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ae Port pe GizaH OP Giucee BeLoen DANCER In aim ltted tavern a greedy noble plots his betrail to the crown. As he is ‘writting a leter to an enemy kingdom, a Drow barmaid dressed in fine silks approaches him, and strikes conversation. She smiles and giggles, then leaves with a bow, only she wasn't really a bar maid and his schemes let with her, ‘As battle rages over a shallow river, a Human lashes his whip at his enemies, tripping them into the running ‘water. With his sure footing, not only he maintains perfect, balance on top the slippery and wet rocks ofthe river, but he also leaps and dashes to hold his friends and help them stay afoot. ‘The circus quieted as the mad mage and his skeletons cornered the adventurers little did he knot that a Halfling that performed there was a master of daggers. With a somersaults out ofa trampoline,she reached for her belt where she drew many blades. Stil spinning in the ai and she- began rainning knifes on the undead, granting the adventurers the upper hand ENGAGING MOVES Dancers learn their skills from years of practice and rehearsal of their dances, which grant them not only great control and precision over their bodies but also the ability to captivate those around them, either encourage or disrupt their actions, Some dancers will focus on their influent personality and performing skils to ease their way throgh ‘urban life, while others will eherce their moves inte deadly tools of combat to handle the monster away from society In combat dancers will exert their movement prowess to protect and envigor their allies who are more suited to deliver blows than themselves. A dancer is a beacon of hope, and they shine the brightest when they can put the spotlight in ‘someone else, wether dazzling their opponents or brightening your allies INNER STYLE ‘Although dancing is common place, a true dancer takes more ‘than knowing how to perform. Mastery of the art is an important step, but division lies in understanfing the meaning bbohind the dance, that its a persona that helps externalise ‘and communicate ideals. For that reason dancers usually are ‘extravagant, beeing very expressive, even more colected and reserved dancer have strong beliefs and that guide their ideotogy. THE DANCER Level Proficiency Bonus Ist 2 Ind i 3rd a 4th i Sth 8 6th B 7th 8 8th 8 9th “4 oth “4 1th 4 12th “4 13th 45 Vath 45 wp 15th “6 wp 16th 8 17th +6 we 18th +6 19th +6 wip 20th 6 we Features Artistic Style Excite (44), Rally Tiptoe, Leap in Hang on, Excite (46) Style Feature Pop off A dancer's performing style is usually tied to where it was born and the schoo! who took it in. Veil dancers from the sandy dunes are well known, but from as high as the peaks and as fow as the islands, every each culture has i's own, brand of dancing. MAKING A DANCER ‘When you make your dancer think of where is it from and ‘what type of performace did you learn from your culture. Talk ‘to your Dungeon Master what performances are common to your characters place of brith, maybe you will find interesting ‘real world counterparts, or you'll have some unique options only avaiable through in a magical realm. Either way think on how is your performace overall what props do you need? What are the outfits you wear? what instruments accompany your dance? DANCERS IN YOUR WORLD ‘Think of cool and intersting ways to incorporate dancers into your world. Maybe hilly dance with banjos will rack up your players. Pethaps you have magic dances that use smoke bracelets or supper slipery shoes. You might even have a place like the Molin Rouge in your world Ability Score Improvernent Style Feature, Presence Ability Score Improvernent Ability Score Improvement Gracious Escape, Excite (48) lvigorate _Spotight Radious Spotlight, Unarmored Defense - Toft lnvigorate, Dramatic Entrance tor lor lor ht sk 1st st 20ft 20% 20 20h asf 25h 25h 25h 30f 30ft 30f 35h What lead you to life of adventure? The glamour of beeing @ hhero was too apealing? Was the world was too big of a place for you to live forever in your home town? Did you disgraced the school that thought you by doing a forbiden performace? Maybe you were trained your whole life to be send to a far kingdom to amuse nobles with your exotic coreography. Or fate was cruel and you were kidnaped during an invasion and forced to entertain your captors. Quick Bui You can make a dancer quickly by following these suggestions, First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score followed by Charisma. Second, choose the entertainer background Cass FEATURES ‘Asa dancer, you gain the following class features Hrr Ponts Hit Dice: 1d8 per dancer level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levele: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution ‘modifier per dancer level after Ist PROFICIENCIES ‘Armor: None ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, ness and light melee martial ‘weapons, hand erossbows and nets, ‘Tools: Disguise kit and a music instrument of your choice. ‘Saving Throws: Charisma, Dexterity ‘Skills: Choose two from Acrobaties, Animal Handling, Deception, Performance, Persuasion, Religion, Slight of Hand EQUIPMENT You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your backround (@)a rapier (b) whip or (c) any simple melee weapon. (@)five javelins or &) any simple melee weapon (@)a priests's pack or (b) an enterntainer’s pack A diguise kit, an instrument of your choice and an centertainer's outfits EXOTIC WEAPONRY If your game master chooses to add exotic weaponty such as bladed fans, chakrans, or rope-lke weapons such as lassos, rope hammers and battle scarfs you are proficient with ther Ifyour game master chooses to add firearms you are only proficient with ther if they are considered simple weapons. SPOTLIGHT ‘You are the center of attention, and as such can sway the ‘mood of those around you. Starting at first level any creature inside a circle centered on you is considered to be in your spotlight, The circle radious is given in The Dancer table in the column Spottight Radious. Creatures you choose inside your spotlight have disadvantage on Wisdom (perception) checks. CAPTIVATING PRESENCE ‘Whea you end your turn with a friendly creature inside your spotlight, you gain 1 morale point. You can spend these morale points for special effects. You cant gain morale points outside combat, and they disipate I minute after combat ends. You can have up to 10 morale points, any excess is lost Distract: As a bonus action you can spend 3 morale points to choose a creature inside your spotlight, it must make a ‘wisdom saving throw with DC 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier, Ona failure, the creature has, disadvantage on attack rolls not targeted at you wnt the start of your next turn, Cherish: As a bonus action you can spend 3 morale points to give a creature inside your spotlight advantage on i's next attack or skil check until the end of t's next tara. UNARMORED DEFENSE Beginning at 1st Level while you are wearing no armor and fot wielding a Shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity ‘modifier + your Charisma modifier. INVIGORATE ‘Starting at 2nd level you can spend an action to give a creature inside your spotlight an amount temporary hit points ‘equal to twice your dancer level + your charisma modifier. If you use this on a creature that is unconcious it regains 1 hit point instead You can use this feature and ammount of times given in the column invigorate of the Dancer Table. tty REBALANCING: INVIGORATE IF lnvigorate is too strong at your table, reduce its temporary it point gains by half. Ifit is too weak rake it a bonus action. e—_—V—_—_—_—_——_—_———————v DRAMATIC ENTRANCE Also at 2nd level and onwards, when initiative is rolled and if, you are not surprised you may grant yourself and allies within your spotlight +2 on the initiative rol ARTISTIC STYLE At 3rd level you choose a style that molds how you perform your dance. Choose between Alluring Style, Danger Sie, Playful Style, Precision Style or Ritual Style, all detailed at the end ofthis chapter. Your choice grants you new features ‘on 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th and 15th level Bewy DANCER 3 Retaunre ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th and again on Sth, 12th and 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or you ccan increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal ‘you cant increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, Ifyour DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a fest. Excrrz ‘When you reach 5th level you gain the ability ake an action and gain 1d4+5 morale points, Your can store up to 19 ‘morale points until the end of the round. ‘As you gain levels in this class, the ammount of morale points gained increases to: a d6-S at Sth level a d8+5 at 13th, anda d10+5 at 17th level RALLY AL 5th level and onwards, when you get to 10 morale points ‘you can spend them as a free action to allow a creature inside ‘your spotlight to immediately spend a reaction to make on of the following actions: attack, cast a spell dodge or move up to its movement. PRESENCE [At Teh level your presence helps allies and hinders enemies. ‘Asan action, you can spend an amount of morale points (@ependent on your choice) to cause an effect on creatures inside your spotlight or that enter it until the start of your next turn nless otherwise stated, the effects end at the end of that creature's turn, You can choose any amount ofthe following effects Alacrity (4 points): Allies gain an additional 10 ft. of movement. ‘Unease (6 points): Enemies lose 10 ft of movement. Bravery (2 points): Alies gain 5 temporary hit points until the end of the turn. You may pick this multiple times to add up the temporary hit points, ‘Divert (4 points): All enemies must make the distract saving throw. Astonish (8 points): All enemies must make a saving throw with DC equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier + your charisma modifier. Ona falure they are stunned until the end of the turn, ‘Thoughen up (4 Points): Allies gain advantage on strenght and constitution checks and saving throws, Snap Out (5 points): Allies gain advantage on wisdom and inteligence checks and saving throws. Ring Arround (6 point swith another, once. Boldness (5 points) Allies gain +2 on attack rolls. Carefuiness (5 points): Allies gain +2 to AC. ‘TipTor Starting at 7th level. when you make a dexterity (Stealth) ‘check to avoid making sounds or leaving marks as you move, you can add twice your Proficiency Bonus, instead of any Proficiency Bonus you normally apply Also, when you take the dodge action, until the start of your next round you ignore the effects of dificult terrain, vou have advantage agains saving throws and skill checks caused by terrains and you take half damage from terrain effects. pace lk REBALANCING: TIFTOE If tiptoe is too strong at your table, make it's own separate action instead of using the dodge action. If after that change its too weak, make ita bonus action ‘LEAP IN At 7th level and onwards, when a creature inside your spotlight fails a dexterity saving throw that doesnt affect you as well you ean spend a reaction and 3 morale points to attempt to help it, Rolla dexterity saving throw with the same DC. Ona suecess you both pass the saving throw, on failure Doth of you are affected HANG ON When you reach 9th level, when a creature inside your spotlight is damaged by an ammount that would leave it ‘unconcious, you can spend a reaction, 4 morale points and 1 invigorate use to make it hang on with 1 hit point. Pop OFF At Lith level and onwards, when another friendly creature inside your spotlight lands a critical hit, as a reaction you may give that ereature the benefits of Rally or gain 10 morale points yourself. Gractous ESCAPE At 13th Tevet, when you take the dash action you gain the benefits of ether the dodge or disengage action, ARTISTIC STYLE ‘A dance is a form of expression and non verbal comunication of ideals and emotions, a Dancer's style is what they have to say. Some will portray determination through meticoulous execution and perfection ofthe art, others will ease an seduce to entise love and lust, there are ones who perform for tradition and culture with long standing rituals, while others dance in defiance in the face of danger, and some just want to spread laughter and joy with silly and gleeful acts. WELCOME TO ALOLA! ALLURING STYLE ‘The alluring style carries seductive and provocative aspects, which is shown in i's wears and movements, Some cultures will consider this style taboo and frown uppon it, and it will be performed hidden in select places or for romantic partners only, other places will embrace it and build large performance houses open to public. Some types that are usually practiced by dancers ofthis siyles are Can-Can, Tango and Belly Dancing, but other practices can also be considered as long as i's provocative side is emphasized Winx At 3rd level when a creature fails your Distract saving throw it becomes charmed for 1 minute Itean repeat the saving throw at the end of each of i's turns ending the effect early You may attempt to use distract on a creature outside of combat without spending morale points. Once a creature has resisted this saving throw itis immune to it for the next 24 hours. PRETTY PLEASE ‘At 3rd level you gain the power to influenciate creatures to do your bidding, As an action, you can make a creature that has made an agreement with you do a Skill constest. If both of ‘you share a language, roli Charisma (Persuasion) against their Charisma (Deception if you don't, oll Wisdom (Animal Handling) against their Wisdom (Survival) Ifyou win, that creature will keep it's promise tothe best of its abilities, If doing ¢o becomes too dangerous or imposible, the creature will stop trying, but will do it's best to notify you as soon as possible, If that creature was lying and fails the contest it will admit to it. Harming that creature or its friends in any way ends the effect, EMPASSIONED FAN ‘At 6th level when you perform for a crowd you may choose to get an empassioned fan. It will follow you in an endless quest togain your love or respect. That creature is permanetly charmed by you. It will do it's best to keep you happy, even risk its life, but it won't follow your command into certain death, nor will t stay if abused. fit ean it will make enought money to sustain itself Your empassioned fans will respect your personal life, but ifyou ever have more than one empassioned fan at the same time they will fight until they kill each other or one of them. ives up, Tiffne Baro ‘ABiaNa Your DM chooses an appropriate humanoid of CR 1/2 or les, or roll inthe following table. FAN Types 148. Fan type 1. Commoner (Farrner/Servant) Commoner (Merchant/Artisan) Commoner (Scholar/Priest) Commoner (Poet) Acolyte Thug Guard Noble eVaurun HEART BREAKER At 10th level and onwards, when you attack a creature that was charmed by you, may deal it 4d6 psychic damage. PRECISION STYLE The precision styl is the one performed by those who carry their performaces as art. Long practice nights and working to ‘exaustion are no stranger to you, but dedieation isthe price for greatness. Your dance has become masterful you can perform even the most complicated techniques with exactio precision and grace. Precision style includes ballet, squat dance, figure skating and others renown for big concerts to amuse noble men and ‘woman and art conosseurs. SHow RUNNER [At 3rd level, asa part of your dramatic entrance you may take the dash and disengage actions. EXPERTISE At 3rd level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies, EXEPTIONAL PROWESS {At 6th level and onwards, when you roll the max value of die other than a d20, you may rll again and add that result to the original roll You can do this for the second, third and any subsequent rolls FOLLOW ME ‘Once you reach 10th level you can use your Charisma (Performace) to grapple a creature, You can drag a creature grappled that way without movement penalty. You can choose to.end the grapple with a Shove as a free action. A willing creature may automatically be grappled this way. Rrrvat STyte Most cultures will have rituals and rites, moments of ‘celebration or mourning, Some times those are caried by clerics or shamans, but very often, they are performed by dancers. Dancers ofthis style choose tradition, their acts enhancing the events, ifits the center piece. Fast rhythms will fuel the revelry, slow ones will cleanse the soul ‘Tradition varies from culture to culture, but some practices that are usually associated with this style are hula, kagura and rain dance, but any flklorical dance ean be a part of i RITUAL DANCER SPELLCASTING “SPELL SLOTS PER SPELL LeveL Dancer Cantrips Spells Level known Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 3rd 2 3 Ass 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th Sth Toth 1th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 1th 18th 19th 20th ‘SHADOWMOON CANCE asi MAMI ‘SPELLCASTING When you reach 3rd level, you augment your allerity prowess with the ability to cast spells. See chapter 10 (of the PHB) for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 (ofthe PHB) for the cleric spell list. Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell lst. You learn an additional cleric cantrip of your choice at 10th level Spell Slots. The Ritual Dancer Spelleasting table shows hhow many spell slots you have to cast your cleric spells of Ist evel and higher. To cast one ofthese spells, you must expend, a slot ofthe spells level or higher. You regain all expended. spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the Istievel spell cure wounds and have a Istlevel and 2 2ndevel spell slot available, you can cast cure wounds using either slot. ‘Spells Known of Lat-Level and Higher. You know three stlevel cleric spells of your choice. The Spells Known columa of the Ritual Dancer Spellcasting table shows when ‘you learn more cleric spells of Ist level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a lovel for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st ot 2nd level ‘Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the cleric spells you know with another spel of your choice from the cleric spell list. The new spell must be of level for which you have spell slots, Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your cleric spells, since you learn your spells by calling on good omens. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers {to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a cleric spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one, Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your ‘Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Ritual Casting You can cast any cleric spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag. ‘Spelicasting Focus You can use a music instrument (ound in PHB chapter 5) as « spelleasting focus for your dancer spells. CERIMONAL CasTER Startin at 3rd level you ean choose gain additional spells Choose between Bard Cleric, Druid, Warlock or Wizard you know 2 spells from that clases spell list as Cerimonial Spells. Spells chosen must be ofa level you have Dancer spell slots for, These spells count as dancer spells for you but don't ‘count towards your maximum prepared total. When you level ‘up you may replace one of those spells with a new one from. the same class. Cerimonial Spells cannot be casted by spending a spell slot, they must be ritual casted, as if they had the ritual trait ‘You can only do this once per between long rests. In addition toany other cost the spell might have, you must pay a cost in ‘materials given by the Cerimonial Costs table. Ifyou perform the ritual in a suitable ritual grounds you don't have to pay this additional cost. In order for a ritual ground to be considered suitable, it must have at least the same level as the desired spell and be of class that can cast that spell RiTuAL GROUNDS You can create a permanent ritual ground by spending time ‘and resources. The cost and time required are given by the Cerimonial Costs table. When you start making the ritual grounds choose between Bard Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard or All Ifyou choose all you must pay twice the gold cast When you make it, you can choose a single spell of the ritual ground!’ level or lower, and class. A ritual dancer may cast that spell as a Cerimonial spell inside this Ritual Grounds, it has a spell slot of that spell's level Aditionaly, a caster that has the choosen spell in their class's spel ist may ‘cast it by spending an hour and the apropiate spell slot. The ritual grounds can be no smaller than 10 t in each dimension and no bigger than 60 f. Ifyou try to move the circle you must spend the same ammount of time and half of the orginal gold cost CERIMONIAL Costs Tastiness Spell Cost Cantrip 3 gp Tstlevel 5 gp 2ndlevel 50 gp 3td Level 100 gp Athlevel 250 gp 2500 gp ‘WapINc Bonp When you reach 6th level, you gain the power to protect your allies against magic forces. While an ally has temporary hit points given by bolster it has advantage on saving throws agains spell DANGER STYLE ‘The danger style is one of boldness and defiance. This dancers performe dangerous feats as part oftheir presentation, handling blades, flames and wild animals. This choice is target at the audience, who is captivated and thriled not only by the performer's skill but also withthe dread that something might go horribly wrong, ‘Common practices ofthis style are Bull fighting, sword swallowing and fire spitting, but any dangerous or martial performaces could be of tis style, ike a tight rope walker risks falling, DANGER TYPE At 3rd level you choose a danger type between fie, piercing, poison or slashing, You gain resistance againts that damage ‘ype. DaprINc ATTACK When you choose this style at 3rd level you learn how to ‘make Darring Attacks. When you make a melee weapon attack, before you roll you may declare it to be a Darring Attack. On a hit you deal an additional 1d6 damage of your danger type to the creature, on a miss you take that damage instead EXTRA ATTACK Beginning at 6th level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Taunt ‘Starting at 10th level you can taunt your enemies into a reckless attack as a free action, Creatures inside your spollight have advantage on their next attack against you. On ‘your following turn you have advantage on attacks against all taunted creatures that attacked you, Ifa creature misses a melee attack against you while taunted, you can use a reaction to deal 1d6 damage of your danger type to it PLAYFUL STYLE ‘The playful style is one of fan and laughter, made for celebrations, everything is fair game, as long as itis entertaining. Juggling props, towers of people, balancing and colorful garnets are all part of the spectacle, if people are cheering and in awe, the act was all worth it. ‘Techniques commonly used are those applied in circus, acts, imbo and cheer-leaders, but even masterful acts of contortionism or boogie dances can be cosidered if they have an entertainment side to it

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