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1. Go to

2. You will see the following webpage:

3. Click on register, which is in the upper right of your screen. Once you click there, you will see the
following slide:

4. You can continue with Facebook or with your email and then, click on continue

5. Then, the system will ask you to write a password:

Once you get it, click on continue and fill in the information required:

Immediately, you will see the following information:

6. Go to your email to verify your email address and select verify my email address.

You will see another window:

Click on: Continue to TED-Ed

Choose student start here. An open window will show:

7. Click on Create a Lesson

8. Follow the instructions given. For example, if you write Teaching Approaches, there, you have:

9. Here, you can select one:

10. Once you are in this dashboard, you must change the video, (here, you write your URL)

and start working with the options the page offers

11.Click on more and select Adjust settings

12. Check that your page look like this one and click on save

13. Then, Go to your icon (picture), which is in the upper right of your screen and choose Lessons
14. You will see this on the screen:

15. Click on finish creating lesson and publish your work

A new window will open. Once you get there, copy the link and send it through email to the whole
class including the teacher. This way, everyone can get into your page.

16. Go to Teams, and copy your link too in the assignments title: Ted-Ed video lecture

17. Remember to see at least one video from one of your classmates and post your answer in
his/her TEdEd page.
[8:18 p. m.] Gillian Andrea Ramirez Sanchez


How do you think this reading strategy can help you improve your reading
comprehension and why do you think it is important to work on conscious plans or
sets of steps for good readers in schools?

[8:18 p. m.] Gillian Andrea Ramirez Sanchez


To delve deeper into the topic of how to decide whether something is true, false or
not mentioned in a text, here is a website where you can read tips, definitions,
examples and do 10 practical exercises that will help you enrich your reading skills.

IELTS Reading True False Not Given Exercises

IELTS Reading True False Not Given Exercises: Improve your test score with this online reading

[8:19 p. m.] Gillian Andrea Ramirez Sanchez


Read the following text and select if the question is true, false, or not mentioned in
the text, then why do you consider that is the right answer? argue your answer.

Question: Henderson rarely visited the area around press estate when he was
Text: the family often stayed at Press Castle, the large mansion on the northern
edge of the property, and Alexander spent much of his childhood in the area,
playing on the beach near Eyemouth or fishing in the streams nearby.

[8:19 p. m.] Gillian Andrea Ramirez Sanchez


deciding whether something is true, false, or not mentioned in a text requires a set
of actions that a good reader must perform. therefore, this strategy allows
approaching a text from different stages, facing a given question, understanding
the text, gathering information, finding synonyms and also adding new knowledge
to the already acquired.

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