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Human rights in Costa Rica, the huge gap between the poor and the rich.

Human rights are necessary to live worthily. They are the base of everything.

The world needs them to live peacefully. All the civilians are worthy to have then, well, if

them respect their responsibilities. Although, the government has the responsibility to

make sure that everyone has accesses to them. Costa Rica isn’t the exception.

Costa Rica, a paradise, that what tourist say. The country has the most beautiful

places in the world, biodiversity is incredible and is, provably, the most stable in Latin

America. Also, the economy is based on tourism, that means that it has to be secure.

Costa Rica can be one of the richest countries in Latin America, but, for sure, the

equality is difficult to find.

Even if Costa Rica is a “rich” country, here exist poor people. Costa Rica can be

a modern country but someplace look like trap in time and misery. The access to

drinkable water is not the same everywhere, and this is not the only thing. This country

has a lot of communities and minorities that have really serious problems. Besides the

normal communities we have the native communities, they have less attention.

Be poor in Costa Rica doesn’t mean to die, but doesn’t mean to live. People who

are poor live horrible, precarious situation is a problem. The government bring social

help and scholarships, but they aren’t enough to give the country stability. However, the

population notice that the helps are not distribute in a fair way. This problem just

increases the problem. The government does what he can do, but it isn’t sufficient.

Puntarenas and limon are the poorest provinces in the country. The civilians that

are poor live with approximately $10, equal to 5.000 colones, at week if the have a good
week at work. It’s incredible to see how a country that are a paradise to someone is a

hell for other ones. Also, in Costa Rica the people who are poor doesn’t have a good

diet cause the food is the most expensive things. In Costa Rica we can see to types of

life, the ones that have everything and the ones that die in the dark, they fight constantly

to survive.

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