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Copy Analysis Framework by Tej Dosa

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● Promo Name:
● Author:
● Niche:
● Link:


1) Who is the specific target?

2) What is the BIG idea?

3) What is the BIG problem?

4) What is the BIG promise?

5) What is the problem mechanism (if relevant)?

6) What is the solution mechanism (if relevant)?

7) What’s the Unique Selling Point (USP)?

8) What is the offer? What makes it irresistible?

9) What kind of lead is used and why?

10)What level of awareness is this written for?

11) What market sophistication level does this fall under?

12) What are the main objections addressed in this copy and what order are those
objections addressed in?

13) What is the high level flow of logic for this piece of copy?
14) What type of close is used?

15) What feeling do you get while reading and after you’re done? Are you still
thinking about the big idea days after or have you forgotten about it?


Take input from above to list out all the reasons for why this copy works:

[Insert reasons in bullet points]

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