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Mobile phones are electronic devices which are used for communication. In 1970’s the first hand
handled mobile phones were created. These mobile phones were heavy, huge and highly expensive;
only rich people were able to afford it. The number of mobile phones was very low. But as the
technology advances mobile phones became small, lighter, cheaper and affordable for every person.
Every age group is using mobile phones for their own purposes and reasons. Mobile phones are being
widely use in social, business, education, entertainment.

Mobile phones made people more social. People are connected with all over the world and can
communicate in different languages with one another and that is why they became globally connected.
Facebook, twitter, Instagram had made people more social. People use Skype to contact their family
and friends living far from them.

Mobile phones are widely use in business field. Mobile phones also act as a calculating machine,
recorder and also a call registry. People can also send emails and do calls to their foreign clients and can
do conference calls. It can also store useful data of the business.

Mobile phones are also use in educational field. University students record their lectures and notes in it.
And they use mobile phone for their guidance in study. It also helps to share notes with their fellows. It
also provides new learning environment to the kids.

Mobile phones are great source of entertainment. Every age group is using mobile for their own purpose
and personal interest. They are using it for gamming, videos, photography, TV shows and movies.

As everything have its good or bad aspects. The excess and unethical use of mobile phone is damaging
our generation.

We should use mobile phones only when it is necessary and we should avoid the excess use of mobile
phones. We should use mobile phones in a meaningful way.

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