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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Dumalinao District
School ID: I25008


S.Y. 202I-2022


The investment of the government and private sectors in Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) had indeed contributed to young Filipinos access to quality education.

Although not schools in the Division of Zamboanga del Sur are wired to the internet yet,
those with access to ICT tools make the most of the technology. And we, the Rebokon Elementary
School are so fortunate to be one of the recipients of the E-classroom powered by the CTI and
now we have also an internet connection through funding from the school MOOE.

With the onset of ICT Integration in education, today’s teacher regardless of what subject
they teach, need to acquire new skills that will enable them to maximize the potentials of ICT and
Internet. Basic skills include the use of e-mail, designing lesson presentations, making grades on
e-class record, creating simple letters and programs, research work and even online content
development especially now that we have the LIS and we need to update learner’s data every now
and then.

During the pandemic, even if our pupils weren’t able to use the ICT room, it was the
teachers who were able to use the computers during webinars, online orientation and LIS


In achieving one goal, specifically the implementation of the ICT Program, there should be
a person or group behind its achievement. That includes the government, the Department of
Education, private organization (CTI), the school and teachers.

With the fast pace of modern technology, teachers must be equipped and oriented with
the knowledge and skills to cope up with the needs of the school and the students. So with this,
our school aims to:

a. Enhance the computer skills of teachers in basic Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
b. Apply the knowledge learn on Information Technology in daily life
c. Use the E-classroom for webinars, online orientation and LIS matters
d. Provide teachers with trainings, update and assistance during LAC session
e. Conduct Workshop on LIS Data Encoding
f. Conduct School-based Training on the New Classroom Assessment and the use of E-
class Record

The sustainment of the usage of the e-classroom is one of the problems we encounter due
to lack of technological assistance from the Department of Education. ICT coordinator and EPP
teachers were not trained well and doesn’t have proper training workshop in handling problems
in the E-classroom specifically in technical problems.

During the pandemic, the ICT room was not always in use because not all the time that
the teachers were gathered together that’s why some of the computers were malfunctioned.
Computer laboratory is not air-conditioned and not well ventilated, the computers are prone to
dust. Enough time is required to School ICT Coordinator to maintain and fix the facilities in the
E-classroom (hope for the ICT coordinator to be free from class advisory). Have enough budget for
maintenance and operation.


I believe that the success of ICT integration in education can be achieved through the
collaboration of teachers, school administrators, government and private sectors. Investing in
education wins big. Investing in ICT for quality education reaps greater rewards for the youth,
the teachers, and our future. 

V. PICTORIALS (pls. see next page)

Prepare by: Noted by:


School ICT/LIS Coordinator School Principal III

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