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Currently, most people try to face bullying through psychological support, with the aim that they
have a good emotional development, and avoid this type of situation. I’m agree with this idea, but
I also think that it is very important to apply severe punishment to abusers. Because of this, I
think abusers should be expelled from schools.

One reason is that in a school it’s very important to have a friendly and peaceful environment for
the intellectual and emotional development of each student. Bullying can cause a student to lose
interest in studies, and have suicidal thoughts.

Also, we must teach abusers to see their mistakes and tell them that this kind of action is wrong.
So, expelling bullies from school is a way to show them that they can’t break the school rules.

Finally, I think that this severe action can be a good opportunity for abusers to have a time to
reflect and think about the consequences of their actions. They could focus on how to change and
solve their psychological problems through professional help.

In conclusion, expelling abusers from schools is a way of maintaining peace and tranquility for
students in the schools, and at the same time an opportunity for reflection and change for abusers.

Student: Obeso Alfaro Daniel Alejandro

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