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The Little Splinter of Wood

When I was 12, I decided to build a tree house with my brother. I looked for the wood on a piece of land near
the house that was abandoned, take pieces of palm branches to build the floor and other branches of mango’s
tree to build the walls. After about an hour be building the tree house, I heard a terrible scream, and my brother
said, something as “Oh, ray, no!" He had stepped on a splinter of wood, and it had stuck in his bare foot. My
first thought was, “Oh my God, my mother is going to kill me.” As you may know, I should take care of my
brother. So, I quickly grabbed my brother by the hand, and we ran to the house. When we got there, I said to
mami “we were building a tree house in the yard and Fabian got a splinter of wood in his foot.” Mami
immediately look at the foot of my brother and realized it was just a little splinter. I then felt a kink at my
stomach. I looked up and mami said, “all its ok, don´t worry". So, mami went to the bathroom and brought the
medicine cabinet, she opened the medicine cabinet and looked in looking for some small tweezers to remove the
small splinter. My brother yelled and kicked, he didn't want the splinter to be removed but after all mami
removed the splinter of there foot, and my brother said crying "I don't want to finish the house on the tree
anymore". You won’t believe what I said to my brother; I said, "me neither". Can you imagine? after aloof work
building the house tree my brother and me don´t wanted end the build. After a long time, the building of the
house tree still unfinished, and my brother and me every time we see the half-built tree house, we always
remember the story of the little chip of wood. Anyway, for me the history of the house tree it's one of my
favorites, when I remember of what I felt and the terrible scream of my brother is as a living the history again,
but always I remember this story I think in why I don´t said to my brother that we will finish building the house
on the tree, maybe he would have told me "I don't want to stick another splinter of wood in my foot".

Time to read: 2:50 minutes.

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