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Good evening everyone this is adhithya, Now I shall now continue with other performance appraisal

techniques that are not much commonly used in the process of evaluation such as Forced distribution
method, confidential reports, balanced score card, checklist method, paired comparison, Goal setting
appraisal and electronic performance monitoring.

Next performance appraisal technique is Graphic Rating Scale which lists a number of traits and a
range of performance for each employee. The employee is then rated by identifying the score that best
describes his or her level of performance for each trait.

So the next technique is Narrative essays is the method where Evaluator writes an explanation about
employee's strength and weakness points, previous performance, positional and suggestion for his (her)
improvement at the end of evaluation time.

The confidential report appraisal system which suggests that under this method supervisor evaluates
subordinates SWOT with regards to his/her traits. This method is generally reviewed by immediate senior as
they are the only people who get to know more about the employee when they work together, but there can
be bias in this method of appraisal and this is very outdated method of appraisal.

In Forced distribution appraisal technique, the rater places a predetermined percentages of 4 to 5

categories such as 5% into “unacceptable category, 25% into “needs improvement” category, 40% in the
acceptable category, 25% in the commendable category and 5% in outstanding category. The rater places all
5 categories on the board and under various dimension like leadership skill, team player, etc rates each
employee within the 5-category mentioned above, based on which the employee is appraised. The downside
of this method is that there is quota limit to every rating and hence even when there are more good
performers they are pushed down.

Checklist method is more similar to graphic rating scale which is mainly used to appraise managers
where each criterion with 5 scale rating is mentioned and evaluated briefly to get better understanding where
each manager stands. When you have all the tasks written neatly it guides you in the work and improve
productivity but they can be time consuming and draw focus to wrong things which are not required for
evaluation and appraisal.

Goal Setting is one popular approach in appraisal which is commonly used in IT companies these
days where they set specific goals which are to be met either for that quarter wise or yearly which when met
they get appraisals or credits which are given after evaluation. This Goal setting can be done specifically to
each employee based on their future goals and career path preferred by arranging a meet with his/ her
superior to discuss and finalize on the goal and achieve the same.

Finally, Paired comparison technique is similar to ranking technique and focuses on overcoming the
problem associated with differentiating between subordinates in the middle range of distribution. In paired
comparision raters compare only two subordinates at a time until all 2-way comparisions have been made.
After all the pairs are compared managers rank order each employee by the number of times each employee
has been judged superior to his comparative. The disadvantage of this method of appraisal is, its time
consuming to compare all the employee in paired way.

These are certain methods how performance of an employee can be measured in a company

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