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What do you think will be the world’s greatest problem in 100

years time?

In my opinion, “The hunger problem” will be the world’s greatest problem in the
next 100 years. Nowadays people have a habit of coming home late from work and
then going to bed instead of having dinner and that's not good. According to
statistics, about 842 million people in the world do not eat enough to be healthy.
That's mean that one in every 8 people on earth goes to bed hungry each night.
Imagine that about how many people will be die by the hunger in the next 100 year
or when the population reach 10 billion, if just only in year 2014 people die by
hunger is about 21.000 people/everyday. So how can we solve that problem? First,
everyone needs to eat healthy and most importantly, don't waste food. Moreover,
restaurants have leftover ingredients that should be processed into another dish, not
thrown away. In the end, any big problems could have solution if we spend time to
solve it.

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