INTEREST READING The Hero’s Journey BEFORE READING Han Solo of Star Wors Luke Skywalker of Star Wars - .se questions. 8B a. tuna aBteAaD in smal groups, discs these 4 1. What is your definition of a hero? How a hero differen from the average person? How is a hero ise the characteristics of a hero. Similar-to the average person’ 2. Give examples of heroes either are they heroes? c seen oF stot jes you have or in movies y real Ii jes you have read, Why CHAPTER § Heroes in Lisernture 199 Escaneado con CamScanner 2ART © ACADEMIC WRITING Test-Taking Strategy Summarizing ting in college is probably summarizing. By writing a good summary of Te ett a truly understand that material. You will frequently be required to Summarize material on essay exams and in research papers. simi i to rephrase information in your own words is similar to paraphrasing in that you need “ see ference that a summary is shorter than the orignal. Follow these steps to summarize writen material: 4. Read the material and make sure that you understand it well 2. Highlight the main ideas. ‘3. Highlight important details and examples in different colors. 4, Decide which details and examples are not important enough to include. 5. Use the same techniques that you leamed on page 79; eg., change sentence structure and find synonyms but do, not change technical ferms that have no synonyms. 6. Ifthe source material includes lists of related items, think of one word or term that can substitute for the whole list Examples: Instead of: Substitute: houses, cars, land, jewelry, art —> assets cows, horses, chickens, donkeys + farm animals 7. Take notes or make a graphic organizer. 8. As you write your summary, do not look at the original material. There is too much temptation to copy. ‘9, Wite your summary in your own words. Your summary should be 25% of the length of the orignal, UNIT2 Economics 4 Escaneado con CamScanner Mohammud Yunus, a 56-year-old banker from B: om Ban, visionary. His dream i al ‘am is the toral eradicati cei adication of povert igladesh, is chat rare thing: a bona fide ¥y from the world. “One day : f m the world. “One “our grandchildren will go to museums to see what povert was like. see what poverty was li What this man has i , i Reema neni illed microcredit is hel simple and nh ill of Acta borrower me Tt is ly revolutionary. Yunus gives loans of as little as $30 to the desticure. Ap bor is bank woul be a Bangladeshi woman (94 percent of the bank’ ortowers are women) who has never touched money before. lh : wall have told er she is useless and a burden tothe Eaniy inal », her father and husband Finally, widowed or divorced, she wil have been forced to beg to feed her children. Yunus lends her money— and doesn't vet i She i buy an asset that can immediately start paying income—such as cotton to weave, or is for bangles to sell, or a cow she can milk, She repays the loan in tiny installments until she becomes self-sufficient. Then if she wants, she ean take outa new, larger loan. Either way, she is no longer poor. raw mat One obstacle to economic development is population growth. developing countries grow at a rate he populations of most much faster than those of industrialized countries. One reason for this growth is the high crude birthrate—the number of live births per 1,000 people. People in many developing countries are also experiencing an increasing life expectancy—the average remaining lifetime in years for persons who reach a certain age. Longer life expectancies, coupled with a high crude birthrare, make i ifficule to increase per capita GNP. Sime countries, ike China, have encouraged lower birth ras and smaller families. Some people even feel that societies should work for zero population growth (ZPG)—the condition in which the average number of bieths and deaths balance, Ochers fel efforts to disrupt population growth are verong from both moral and religous perspec 3. Religious beliefs may also stand in the way of economic development. While na ene reali that capital investment and new technologies 2 ‘help economic growth, some people may not be interested for religious reasons. ; . te hes ioe Minds and Buddhists belive that Wie, isgrerl bs a ll me te ove th i rernal cycle of life, death, and rebin in believe that people are caught up in an ern kcal May Hid itil cao bs be a a onroeer Eadie desire and Simple ifs, Many Bas ne eee Jome Hindus and Buddhists have lee revever other Hindus and Buddhists embrace i i rial world. rejeee-the remprations of the mare td. Com motivation (© improve tier maeral wo being ‘Western concepts of economic Brow": are Br rotestant “The teachings of Catholicism, Proven ae, i stible with the m, and Judaism are much more compat ibk mand Jai the Islamic workt isin berween the Jot be as interested ; mater concept of economic growth and however, that some culeures Ma) Chrisvans and the Hindus. We musi realize, howe i Fane developmen as We M3 in the Western concept of economic grovth and develor CHAPTERS Developing Nations 117 Escaneado con CamScanner

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