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SESSION 2021 – 2022

Worksheet – 4

F.M. – 30

(1) A number x divided by 4 gives 3. (1)

(2) 7 less than a number m is 5. (1)

(3) For fifths of number is greater than three fourth of the number by 4.

(4) a exceeds 3 by 7. (1)

(5) Solve the equations: (1)

(i) 4(x + 1) = 4

(ii) 3y + 11 = 41

(6) Find the mode og given set of numbers. (1)

5, 6, 8, 7, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 8.

(7) Solve the equations: (1)

(i) = 20

(ii) 6y = 36

(8) Find the median of the data (1)


(9) A coin is tossed, find the probability of getting a head. (1)

(10) Whaqt is the probability of occurrence of an event? (2)

(11) In 150 throws of a dice, 6 is obtained 24 times. Now if a random throw of a
dice, what is the probability of getting 6? (2)

(12) A bag contains 4 red balls and some black balls. If the probability of not
drawing a white ball in one draw be then find the number of white balls.

(13) One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the
number of probability of getting an ace. (2)

(14) Find the probability of choosing square numbers between 2 and 100.

(15) Solve the equations: (2)

(i) 10p + 25 = 125

(ii) 3x + 45 = - 15

(16) The ratio of Piya and Preet ages in 4 : 5. After 10 years Preet’s age will
become 25. Find the age of Piya. (3)

(17) People of a village planted trees in the school ground. Some of the trees were
fruit trees. The numbers of non fruit trees were two more than three times the
number of fruit trees. (3)

(i) What was the number of fruit trees planted if the number of non fruit trees
planted was 96.

(ii) Write two benefits of plantation of tree.

(18) A mother is 25 years more than son’s age. After 5 years the mother’s age will
be twice of his son’s present age. Find the present age of both. (3)

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