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An easy open book quiz(you can get resources from all kinds of


The calculus was invented by___1___(well-known scientist)and____2___(less well-

known scientist). It was invented to solve __3__ mathematical problems. The fractional

calculus is a branch in it. 1There are two approaches in this type of calculus. One is the __4__

which is based on iterating the integral operator n times and then replacing it by one integral

via the famous Cauchy formula where then n! is changed to the Gamma function and hence

the fractional integral of non-integer order is defined. The second approach is__5__which is

based on iterating the derivative n times and then fractionalizing by using the Gamma

function in the binomial coefficients. After studying more about fractional calculus. One can

see that the___6____(rule that is used in products) and__7__(calculus rule used when

multiple variables are in the function) are very helpful.

A. Isaac Newton. B.Albert Einstein C.Madame Curie D. Leibniz James
A. Isaac Newton. B.Albert Einstein C.Madame Curie D. Leibniz James
Q3(any choice is correct):
A.Challenging B. Difficult C.Interesting D.Complicated
A. Riemann–Liouv approach B. Left Riemann C.Grünwald–Letni approach D.Relativism
A. Riemann–Liouv approach B. Left Riemann C.Grünwald–Letni approach D.Relativism
A.Newton’s first law B. Integral rule C. Product rule D.Chain rule

1 Thabet Abdeljawad, ‘Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics’

A.Newton’s first law B. Integral rule C. Product rule D.Chain rule

Answer: AD()ACCD

Congratulations! You finish the quiz. You are the best!


When I first encountered the topic that I am going to transform a well-

established and peer-reviewed paper into a different genre, I was excited because

this is a new experience to me and I felt it would be interesting to turn an article into

a totally different kind of style. The first kinds of articles that came to my mind are

related to my major which is Math. So, I found a rigorous peer-reviewed article about

fractional calculus from UCSB library. Meanwhile, I enjoy doing puzzles that can

challenge myself. Therefore, I decided to make a puzzle out of the essay at first.

Academic articles and puzzles, these two genres are fundamentally different

in both the construction and the purpose. One is carefully structured and meant to

inform or teach some significant knowledge, while the other is mainly for people to

solve and challenge themselves. I was confused by what kind of puzzles can help

me do a summary of the academical article. My instructor told me that a mad-lib can

be one paragraph and express the content I need. I looked it up and found it pretty

interesting and looked like one of the test problems we usually had in high school

that ask students to full the blank spaces. Invoked by this thought, I decided to do a

short paragraph and make some blank spaces in it. Readers can do multiple choice

questions based on the information from the passage. It would be like both a puzzle

and a short quiz.

In order to solve the quiz, we should comprehend well about the article. 2!On

conformable fractional calculus” describes the fractional calculus in a detailed way

that this method"s two approaches have multiple examples. The writer shows his

strong will to educate the readers about how we can solve fractional calculus

problems. When I read this article, I can see that the author put a lot of effort in it

and he tried to explain everything very carefully so that the readers can understand.

One of the most frequent use rhetorical strategies in the article is showing pictures

and detailed process of formulas. He shows them in clear forms and individual

places so that people’s attention can be dragged to the formulas very quickly and

give more attention to it. Indeed, one of the most important factors of Maths is the

clear formulas. With direct formulas, people will eventually understand how to solve

questions using the calculus methods. Meanwhile, he manages to make the whole

passage clear and easy to read. There are no redundant sentences. The formulas

and explanations are arranged closely so that the readers can find the definitions

straightforwardly. The jargons are also used carefully. All these academical words

such as alpha, beta, the Grünwald–Letnikov approach etc, they are all able to give

the readers a sense that this article is a extremely rigorous and educational article.

Then I found the next difficulty which is translating one large and math related

article into the form of a quiz because all the functions with a series of clarifications

are complicated. It is kind of impossible to include all the information into one

2 Thabet Abdeljawad, ‘Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics’

paragraph question. Then, I saw the reflective essays by other students. They didn"t

include every aspect of the article they chose. 3Instead, they selected part of the

article and then showed the thesis of the article most importantly just like the girl

chose to depict the importance of having a dog. I got the sense that I could give this

article a general summary of what the topic is and I could get important information

from the introduction, background information and the final conclusion and

comparison. These all would make a great summary for the passage and get the

readers more engaged into it.

It is not only about how to translate the article into a puzzle. The most

frequently asked question when constructing a puzzle is what should readers know

before solving the puzzle. First of all, I believe readers should have enough

background knowledge in the mathematics field and should understand calculus.

Secondly, readers should have great passion for mathematics to grasp most

important ideas from the article so that they can get a decent grades out of the quiz.

I am aware that people may feel uncomfortable with quizzes and questions.

Meanwhile, the article could be difficult to understand and the concepts are

confusing. As a result, I added a tip next to the quiz and made “easy” and “open”

bold. These aspects serve to strengthen the fact that the quiz is easy and readers

can always get resources from everywhere which always relax the students. They

can even get answers from the internet. I also made some hints after some spaces

so that the readers can somewhat know the answers. For example, in the last two

question spaces, I added tips after each space such as “rule that is used in

3 .Wednesday In-Class Activity - Reflective Essay Example, Kasey Bohney’s reflective essay

products”. Thus, readers can even guess the answer is “product rule”. At the end of

this quiz, I append the answers and present one cheering note, “Congratulations!

You finish the quiz. You are the best!” While they finish solving the puzzle, I expect

the fulfillment the readers will achieve and they may feel really glad to see the

cheering note.

After I finished the puzzle, I did a overall comparison between the original

article and my translation piece. I took a deep thought in their relationship and did a

rhetorical analysis in both. I figured out the main article mainly uses rigorous

mathematical aspects in every sentence and it includes a lot of detailed formulas and

steps. While my small quiz mainly focuses on the overall idea of the fractional

calculus and I did many decorations to the quiz so that readers won’t get terrified by

the quiz. I hope people can use my small piece to understand the article better.

Therefore, I prefer to think these two pieces as complement to each other. The small

quiz would help the readers better understand the topic and the article can help

vastly about the quiz.

In conclusion, changing one academic article into a different genre can be

difficult and one may face many obstacles during the process. When catering with

the genre choices, translation process, rhetorical strategies in both pieces, and

readers"#consideration problems, it can all be laborious. As a result, I put a lot of

effort in it and change my thoughts frequently to make the questions as excellent as

possible. I always keep in mind that difficulties will only make me closer to success. I

had fun making my own questions for the readers. Therefore, I really appreciate and

enjoy the process of translating one academic article into a different genre.

Work Citated:
1.Thabet Abdeljawad, ‘Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics’,Journal of computational and applied

mathematics, 2015-05-01, Vol.279, p.57-66



2.Wednesday In-Class Activity - Reflective Essay Example, Kasey Bohney’s reflective essay, June 29, 2022

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