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Nowadays, the world requests a very big amount of energey. The most common
type of energy is fosil fuels which have a lot of disadvantages. The first one is that fosil
fuels are limited and cannot provide us energy for a long period of time, also after burning
they produce a lot of toxic gases which can affect the enverioment.

In any industrial sector we will find the same limitation of fosil fuels, also in
agriculture. An alternative of fosil fuels is electrical energy which can be produced in a
eco-friendly way, for example from sun, water or wind.

A very important process in agriculture is conservation of harvested seeds. This

step requests some quality parameters of seeds. One and most important of these
parameters is humidity. This one can tell you if you can or cannot conserve seeds for a
long period of time. So, because farmers cannot harvest their crops in perfect and optimal
conditions it is necesary to involve the process of seeds drying.

Seed drying is performing in seeds dryers which are a big consumers of energy.
Like we said before, the majority of dryers are using fosil fuels and some part of them
only electrical energy. Electical dryers are more expensive at aquizition and also in
exploatation. The researchers are trying to find some solution to maximize the efficiency
in exploatation of electrical dryers. Some solutions are to replace the indirect heating of
seeds, which means that you have first to heat the air then the air are heating the seeds,
with direct heating of seeds.

Some methods of direct heating are iradiation with different types of energy. The
most common are microwave energy, infrared energy and ultrasonic energy. All of this are
converted from electrical energy.

So, in conclusion, my PhD thesys will be an elaborate research in developing an

combined infrared radiation and ultrasonic waves seed dryer which will be powered by
electrical energy. I will compare the energy consumption, efficiency and costs with
conventional dryers.

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