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Email Ascii Finder

Code Variations

// Online C compiler to run C program online
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
//code accepts user input
char useremail[30] = "";

printf("Your email in ASCII form is : ");

//loop through the input
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(useremail); i++){
//get the ascii code for each character
printf(" %d-",useremail[i]);

return 0;


Your email in ASCII form is : 109- 52- 98- 111- 116- 100- 101- 118- 64- 103- 109- 97- 105-
108- 46- 99- 111- 109-
PYTHON version
#code accepts user input
useremail = ""

#loop through the input

#get the ascii code for each character
print("Your email in ASCII form is : ")
for letter in useremail:

JAVA version
class EmailAsciiFinder {
public static void main(String[] args) {

//code accepts user input

String useremail = "";

char[] ch = useremail.toCharArray();

//loop through the input

for (char c : ch) {

//get the ascii code for each character



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