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The mango is a simple tree.

It bears plenty of fruits that are so sweet.

It is so beautiful to look at.
Its fruits are shining yellow when ripe.
Children love to gather under the mango tree.
They love to play all day long.

1. What kind of tree is the mango?

a. simple
b. small
c. dirty
d. wide
2. What kind of fruits does it bear?
a. sour
b. bitter
c. sweet
d. salty
3. What is the color of the ripe mango?
a. red
b. green
c. purple
d. yellow
4. What did the children do under the mango tree?
a. They sing.
b. They shout.
c. They look at the birds.
d. They play all day long.
5. What is the story about?
a. The narra tree
b. The santol tree
c. The mango tree
d. The coconut tree
Danny has a garden.
He plants vegetables in his garden.
He waters his vegetables everyday.
He kills the worms that eat the plants.
His vegetable plants are very healthy.

1. Who has a garden?

a. Lito
b. Juan
c. Pedro
d. Danny
2. What does he plant in his garden?
a. fruits
b. orchids
c. vegetable
d. hanging plants
3. What does he do to his plants everyday?
a. puts fertilizer
b. kills the insects
c. cuts the stems
d. waters his plants
4. What eat the plants?
a. birds
b. worms
c. spiders
d. chicken

5. What is the story about?

a. fruit trees
b. vegetable garden
c. flower garden
d. butterfly garden
The people in the community are happy.
They are healthy and strong.
They drink safe water.
Their houses and yards are always clean.
Their homes have good toilets.
They all have garbage cans.
They help to make their barangay clean.
They help keep the community clean too.

1. Who are happy in the barangay?

a. The trees c. The people
b. The children d. The animals
2. Which word tells about the people in the community?
a. Poor c. healthy
b. weak d. wealthy
3. What do they drink?
a. juice
b. coffee
c. soft drinks
d. safe water
4. What can be found in all the houses?
a. pigs
b. gardens
c. good toilets
d. big houses
5. What is the story about?
a. fresh air
b. safe water
c. clean streets
d. clean community
It was Saturday.
Fe cleaned the yard.
She picked up the empty cans.
She put them in the garbage cans.
She picked up the stones.
She arranged them neatly around some plants.
She swept the pieces of paper and leaves.
She put them in a hole and buried them.
Then she cleaned the doghouse.
Soon, mother came home from the market.

1. Where did mother go?

a. market c. plaza
b. church d. school

2. What day was it?

a. Sunday c. Saturday
b. Tuesday d. Thursday

3. Who cleaned the yard?

a. Fe c. Delia
b. Nelia d. Mother

4. Where did she put the empty cans?

a. in a hole c. under the table
b. under the trees d. inside the garbage can

5. What is the story about?

a. helping mother c. cleaning the yard
b. cleaning the house d. cleaning the doghouse
Lucita saw a beggar.
She was thin and old.
Lucita wanted to help her.
But she only had one peso.
It was just enough for a jeep fare in going home.
“This one peso will help the beggar,”
“I’ll just walk home.” Lucita said to herself.
Then she placed the coin into the beggar’s hand.
Lucita was very happy as she walked home.

1. What did Lucita see?

a. a beggar c. a jeepney
b. some money d. an airplane

2. How much did Lucita give the beggar?

a. One peso c. fifty pesos
b. Five pesos d. fifty centavos

3. How did Lucita go home?

a. she walked c. she rode in a banca
b. she rode a jeep d. she rode in a calesa

4. How did she feel after helping the beggar?

a. Tired c. happy
b. Sorry d. angry

5. What is the story about?

a. one peso c. a beggar
b. jeep fare d. a kind girl
I love my little puppy.
His fur is soft and warm.
He wags his tail when he sees me,
He even licks my arms,
And if I don’t hurt him,
He’ll do me no harm;
So I’ll not pull his ears or tails.
But feed and take care of him well

1. What does the puppy do when he sees his friend?

a. barks c. runs away
b. wags his tail d. bites his tail

2. What does a friend not do to the puppy?

a. hits him c. loves him
b. feeds him d. plays with him

3. What does the puppy lick?

a. my hair c. my feet
b. my arms d. my clothes

4. What does the puppy have?

a. thick hair c. sharp teeth
b. sharp nails d. soft and warm fur

5. What is the story about?

a. a kitten b. a pet cat
b. a pet dog c. a little puppy

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