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A: “Hi! I have got something for

you.” B: “Really? What is that?”

A: “Here you are.”

B: “Oh, thank you very much for your

kindness.” A: “It was the least I could do.”

B: “This is the only thing I want right now. I have been looking for this
novel for months, but I couldn’t find it here in London. How could
you find it?”

A: “Few days ago I went to Edinburgh and I found it in a big bookstore


B: “Thank you so much.”

A: “Don’t mention it.

1. Find and write 2 expressions of thank you from the dialog.
2. What does “ A “ give to “ B” ?

A: “Good morning. May I come

in?” B: “Please come in.”

A: “I am Katy, your next door neighbor. I am an officer in the library.”

B: “Very glad to meet you. I am Perry. Please sit down.”

A: “Last night my husband told me that new tenants have moved in here. So I
thought I would look you up in the morning.”

B: “So kind of you. I am not a tenant, though. I bought this house.”

A: “Really? That is wonderful. I am so glad we are getting good neighbors. Is

there anything I can do for you?”

B: “Yes. Could you tell me where I can buy fresh milk in the morning?”

A: “Please do not worry about that. I will send my milkmen here. Is there
anything else?”

B: “Not immediately. Thank you so much for the help.”

A: “It is my pleasure. Please do not hesitate to tell me if you need anything.”

B: “Sure. You are very nice.”

A: “Not at all. See you later.”

B: “See you.”

3. Find and write 2 expressions of responding to thank you from the dialog
4. What is the relationship between “ A” and “B” ?
5. What can we learn from the dialog?

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