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OY; THE FLASH is celebrating his 50th Anniver: sary this year and to mark the event, has break- ing into an al-naw arena: television. This spring, (OBS announces it would air an nour-ong series featuring our vary own Scariet Speedster. The ‘man uncer the cow! will be Barry Allen, police scientist, as portrayed by Jatin Wesley Shipp. However, the tenor ofthe series and cast will De ‘more reminiscent of the modern-day Flash as seem in his own monthly. There will be the lovely sclentst Tina McGee as portrayed by Max Head- ‘ooan’s Amanda Pays, but Barry will also find himseitinvotved with pantr Iris West, played by Paula Marshall. In a wonderful bit of casting, M. Emmett Waish will play Barrys dad. The series wil debut im September with @ two-hour pilot flm based on a script by producers Danny Bilson and Paul De Mea. Danry and Paul have been in close contact with FLASH editor Brian ‘Augustyn and it should be noted thatthe tradi- tional red costume has only been slightly mod= ited for television by artist Dave Stevens ‘Joe Stofana, best known for his work on The Outer Limits, has been named Exacubve Pro ‘ducer of USA Cabie's Swamp Thing series debut- ing July 27, Dick Durock reprises his role as ‘Swamp Thing but with Heather Lockiear doing a ew series for ABC, the role of Abby has to be reeast Jenetie Kahn, Mike Carlin and Andy Helfer ‘met with the executives from Viacom in May, 10, plan the thd season of Superboy which is re ‘ewed for another 26 episodes. Gerard Christo- [phe and Staey Haiduk roturn as Clark Kent and Lana Lang but will relocate much of the action ‘rom college to anew para-normal agency which ‘opens up the series for greater adventures, Mike ‘nd Andy will be scripting the two-part season ‘opener whit will feature the return of not one, bust two of the Teen of Stee’ deadliest foes David Gerald, one ofthe best things to come out of Star Trek, will also write one of the early episodes . .. And if you're wondering, yes its true, Sam Hamm is busily scripting Batman 1) and as you read this, the script should be just about done Back atthe ranch, things have been hopping as people gear up forthe summer season. Ed Han- nigan came down from Vermont show off baby Dictures and to present @ new series which he wants to write and pencil, Management tought ‘he premise was terific, and editor Mike Gold got things approved in prety rapid fashion. We'l talk more about it in coming months Eliot. Maggin has certainly been busy lately. In addition to questing atthe Mo-Kan Convention in Kansas City and sampling the areas barbecue delicacies, Eliot has also been scouting out new talent to use on his TSR tiles. Some of those walle debut in the TSR annuals stating this ‘month. In TSR WORLDS ANNUAL #1, you get a limase of our newest TSR series SPELLJAM- MER with a preview rom series creators Barbara sel and Michael Collins. Kate Novak, wife of FORGOTTEN REALMS' Jeff Grubb, wil write some storias, including the DRAGONLANCE chapter ofthe TSR WORLDS ANNUAL . . . Dan Feed returns to DC aftr a hiatus to pencil some stories for the same annual .. . Ben Sehwartz begins his writing career with @ story in. next ‘month's ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ANNUAL Julia Lacquemont made an al-too briet ap- pearance in our offices, having flown in trom the other coast. She met with editors and discussed her color work on THE BUTCHER and GREEN WITH JOHNNY DC ARROW . .. Charles Vess also dropped by in May, cllivering work on SANDMAN #19 and. discussing his forthcoming issve of THE BOOKS, (OF MAGIC. That fourissue Prestige Format mini- series wll be written by Nell Gaiman and painted by John Bolton, Scott Hampton and Paul John- ‘son. Look for that in early Winter Willie Blyberg gets break from cosmic activ. ities in NEW GODS to get dawn and dirty in a special Terminator story in NEW TITANS #70, joining wrter Mar Wolfman and penciler Steve Erwin... Rick Hoberg also gets a realty break ‘hen he steps in to pencil GREEN ARROW #37, and 38... Denys Cowan and Shea Anton Pensa team-upto handle GREEN ARROW #39 andthe {wo have gotten along so wel bey are making a point of geting togtne at he Chicago Comicon along wih thei writing pas Mike Grell and Mike Baroa, hmmm . . . Steve Dilon wil pencil ANIMAL MAN #29, giving Chas Tuoy a needed beak “Jan Duursema pave bith to bouncing baby iin lle April The baby is named Sian Rose ‘Mandrake and ve're not sure who's happier Jn or husband Tom Mandrake. Amazingly, Jan has kept up her peneling pace on AD&D. .. Tom MeCraw, one of our rising colorist, maied Katy Grate ate May and we wisn them wel Marketing's Rosemary Blawvel tide knot at the beginning of Jane—congrats Roe! Stuart Moore isthe latest editor to join the ‘growing DC Comics stat. Stuart ons us rom St. Martins and one of hs las projects there was the Dick Tracy Casebook now in bookstores everywhere. Stuart starts off with inheriting SWAMP THING with issue #101 and afew up coming Prestige Format mini-series we'l talk about iter he DC Editorial taf threw reception fr the Sanior Cass from tha Kubert Schoo of Cartoon ‘tin cary May. After feasting ona butt, ec tors and atts sat around a large oom, revi ing patfolos and exchanging tips. With ck some of tomorrow's Superstars have just bee discovered ‘0G Comics aso oid very wel in two sets of Bish conics award. The fist-ever UK Comic Art Awards were handed out at the Glasgow amie Art Convention and th top three waiters were Grant Morison, Pele Miligan and Nel Gaiman, while LO80's Simon Bisiey copped top arts. Biggest Influence on Comics turned ut to be Batman, allowing OC to tke th Best Pub User award. Rounding things out, ARKHAM ASYLUM receives Best Original Graphic Novel Speakeasy, a top-rank British fanzine hhanded out ther first set of awards and ARKHAM ‘nee again topped te is for Bast Graphic Aum {and interesting enough, also took Biggest Disappointment—meaning you can't passe ev ceryone) The underappreciated SKREEMER ‘was named Best Limited Series... SANOMAN 18 was named Best Story followed by SAND- MAN #13, ted with HELLOLAZER ANNUAL #1 SANDMAN #13 cover painting rom Dave McKean asthe Best Cover... SANDMAN, 10.90 e's surprise, wes named Best New Series Grant Morrison was also the Best Writer once again and Dave MeKean was Best Artist while WORLD'S FINEST's Steve Olt as appointed Best Colorist. Karen Berger was named Best Failor . . . HELLBLAZER's Sean Philips took ‘ost Promising Newcomer (Art) Mote... next month! Johnny DC DG MUST ATLANTIS CHRONICLES 7 The birth of Aquaman is featured inthis final issue, bringing events up to date and exploring the final book ofthe Chronicles. +P ‘SGT. ROCK SPECIAL 9 The combat-happy joes of Easy Com- ary risk fe anc limb to preserve free dom around the world m more classic stores, @ SUPERMAN ANNUAL 3 Lex Luthor tres to create kryptonite but be creates something far deadlier to the Man of Stee and the worl in this tale by Wal Simonson. @ LOONEY TUNES MAGAZINE 4 ‘A special issue devoted to Halloween as Bugs, Daffy and the gang get thir trick reat bags and masks out for the fall ‘THE SHADOW STRIKES 12 The Shadow goes to Chicago to help a friend of Lamont Cranston’, who is threatened by the Capone Mob. mB [ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 22 The Avatar of Selune, Goddess ofthe ‘Moon versus Luna, the aging innkeeper wo remembers once being the Moon Goddess. a DOCTOR FATE 21 The Phantom Stranger lends a hand, as Chaos grows stronger, and the mystery atthe Salem Tower deepens. mP> LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT 11 "Prey" begins with the emergence of Prof, Hugo Strange and the Catwoman in this early tale from Doug Moench, Pau Gulacy and Terry Austin. D> ‘New GODS 20, ‘The menace of Yuga Khan explodes on the fery planet ADokotps, and Darkseid, ‘OC's mightiest vilain, is dethroned > CAPTAIN ATOM 45 The Ghost creates his own Captain ‘Atom using a brainwashed Captain ‘Alard asthe raw material. @P JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE 18 Transported to the nuclea-ravaged homeworld of the Extremists, the JLE finds themselves trapped in Wacky World! @ ‘SUICIDE SQUAD 45 Kobra has decided that world conquest 's no longer a viable option. Now he just wants to remake the world in his Mas ters image. Plus—the Atom? @ ACTION comics 657 ‘The Toy-Man's back . . . and he's ‘making Metropolis into his ultimate playground, wile the youth of the ety have the most to lose in his deadly game @ (© Standard Format Prestige Format New Format C1 Graphic Novel © Deluxe Format (1) Collected Eton > Available at Seloct & Suggested for ‘Mature Readers ‘OUR SONG /5 A GLORIOUS ONE, FOR WE ARE’ TOUCHED BY SODS AND PROMISED BY A FUTURE OF HARMONY. OUR TALE (S AN EPIC ONE, FOR WE ARE ON A JOURNEY THAT WILL LIVE (NOUR TRIBE-TALE © LONG AFTER OUR SHELLS HAVE GONE TO SOIL. WE WERE THE PEOPLE OF THE RAINLANDS UNTIL THE MOTHER OF SONES ANO THE FATHER OF TALES CAME TO US IN DREAM-SONGS AND NIGHT VISIONS, TELLING OF THE COMING CEATH OF OUR ANCIENT HOME. sttftlth —— wy NY THE LAKES HAD BEEN DRYING, THE HERDS MISSING ») FOAL SEASON AND THE FIELDS VIELDING EVER LESS, SIGNS (7 WAS TIME FOR OUR TRIBE To LEAVE THE oa ‘OLP LANES TO THE NEXT TRIBE... be alk WHILE FATHER OF TALES SPOKE TO EACH OF MY TRIBE, MOTHER OF SONGS SINGS ONLY TOME, FROM BIRTH I HAVE KNOWN WER MELODIES, AND WHILE MY SINGING REFLECTS BUT A PALE SHADOW OF THE. HARMONIES WITH WHICH SHE FILLS ME, STILL 17 wt DELIGHTS MY TRIBE. * : KRSTIG:CLERIC / 2 They CALL me. ELDER, I WHO fit 50 VouNe. rON © 1000 SA Ins AURgits osened SEL Sloe tara a1 nests montanes n toe mogazne eno fchon Fax aver wpace cat at Sala, 2) Fined n Gonaca 2 ees OC Come ne. Aare re concany @) ‘OUR TRAVEL 1S LIVEVENTELIL, THOUGH EVERYONE CARRIES THE EXCITEMENT OF THE JOURNEY. THERE HAS BEEN No SUCH EXODUS INA THOUSAND CHORUSES! ‘OL, YOUNG, GROWN, YET-TO-BE, ALL ARE A PART OF THIS. Jovous NeW TALE, MY COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE oa ARENECESSARY ONLY FOR THE CEREMONIES. PEACE het REIGNS. NY THINK THIS Fal EAT WeLL, F.AND A GREAT POND, PLACE'LL BE lig MIGHTY ONE. WHERE THE WATER AS WONDER- [il] YOU'VE CONE CRASHES AGAINST THE FUL as iT FM 6000 WoRK CLIFFS IN ITS FRENZY “TODAY. TO COME ASHORE. ‘SHOULD BE 4 4 NO, JUST SET “Niasnes ie INO MOTION NEVER HAD BY THE SONGS A FALSE AND TALES OF Vision: GIANT FISH WITHIN, ‘DOES YOUR SCALP STILL STING FROM THE SHAVING, FUZZHEAD?. ‘6 PRICE YOU PAY 70 BECOME AN ELDER, STALS, THE TALE OF FIRE SPARK, FUEL, FLAME WILL I BE ABLE To, 20 THAT WHEN TM GROWN, MUT TAH ALTHOUGH, FEW ARE AS STRONG AS HANNOUS, MORNING. I AM EAGER To BEGIN THe OPENING CHORUS BUT T am. INTERRUPTEL G00 MORN, FORA Yes, KiRSTIGy MY LOVE, ' KIRSTIC. HAVE You GIVEN THOUGHT TO MY QUESTION? YOu PONT HAVE TO. ACCEPT HIM, KIRSTIG, WHAT To Do? I CANNOT IMAGINE ‘A WORSE FATE ‘TRIBE IF L GO NOT Yn ACCEPT HIM. MOTHER OF S0Nas PROMISED MANY DELIGHTS AND. (MYSTERIES ALONS THE WA) UT THe WONDERS! OF THE NEW LAND LIET MY SPIRITS. @ ALTHOUBH I FIND MYSELF WONDERING IF THE GODS ARE EVER THEMSELVES SURPRISED. LETTERER COLORIST EDITOR Part kactetiorer “WaSan” ZB F WE CAN DIVINE THE PURPOSE OF THIS MONUMENT, PERHAPS WE'LL BE, BLESSED By THE ops! 11's A were We MUST MAKE! SURE THERE'S 7 ARE YOu CRAZY? NO DWELLER IT HAS THE Look oF IN THE WASTELAND? LACK OF FooD AND WATER WOULG HAVE KILLED, "THEM LONG AGO] LOOK! STATUES!) SHAPED LIKE US-=.. WE WILL COMPLETE THEIR Wane BURIAL THEN TAKE THIS MAGNIFICENT. DEEMAUR, TELL THE TRIBE TO UNLOAD THe 2ROGE: WHILE THe REST OF U: Pig TRENCHES UNDER THIS] HUT So THE BEASTS CAN MOVE IT. RELOAD THE SUPPLIES--WE'RE READY To. PosiTION.. THIS WILL BE A BIT MORE OF A CHALLENGE FOR Your STRENGTH THAN JUST OUR SUPPLIES MEESHAL PHEW! femets Like THE FIRST OF SPRING IN LOOKS. Heres Tike WE'LL NEO To BURY THE DEAD AS. QUICKLY AS POSsiBLer er ‘a a WELL, 1 WON'T FIND ME AN EASY ‘CAPTURE! a PNY 7 seems we nave Wad TERS EA Ho Wye) Sea eel LAS 3 Wi, N jc) CHILO, THREATENING THE LIFE OF EVERY STRANGER] 15. NO WAY To ESTABLISH PEACEFUL RELATIONS. HER REACTION (6 LINDER- ‘STANZABLE-- OUR LAST ‘MEMORIES WERE OF MALICIOUS PURSUIT. =-BLT JASMINE DOES TEND TO ..OVERREACT, You'Re CAN'T REACH MEREDITH. HER MAGICAL WaRDS ARE STILL IN PLACE. THERE'S NO FOOD OR WATER HERE. KIRSTIGS, TRIBE PLANS To. MOVE THE SHIP. THE PRUDENT COURSE SEEMS To BE TO Tou THEM AND| TRUST We WILL FIND AN ANSWER ON OUR WAY TOA MORE HOSPITABLE LOCATION, THE SIRES as\y PRETTY AS T DIDN'T KNOW PEOPLE STILL LIVED THIS - WAY. IT'S 50. A \ Xs) (Acexcerr OR PRINITIVE..NOT LIKE. 4 THAT oNe-- Gn WATERGEEP, aneeere Tas Aa HAPPY Peap_e G70 © f IT 16 OUR: CUSTOM TO SHARE TALES WITH NEW TRIBES. WILL YOU GIFT US WITH YOURS GLAOLYE. 1 HAVE DEVoTED My'LIFE To FELLING TALES OF UNIVERSAL HARMONY. WONDERFUL? LWILL TRANSLATE FOR THE TRIBE. H\ Sf O TRANSLATE? La! BUT WE'VE VOICED THE TALE OF TONGUES . snWE UNDERSTANG NERY WoRD!--KiRETIG. rf, - e ‘MUST BE WARNING ‘ ( : us Hs / Dm | i Y oteAL KIRSTIS. \ FROM Met. IT 16 THE / i TALE BEHING HIS V i “THE WORLDS WE LIVE IN ARE BRAM “THESE sySTEMS OF WORLDS PANE | “THE SPHERES IN TURN. BUT BALLS OF ROCK AN ANG STARS ELOAT IN FLOAT IN THE TIE OF THE SOIL FLOATING IN THE SKY.. WILPSPACE, HUGE AIRLESS ] UNIVERSAL ENERGY CALLED VOIDS WITHIN. ENORMOUS Pe ceysrae srHercs. _.WITH THEIR COMPANIONS THE SKY: SUNS FoR. LIGHT, MOONS FoR TIDES AND OTHER WONDERS TO DELIGHT OUR SPIRITS ANZ TEACH OUR SOLIS, By EXAMPLE, THE BLESSE0 PEACE OF THE UNIVERSE. iT |S POSSIBLE To TRAVEL THESE SHIPS TRAVEL THE BETWEEN THE SPHERES BY WORLDS THROUGH WILDSPACE, SPELL TAMMING-- PROPEL” OR PASS THROUGH PORTALS IN LING SHIPS WITH MAGIC] GACH CRYSTAL SPHERE AND TRAVEL THE PHLOGISTON IVER To = Ther Shen da a i 9 “OUR SHIP WAS ATTACKED BY THE WEOG/, ACRUEL RACE WHO EXIST WITH BUT TWO [gy IMPERATIVES: OWW OR EAT, A A “THEY SENT THEIR UMBER HULK SLAVES 10 CAPTURE My SHIP AND CREW-— cr Aa WTO KNEW IF I FOUGHT, 1’ FIND MYSELF. ADRIFT IN FOREIGN WILDSPACE AND WOULD PROBABLY “T SOUGHT THE PEACE, WHICH GAYE MEA VISION OF MY RESCUE AND EASED MY PEAR WHEN AN UMBER HULK BREACHED MY CABIN WALL. “AND AS WE DON'T CONDONE: AGGRESSION, MY CREW FELL 70 THEM. Ya ‘THE NEOGI TOOK ME TO THEIR ASTEROID BASE, Bd THEY KEPT ME SEPARATE FROM THEIR OTHERS, T ASSUME To MAKE ME LEAD THEM To MY “iad ResoLvev To TELL “BUT 110 FORESEEN MY RESCUE, THEM NOTHING OF $0 T WASTED NO TIME UNIPAXALA, AND PRAYED CRITICIZING THEIR STYLE. FOR THE STRENGTH To WITHSTAND THEM UNTIL MY RESCUE, “RESCUE SOON ‘CAME, ALTHOUGH 1D EXPECTED. SOMETHING OTHER THAN MEREDITH! PIRATES, Youre TieRe we WeRe, TWENTY CRAZED MAING IF UnBert HULK, oe sneer SHI, 7" REDITH AND ME, NATURALLY, SOUND 80 meneDiTH ANG Me, NA 1 HAROLY FEEL IT'S-~ (OW, Wal Vou Weke BEING “WHILE MEREDITH PROTECTED TH RESCUED, TWAS CROWN-THING THAT Makes tHe SHiP-66, nhewVee I THe ean PLeAren INTO ACTION \enoRNG THER excrement! BRUTE STRENGTH AND’ SLASHING TUSK “t SHOWED THEM THe PowER OF PEACE! “I HAD THE STRENGTH OF GRAVITY, THE SPEED OF THOUGHT!" T WASN'T THERES TEMBER, BUT YOUR STORY STILL STINKS LIKE A BACK ALLEY 'N WATERDEEP. OTHERWISE WHY'D YOU DRAG! DO ANY OF YOUR YOUNG, EVER SEEM DESTINED. TO DISAPPOINT? NOW, AS T WAS: SAYING... MEREDITH Di? INPEEO MAKE 000 OUR ESCAPE.. ‘AT THE COST OF HER, PIRATE CREW. WE FOUND THIS AMAZING SHIP IN ONE OF THE NEOG! TREASURE ‘CHAMBERS. "MEREDITH ACTIVATED THE SPELL JAMMING CROWN BUT, By THE SHIP'S OWN MING. "WE FOUND OURSELVES CAPTIVE To THE SHIP'S INSTINCTS AS IT RACEP AWAY FROM THE. PURSUING NEOSI, “THE SHIP'S. MAU FLIGHT ENDED AFTER WE CREATED A PORTAL fy Ie ENS aR at Ate Cele Ps ene ! ‘ vod Pai Z HIS TALENT FOR ‘*ISAPVENTURE...LANDED HIM IN THE MIDST OF GOBLINS, FROM WHOM HE WAS SAVE BY MEMBERS OF THE TIGER CLAN. “OUR COMING SERVED 'AS A SIGN To THEM, $0 THEY KINOLY HELPED US PROCURE ENOUGH SUPPLIES ‘TO REACH OUR NEXT DESTINATION,” “MEREDITH HAP ESTABLISHED A LINK WITH THE SHIP BY THEN, 50 We PROCEEDED TO TORIL... "MEREDITH WAG SURPRISED TO LEARN THE COUPLE HAD DIED AND, ALTHOUGH ‘THEY'D LEFT A DAUGHTER, THE GIRL HAD LEFT WATERDEEP ALONG WITH THE KEY TO MEREDITH'S EXTRA- DIMENSIONAL CHAMBER. 7A WORLO MEREDITH KNEW WELL. THE COUPLE WHO GUARDED HER TREASURE LIVED THERE. "MEREDITH HELPED RESCUE THE GIRL, WHO THEN JOINED Us To RETURN To WATERDEEP To Hike CREW. T SUSPECT JASMINE THOUGHT THAT'D Be BRIEF EMPLOYMENT. “WITH THE CREATURE 7 WHERE THE CREATURE STILL IN PURSUIT, WMOLATED ITSELF IN We MADE FOR THE ITS OWN FIREBALL-- PHLOGISTON. ALL FIRE IS MORE EXPLOSIVE IN THE PHLOGISTON, “VPEACE SMILED ON US AN WE ESCAPED THROUGH A PORTAL INTO YOUR OWN, CRYSTAL SPHERE. THE SUDDEN FLIGHT AND HER 7E TRIED TO BREAK INTO HER “PEARING THE WORST, I ENCASED. ATTEMPTS To KEEP THE SHIP CHAMBER USING BOTH FORCE AND] UNDER CONTROL MUST HAVE BEEN TOO MUCH FOR MEREDITH. JASMINE, TEMBER AND MYSELF IN THE SOFTWOOD SHELLS IN, WHICH YOU DISCOVERED LS. MAGICAL MEANS, BUT WAS. UNSUCCESSFUL: THAT TIME, os THOSE OTHER WORLOS =-YOU'VE SEEN SO MUCH! T COULD ASK YOL! QUESTIONS ALL NIGHT, BUT IT'S FOR OTHER NIGHTS. J || | MATE WITH YoU! YOUR FIGHTER TO PUT HER WEAPONS AWAY!> vous sere] Ii "ALTHOUGH THEY WONT , OUR LANGUAGE, WE'D: - GoN'T KNOW BEST PLAN IN PRIVATE. eee Satay r ae PEOPLE PRIVATELY WE'RE IN A BIND: IF THAT SCOUT TURNS) THE TRIBE AGAINST LIS AND WE CAN'T, WAKE MEREDITH, We'RE NOT LIKELY. TO LIVE LONG ON OUR OWN ‘SIF PAX CAN'T FIND AN ARGUMENT THAT WILL APPEASE THRAR, WE HAVE NO CHOICE BLT To SIDE AGAINST PAX.>, JAS--! 1'9 i ‘ PREFER A MORE f Fe \ sellizes are All SOLUTION. , (80 To LIEIN, FROM , THE SMELL OF r 1h FEEL THE WIND CHANGING? FATHER OCEANS (5 BY SETTLING HIMSELF FOR THE NIGHT.>, Bist ae.\ 1 TY ae Y ECM CMM Ma CMM Z TELE Self-contained stories CCE OULD a (ey Pes ca ee), THE TRIBESMENT IT'S TROUBLE. ARE MOVING IF THE TRIBESMEN ARE THE SHIPS KING, THEY A JASMINE, YOUR CAPACITY encase el SI eS Teh MEREDITH! MEREDITH! CAN You HEAR ME? HONOR BE DAMNED! vo iy T WILL FIND A WAY To MOUNT A BEAST To THE HEAVENS ANo, TAKE HER BACK! THIS 1 SWEAR BY THE ENDER OF TALES! ‘UHHH... WE HAVE A PROBLEM. 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WE'LL EASE YOUR MIND. ope SOCIETY” ‘AIS NERDS de GERAD 8 CLALIN RA C1) BSH WHEN THE HUNTER BECOMES THE HUNTED? >” y SN Ne ULV =a Dds Ube) 4} NNT et Li) Ss) ) LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #11 7 BY POUGIVIDENCH) PAUL GULACY AND TERRY_AUSTIN: AVAILABLE JN|AUGUSI {@TMDC Comes inc. ©1990 Al Rights Reserved, your attention. But now we have to keep your interest (at least, that is what all the advertising books tell us) so, how's this? something fore arucia’ 50 ORDER TODAY! We even ship in protective polybags with backing boards! If, for any reason, you are not satisfied, YES! Please send me the following 12-Issue subscriptions: he oe ee eee Decict $800. ee ee Dectict 42.00) eae Si aS Becict $2.00. ee Se Dechict $2.00) Ihave enclosed $_ for titles(s). (Please add $5.00 per title ordered for Canada and $12.00 per title for all other foreign countries.) NAME ‘ADDRESS. crys STATE _uP YEAR OF BIRTH Aes for 12-Issue subscriptions: ACTION COMICS JRES OF SUPERMAN. CAPTAIN ATOM DETECTIVE COMICS (starring Batman), FLASH GREEN LANTERN HAWK & DOVE JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA, JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE ‘MISTER MIRACLE HAWKWORLD LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT LEGION, '90 NEW GODS ‘STAR TREK® ‘STAR TREK®: THE NEXT GENERATION $21.00 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ‘SPELLIAMMER™ comic THE NEW TITANS, THE SHADOW" STRIKES! Offer expires December 31, 1990 Allows 10-12 weeks for delivery. DC Comles are available at comics Specialty shops nationwide, BTM DC Comics ne. Please make check or money order payable to DC Comics (U.S, funds only) and mail to: os DC Comics Subscriptions PO Box 0598 ( Dept. B-41 Baldwin, NY 11510 ® [ities taciemarks of DC Comis Inc. withthe excep- thon of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DRAGON. LANCE, FORGOTTEN REALMS, and SPELLIAMMER, TheConde Nest Publications In. ‘©1990 Paramount Pictures Corporation. Al Rights Re> ‘erved, DC Comict Authorized User ©1990 DC Comics Ine Al RightsReserved. It nowlasts up to five years longer. Americans live longer nowadays. 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