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Speaking 1 Becoming a Volunteer!

Audio Script
Loraine: Hello. Can I help you?
Olivia: Hi. My name is Olivia Watts. I’m an art student.
Loraine: Pleased to meet you, Olivia. I’m Loraine. Are you interested in becoming a volunteer?
Olivia: Yes, definitely. I’d like to work with children, if that’s OK.
Loraine: Of course, it is. What do you have in mind?
Olivia: I’d like to organize arts and crafts workshops for children. I’d like to work with technology
recyclable materials like paper, wood, and packaging. I can show children how to make animal
characters with modeling clay, and then use technology to animate them in a little story.
Loraine: Great! Would you like to do a short talk about your workshop on Saturday?
Olivia: What’s happening on Saturday?
Loraine: We have our Volunteer Action Day with talks, music, art shows, and so on.
Olivia: I’m not very good at public talks. I get very nervous in front of an audience.
Loraine: I can help, if you like. We can organize your talk together, rehearse it, and then try it out
on a
small audience of volunteers before the big day. What do you think?
Olivia: That’s very kind of you. Thanks. Can I think about it?
Loraine: Sure. Here are my contact details. Let me know what you decide.
Olivia: Thank you so much, Loraine.
Loraine: Thank you, Olivia. Good luck!

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